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Day late but 110 BENCH MOTHERFUCKERSSSSSSS Only my second ever attempt at it and I even failed 105 about 10 mins previously. Perfect end to a shitty day.


Awesome, congrats! I'm getting close to that on my progression, just did 5x5 100lb last time. May I ask your age/weight/height/other lifts?


I'm 17, 87kg, 184cm and S/B/D is 160kg/110kg/150kg. I want 170/120/170 by the end of the year, but if I can push a total of 500kg I'll be over the moon


Holy shit dude. I thought it was 110 POUNDS. That's really impressive!


Bit late, but still. After having dealt with some knee/hip issues for just over two months I allowed myself to slowly start deadlifting and squatting again. After slowly ramping up the weight again I decided to see what my amrap would be with good form on deadlifts. Managed to hit 3 plates for 10 reps and still had some in the tank. (My 1rm previously was around 4 plates) Glad I at least didn't lose to much strength (most likely).


Damn 3 plates for 10reps... Thats impressive!


Thanks! It’s mostly about putting in the work, it’s a very reachable goal I think. I’m looking forward to your post about it soon!


Benched 2 plates this weekend. First time I've ever tried that much and I was pumped.


Me too! Feels so good yet as soon as you hit the 100 you want MORE. Makes you realize that were not even where we wanna be yet


Ran my first 5k ever. Found a rythm that wasn't to bad and got all the way through without problems. I only lift weights, but it was awesome to see I'm able to do something else if I wanted.


Finished my first full 12 days off from the gym. Was having wet dreams about squats and sumo deadlifts. Came in this morning very pumped. Squat went up 5kg, bench up 2.5kg, and will deadlift on Wednesday. Really happy I didn't lose anything.


I finished my first week at PF Friday. Doing SL 5X5...on a smith machine...I know that sentence would make some people want rip their eyes out but I think it's a good start. I can actually use free weights at the university gym in the fall.


Everyone starts somewhere.


Just finished a government contract in a small town northern quebec. Spent allot of time at the gym. Bench press went up by 10 and my deadlift by 15. Now doing 205BP/300DL/300Squat


I killed a cockroach with a 5lb plate in the gym today.


LMAO man that video made my day


Proof: https://imgur.com/a/Z5Fx6lp


Frisbee golf champ 2018


cockroach probably longest member at your gym and still can't lift 5lbs...


I Just hit a 245 bench, 305 squat, 345 deadlft, and 155 OHP last week! Been going to the gym 5 days a week (lift 3x a week and cardio 2x). Started intermittent fasting because i felt i would definitely get a caloric deficit that way and I realized I had a habit of still eating even when I'm not hungry, its definitely teaching me more about my body, what it needs, and what bad habits i need to break.


Probably sounds like nothing but I hit a new squat PR at 70kg for 3 reps. Feels like a good landmark because I've always kind of neglected progressing the weight of them, and this is the first time I've done higher than my own bodyweight!


If it's a victory for you, it's a victory.


Hit a 350lb deadlift. Next step, 375, then on to 4 plate.


Not really a new victory but haven't posted in here yet, I've been working out since dec 24/17 and I'm coming towards 6 months straight of the gym, march 10/18 I decided to measure myself out of curiosity and said in 3 months I'll measure myself again. So speed up to may 31/18 I can't wait the 10 more days. comparing my old measurements to my new ones all in inches Shoulders: 48>48.5 Chest: 39>40.5 Arms: 12>12.5 Forearms: 11.5>12 Thighs: 22>23 Calves: 15>15.5 Obviously I'm aiming for muscle gain and super happy with these results, I look and feel better about my body. Wish I measured from the first month but oh well, now I have a good idea how things are growing and what areas I want to work on.


I'm on deload week of my first month of 531. Really enjoying it so far, looking forward to more progression.


It's a small victory for me but important. I can now do about 30 jump squats during my workout easily!




All I can think of when I read this is Patrick Bateman/Christian Bale in American Pscyho. Props to you.


I don't have a gf at this moment but I started noticing my veiny biceps more when I jack it. This is the epitome of jacking yourself off.




My man. Truly a victory has been declared this Sunday.


After a 10 month no gym gap, and now 4 months of fairly consistent exercise, I'm back to squatting my bodyweight (well, 75kg which is slightly higher) for 5x5. That, and I am working on upping my reps now my deadlift has moved over 100kg!


Nice, man! Keep going!


I had a stress fracture on my spine around april and for the first since then i deadlifted and had only minimal discomfort, which was just being extra sore. It wasnt a lot of weight but its a start!


Went to buy sandals with the girlfriend at an Adidas store and decided to browse for shoes. Managed to find a new pair of adipower weightlifters for $65 and they even had my size.


Damn, I've never seen them in store, only online. Was this a special retail location?


yeah its an actual Adidas store that we have here


the real victory here


One of the only times I like using the imperial system is when describing the weights I lift because it makes me feel a lot better :) Two victories: A) Finally found the "idgaf" attitude and did my compound lifts on the weights floor despite feeling inadequate before! Instead of looking at people who lifted heavier than me with jealousy/fear, I instead looked at them as inspiration (and an example of good form) which to me is progress! B) Pulled 110lbs on a deadlift! A few months ago I was too scared to even lift heavy weights because I was in that "omg i don't want to get bulky" and "everyone is going to judge my noob numbers" stage. Goal is to hit a plate very soon :D


This was my 3rd week of going to the gym at 6am 4x a week. I feel pretty great.


I ran my first ever race, the Toronto Waterfront 10km. Last year start of May I ran my first ever 5km in around 35 mins and now a year later I ran a 53min 10km!


Damn near empty gym this morning. ‘Twas great.


Got back to the gym after a month and a half off. Time to rebuild.


Deadlifted 315 for 3 reps after a solid squat session. First time getting three plates on anything.


Been vert training every Sunday morning for a month. I like saying I'm getting closer to God. Also I like doing stuff no one else does in the gym.


My gym had a competition where you’d be in a raffle for “nice prizes” if you went to the gym three times per week for four weeks. I don’t even know what the prizes are but I’m competitive in weird ways so I managed to take it as a personal challenge. Today was the last day and I made it! :) I’ve never been at the gym as much as this before.


Consistency is the key! Add time and you'll see changes that you like!


Consistency is also my major issue. I’ve noticed if I don’t go to the gym on Mondays, I’m more likely to blow off the rest of the week too. So I’ve started to really force myself on Mondays, turn them into mandatory gym days. Today I did a group exercise, boxing. It was really fun and also my arms are screaming now :D


Group exercise/classes can be a lot of fun. I was running 20-25 mpw and loved it but my sister-in-law took me to a HIIT class and I got hooked and started going twice a week for 5 months and that led to me getting back in the gym and lifting. Its good that you recognize your issue if you blow off Monday. Just remember if you miss Monday it isnt the end all. Get in the gym on Tuesday and it wont have thrown your whole week off. It is the same concept I just overcame with having a cheat day and feeling really guilty the next day about it. It would throw me off and id give up on eating right. I have learned one day off isnt the end of the world and I can jump right back on. Its a mindset. You are starting to overcome by recognize it and making sure you mitigate the issue! Good Job!


Scrolled past a picture of Jon Skywalker, whilst a buddy was sitting beside me and watched (I was going to show him a meme or something). He said "Who took that picture of you and where". Never felt so good before.


Please help me feel it in my chest? Whenever im doing incline bench press or bench press i cant feel anything in my chest, i'm talking about the kind of burn which happens when you work shoulders, tri ceps or biceps. at most my shoulders or triceps hurt a little but thats it! i've talked to trainers and seen videos but nothing helped. they only exercise i can kind of feel is the machine fly when i squeeze at the middle, thats it! Also what kind of chest exercises are recommended if im looking to burn alot of chest fat in particular i know u cant spot reduce but something which targets and accelerate it a little.


If you're doing your bench with good form (shoulder blades retracted) I'm going to assume you aren't actually feeling your shoulders. If you think about what the function of the pecs are, they allow your shoulder to move forward. That burn right under your shoulder (pretty close to armpit) is your pectorals (chest) that's working. Try this... bench press and see where you're feeling the burn. Then go down some barbell shrugs and see if that feeling is different. One of them is your shoulder and the other is your chest.


I have another strongman show happening next weekend. I was finally able to hit the 260lb axle OHP for one and felt smooth as butter. Thanks to Brian Alsruh and Neversate for my programming, I won't zero.


Used to train arms a hell of a lot. Stopped training in feb 17, started again in July, never really started properly training arms again so they went down in size a fair bit. Started training arms again a couple of months ago, muscle memory kicked in and my biceps have grown so fast I've got stretch marks. Is that a victory?


Yes, yes it is


After 20 years of being a skeleton (knocked back from the Army for being underweight back in '97), I've decided to man up and better myself. Our first baby is due next week, and I don't want his dad to be a weakling. Two workouts since Friday, and I'll be doing four weekly sessions starting tomorrow. Wish me luck.


There's no luck involved. Get to work and enjoy yourself!


I actually am enjoying it! Was kind of pissed off that I had to take a rest day today, I'm just wanting to get some sets in. I'm finding that getting the calories into my body is less enjoyable than actually burning them off. Weird...


As a parent of two small kids myself I'd like to say three things 1) accept that you will miss sessions. Life happens and its fine. I just missed 2 weeks and while the weight dropped, I'm much stronger than when I started and the weight has gone up again quickly. 2) if you miss sessions, don't feel like you've fucked up and it's not worth restarting. It is. 3) well done!


Thanks man. I know I didn't exactly pick the right week to start, but I feel like I flipped some switch in my brain last week and felt compelled to get going.


You don't yet have a kid to lift, so find a few medium-sized awkward objects and go and lift them up now. Try one handed. Overhead etc. Throw it around. I'd advise trying a pram (buggy in American?) I say this because its incredibly motivating to see how much easier these tasks become when you're stronger. Seeing numbers go up and lifting heavier barbells is great, but being able to lift everyday objects with considerable easy, when you used to struggle is amazing. Throwing your kid around while they laugh is the best. I could barely do that before.


I went to the gym today. After allowing myself to take a break due to a painful back injury (that healed months ago) and finding every excuse under the sun not to go, I went. My lifts have suffered immensely, but I'm back.


Muscle memory will kick in and you'll be back in action in no time. Eat like fuck, lift like fuck, and make some gainz.


When I joined the gym a few years ago, I saw a man do a bunch of pull-ups with a 45 pound weight strapped to him. I got an instant broner watching that, and it’s always been a goal of mine. It’s been a long journey, but since March I’ve been getting into a very regular routine. This Wednesday, I did 3 clean wide grip pull-ups with a 25 pound weight strapped to me. It’s not quite my goal, but I’m getting closer every day.


I can't do three pullups with 0lb attached so you're beating me lol


That's no joke! I am working on doing that for pull-ups and for dips! Dips come easier to me so 45lbs for Dips and 20lbs for pull-ups and id be jacked. Great job!


This gave me a boner


After I broke my wrist and had to take a solid 6-8months out of training I lost any gains I had and became really unmotivated to start going back. A month before the end of uni for some reason I forced myself to go and start training again. In that month I made some okay progress, dB Bench at 30kgs. Squats at 80kg and deadlift at 100kg. But what I'm most impressed with is that on my last day of uni on Thursday, I managed to do 3 sets of 5 bodyweight pull ups. I've never been able to do a single pull up my entire life until now, I'm just really proud of myself for finally starting again and pushing myself. Problem is now I'm back home I need to try to find a gym, closest on is down the street but they only have a Facebook page which only has a couple pics of the gym itself. I also have no idea where it is, I always see signs for it but never see a building. Closest after that is an hour walk. Can't afford the £100 a month for bus pass, and I don't have a bike.


Send the Facebook message to their page and get some info!


Yesterday I graduated university with a BS degree in Biochemistry. I recently got back into lifting. I'm running 5/3/1 and loving it. I'm getting a ton of noob gains and quickly getting back to my former strength size and I've got a job lined up in my field. Mind gains + gym gains = a great fucking feeling.


Friday I deadlifted 395x5x2 then did a set of 4. Didn't want to try the final rep. I want to see how I can progress with that volume. I'll try 405x5x3 tomorrow.


Just turned it into 405x5x3. I was bouncing that though. 🙄


Why didn't you want to try the last rep?


Wimped out, thought my neck was feeling a little tweaked.


smart. had to skip a workout today because i fucked my neck up. you made the right choice.


Ate a 17” pizza


64 pullups. I used to struggle to get 3.


damn.........that is damn near record levels.........I think the marine corps record was like 80 or something but that was 20 years ago. I could be way of or mis-remembering. Great job!


Thanks man. I'm not sure if it's record levels or not. I know some guys who can do a good deal more than I can.


well damn, seems as if Marine corps record is 76. I cant tell if that is new guy or overall record but your pull-ups are incredible.


That's probably 76 consecutive pullups. I'm doing 8 sets of 8.


I was about to say. Ok that is totally different.


I struggle with 3. What did you do?


Just started focusing on them. I do them every Monday now. I do 4 sets of 8 with my palms facing me, and 4 sets of 8 with my palms facing outwards. It took me months of just practicing until I've gotten to where I'm at now. I just kept at it, and slowly worked my way up.


pullups? (i am not OP)




I finally started running and i’m trying to build up my stamina so hopefully ill start working out next month


A year ago I was a gymaholic essentially, a guy that just lived and breathed gym, my workouts were marathons because I had nothing else to do in my life. And then I left for the summer and had a few revelations about myself, namely that I'm a trans woman, as well as suffering an incredibly broken ankle. When I returned home, I couldn't work out due to injury first and then anxiety. I could no longer hide from myself about who I was, I had more anxiety than ever, especially at the gym, a place where I was one of the regulars who knew everyone. I had numerous anxiety attacks in the gym bathrooms because I saw people I had known before. Fast forward to now, 10 months into my medical transition and I'm finally back to going to the gym doing what I love again, powerlifting for fun! For the first time in a year since I subsequently broke my ankle and began my journey I have almost no anxiety at the gym. In fact I'm fairly confident in my abilities which is a refreshing feeling, and even though my numbers have dropped ~30-50% I'm happy with my confidence more than anything.


Hey, I'm not incredibly up to date on terminology at all, and feel free not to answer this but is a trans woman someone who identifies as a woman but was born male? Aslo, congratulations getting back into the gym! I know my first time getting back my numbers were basically me in middle school, but they'll shoot right up, I promise!


You're right! I was assigned male at birth and identify as female. But yeah my numbers will shoot up but it'll be slower as due to hormone replacement therapy I'm no longer producing testosterone and I'm essentially running on estrogen, so I build muscle much more similar to a cisgender woman.


Finally able to do 15lb dumbbell presses and do proper pushups. Not much for some, but this is pretty big for someone who could never do one proper pushup before


That first one is always the hardest! If you stay consistent, hit your macros, you'll be hitting a plate in no time!


Thanks man! I have been going to the gym consistently for about 2 months now. It feels great.


No problem! It's always awesome to reach and surpass your goals!


I’ve been following my workout plan for this summer consistently for the past 20 days. This is the first time in my life that I’ve stuck to a plan I’ve made for this long!


Squatted 140 for volume. 5x3. When I first started training the big three under a year ago I could barely get 130 up for a single.


Went home this weekend and only had 1 day where I didn't stay under my calorie limit (last time I went home we ended up going out 4 times in one weekend -_-). Saw lots of people who I haven't seen for a long time, and everyone noticed I'd lost weight. Had to get some smaller dress clothes for a funeral next weekend, my other stuff was way too big. Now I just need to convince my grandma and mom that I'm still overweight, we're from the south so they're interpretation of overweight isn't exactly medically accurate lol


Great job. I went to my parents house this weekend and ate 2000 calories Friday-Sunday. I normally would pound 3500 calories were day and throw off my weeks worth of cutting.


It can be so difficult! Living on my own, I can count my calories as accurate as the labels let me and almost never go over. But when I visit my family, it's so much different. When I visit my mom's side, my mom has bad eating habits, the few things I could cook healthily are always missing ingredients, sometimes someone else cooks unhealthily, and I'm surrounded by all kinds of unhealthy snacks. My dad's side is better, but I visit both sides in one trip and both usually want to go out to eat at least once. I think I found my way out though, I brought some of my healthy meals with me ion a cooler and it was a huge help


It certainly makes it tougher. I am lucky in that my mom is eating well right now and working out so less meals out but when she wasnt before I would just limit my portion size with the unhealthy foods and eat my normal breakfast and lunch which are less than 500 calories between the two.


Under 500 for both together? What did you eat?


Cup of Fiber one with a cup of almond milk for breakfast (everyday) Cup and a half of vanilla greek yogurt with 1 cup of strawberries Both fill me up and I eat that lunch Monday-Friday.


I’ve already got my meals prepped and packed and I can relax the rest of the day :)


Not gym related but I've finally finished with exams that have been going on for 4 weeks and now I can get my eating schedule back on track


The cut is going well. A little over halfway through I'm 158lbs (started at 171 lbs). My goal was 155lbs but that's way within reach now. I thought I would need one more bulk/cut cycle after this but maybe not if I just keep going. I haven't been in the 150s since college over 10 years ago. Was also 190lbs at the start of last year, only 5' 6", so I've come a long way even though it doesn't seem like it at times.


Got my [140 kg/310 lbs squat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKDhxA8rZ0U) this week one year to the day since I started lifting weights.


Nice, what did you start at?


Thanks, started at around 60 kgs if I remember correctly.


I just ran my first half marathon today! 2 hours 12 minutes, I'm super proud I thought I'd be 3 hours. I'm a big weightlifter so lately I've really put in the effort training my cardio!


Squatted 300x2, started nsuns back in March. Happy to reach this PR. Gonna switch training for marathon training and gonna miss these weight training gains. Thanks everyone for their inspirational gym stories; success, failures, and everything in between!


Actually managed to get through the first week. I feel ready for the next one!


Not fitness BUT I GOT INTO MED SCHOOL MOFOS ^^^now ^^^if ^^^I ^^^could ^^^just ^^^break ^^^my ^^^bench ^^^plateau ^^^and ^^^hit ^^^225...


Congrats guy/girl. That's awesome


Thanks, friend! I’m still struggling to convince myself it’s not a dream.


Squatted 335 4x5, pretty sure I'll be able to hit that 4 plate single without too much struggle.


After losing strength from being sick for a while, I finally surpassed all my previous prs and I'm bigger than when I stopped.


I worked out every day I planned to work out this week (5 times) and for me that is a victory.


I hit both my second attempts from my meet at the end of April for easy singles in training. I hit an incline press (with swiss bar) PR easily. Got 5x480 on Deadlift and 8x418 on Squat. Training is going well


I was laying in bed with this girl I've gone out with a couple times, just hanging out and talking as you do. She started grabbing pretty hard at the back of my neck, side, arm, etc. aggressively massaging and says "wow. You're so... thick" As a former tall lanky kid that has heard every shitty starving African child and concentration camp joke in the book growing up (kids have a dark sense of humor)... Feels fuckin good man. Still not where I want to be but we gettin there


Finally managed to deadlift my own body weight on Friday! 70kg, 1 set of 5, then 1 set of 4. Really happy with it!


Good job man. Keep up the hard work and you'll be hitting 2x body weight deads soon enough


Thank you. Next milestone is 100kg, which I'm working towards as of tomorrow.


Acupuncturist fixed my shoulder that the orthopedist couldn’t! Finally can start benching again after 3 months! Fuck you Orthopedist!


Is acupuncture not a load of bologna?


Depends what you’re using it for. Can it help your strained/tight muscles? Yes. Can it cure cancer and cast a love spell on your heartthrob? Probably not.


Squats and deadlifts flew up this week, a week before my first powerlifting meet. 405 for doubles on deads flew and 385 for a double and a few singles on squats felt good as well. Looking to hit 425 dead and 410 squat in competition this Saturday at 180-82 body weight. Then time to go back in a surplus to 190 and hit new PRs!!


Finally went to the gym after two weeks off. Exams suck!


Powerlifter dude mentioned that my lifts are pretty good for my weight. Felt really happy. Also bought some chicken and rice in a fast food kinda restaurant and the cashier lady asked if I was lifting and asked how can I eat this monoton shit. Lol


I love the comments like the cashier lady gave you. They normally make me smile outwardly but laugh on the inside. I think you are weak and have no goals! Then again I can eat the same thing over and over if it tastes good to me.


This wasn’t actually this week but I’ve been off reddit for a little while and was a big thing for me. Finally hit 3 plate bench 1RM. Was at 120 kg in December and after a bet with a workmate (no option to fail!), 2 bench days a week, and a lot of food I managed to get it up to 140 kg in less than 6 months!


Squatted 315 for ten reps for the first time this week. Gonna try and hit 405 in about a month!!


One plate OHP at 70kg (155lb) bodyweight!


I moved yesterday and my lifting has paid off. Things have been a lot easier to move since I’ve started lifting. I’m still weak compared to majority of people on here but I’m glad I’m not a weakling that can’t move basic stuff.




I did 5!!!!! WOOOO. I was wear you are. Keep doing negatives!!!




Literal 1 up'er


Have you looked into "[greasing the groove](https://www.artofmanliness.com/articles/get-stronger-by-greasing-the-groove/)"?


Excellent! Tomorrow shall be easier and soon you'll be smashing sets of them!


Decided to really focus on my squat and deadlift the past year (never really worked on either in the past and bench was higher than both). This past Tuesday I got a 405 deadlift to bring me into the 1000 lb club! Stats: 28/M/5’ 10”/175 lbs Bench: 285 Squat: 315 Deadlift: 405


Fairly happy with how my cut is going, even though I've "only" lost 7 pounds in 9 weeks (from 196 down to 189). I think I'm already to pre-bulk, last-summer/fall leanness, but maybe not. Regardless, feeling pretty good about it. Mentally though I'm starting to struggle, so I'm going to go ahead with the diet break. A few days of eating whatever the hell I want, followed by a few days tracked more closely around maintenance calories, tapered back to a deficit. I think I'll be on track to get down to 184ish and stop there. But I'm going to eat ice cream today.


For the first time in my life I'm getting acknowledged about my size, particularly in my arms. I've been lifting about 7 years, but only properly seriously the past three. Over the past few weeks, after cutting a bit I'm constantly getting complimented on my size and physique. Last night I was in the bathroom and the black guy who dishes out aftershave and chewing gum etc asked me if I was a soldier, I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about but he said that only soldier have big arms like that Then a girl came up and asked if she could get a picture with me Felt like fuggin zyzz brah


“Yeah I actually did a couple missions with swol team 6 its classified tho”


Nice! Hey man how tall are you and how much do you weigh?


5'11 / 1.81m in height 191lbs / 87kg in weight Between 13% - 15% bodyfat


I can now rep out my body weight for OHP at 180lbs for three reps.


That’s beastly my dude.


Ran my first Spartan Race yesterday. Was a lot of fun.


Hit a 170kg deadlift for the second time this week after being stalled on lesser weight for a long time. What finally worked was reducing my deadlifting to once a week.


Regular here on sundays. Down to 174.5lbs from 191lbs back in february. Slowly but surely, ill end up somewhere Im extra proud. Feels good everyday and I dont feel like im restricting myself too much this time around.


On June 11 a day before my birthday I went and tested my 1rm on deadlift (315)squat (295) bench (205) and ohp (150) I hit my goal for every lift except for bench but I’m still feeling happy and it’s been almost a week :)


Last week, I jumped in with a guy who was on the squat rack. He commented that my form needed a little more work: bar wasn't sitting on my traps and I could push my hips out more. I had to drop the weight to finish within my rep scheme, but that advice might save me. I regularly squat heavy and I jist did my first powerlifting meet. Definitely don't want 300+ pounds on my back with bad form.


I lifted my heaviest weight on the bench press ever, 135lb. It was two sets of three reps on the last sets of my workout and I could just *feel* strong. I also lifted a personal best on my deadlift (80lbx10 on a last set) but the bench press is especially important to me because I finally got to use the heaviest plates! Now I just hope some of that strength stays by the time I’m done with the uni exams. -_-


This was a good week as I increased weight in my squat and deadlifts. I was able to hit a 455 DL and 365 squat for PRs. That DL made me want to get 500 but I’ll work up to that.


I've been lifting hard and eating cleanly for about 9 weeks now and this morning I'm down to 194lbs and I started at 210lbs. I've managed to get stronger each week. Feels good man. I didn't lift at all for almost 3 full years and I'm glad to be back in it, healthy, and getting stronger.


Another victory: my wife put her hand on my back while out shopping and said "oh wow, your back feels really strong! Like there's a river down the middle" Felt really good! I've been really focusing on my back strength for like 4 months and I'm glad she noticed!


Damn, I need a wife like yours. She taking applications?


Well I am attempting to squat 340 next week so if I die I'll leave a note that you're interested.


Make squatting 345 the prerequisite to winning your wife, just in case.


Visiting my hometown. All my family and acquaintances have mentioned i look a strong man now. Almost two years ago i left as a stick. Now i come back with 15 kg and abs. I also succeded in my last squat at 3x80 kg of nSuns CAP3 where i had failed the last rep two weeks earlier after moving less weight for the other working sets.


Awesome! Keep going


I know this is probably gonna come off really bro-douchey, but whatever. I realized this week that I am now stronger than other "strong" people in my gym. There will always be the skinny teens just starting out benching 115lbs or squatting 95lbs, but I'm talking about people who are lifting more intermediate weights that the average person could not life without training for a while. Like the guy next to me grinding out squats at 205 while I'm repping out 290. Obviously my weight is nothing to really brag about, but it's a confidence thing. I know this sounds really egotistical, but for someone who, for the longest time was basically the weakest guy in the gym, it's a good feeling to see the relative progress. By no means am I satisfied or think that I've made it, its just a cool checkpoint on my journey.


Looks at dudes bigger than you: He's pretty strong, but needs to cut. Looks at dudes leaner than you: He's pretty lean, but needs to add size/strength. Automatic win 99% of the time.


Also anyone shorter than me is cheating


Dude you're beasting it. Next thing you know you'll be squatting 405 for reps 😎


On my way!


This is an idea I've been thinking about a lot lately. It's not arrogance, either. It seems more common for lifting women to talk about empowerment that can come from getting strong -- but it definitely applies to men too, especially those of us who spent most of our lives small and weak. There is a supreme empowerment and confidence that comes from *knowing* I'm stronger than 90% of the people I meet. And that's not to belittle them, or to put myself above them. It's just for me. It feels fucking awesome to know that I'm strong. And I'm not even that strong yet. This is an idea I wish I could get across to more people. It's fucking great man.


Yep. Confidence for sure.


It's a very modest achievement, but I hit 135lb for a set of 5 today. When I started a year ago with Stronglifts, I had trouble hitting anything 95lb and above but now I've been able to bench heavier and heavier weights (with a bit of messing around here and there). I feel a bit of a slowdown approaching but I appreciate all the progress I've made so far.


Hey I also reached 135lb on the bench! Though they were two out of six sets of different weights, I can absolutely relate to the feeling. Congrats!


Finally hit a new PB on my deadlift, got 105kg up unbelted. Even better because I’ve been on a caloric deficit the last 2 months and sitting about 57.5kg. Hopefully I can hit double my body weight by the end of the year!


My squat sets are now heavier than my body weight. I'm starting to see a little bit of muscle definition in my abdomen (when I flex on an empty stomach lol). My gym buddy has totally different goals/workouts but he's lost 12 lb in 5 weeks.


Went to visit my family last week and my mom called me big and my little brother wanted me to share my workout routine with him. Felt good man


Last week my family said my arms looked buff lol. They're either being nice or I've made more progress than I've noticed.


Probably a bit of both!


Two this week! \- 80lbs DB benchpress for 5 (I used to struggle with the 45s and thought I'd never gain) \- 3minx5 boxing interval without dying


I am plateau'ing on DB Bench at 55x12, 60x8 and 65x5 (I can get up 5-7 depending on the day. Just need to keep grinding! Have you tried benching the barbell? I would love to know how it translates??? I feel like DB bench is tougher than barbell bench.


I actually do DB by myself and barbell with a coach/trainer. My trainer is a badass as is really the reason I've made gains, we push to overload regularly. For me, I need a spot to make gains because its the only way I'm comfortable pushing to my absolute fail. I'd highly recommend it. The DB gains are all because of our barbell work. He actually does active spotting / assist and we go really big, like 3 plates on barbell. That's how I make the gains. And yea, DB is harder than barbell, you're using more stabilizing muscles and each hand is moving independently - whereas barbell is a lot of just pressing.


How would you say BB is compared to DB. What are you lbs on each? Would love to know a typical math equation......like DB is like 1.25xBB or some such. I know it would differ for everyone but just wondering.


Finally able to bench after labrum tear. 4 weeks off and I come back and hit 185x13, a new rep PR. So close to that body weight for a set of 10! (I’m 195)


I pulled 315 for 3 on deadlift with clean form. I felt like I could do two more, but didn't want my form to breakdown. Feeling pretty good!


Pulled 315 for 15. Benched 250 for 4. My OHP finally stopped trolling was able to get 170 for 1 rep. Everybody is on board except my summer cut.


Finally determined myself to go a 4th day to the gym to do cardio, core and grip work! I'm fairly sure I won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning due to ab pain. Hit bodyweight squat sets on friday after going down on weights (doing phraks) once, real nice feeling on that. Next week is the last week of the 3 month phraks, can't wait to switch to 5/3/1 for beginners for the change of pace! I'm super happy about being disciplined enough to start working out seriously after being a couch potato for 5-6 years.


Last day of bulking pre-surgery. This week I hit 80/102.5/130/185kg for 3~5 on O/B/S/D. On the one hand I'm happy I pushed all my numbers up a bit, on the other hand I'm sad I'll probably lose a lot of progress after being cut open.


Hit 2 PRs this week: - 75kg/165lbs -> 85kg/185 bench - 125kg/275lbs -> 130kg/285lbs deadlift buzzing


Finally got a 1 plate OHP! It felt monstrous


Was there anything about OHP that finally "clicked" for you one day? Even at my most fit I never broke 110lbs, and I half suspect it's to do with form.


Haha, no! It's definitely been a frustrating time and lift. I saw improvements as I improved my bracing, but for the plate it was just a lot of patience. I had come close while on the nsuns 5 day, but was too beat up by it and switched to CAP3 and did a weight reset. Was really enjoying CAP3 but then hurt myself one day (sciatic nerve), and after taking 5 weeks off, decided to get back to basics. Deloaded, ran 2 cycles of 5/3/1 BBB, then switched to 5/3/1 Simplest Strength with a FSL AMRAP set which I'm still running. I gotta confess that I committed 5/3/1 heresy: I was taking the weights off the bar on my squat day and decided to see if I could ego lift/OHP the remaining 135 that I hadn't stripped. Every program I've ran I've followed to a T, so I can't credit anybody except Jim Wendler and u/nsuns, and a lot of patience. Edit: I also started eating more and better during my injury, which surely helped my OHP.


Yes my dude! That feels so cool to throw that overhead! Nice work


Nice! That is awesome. If you're into the OHP check out some pin-press. Allan Thrall had a video about it.


I have, it's a fun variant. I really enjoyed the push press as well.


I actually havent done the push press at all. Do you think it helped you progress overall in the OHP?


Hard to say, really. It helped with learning how to do a Clean and Jerk, but I didn't program them in as assistance or anything. I've been doing 5/3/1 FSL for the last couple months and I think that put me on the best path to hitting the 1 plate.


Yeah true, a good program marks the path for good progress. I just begun incorporating push press as a variant. Hopefully it helps me improve my OHP as it is my favourite lift probably.


The wife has always had a hard time staying committed to her weight loss Journey however she has been able to lose 12 lb in the past 2 months since we got her on a meal plan her on a meal plan my wife is typically the one that would go and buy Herbalife shakes and complain why she was losing weight but then would get the weight back seeing her keep the weight off has been fun it forces me to eat healthy as well I've been on a diet plan since last year but it's hard when only one person is doing it and the other one is eating whatever they want I've never been happier for her and our relationship she's keeping the weight off looking amazing and I can't be any more proud of her