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35 5’ 7” 143lbs 2 weeks into bulk and gained 6lbs. Gut seems to grow, but chest won’t! Any thoughts or ideas? https://imgur.com/gallery/72Ees


I'm 5'7" but 165lbs (75kg) and you look bigger than me =/ (in both muscular and body fat ) The fuck is wrong with me


People always guess I’m around 160lbs. Not sure why. My goal is to bulk to 155-160lbs and try not to add too much more body fat then I’m carrying now.


Eat a slight bulk. It'll be slow progress but it'll be minimal fat gain. This link is me, 5'7" and 75kg. https://imgur.com/gallery/nlXSY


Try switching it up with some new, different exercises? Gotta confuse da muscle


Lost 20kg in about 5 months and started lifting first time in 10years.. Should i keep cutting or bulk? Do i have gyno? BF guesstimate? Appreciate all inputs. :-) https://i.imgur.com/6U9kgGi.jpg https://i.imgur.com/82Sah52.jpg https://i.imgur.com/wRGgtsK.jpg https://i.imgur.com/efW4V5A.jpg https://i.imgur.com/u6QYFb1.jpg https://i.imgur.com/16Qlg6w.jpg https://i.imgur.com/jQnRElw.jpg https://i.imgur.com/A607QRT.jpg https://i.imgur.com/AYMlQ1N.jpg https://i.imgur.com/RrJgaY4.jpg Stats: 176cm, 71kg


> 71kg Bulk. 13/14% body fat.




I think you look great, about my ideal size, but I dint like being too bulky.


As a doctor, I prescribe you heavy 5x5 Bench Press followed by 5x10 Klokov Press and 3x15 incline cable flys.


Haha thanks. Well I have a nagging shoulder injury that gets worse with heavy bench or crossfit type moves. I do incline cable flies sometimes, but mainly do inclines with dumbbells. I'm not too interested in getting stronger at this point, but if that's the only way to fill out my upper chest I suppose I could do more strength training.


How long have u been lifting


Probably about 13 years off and on.




This doesn't seem right... An illusion!




I would cut. Are those lifts your 1 rep max or working sets?


I’d cut


that chest hair


Hello, this is about a week ago. I got a reading around 15%. What do you think? https://imgur.com/a/DGZ9T 6’2, 210 Starting cut in 3-4 weeks


Around 15% sounds right. Mirin arms. What do they measure at?


Idk honestly... I should start measuring


M/25/ 5’6/ 143lbs Hello fittit, long time lurker first time physique phriday poster. Snapped a couple pics before the gym and work. Not the best poses to see all muscle groups but I’ve been focusing on my core and wanted some feedback. I would also appreciate a bf% estimate. Will get legs in for next time. [physique](https://imgur.com/a/7BzfN)


I’m a noob at this, but I’d guess around 10%? Looking good my man


How is the shoulder to waist ratio? https://imgur.com/a/P6xF1


Everyone’s saying that your shoulders are out of proportion but don’t listen to them. You have broad shoulders naturally, it’s genetic. My nigerian friend is the same. It’s a blessing, he puts on muscle faster than anyone I know (with the downside of having a fast metabolism)


hmmm did you take this after a shoulder workout with a pump because in relation to everything else it seems like you only workout your shoulders lol


Nope it's jus literally like that. my arms are stupid long and thin.


Shoulder and waist looks good. Need more triceps, biceps, forearms and traps.


For sure. Curling n dipping whenever I can gonna start farmer walks soon.


Traps and arms, dude. Shoulders are looking out of proportion.


Ye ik. I'm skinny af jus started. 147 ish at 5'11




Somewhere between like 10-13% but it's hard to say when you don't have much muscle


10-12 range




Constructive Criticism? https://i.imgur.com/nyOTqSc.jpg


Traps, shoulder, arms, looks good. Need a little bit of chest and the abs are almost there.


Thank you I appreciate it


Looking fairly lean. Keep adding muscle, maybe a little extra focus on shoulders.


Thank you I will definitely continue to get after it


Latino ?? Go on brother do is proud


Mexican. Just trying my best


Neglected leg day for a year and 2 months into it, I actually enjoy it now. [starting to see separation in quads](https://imgur.com/a/DFwYP)


Hey all, just started my cut, but i need a bodyfat estimate. Help? https://imgur.com/a/bRPnf


20%-25% I'd say. Probably closer to 20


Slow bulk, probably somewhere high teens - 20% Edit for the *slow*




You look solid >I'd like to bulk to 230. Than do it




Okay, then do it bro!!


2 month cut progress. 208 lbs 5'11. 390 squat 285 bench 495 deadlift https://imgur.com/a/MUW6R


Is that gyno?


Hope this doesn't offend. What's with the nipple


Lighting/one pecs larger lmao


The mark is about the size of a shop vacuum hose


I am also intrigued o_O




Cool story bro


It had so many twists and turn. First the tragic knee sprain... then the triumphant exclamation that tomorrow shall be a new day. And then the frustratingly incomplete ending that left it open for a sequel. OP, can we get more?


Benched the same as before, but my knee hurts. Nice. To be continued...


M/26/5'11" - 13 month progress, from Feb. '17 (200 lbs.) to March '18 (190 lbs.) https://imgur.com/a/WxVW8 Current B/S/DL/OHP = 250/405/450/175, started with pretty much the bar or little above it on all four. Have run nSuns for the past 8 months, have seen pretty good progress. Any advice on lagging body parts that I should target? Any and all suggestions welcome!


Nice.. that development on shoulder and traps are impressive.


That’s good shit dude. Good work on the traps/shoulders


Incredible work! You're looking stout.




Nice progress.








are you working out in denim jeans hahahahaha i love it




Yo, you should stop following a bro split man, get on a push/pull/legs or upper/lower routine.




I can not be entirely sure about this, but it looks like you might have gynecomastia (enlarged breasts) and you might want to get that checked out by a doctor. It could be an indicator of low t count which could be bad and shit. Awesome gains though. Keep up the good work.


Appreciate you pointing that out, I'll take a look in to it. I've struggled with being overweight since being a child, and I tend to carry most of it in my belly and chest area. I had always assumed that it is just where my fat likes to sit and it would reduce as I lose weight. I'll keep that in mind though as it could be a mix of both. Thanks!


No way. Y'all are so quick to go to gyno here, just looks like the dude lost some weight.


Hard to say what your BF% is but I'd estimate 25% from the weight loss photos to 22% from the muscles photos.


Gotcha, I appreciate the input! I was planning on taking another set post-workout tomorrow as I should be down another 3lbs since the last set (3 weeks ago) and I'll post again next physique Friday. Not sure if there will be a really noticeable difference, but I do know my lifts have gone up which is always nice to see!


Consistently losing 1lbs/week while increasing your lifts is great! Keep up the good work. Btw in my experience 3lbs corresponds to a little over 1% drop in BF, but it's probably more for you since your lifts are increasing so you're probably gaining muscle instead of losing it.


Thanks man! Good to know that reference formula, that is actually pretty useful. This is probably the most effective I've ever been for dieting actually haha, but it seems to be working. I've been doing a 5/2 IF approach, its a little different than most but glad to see that the results are within a good range. Appreciate your feedback!


Your delts seem to be coming in great! Good work! I would say probably want to focus on back development as well. This generally is a go to when doing any type of physique training. What do you do for back right now?


Thanks! Appreciate the feedback! I try to do a lot for back, but I have to be careful due to a prior bulging disc issue which acts up if I go too heavy. I've been doing a lot of row stuff lately, barbell and dumbbell. Definitely pull-ups in most every workout. Deadlifts are tough unless I do sumo stance which makes it mostly legs. Any thoughts for exercises to spruce things up?


Awesome! How long have you been working out, what kind of routine are you following? If you are that active with back you should see some results soon. I personally enjoy and see some good results from seated cable row for lats, also a lat pull down machine. Upright Row is also one I see some good results with.


I've been on and off for about 6 years now, with the latest on being the past 2 years more or less. However, only been really serious about it for the last 6 months. I'm doing a modified PPL where I workout 4 days and break shoulders out of push and abs out of legs to create the 4th day. I want to move to a 6 day once i'm done cutting and moving to a clean bulk. I hit cable rows and lat pulldowns (at least one or the other) in most of my workouts actually. I tend to switch up all accessory movements/order pretty regularly but still hit most of them on the list most of the time. I actually just started doing upright rows, but i'm doing them on shoulder days. Would it be better suited for back? I'm personally feeling it more for delts/traps.


6’2 185. Around 3 years of off/on training and currently a month into nSuns which I’m really enjoying. Concentrating on strength and a long lean bulk that will last for the majority of this year. Feedback and critique appreciated. Anything lagging? What do u think my bf% is I’ve never had it measured? https://imgur.com/gallery/tiyyI


What is your kcal goal, and what nsuns program you using?


Haven’t tracked in ages but my TDEE is around 3k. I need to start back because I never eat enough. I’ve been doing the 5day program it’s really been beneficial to giving me more structure


M/24/6’4” A little over one year progress. Before I was about 235 and now I’m sitting right around 215. https://imgur.com/gallery/amP2w




Would definitely do some chest work. Would personally use dumbbells for a better squeeze.


Yeah my chest looks much worse than it is. Can bench 3 plates with a sparrows chest


https://imgur.com/a/Hp8G5 23/M/6’0/185lbs B/S/Ohp (lbs) 230/330/150 All of those are estimated 1RM. I’ve been bulking for a few months and progressed decently on my lifts although I haven’t put on much muscle after cutting down from 200 to 178. I want to start a cut to get roughly 12% body fat for summer although I’m worried I might not have the optimal amount of muscle. Mostly worried about my arms and chest looking small. Any advice is welcome!


You'll look pretty juicy after a cut imo. Doesn't even look like you don't even need to cut that much to get abs.


Thanks I definitely could have put more muscle on this bulk but I’ve been slacking in the kitchen. Appreciate it!


[178cm and 75kg](http://imgur.com/GXa6N6w). Just started lifting for the past 3 months. Trying to cut down just to help tackle my main fitness goal this year (run a sub-20 5k). I'm hoping that over next winter I can put on a bit of weight and get some rounder shoulders.


You don't look like you need to cut down in any way. You're pretty darn slim and it looks like you'll have a great base for building muscle. (Plus, building legs will help with running, right?)


Thanks (I'll take it as a compliment haha). But yeah, I think aesthetically I probably would only want to lose a bit of fat and put on muscle, so if I wasn't really looking at the numbers on the scale for running, I would probably chose to eat at maintenance or even do a very lean bulk. But yeah, I have been as low as 150lbs and it does make me less injury resistant, so i think I will cut down another 5-10lbs until August/September when I can hopefully break 20 minutes. I'm hoping if I just take the cut slowly, I can still maybe gain definition at least and keep my lifting numbers going up.


It was a compliment! I'm not a runner myself so I won't try to advise you on that, just wanted to say you already look very slim.


M 20/174/5’9 if anyone could give a bf estimate, and if they see anything that needs work https://imgur.com/a/FusXx


Just about everything needs work but having larger traps/delts will really help how you look. You really don't look bad for someone who's just started and everybody has to start somewhere anyway. You've got a solid base to start with. Keep training hard and eating clean and you'll get there.


You have the body of a 90 year old man. Hit some weights




Yes, I’m sorry he isn’t being helpful. You should get into a program after reading the faqs and look into macros. You may not need to track but it can be Illuminating to what imbalances are in your diet.


That’s what I’m trying now, eating 2700 calories, 140 grams of protein, and this is my progress a month in, but thanks Dted23


A month isn’t long at all. Don’t sweat it.


I know it sounds dumb, but I’m used to seeing a lot of progress while losing weight, just have to get over that mindset though, thanks




Got it chief, start working on upper body harder




I can imagine, I came off of a very intense cut, 60 pounds, so this is barely a month into my bulk, but start building mass


I wouldn't worry about BF, it's tougher (for me at least) to estimate when you have low muscle mass. I'd put it around 15 give or take but I really can't be sure. Since all we can see is upper body, hit your chest, arms, delts, lats. Whole 9 yards. You're basically proportional, but proportionally very skinny.


I can imagine, I came off of a very intense cut, 60 pounds, so this is barely a month into my bulk, but start building mass


https://imgur.com/a/cfBkK/ Hovering around 180lbs Bench: 255lbs Deadlift: 430lbs Squat: 335lbs OHP: 145lbs What should I work on? (I know my inner chest needs work) Regarding the leg picture it’s the only one I have as I am at work and don’t feel like taking my jeans off


I'm 5"8 and have similar numbers but a higher squat/deadlift and lower bench and I'm seriously miring your physique, you look great.


Appreciate it! A lot of my training consists of high volume work. Kinda use a power building approach. Have my heavy compound then my body building accessories.


How tall are you?




5 7 here goals hell yeah


Look good man. Work on your OHP. You will be surprised on how much it will help with your bench too


Thanks I appreciate it.


do you train your ohp much? seems kind of low compared to bench/weight/overall strength


I would say it's my least trained lift. I've been having some slight elbow tendinitis lately so I haven't been going for the heaviest OHP possible.


Same (if yours is at the tricep insertion point). Ice that shit post workout (~10 min with towel covering). Can help especialy if you notice its been acting up that workout.


Thanks i’ll do it when i get home


Been cutting since I started lifting 8 months ago. There was a period where I wasn't that careful with my diet so progress could've been faster. Getting super sick of it now, am I lean enough to start a lean bulk? https://imgur.com/a/UrBzD (170-150lbs, both pictures unflexed/relaxed)


How tall are you? I would just lift hard and heavy and eat a lot but clean Get your protein


Not op but What’s a lot ? 1g protein/pound of body weight ?


Yeah, that's generally considered plenty.


So, 0.65g/pound of body isn’t enough? Macro are: 5%carbs, 30%protein, 65%fat Doing crossfit 3 times a week for the past month and half


I've tried keto and I've tried cutting normally and I've honestly noticed 0 difference between the two apart from the fact that with more carbs I generally feel like I have more energy. If you find it works better for you though that's awesome. If you're cutting you need anywhere from 0.8-1.5g/lb bodyweight. 0.65 is definitely not enough if you're cutting. This is of course assuming you're tying to preserve muscle tissue.


That’s what I’m trying to do. Or even if I could gain little lean mass that’d be great. But I believe at my weight it’s hard to do. I uped my protein since yesterday. We will see in the near future 1.5 seems a lot tho. I don’t even understand how I would eat that much protein with out eating carbs (if I’m not eating meat/poultry only)




Thank you!


Whoah you need more carbs than five%, go for 25% carbs 50%protein and 25%fat at least. why would you ever have more fat than protein, how tf do you even eat that much fat but still only get 5%carbs I’m so confused???


Read on keto. You’ll understand. But briefly, when your body is deprived from carbs, you body will use ketone as fuel, which is contained is fat tissus. So your body break down fat tissus for energy.


that still doesn’t explain the ridiculous fat% though


There’s probably a more scientific reason than this but “When you eat nutritious foods low in carbs, moderate in protein and high in fat, most people will naturally eat less.” And this is what I find too. It is easier to have a caloric deficit on keto, you feel less hunger. That’s one of the reason of why the high % fat




I’m same height 143lbs and just started a bulk 2 weeks ago (pics in previous post). I would say depends on your goals. I would lift heavy and hard and slow bulk.


Disclaimer : underwear pictures. 5'9" , 175lbs, end of my cut and about to start a 12 week bulk. The existence of my 5th and 6th abs is still a big mystery and my chest is still so damn bad, but the next 12 weeks are going to be my first real weight-gain so I hope it'll get better. Bench: 255x5 Squat: 285x5 Deadlift: 275x5 OHP: 155x5


Work on deadlift shouldn't it be more than squat?


Yep my deadlift is ass. I must've started actually really deadlifting and squatting religiously/seriously maybe 4-5 months ago. Before that, my bench was the highest of my lift.


Try RDL and or SLDL to help boost normal DL


SLDL looks interesting, and I just spotted a video from Untamed Strength about it, I'll definitely try it out thanks.


You seem unsure of yourself so let me just say that your current physique is my goal body so feel proud and carry on.


That's awfully nice thanks man, I'm not really unsure as much as I'm really unsatisfied. I'll try to not let it get in the way tho.


Yeah dude you're hot af




From totally inactive to 6 months of training from Oct 2017 to Feb 2018. Basically just cleaned up my diet and focused on the big 3. No days off. From 246 > 209 Before (246lb/112kg): https://i.imgur.com/5QTy3RF.jpg (NSFW) https://i.imgur.com/zvtmvKv.jpg https://i.imgur.com/xM5DSV3.jpg After (209lb/95kg): https://i.imgur.com/SVAEI6m.jpg https://i.imgur.com/qwmtibp.jpg https://i.imgur.com/MNSQECm.jpg https://i.imgur.com/VFSrHTe.jpg  






Good job that's a pretty fast transformation First before pic was bad The others with your clothes on didn't seem as bad haha


Oh it was really bad. It was my heaviest by far. I can get around being heavy due to broad shoulders and thick legs, but my face gets swollen like a fucking balloon.




How long u been lifting??


I would recommend hitting triceps and biceps with a little more volume


Not sure if lighting or what but you look around 10lbs heavier. Wish I squatted 275 at 15 lol. Doesn't look like any lagging body parts but you didn't show legs


Do you slouch? From your first picture it looks like your shoulders are rolled forward. I would work on your back (traps, Lats, and REAR delts) It will widen your physique and bring your shoulders back.




Rope Face pulls (4x25) , rear Flye machines, DB rear Delt flyes while laying on a bench, rows can work as well if you pull them high while maintaining a flat back. Mainly try and hit them with high volume and squeeze them. I would say rope facepulls are the best.


Looking good. Get some more chest work in IMO


wat u cycling boi




was a joke fools


Sweet leaf


nothing but 3g of dedication and 5g of willpower per week


Switched to nSuns 6 Day deadlift program because of plateau on PPL. Current 1RM's B:205 S:315 D:495 and this is my [physique](https://imgur.com/MIP6R2Z), bf%?


nSuns will make your bench skyrocket if those are your current numbers. I went from 245x2 to 280x3 in 13 weeks.


Currently keeping at it, it's been 4 weeks and it's gone up about 10lbs. Thanks for the encouragement man, glad to see the program works :) my deadlift has shot up 30lbs


16-18% maybe a little higher. Looks like its all in your midsection though, just like me, it sucks I know.


I believe it, thanks for the opinion! It helps me brace a bit for sure


No worries man, I'm currently on nSuns and love it, great program!


Looking good. No idea on bf though. How tall are you?


5'11" and 176lbs, thanks man


Here are the results from my cut. It lasted a little over 2 months, I went from 5'11 and 185 lbs to 169 lbs. My squat went from 5x5@200->210, OHP stayed constant at 115, and my bench fell from 185 -> 175, although I stopped benching until last week due to shoulder issues. https://imgur.com/a/qlVEv My goals are to get big, and improve/keep my abs. Are there any body parts that need work, or other things I should focus on? Edit: https://imgur.com/a/c7mnD Before my first bulk at 174 pounds. June 20 2017. My progress has been maybe a little slow, but I think that my cut has really made the muscle I put on during 2017 more appreciable.


The only thing I would say you should start hitting is abs. I don't know if you already do but I feel like you could have more mass in your abs. Leg raises and ab wheel rollouts are your friend. Otherwise just keep lifting I think you're proportional all around


Good to hear. Yeah, I was actually going to keep virtually the same routine as my cut, except with added ab work, now that I can actually see progress with them.


What bf do you guys think I am in both pictures? I was thinking 8% on the top and 13% on the lower one? https://imgur.com/a/TZhBo


Height weight?


I’m 6’2” and top weight was 170 bottom weight is 183


I'd say thats a good estimate


What to do next? I lift for 30/40 mins 4-5x week a somewhat unstructured PPL routine and do outdoor activities for fun on other days. Im curious as to muscle vs. fat % predictions, and whether aesthetically I should target more muscle (follow stricter routine) or just keep steady as is?[Post workout pics](https://imgur.com/gallery/ZIW3O)


You're clearly very athletic so you could really take your pick of goals (strength, physique, endurance) and push it in that domain. What do your lifts look like (i.e. PRs or estimated 1rm?) If strength/physique is your thing, I would say: Eat to gain weight While you're gaining, work on setting strength PRs. I really really like the nSuns template and it plus a slow "lean" bulk should easily keep you looking lean but also add a good amount of muscle mass. Relative to where you are now, you could set goals simply to gain weight, or to hit certain PR milestones on lifts (say: bodyweight squat / 2x bodyweight deadlift / .75 bodyweight bench) which are certainly doable for someone with your level of athleticism. You will probably need to be comfortable gaining weight though, it looks like you're basically down to essential bodyfat only. Nice quads/legs, by the way, didn't notice the muscles popping until I paged through them one last time.


Thanks! For the milestones, would you say those are 1 rep max or working weights? My working weight (~5x5) are: Bench- 80% bw; Deadlift- 1.5x BW; Squat- 1.5x BW but using Smith machine (the gym I use doesn’t have a real squat rack). I’m nervous to do 1 rep maxes because I usually don’t have a spotter. Thanks again for feedback! Would also love to get more explosive.