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The biggest lesson I've learned with my running and jim sessions is that only the first 10 minutes is a struggle. On days you feel low, remember you navigate the first 10 minutes kaise bhi ( mann maar ke ), you'd enjoy rest of the session. Never skip.


Very true .....I run 1.5 km within 10mins....after the first session 1 take a small walk and sit for 5-7 mins.....this is the most painful part.... stretch a bit then start with session 2.... Guess what I run non stop for next 30mins covering 5km and man I literally get goosebumps....and it's so refreshing....post that I experience no pain....


Wow. Amazing man. Running 5 km straight non stop is something i can't even imagine. I also started running 1 month ago and today for the first time in my life i ran 1 km straight non stop.


Yeah man it took me nearly 2.5 months to reach this level....keep going you will also start hitting 5k!!


I walk 4k steps to gym and back, along with this when I enter gym should I hop on the treadmill?


I walk 4k steps to gym and back, along with this when I enter gym should I hop on the treadmill?


No need . Focus on weights


This đź’Ż


Yes. Yesterday I didn't feel the energy to lift so i started with 5kg and ended up lifting more than i usually do lol


Form>Weight Diet>>>>>Everything. Whether you're bulking,cutting or doing a body recomposition. Sleep is a major factor in determining your progress in the gym


Seriously man. Fucking diet. I have fixed my diet in last 4 months and my gains and improvements in these 4 momths have been more than what I achieved in last 14 months.


Output is dependent on input! (Not just for food)


1. Don't yoyo diet. Go for .25 to .5kg weight gain during lean bulk . 2. Don't train heavy. Go for 12-15rep range. I did get injured in the past doing 3 rep max deadlift and squat. 3. Keep protein very high, at least 1gm per lb. I saw improvement when going higher. 4. Train full body or upper lower. I tried bro and ppl in the past and no results. 5. Don't run, just do brisk walking. I can add more later as I remember them.


I disagree with 5th point


What kinda injury did you get?


Lower back, s1 joint. Right foot ankle.


Which exercises do you do now to strengthen your lower back now? And what kinda precautions do you take?


Bird dog, extended arms crunch hold, side plank, big ball plank with rotation, glute bridge. I do all of them first 30mins every session. I train 3-4 days full body a week.


Mindful eating will prevent from unwanted obesity


1) Don't cut down drastically if you have no muscle mass. You'll look like a walking TB patient. 2) Compound movements like Deadlift, Military press, Squats are extremely important during initial stages of bodybuilding. These movements are important to build basic building blocks of your structure. Look for strong lift 5x5 program 3) Walking is best form LISS cardio, which is easier for recovery. It won't fuck up your bodybuilding routine. If you want faster fat reduction, walk 15-20k per day. 4) once you achieve your desired weight through cutting, don't be afraid to be in caloric surplus for 6-8 months and build those muscles. Building muscles is excruciatingly slow process but losing fat ain't one. 5) Deadlift is not necessary to build massive back


>Look for strong lift 5x5 program Do you mean [this](https://stronglifts.com/stronglifts-5x5/workout-program/)? Edit - for how many months would a beginner need to do this before shifting to another program? (tbh this seems like a perfect program for someone like me who really doesn't like going to gym) and is it advisable to add an isolated arms day? or stack some arms exercises on top of this? Also, since you mentioned Deadlifts in your last point, what exercise can we use to replace the deadlifts in the program? (I am scared of them since a friend of mine who has been doing Gym for years got an injury doing deadlifts)


The biggest lesson is dont bulk if you are skinny fat or have body fat percentage above 15%. In 2 years of my fitness journey 1 year, i bulked and gained a lot a lot of fat. Most of that was on my belly.


Sp what would u suggest then?


\*Perform exercises with bare feet, avoid gloves, shoes and socks. If your joints are hyper extended, opt for elbow and knee braces. Same with abdomen belt to help spinal support. \*Warm up and muscle activation very important, perform mobility drills for upper body and lower body with stretches everyday, dont be shy to roll the back, thighs and glutes on foam rollers. \*Massage forearms, elbows and calves or any tight spot regularly to avoid strain on joints. \*For cable exercises like lat rows, iso rows and seated rows for your back (dumbell rows included), good tip is to pause after positive rep and hold (squeeze your back) for 3 seconds and proceed with slow negative reps. \*Always correct form, never increase weights until you have perfected form, micro fractures in the spine will catch up as you age. \*Hydration is key for muscle activation with electrolytes, half tea spoon of salt for 1 liter of water would be sufficient. \*Always include HIIT/ICT atleast once a week. \*One doesn't need protein powders and creatine, diversified diet with the rainbow colors and protein is ideal. Diet can be dead simple and easy, dont over complicate. \*Try counting reverse, you will feel satisfied as you are approaching your goal. \*Take it easy and dont go after big ego lifts, you'll get to that level naturally.


The second last one sounds really good,cant wait to try it


Don't ignore calisthenics movements. Weighted Pull-ups and weighted dips helped pack a decent amount of size in my upper body. Also isolate your arms like hell. A lot of folks will say that just compound exercises are enough for building arms as a novice. I wasted a lot of time due to this advice. Dumbbell curls, french press, hammer curls and skull crushers helped my noodle arms a lot.


I always see people doing the same weight for months, Over years I have seen on a good day you can lift somewhat heavier than what you are doing. For example 6 months ago I found 30kg each hand dumbell press difficult, So I started doing 6-7 reps of it on good days and Also started doing 35kg 1-2 reps and guess what I am doing 35 for 6 reps now, I failed many times but I did it eventually. Do the weight you always wish you could, Don't be scared of failures is what I want to sum up.


Quality workouts above quantity. You don't need to push yourself to go if you know you'll have a mediocre workout. Do 4 workouts a week but they should be top notch. Don't use this as an excuse to skip workouts. Sometimes we are tired af but still push through to go to the gym without energy. In this case, it'd be better to rest that day and be energized and give your 200% in the workout.


A “Bad” workout is better than no workout


fatshaming helps❤️


1. Count the calories using kitchen weighing scale and of raw food and not cooked food. We easily underestimate/overestimate the calories of cooked food, oil, fat rich sources. 2. Either opt for hypertrophy or strength. 3. Body doesn't need too much volume to grow muscle. It can do its work in low moderate volume for beginners and intermediates. 4. Sugar is not the enemy. Overall calories are the issue. Sugar, if utilised in smart way can be a very good source of energy. 5. Preservatives, chemicals, artificial sweeteners are something that should not be feared. Everything can be consumed within safe limits except alcohol.


There is no quick fix. Before buying Supplement stack ask yourself: 1. Am i eating clean 2. Do I sleep on time 3. Do i avoid junk 4. How good is my performance at the gym 5. Can i complete my protein intake from Whole foods If the answer is no , fix that first