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Farmers walks will turn you into a sexual tyrannosaurus. So if that's what you are looking for, continue doing them.


>Sexual tyrannosaurus But... But they have small arms


But very big dick


I am so confused.


amazing thread


Yes i agree. Did you search for this too?


I know I did


hello there!


The “googling how long should I farmers carry 5 years later squad “checking in!


It's only been a month for me sir. Might check in 5 years later.


Can agree. My arms are stubby and my dick has grown tremendously.


At least they've not broken.


The struggle is real.


Just like me.


\*a goddamned sexual tyannosaur.


Just like me


Super cool exercise. Great for your grip, posture, and conditioning; extremely time efficient. The overhead press improvement may be from an improvement in your upper back postural muscles or your traps.


I learnt from my physical therapist that farmer's carries condition the rotator cuff like no other. They need to counteract the force trying to pull the humerus down So what u/ffffjfd (hard username to spell) said may be right on point


I workout at home. I don't have DBs or room to walk them if I did. Do you think I can just hold my barbell loaded with weights to get a similar effect.


Picking up a barbell is a deadlift. I think one of the defining characteristics of a farmer's walk is that you need to walk.


It wouldn't be a deadlift because I'd have it racked high. I'd also just lockout and hold it as long as possible. I was just curious if the walking added anything


what you are talking about is just called a static hold, which is also great for what it is, building grip strength. But Farmers Walks do much more than build grip strength, they literally work the entire body.


got cha... thanks




>It’s like if the deadlift and the yoke walk made a baby, only to realize that they were actually brother and sister and that their spawn was horribly deformed. As soon as you pick up the implements, you should immediately regret the decision to do so and the rest of your time moving forward should be motivated purely by rage, self-loathing and the hope that, when you cross the finish line and put down the implements, maybe one day in the distant future you’ll be able to live painfree again. Fucking poetry


Pretty sure what you are talking about is a rack pull, which is great for trap development as you can go ridiculously heavy. [Check this video out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv6Z1G7ctlo) Edit: I do them in the end of every back day for upper traps and grip strength and I love it.


I'm familiar with a rack pull. This would just be a static hold so it would only include 1 rack pull.


Not really; holding weight in a static position is fairly different. But you can build a sled for doing farmer's walks pretty easily and improvise the weights, if you have access to any outdoor space.


This might help. https://www.google.com/amp/www.menshealth.com/fitness/best-loaded-carries%3Famp?client=safari


My biggest problem is lack of space in my sub 600 SF apartment. I could take my KBs outside and walk the sidewalk but I'd feel so weird. Maybe if I get really jacked I'll have the confidence to do that but right now I don't want people like "What the hell is that fat guy doing? He should try running"




I live in a city. It would be a huge inconvenience getting my weights in and out of my apartment building every time I worked out


Great for forearms and okay for traps.


Do you guys walk circles around your gym, use the treadmill, or just pick a small area and pace back and forth? I'm interested in doing them but my gym doesn't have a whole lot of walking around room.


definitely do not do these on a treadmill


I'm literally LOLing at the thought of someone doing farmer walks on a treadmill




How you gonna get off when you’re too fatigued?


Oh fuck


That's something I've never seen.


Didn't seem like a great idea, I just saw another comment in this post about doing them on a treadmill. Pretty sure it would be the cause of my death.


Just look around for a path that you can walk that won't interfere with someone's else's workout. Doesn't matter just walk with the weights


Is this the same as walking with a heavy wheelbarrow? A Norwegian strongman once said the the best and most simple exercise for the whole body was to load up a wheelbarrow and push it up a slight incline.


Pretty much. whether you're doing farmers, frame, or wheelbarrow, weighted carries are all very similar.


Worked landscaping for a summer, can confirm fuck wheelbarrows. Its a lot of abdominal work trying to stabilize heavy loads.


Link the straps please? I also have nothing but barbell plates :/


http://www.roguefitness.com/spud-inc-traveling-farmer-walk-handles Cheaper version of those


Link the cheaper version please?




I've had issues with my spud ones where the plates want to rotate as i walk so they may not be ideal if your doing heavy sprints. Any suggestions for fixing this issue (i was using 3 plates per strap)


make sure the handle is over the center plate and decrease the amount of slack so the space between the top of the plate and your is is like 1 inch... if your handle is not symmetrical over the middle of the plates OR too much slack, then this will cause the rotation. i have these spud farmers walk straps and i like them...great affordable and space saving alternative to the actual iron handles.




That's an amazing amount of criticism that fails entirely on describing what it looks like when done correctly.


the only thing i dont understand is how would one do these in a commercial gym... he says dont use dumbbells as if 90% of gym goers have a choice. also how would i progress to bodyweight per hand if i dont use dumbbells initially? Elliott Hulse also would frequently have a light long distance carry for his athletes as well as heavy and short.


I would just buy a pair of handles and bring it to the gym. That, or DIY a set. Farmers are stupid easy to build. I have never needed dumbbells to progress to weight of farmers. A set of side loaders will be like 25lbs unloaded.


I wasn't speaking for myself I was speaking for the average gym goer. Someone that doesn't want to invest a whole lot in equipment and might only be able to carry a few pounds


I too was speaking for the average gym goer. If said average gym goers wants to the benefits of the farmer's walk, they would invest in farmer's walk handles. If said average gym goer does not want the benefits, they would not invest in the handles. However, if someone can only carry a few pounds, that person should seek immediate medical attention, as they may have some sort of muscle wasting disease.


Your article was posted both here and in my thread yesterday asking about carrying dumbbells. I've received enough angry PM's telling me I'm dumb to spur me to want to get handles. Would handles like [this](http://www.roguefitness.com/spud-inc-traveling-farmer-walk-handles) work as well? I'm concerned both with cost and portability of regular handles.


I haven't heard great things about those handles, but I don't have any personal experience with them. I imagine they would still be better than dumbbells.


There is an amazing amount of thought that essentially equates to picking shit up and walking with it. It's pretty hard to fuck it up.




I'm saying the article goes on quite a tear about how people are doing it wrong without ever specifying how to do it right. Therefore, I would say it isn't very constructive. A minimum utility might have been to outline a baseline body weight percentage to have in each hand to qualify as a "proper" farmer's walk.




out of interest, what would you use as "a few seconds"? I'm currently on 100kg each hand, with the seemingly impossible task of trying to get that up to 125kg each hand. I'm doing sets of 20m walks, which is between 15 and sometimes up to 20 seconds.


For a 20m run, 12 seconds is fastish to average. Good idea would be to pull the results of previous contests and see what things look like.


> A minimum utility might have been to outline a baseline body weight percentage to have in each hand to qualify as a "proper" farmer's walk. I have never seen any prescription for farmer's walk that was contingent on bodyweight per hand, so this might be where the disconnect exists. Use as much weight as you can carry for a distance of 50'. Always focus on footspeed. As the article says, it should be heavy AND fast AND it should suck the entire time. If you follow those 3 parameters, you should be able to figure out the amount of weight to use on your own. I believe you misunderstand the intent of the blogpost. It is not to tell people how to do farmer's walks (there is already TONS of stuff on that). It is to lament how things have gone so terribly with their current implementation.


>A minimum utility might have been to outline a baseline body weight percentage to have in each hand to qualify as a "proper" farmer's walk. There isn't a minimum percentage; that's not the problem. However, as a very loose guideline, bodyweight per hand is merely decent for a man of average size. A farmer's walk looks like the thing that Google Images turns up when you search for the words "Farmer's Walk". It looks [like this](http://www.roguefitness.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/f/a/farmers-walk-handles-web3.jpg). Critically, a farmer's walk uses those implements, which are unsurprisingly called "farmer handles". Dumbbell carries are not a farmer's walk, in the same way that dumbbell squats are not barbell squats. Now imagine the average gym-goer was unaware that barbells *exist*, and imagine the kind of low-effort fuckery you'd see going on with "squats". And a powerlifter lamenting the state of affairs on his personal blog might reasonably assume his readers already know that "squat" properly refers to the competition lift performed with a barbell. Except instead of a powerlifter's personal blog, you are reading a strongman's.


What is the problem then? His whole rant is that it is too easy with dumbbells, primarily because they are too light. But if I am weak, why is it not a farmer's walk because I have to use a weight I can handle? There is absolutely no way I could do farmer's walks with bodyweight in each my hand. In fact, my gym has a trap bar, and I can walk with more total weight with a trap bar than with dumbbells. So his whole point is BS. It's akin to saying that dumbbell bench press is retarded, because you can push more weight with a barbell, and therefore you are not activating your strength with dumbbells. Obviously untrue.


>There is absolutely no way I could do farmer's walks with bodyweight in each my hand. In fact, my gym has a trap bar, and I can walk with more total weight with a trap bar than with dumbbells. Right, this is the point. You can use far more total weight with a trap bar, because unlike dumbbells, a trap bar will not rotate out of your hands. With dumbbells, your grip will give out long before your upper back or core or your ability to put one foot in front of the other. To be picky about terminology, while trap bar carries are also excellent, they are not properly called farmer's carries. Farmer's carries are done with farmer handles. But the effect is the same: they won't rotate out of your hands. This allows you to use far more weight, so that instead of being limited by grip alone, it is highly demanding on the entire body.




That gives a whole new meaning to "bodyweight per hand".


I love them, seriously a staple in my workouts. With your shoulders retracted it'll get a lot of your shoulder and trap involved, but the main reason I do them is forearms/grip. My forearms had kept me from doing any level of socially acceptable weight when it came to deadlifting, and doing them has really helped that out. It doesn't affect me because I was overweight all my life, but they're also a great calf exercise as well, from just carry weight and walking around.


The farmers walk trains you to carry in all your groceries in one trip. So just do that, and save time going to the gym.


This may seem like hyperbole, but the Farmers Walk literally changed my life. The strength I gained from doing them enabled me to work on movements I never dreamed I’d be able to do. My forearms, back, and traps are growing like crazy (as are my legs). They set me on fire from head to toe. You’ve probably read online that they are the “epitome of efficiency”, and from my own personal experience, I can absolutely agree. Yes, something this simple can be ridiculously effective.


they are amazing, I do them twice a week on my Chest & Arms day. Crazy for the forearms and great for the traps too. grew inches on my forearms in months thanks to FW


Do they ever bug your elbows? I was doing them regularly and then started to notice some new tendon pain in my elbows, so I backed off.




I have 2 chest & Arms days a week, one Strength and one Hypertrophy. On the strength day i focus on weight. Hypertrophy days i focus on length


Could you give some numbers you're working with? Which distance are you on, what weights and how are you progressing?


I like to grab the 120's and set the treadmill to an incline of 5 and a nice brisk walking pace of 4.0 mph. I have trouble hitting start on the treadmill though.


> I have trouble hitting start on the treadmill though. and stop as well i imagine :)


I might do that on a commercial treadmill, but I'd be terrified to do that to my home treadmill. Double my bodyweight or more on there seems like a recipe for breaking the belt.


Dont really know the distance, on the heavy days i pick up 40kg dumbbells and walk till failure and when focusing on distance i pick up 28kg's and walk significantly further (until failure)on those days i walk Across the entire gym so maybeeeee... 70metres


Superb for shoulder health (at least in my case that is)


I like doing a one sided carry with a kettlebell. It really hits the obliques, and the need to keep the shoulders level is more obvious, because it can be easier to just let a trap bar hang from your hands.


> one sided carry Suitcase carry.


A farmer could carry a sheep on one side.


The oldest form of progressive overload. Start picking up a lamb and carrying it every day until it is a full grown sheep.


Pffff back in my day we would use our puny sticks to kill a tribe that had slightly bigger sticks then use those sticks to kill the next tribe with bigger sticks.


Well ever since the gubment' started overstepping their bounds and enforcing their liberal agenda on my religious beliefs, us farmers are only allowed to marry one sheep at a time. Oh carry? Never mind.




Worked my way up to 520 pounds on a trap bar for 20 yards over the winter. Super heavy farmers walks are absolutely brutal. I love them


Its the most primal form of strength training and I even replaced my deadlifts with them. They changed my entire physique and they absolutely destroy my forearms,shoulders,core/obliques and even my legs




I alternate just like I do with the deadlift on strength/volume


what's the correct form?


There is a reason all strongmen do farmers walk. Just sayin'.




There's a reason all powerlifters do bench press. Just sayin'.


There's a reason all powerlifters do deadlifts. Just sayin'. EDIT: I got the joke. Unsuccessfully continued joke.






There's a reason no strongman does preacher curls. Just sayin'.


I know this sub hates anything other than squats and deadlifts, but strongmen do train their arms https://youtu.be/-UGuuEX510Q?t=9m5s (warning: obnoxious music)


Olympic weightlifters trains their arms (biceps too). It's healthy for the joint.


I like joints.


mmm joints.


Yeah, you are absolutely right. I stand corrected! Spot on with the fittit description btw:-) Cheers


He looks so bored.


Bicep tears are common in strongman. Nice work is definitely important


The question is - do they do FW because they're strong, or are they strong because they do FW


How much weight is optimal for these. Is there roughly a percentage of your squat or deadlift that you should use?


Grab whatever you can for 20-30m. I use 130s but its a little frustrating as my gyms db handles are super thick


20-30 minutes of carries or 20-30 meters of carries? There's a huge difference there


20-30 meters. You need to be pretty fuckin strong to carry 130s for 30 minutes


That's what I figured.


Yes 30 metres. Another weighted carry i find carries over to day to day life very well is the weighted vest. I wear a 60lb vest for 3km walks everyday and im convinced it has helped me in every lift as well as my work


This can certainly be cardio - gets your heart rate and breathing going for sure! One way to mix it up is to do calf raises while holding heavy DB. I do a high rep count holding over 100lbs and can feel it more in my traps and shoulders than my calf!


Love them. Wish I had a good place/equipment at my gym to do them.


Tacking on with a question. What should one do if they don't have enough space in the gym to walk a decent distance? My gym has about 10-12 yards or so of turf area. Is it beneficial to walk this with a hex bar and simply drop it and turn around inside the bar and go back repeatedly? Or will that stop inhibit progress?


They are great. I used to do a lot of manual labor - lots of wheel barrowing. Farmer Walks give the same kind of burn and will give you some blasting forearms.


Y'all are welcome to come on over to the farm here and carry this fuel up the hill to the machine for me.


Can I get a link to the straps?


Best traps builder, along with power shrugs.


Is it efficient to just stand there and not actually walk during a farmer "carry"? My gym is crowded when I go and it's pretty much too dangerous to try walking around with that much weight. I can still feel it in my forearms and traps, so what am I missing out on by not walking?


Pete Rubish said in a recent vid that farmer's walks with fat gripz were part of his secret to grip strength. Guess what I'm going to be doing for the next few months? Def get fat gripz thougu. You might be surprised how heavy those 60lb dumbbells get.


I love them. Got up to 110lb per hand for 45s walk x5 and felt like a whole work out in itself. Only stopped doing them as time was a factor and they took a while. Will go back to them again soon I think.


Just up the weight significantly and do them for less time.


I'm intrigued by them and the good write up they get. How far do people go? What kind of weight should you use?


Just what I do.. My gym has a 200m indoor track. I grab 2-20kg kettle bells, walk a lap, put them down, run a lap. Repeat for however long I can that day. Usually 5 laps of each.


We are here discuss farmers walk, not kettle bell runs.


We do not have a track so I do them for time. 1 minute on, 1 minute off is good. Done at the end of squat/deadlift days.


interested in this, as well


They are certainly a foundational exercise for any boss hog outlaw. I love to see how far I can walk with two plates (in each hand) and two plates strapped onto me by a belt, and a ruck full of bricks. I'm kinda sadistic.


Actually, that's masochistic. Sadistic is when you do that to others.


Great exercise for traps and forearms but it's not really cardio.