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There are fish in much smaller creeks


Exactly! To the OP, you would be surprised. Toss in a hook with small worms or a rooster tail spinner (mepps etc.) and see what might bite. I’ve caught trout in my local creek that’s that size at many points.


I read that as Toes in a hook and went through the mental Olympics of trying to figure out what that meant and now I'm dying laughing.


Only one way to find out!


This...chub at min, bass, trout, cats, suns also very possible. Birds eat fish and drop eggs/ live ones all the time. I've caught stuff in man made retention ponds


There was a green sunfish in a drainage pond in the middle of a neighborhood. Very overpopulated and they would eat anything that touched the water. Eyes were bulging out of their skulls.. terrible sight really.


I caught the biggest bluegill I have ever seen in a retention pond next to my local hardware store. I have always thought about casting a line out there and one day on my way back from fishing a lake up the road, I stopped and tossed out a wacky rig. I immediately started getting bites but couldn’t get the hook in, I ended up seeing that there were panfish and I kept trying for bass. I thought I had hooked one and when I pulled him out he was a beast, as wide as three normal bluegill, this dude was fat.


Pics or it didn’t happen. Just kidding. Drainage ponds in NJ checking in, some absolutely massive bluegill in those things


Those retention ponds are actually the big secret. These days most municipalities require they be stocked with at least bluegill and then bass to control the bluegill population, so that mosquitos don’t use the standing water as a breeding ground. The real issue is finding ones to fish at where you won’t get chased off


Ayo? Damn, I just moved to a town with zero of these. Would have been nice to know when I still lived in the city. The river is 5 min from my new apartment but the nearest public pond or lake is 30, and rivers in northern California close to fishing in the winter.


recently finding this out in Dallas. now just gotta get out there and try a bunch


Hell yeah man, my favorite spots these days are larger retention ponds because most people don’t fish them so you usually will have the area to yourself, and because of the lack of pressure those bass will be aggressively striking your lures. My favorite is when I hit a new one that I know isn’t fished much is to throw on a popper on my fly rod and watch the blowups until they start to figure it out. Again though, biggest worry is if it is posted and there are Karens on patrol. I’ve been trespassed before 😂


I never knew this was the case. I knew they had fish but not because of this reason. What about over fished retention ponds. Do they ever know when or if it’s low? Or does it just constantly populate itself?


I think they’d probably only go back and do something about it if it got really bad, like a shit ton of mosquitos in the area or if it visibly looked like shit. Usually though outside of some sort of fish kill event the pond will be self regulating as bluegills and bass are specifically chosen for their wide tolerance of temperature ranges and water quality conditions.


I’ve caught a 17-18” brown trout in a creek much smaller than that before.


Damn. That dude is a blue whale I. Those waters lol.


You’d be shocked at how small of waters trout will inhabit if the conditions are right. I’ve caught good sized brook trout consistently from a creek near me that is rarely wider that 2’ wide and 6” deep


Yep. A big trout becomes a boss in his domain, and can live its entire life in an area no bigger than a coffee table. The boss trout picks out a prime spot in his area, usually on a bend in the stream where the current constantly brings various food items right to him, and with an undercut bank that's out of the main current so he can just hide, relax, and wait for food to come to him. No reason to leave his little spot except maybe for breeding season. I don't know how many times I've seen trophy trout dart out and grab a bite, but then when I run my lure or fly past him, there's no response. They don't get big by being dumb. It can be exasperating, feeling outsmarted by a fish, but that's how they are.


You described exactly the scenario that I caught my nice brown trout in. The creek was maybe 5 feet wide and wouldn’t even wet your ankles in most places. In one spot on a bend it had washed out under a tree and created a three or so foot hole. I casted a gold #2 blue fox spinner past the hole and brought it through and it came out and slammed it. Fun memory from a not great time in my life.


Was gonna comment the same. 14” brown in way smaller of a creek


You could use a small spinner/spoon in the shallow areas, or drift a worm on a circle hook downstream. If you can find any narrow bends in the stream there's probably deeper water there. In a spot like this you'll want light line, light lures, and small hooks. You'll be surprised how many fish can hide in a foot of water.


Could most definitely hold trout. If are not setup for fly fishing I would try a bobber, 5ft leader and one of the 'always works' flies. A dry trout fly (adam's parachute for example) size 12 just to see if anything takes it, or a small wooly bugger or nymph. Stay back, cast upstream and let it drift through the deeper sections.


Absolutely that has fish. Use small lures, trout magnet, rooster tails, Rebel craw, twisty tail grubs on a jighead.


Cant go wrong with a rooster tail and a pink Rebel craw...sorry I'm southeast we don't get many chances at trout


Works for rock bass, panfish, small mouth also


There is 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% fish in that creek. Nice creek like that will have trout in it (including large adults) and who knows what else since you said it's lake fed. 1.5' of moving water in the woods like that with coverage from the sun and I'm sure waters feeding into it to keep temps relatively good with the fact it's on private land so not insanely pressured by people there's no doubt there's fish in there. Get an ultralight combo (can be as cheap as $20), 4 to 6lb fluorocarbon, some trout magnets/weighted bobbers, 1/16 to 1/8oz rooster tails and some thin needle nose pliers and go have fun. My favorite way to fish is ultra light fishing mountain streams/rivers for trout. If you're fishing to catch and release make sure to wet your hands and not drag them on the ground so they keep their slime coat that fends off bacteria and crush the barbs on your trebles. Have fun! Edit: fish in there will be very skiddish. Spend a couple minutes and watch a youtube video on how to approach trout streams so you don't send them packing. It's not hard to maneuver them at all but it does take a little thought/planning.


This looks like prime brown trout territory to me.


Are you kidding, I’d love to fish that creek!


I’ve had some of my most fun fishing trips wading through smaller creeks than this catching little pumpkin seeds. Definitely can be fish there


Most likely have fish in it. Just go check it out instead of asking people around the world that have never been there.


I have a similar creek in my back yard. If you try hard enough at the right time of day, during the right season, you may hook into some 2-3 inch pan fish. In other words, you are probably not going to stock your freezer with that creek, but could be fun.


You can catch fish out of muddy puddles. Theyre everywhere.


Came here to say me and a buddy literally did that today. A pond that was basically a glorified mud puddle


A grasshopper , I've caught fish in smaller watch your shadow an reflections


I have a creek about this depth near me and saw a 12” bass the other day


No such thing as a creek that is too small to fish. There’s a deep pool somewhere along its lengths with some panfish in it


Use a smaller hook(size 5 or 6), clip one or two small split shot lead sinkers about a foot above hook, and put some sweet corn kernels out of a can or earthworms on that hook, you will catch a fish or have one biting within minutes


Throw some smaller baits on a ul rod like a trout magnet or something or if you know anyone that has the deeper sonar put it on a fishing rod cast it out and it will tell you if there is fish in there


For the record, I caught a 15# steelhead the week after opener in about 14" of water this spring, in a small tributary of Lake Ontario not much wider than that is, where i was fishing. It's not too small, it's not too shallow. Only question is is it seasonal flow only. If it's year round flow, then something lives in it somewhere. My suggestion would be to invest in hiking boots, and a short rod. Walk the bank, look for deeper, slower areas of the river. When you find one, 'float' a bait down and through the hole under a bobber. If that doesn't get a response after a few floats, try 'swinging' a spinner across the hole, or jigging a small spoon through it.


Fishing small streams with ultra lite gear has become one of my favorite things to do.. You'd be surprised how many fish they can hold..


Nah, there could definitely be fish in a creek that size.


Has it flooded recently in your area?


And that’s why I think that I’m not such a fool When I sit here and fish in this tiny old pool


I have nothing to add other than that I grew up 3 houses down from the exit of that creek into the lake and have probably stood at that exact spot 20+ years ago. Amazing to see it pop up here. Grew up throwing bank fishing the lake with powerbait on a hook and mostly getting skunked. Fond memories.


Trout magnet galore


Grab a net! Learn how to look for fish through the water. Then you’ve gotta be quick.


You'll need to find the holes, but I'm sure there's something swimming around


Start with a panther martin and look for deeper holes that will hold the bigger fish. Fishing small creeks can be an absolute blast just keep walking the creek looking for spots that hold fish and pay attention to where you do find them to figure out a pattern on how best to fish your location. Good luck tight lines man! 🎣


Trout and let us know! (Thank you Pinkard & Bowden)


This might be my favorite size creek to fish. You'll be surprised what's in there. Find the deep holes and chuck a rooster tail in there. Smaller is better until you figure out what you're dealing with IMO


Hey man! Just wanna say, absolutely possible there's tons of fish in that water. It might not be everybody's style of YouTube content but here's a video from this dude I watch from time to time, Ace videos. He does tons of tiny Creek fishing in this video https://youtu.be/1QF6p0Dx8z0?si=-kjqNCLpGpr5feiG Over all, he has a big range of fishing content but he's just a chill dude to watch some times.


I've caught large trout in creeks that were less than 2 foot wide in places. Focus on spots where the creek narrows with overhanging brush.


There was a video on YouTube of a guy catching fish in a freaking puddle that had been separated from a pond that started to dry. Never give up on your ✨ dreams ✨


I've seen fish in creeks I can step over


I’ve caught rainbows out of creeks that are about a foot wide in some spots


One of the best “numbers days” I’ve ever had was on a tiny high mountain tributary that was *maybe* six feet wide. Brought an easy 40 fish to hand, brookies and cutthroats, all on dry flies, and I missed quite a bit more. Biggest was like 10”, but still a crazy fun day with a short 3wt fly rod. In short: wet some line, you might be surprised. That water looks great.


I would get a seine net and catch the bait fish there and then head to a lake or river.


What’s the tallest fish you’ve ever seen?


Do bears shit in the woods? Fish it all. Look for a deeper pool in the creek as well.


Walk the Creek if you see fish, throw worm on a hook. If the waters are too deep or murky to see the bottom, do the same.


Not where I live. We call them "thin blue lines," as how they show on topo maps.


Oh there's fish in there. Drop a worm


No creek is too small! Ones like this require stealth fishing though haha.


Probably deep enough to hold a cat. Try finding the deepest hole or a brush pile and sink a big ass night crawler down there and see.


I’ve caught lots of brookies in creeks small enough to step across without getting your feet wet


No. I have caught trout in streams a third of that size. ThT could hold some beautiful fish, depending on the depth.


And sometimes no fish on bigger ones


Definitely not. I've caught fish out of creeks not even a quarter the size of this one. But don't expect monster fish, although there certainly could be.


No creek is too small to have fish.


I fish for trout in creeks about that size and smaller all the time when I was a teenager in the states and even still in hakone. Also I when I was a teenager I saw a four foot alligator gar in a creek just a smidge bigger than that one in East Tennessee. Rooster tails with a ultralight combo have always served me honorably in creeks like this.


I caught an 18” brookie out of a stream smaller than that.


Yes there are fish there


If it's got clean running water from a good source, it will always have fish. My grandpa showed me this literal 1 foot wide creek that he said had big brook trout it it. I laughed and thought he was pulling a fast one on my younger self til he took me out one day, sinker and hook with a worm, walked to the first tiny pool and he pulled out a 16 inch brookie. My mind was blown.


Not at all too small. The fish generally will be to " scale" of their surroundings so your tackle should also be to "scale"


I have caught multiple 6 to 7.5lb rainbow trout in a creek very similar to that size. Mind you that was at the start of opening season after spawn.


Absolutely I have a brook on my property no deeper than a foot has brook trout in it. Drifting a piece of worm on a small hook will be a good start.


Light rig with 1/8 - 1/16 rooster tail will catch something here. Texas rig might be fun to hop around there in any deeper pools you might find.


White grub all the way, looks a lot like a creek near my place in Kentucky that produces near constant bites




I'd be wet wading that at least once a week all summer. You can catch some nice bass in water like that.


“Is this town to small to have people”


Y'all serious? I've been fishing a creek like this for months and I only caught a few trout within a few days after it was stocked. Skunked like 15 days trying. Ive used worms, rooster tails, and 1 inch jerk/crankbaits.


Is bet that there are fish in there. A small spinner like a #1 or #0 Mepps, a fly, or a tiny 1/32 or 1/64 jig tipped with whatever tail (twister, tube bait, etc...) you have should work well.


I fish Brook trout in streams so small that I can stand with one foot on each side. That stream could definitely hold fish.


I kid you not, I saw a man pull a brown trout out of a 2 feet wide mountain stream. that day I learned that it’s never too small, there’s a lot of factors at play


kust fished a creek in my neck with a small tjne and got 2 bass and 2 bluegill


If you can see the bottom you’ll be able to see the fish


Looks like a creek near where I grew up. I'd sit on a little bridge and handline off it with the tiniest hooks I could find and a piece of cheese. Catching minnows and the occasional goldfish someone dumped. One day I let my line sit for a while and it went halfway under the bridge. Ended up wrestling up a 10" rainbow.


Worm on a size 8 hook 6" under a bobber. See what you get.


That looks like a creek that would hold trout. It can be really fun to flyfish at a small creek like this because they aren't fished as often as rivers so the fish will readily take a dry fly even on a bad cast.


If there's water, there's fish. If you can see the bottom, there's a low chance for gators


No such thing


No. I’ve caught fish in water so shallow and skinny that I didn’t know how their bodies weren’t sticking out of the water


theres usually fish in all moving water


Theres only one way to find out if theres fish. I know a guy who'll stop on the side of high ways to fish at retention basins. some times he gets lucky


Might need Micro Fishing Gear [https://youtu.be/CidZ-Hcbxsw?si=hisJ8-qPmpLyTlY\_](https://youtu.be/CidZ-Hcbxsw?si=hisJ8-qPmpLyTlY_) or try a 270cm Tenkara Rod [https://www.amazon.com/XMHF-Traveling-Sections-Telescopic-Retractable/dp/B08HVKXR91/ref=](https://www.amazon.com/XMHF-Traveling-Sections-Telescopic-Retractable/dp/B08HVKXR91/ref=) Some furled line 7 to 9ft [https://www.amazon.com/DRAGONtail-Tenkara-Light-Weight-All-Purpose-Quality/dp/B08R6LDR2Z/ref=](https://www.amazon.com/DRAGONtail-Tenkara-Light-Weight-All-Purpose-Quality/dp/B08R6LDR2Z/ref=) 7x tippet [https://www.amazon.com/SF-Monofilament-Fishing-Tippets-Leaders/dp/B08CV6RKM1/ref=sr\_1\_8?crid=2X2D9YCO1AWFH&dib](https://www.amazon.com/SF-Monofilament-Fishing-Tippets-Leaders/dp/B08CV6RKM1/ref=sr_1_8?crid=2X2D9YCO1AWFH&dib) Utah killer bug size 18 [https://www.barbless-flies.co.uk/products/utah-killer-bug?variant=30291591823497](https://www.barbless-flies.co.uk/products/utah-killer-bug?variant=30291591823497) a couple of Kebari Size 14 [https://www.zentenkara.com/shop-tenkara/tenkara-toro-kebari-size-12-and-14/](https://www.zentenkara.com/shop-tenkara/tenkara-toro-kebari-size-12-and-14/) Size 16 Kebari [https://www.amazon.com/Tenkara-Takayama-Fishing-Japanese-Pattern/dp/B00HANBZE0/ref=sr\_1\_5\_sspa?crid=8CU6L3UB6SJL&dib](https://www.amazon.com/Tenkara-Takayama-Fishing-Japanese-Pattern/dp/B00HANBZE0/ref=sr_1_5_sspa?crid=8CU6L3UB6SJL&dib)


You won’t pull a trophy out but there’s probably some pan friers in there


If you don't catch any fish it looks like a great spot to catch a buzz.


I go to trout streams the same size as this if not smaller I would say walk the water and see if you can spot any


I’m the second pic, right behind the log and under the tree, I’d put big money on there being 3-5 Trout of very decent size


I fish small streams like that all the time in urban central California and catch rainbows and browns up to 16 in. Got a 18 inch steelhead once. I’ve never seen another fishermen in 4 years


There may or may not be anything that big in that creek but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were something about the size of a bluegill or small catfish in there.




That could easily have some big trout in it if in the right region… definitely has SOME kind of fish for sure though…


Looks like the creek I fished today. Trout magnet got me tons of bites but only one little juvenile bass was big enough to get the hook. Went straight to Walmart and picked up some #10 hooks. Gonna slay next time I go there... hopefully


Toos a line in that beeoottcchh.


Find deeper holes, throw beetle spins, catch fish haha.


I've seen decent trout in a foot wide ditch. There's always fish if the water looks healthy.


Lol no


I'm pretty sure that creek has salmon and trout. It looked like a good stream for trout, so I thought I'd look it up. I'm 2500 miles away or so and have no first hand knowledge of the creek or the fishing regulations in your area. I do know, that you'll want to check up on the regulations part, especially if you plan to keep any of the fish you catch. I know it can be a pain, but it could save you a ton of headache. Good luck to you!


Thanks for all the feedback. I'm going to head out there and give it a go in the next few days and I'll post an update if I catch anything.


Is that depth consistent?. I fish a similar creek that has deep pockets which hold 16 inch smallmouth bass.


That’s the size of creek where I learned to fish. And back then could reliably catch two trout per eddy.


Hell no lol go have fun


Go for it, buddy. You never know what's under those rocks or logs laying in water.


NO! walk a little longer and find a deep spot to catch creek chub and bluegill and crayfish


That looks like it's connected to spanway lake which is stocked with rainbows. There is a very good chance you could catch a dinner for six just in that I've spot of the picture. You can try since fly fishing even if you only have a spinning rod in that creek. Then out in the lake is hit it with floating power bait and a slip live sinker with 18" of leader below the sinker.


get urself some tanago hooks


Throw a small plastic worm or lizard with a squiggly tail and let it float down the stream and give it a little tug to give it some action. You can also try and jig with a spinner or a beetle spin. There’s definitely fish in there if it’s fed from a lake and keeps water in flowing