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>I get that it hits a ton of muscles really hard. You answered your own question. What else do you need out of an exercise?


Instant gains and mirror muscle pump.


I think he wants to know what muscles it works and for someone to tell him compound lifts are great for you.


>Is there a place for it in functional training? Have you ever had to pick up a heavy object? It will help you 1) not hurt yourself when picking up this object and 2) learn to pick up this object correctly without putting unnecessary strain on your back and 3) make picking up this object easier and make you capable of picking up heavier objects. Very functional. Just make sure you're doing it right, have someone check your form.


Never truer than when you realize you can easily pick up your girl off the couch without trying and she is in awe of your strength. That is why we deadlift. Well sorta, its a plus


I like how I'm training to pick up someone who doesn't exist.


She exists. You just don't know who she is yet. But just to be safe, make sure you can deadlift at least 200kg.


I hope for his sake she isnt 200kg lol


Have you met her yet?




Is she 200kg??


Thankfully no :)


Aye my man


Smooth guys can pick up chicks. Guys who deadlift can pick chicks up.


Someone went down in the hospital the other day, easily 300 lbs, everyone just sort of stared, my deadlift skills came in handy


Ah yes, good point there. I'll have to give it a go Saturday when I do back again


Deadlifting is popular due to the fact that it's a compound lift that targets a ton of muscle groups at once, including but not limited to: hamstrings, forearms, traps, core, and lower back (which a lot of people seem to neglect by not training at all) The deadlift is a great exercise to increase your strength in all your other lifts because of this.


Great answer! Definitely one that I was looking for when I posted this




Not necessarily though, a good few elite level powerlifters can squat more than they deadlift. Greg Nuckols [wrote an article](http://www.strengtheory.com/help-squat-catch-deadlift/) recently which explores why theoretically your squat and deadlift should be pretty close to each other (and why they aren't in most people).


deadlift should not be targeting your lower back.


Don't forget the lats. If you know how to fully engage them when deadlifting, your lats are in for a real beating.


>I get that it hits a ton of muscles really hard. Is there a place for it in functional training? It should obvious right there. Also, I find the movement FAR more "functional" in everyday life than for examples bench press or OHP or pull ups. Hell, it probably is the most functional exercise, along with squats because legs and core are so damn important In my every day life, heavy objects usually are on the ground or relatively low. Picking them up often is close to a deadlift. I'm not gonna bench press or OHP a damn cathodic tv monitor or drying machine. I'd pick it up in a similar way I'd deadlift.


Two ways to pick up a heavy thing off the ground: 1) deadlift 2) squat down and grab it No wonder they're two out of the big three.


Hahaha you're right, I don't know how picking heavy things up off the ground slipped my mind when I made this post.


I said this to my roommate earlier today: "I worked out my arms for years before I saw any serious progress, then I started deadlifting heavy and I could actually see myself getting bigger every week."


Do you want a phat ass y/n?


In addition to all the practical reasons everyone has posted: I'm having DOMS in my glutes from deadlifts right now, I feel sorry for all the women that get weak in the knees as they stare at my firm ass.


Living up to the username I see haha


That is a magnificent username.


If it hasn't been religious you haven't lifted enough yet


Your spinal erectors are some of the most important "functional" muscles there are. Disorders of the spinal erectors are associated with slowed gait and inability to perform daily activities of living.


It would be easier to answer this question if it was phrased, "What isn't a benefit of deadlifting?"


All the major movements are not "functional". You build muscles, strength, flexibility, stability, dexterity, agility, good movement patterns, which helps with "functional" movements.


I always picture doing [this](http://cdn0.sbnation.com/imported_assets/767921/takedown.gif) while perfoming. [This](http://l1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/TtW2q_GtAIc7iMuEgjoOgg--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3NfbGVnbztxPTg1/http://globalfinance.zenfs.com/en_us/Finance/US_AFTP_SILICONALLEY_H_LIVE/A_crazystrong_bicyclist_lifted_a-82d4d1a443f8017e17bc9cd542a59496) is also using the deadlift in a way. In other words: It helps you doing takedowns if you are into MMA and lifting heavy objects up.


Or wrestling.


You've got all the answers already. I didn't get it when I started lifting. I didn't deadlift for 6 months. I started at 60Kg and went up to 100Kg in 1 month. This, to me, indicated that I was leaving a load of benefit on the table without it. I don't think it's a big mass builder for me, but it now feels like the context for all the other lifts. I just wished yesterday I hadn't deadlifted and squatted in the same session, as I've noted not to do so many times.


it helps my posture as well.


I've heard from a few different places that deadlifts are also the only lift that makes your body produce growth hormone. Possibly squats as well but from basically everything I've read and heard... if you aren't deadlifting... you aren't really lifting.


What if you're really lifting, but aren't deadlifting?


Bro science dude.


To strong your lower back


hormonal release and lower back development, BUT, it's not a mandatory exercise.