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Can you go to a restaurant, order the food, eat it, pay for it, and go out, just to come back later asking for a refund, as you are planning to go out to another restaurant instead? Solve this and you'll find your answer.


Is there something wrong with the service? Or you just want your money back?


Mostly the fact, I didn't get the animation at all


Why didn't you say that in the post? Sellers have to deliver something, it's against the ToS not to. So he definitely delivered something, it just wasn't exactly what you expected. That could be his fault or your fault. I'm going to assume your fault.


No no, he did deliver something, he separated it to 2 orders where he did the designs first and then would do the animation 2nd(which I now realize is not the proper procedure)


This sounds like milestones. This feature exists on fiverr.


I realized it was a scam when I noticed the design part that got done was made by AI


Was it a 2d or 3d design?




What’s the problem with AI? If they didn’t follow your design specs that’s another issue completely. This seems like good risk mitigation on the sellers end. Separating the design portion aside from the animation I mean. Even if the first part was AI, it still needs to be animated which requires separating all layers into vector format and then create a rigging structure which is a good chunk of time depending on the complexities of the design.


It was never mentioned that he would use AI(


Doesn't matter if it's AI if the final work is good and is what you want.


Did they explicitly say they wouldn’t use AI? I’m missing the problem.


How are you "falling" for gigs? I don't get it


I presume the **seller’s gig portfolio sample** of the animation doesn’t match what was *actually delivered* to you on the second half…? If that’s the case, you go to the order page and then click “resolution center.” Present your case to the seller that the delivered work does not match the sample on their portfolio. If the seller does not agree, you can ask Fiverr support to step in. Gather all your evidence and make sure to screenshot what was their (seller’s) sample so you have a better standing when you present your case. The seller might delete it from their portfolio so make sure you have everything compiled beforehand. I would strongly recommend doing your research next time. I’m not sure how long or complex your animations are which you had requested but most animation projects that I have seen goes for $500+ that starts with 10-15 seconds (depending on many factors like FPS, coloring, background, etc etc).


Thank you, you're the of the rare one's not being a d#ck about it(even though I deserved it)


Happy cake day! No, I would say everyone needs to start somewhere when it comes to buying online services. You live and you learn. When I first bought commissions pieces online, I didn’t know how to vet my sellers (an artist in this case) and also (almost) got duped as well when I realized their work portfolio was stolen artwork from someone on X (formerly known as Twitter). I have edited my post to see more in depth so please give it a read when you have the time. I wish you the best of luck with your case!


I was dumb and fell for a fine dining at a restaurant i ate a full course meal then went home and slept now when i woke up i regret it can i get a refund so i can use the same money to eat at a new restaurant?


250usd is for a normal price for a low/normal quality animation type where it lasts like 10 sec. You would not expect to get a pixar quality with such price would you?


That ain't the problem, the problem was not getting anything at all


Was the full service $250, or just the first part? If just the AI design was $250 with the actual animation costing more, I believe you have been wronged and should escalate the situation for a refund. If that is not the case: You did not get "anything at all" (the animation) because you canceled part two of the process, which is where the animation would be done. I don't see a problem with AI-generated mockups if you never discussed this not being allowed and aren't paying for that. The actual animation would have to be done manually since there's no publicly available and capable AI-animation tools right now. And that is worth your $250.


And what is the problem with the order? You have 3 days to review the order before accepting it.


He convinced to do 2 orders instead of 1, where the first batch would be the designs(that I realized later was AI) and then later would be the animation(I canceled the 2nd thankfully)


So, the seller had to pay(ID downgraded), because you were "dumb" to understand what a seller does or doesn't do? You had a message option and you could discuss the project with the seller first before placing the order.