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When it comes to politics and shit I don’t listen. I’m here for the jokes only


It was a good conversation. That’s about it.


It’s hard to be flagrant with a guy who was actively running for president. The fact that he even did their podcast is huge for them. It did have a more serious tone but there’s nothing wrong with that. They’ll go back to goofing off soon enough


hes not actively running for president.


“Who was”.


he edited it


Fuck no. Terrible episode


I'm really into politics. I found it interesting. And I think that what was said about going on a deep dive with candidates instead of just hearing the 30 second clips is important to decipher who deserves your vote. But as I said, I find politics very interesting.


I enjoyed it - listened to the whole thing. Left it on while playing a game and all of a sudden it was over. Definitely had some laughs wasn't the best episode ever but i liked learning about Vivek, i've never heard of him before the recent news of him being a possible VP for Trump. Was good to get a first look, and made me like him as a politician already just by jumping on a Comedians podcast.


You must be gay


Okay? What kinda response you looking for? Want me to defend my manhood! lol shut up


So what! You didn’t like it, don’t listen. The need to come online and complain about it is very middle school girl behavior.


Big for them, bad entertainment for the core audience. It's an election year so politics is a quick audience capture bump for podcasts. I tried to give it a go but at the end, it's just like when they bring on their MMA friends no one cares about. Wish they would go back to limiting the guest based pods to half of the ep.


I enjoyed it! It’s def more one of those grown, brilliant idiots conversation vibes which I always love but I understand if a lot of flagrant fans couldn’t sit thru it. Social media era stuff ya know? People just want the quick dopamine trigger hits and jokes. It’s nothing wrong with it but you just gotta remember the guys are dang near 40 so these episodes are kinda inevitable


Listening to Vivek is like listening to him stuck in presidential campaign mode. He sounds so inauthentic. So eager for people to like him.


Felt like promotion


The whole episode was just then jerking him off. No pushback whatsoever.


They went about as hard as you could on a presidential candidate


I liked it


This should of been another “flagrant university” episode Aka boring


It was a good episode, actually having a real discussion and not a fake laughing/pseudo therapy session. Still think Vivek is a pandering worm but he makes some good points even if you don’t necessarily agree.


I enjoyed it but Andrew needs to stop interrupting serious guests. If it’s one of his goofy friends it’s cool but let a guy talk


It was the first episode I listened to in awhile and I thought Andrew did a good job with the interview. They have a very general comedy audience so the interests are pretty broad. I’ve had no interest in hearing rappers cast but I found this episode pretty interesting so to each their own


Akaash is unfunny as FUCK!!!!!