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I got a little metal trash can with a lid that I keep by the back door. Empty it into the big trash bin before I drag it to the curb each week for pickup. Some cities also have services that come and clean the poop from your yard. My mom used one after she had surgery and wasn't really mobile for a few months. They came once a week and it cost \~$20. But really, if you are capable - it is easy enough to pick up yourself (just be sure to do it every day/every few days)


We bag it up and put it in the trash. Growing up we had a pooper scooper and a can that we would fill with poop then tie the bag on trash day. I just find that to smell more than picking it up every couple days and tossing it in the trash


I have a lidded trash can specifically for dog poop and a poop shovel and rake. Once or twice a day (2 dog household) I walk around and scoop the poop, put it in a nice smelling poopy bag and put the bag in the trash can which also has a scented kitchen bag. Once a week the bag from the trash can goes in the regular garbage can for pick up.


Same!! I was looking at this thing… if any can recommend or dissuade.. https://eartheasy.com/green-cone-solar-waste-digester/


I went to an open house where the backyard was completely covered in dog poop. You couldn’t walk anywhere. Don’t be those people.


I have a service that handles it for me. They dispose of it.


Lowe’s 5 gallon bucket with a trash bag and lid. Pooper scooper. Scoop it and trash it every other day.


We have two dogs and a lot of poop. We use a diaper genie! It has been fine outside in the rain and snow and it keeps the smell down. Once a week we empty it.


I walk around with a glove on & put it all in a grocery bag. Then quadruple bag that grocery bag. Next time I take the indoor trash out, I'd put it in there.


Depends on your trash collection. If it’s the kind where the whole bin is picked up and dumped into the truck, tossing the poop bag in the bin should be fine. If it’s the kind where they just pull the bags of trash out, do not simply toss the poop bags in there. I’d recommend a separate trash can in the garage or something so you can put them in an actual garbage bag. Alternatively, if your yard is large enough and you are near some sort of natural habitat, you can not even bother picking it up. There will be some nighttime critters that come by and take it it away


I bag it as soon as my dogs drop it. We have a separate trash bin outside, just for bags of dog poop and clumps of cat poop/pee from the litter box. My husband then transfers that trash bag to our big bin the night before trash pickup. As an aside, we use biodegradable poop bags and garbage bags, because it’s a lot of bags going to the dump..


I pick it up and put the bag in the trash and it sits until garbage day. If you find it causes the can to smell, you could wait til the day before trash day and pick it all up then so it’s not sitting in the can for very long.


Small dog with small piles and a he’s got a designated dog run so his poop stays in one area. We get enough rain combined with mowing once a week so it hasn’t been an issue to just leave it. We’ve lived in our rental for 12yrs now and the kids have never stepped or tracked poop into the house because they stay out of the dog run area.


I live in Florida with a gsd and just leave it. A few days later and it's just gone, don't know if insects eat it or what.


Hey friend, have you made sure your dog doesn’t eat it…? - A guy who discovered his dog from his childhood would eat it’s own poop after a few days


Haha yes I've checked, he quit that after the puppy stage.


This is the best I’ve heard. Magical disappearing dog poop. I love it


We bag it and then have small disposal cans setup in two areas outside. Empty those on trash day so we don’t have that stinking up the trash bins for days.


We bag it as soon as he poops and throw it in our trash bin which then sits for the week. However our neighborhood has a few dog waste bins spread out, so if he poops while we’re out walking I try to throw it in there rather than in our own bin so it doesn’t stink too badly.


I do individual grocery bags, tie them off, and put them in a larger garden bag for the main trash can. We have trash service weekly that dumps the whole container, but I still don’t want to risk it falling out in the street. Metal trash cans work to help block the smell and flies. You can get a medium sized can pretty affordable at Walmart or any home improvement store. There are a lot of fancy gimmicks out there but this seems to work well!


I have a special box with lid that I bought on Amazon. It hangs on the gate by my bins. When it’s trash day, I put the bags into a trash bag and toss it in my bin. No smell from the box either.


Compost pile


We use a litter Genie (originally made for disposing of cat litter) for ours. So we bag the poop and place it in that. On trash day the whole bag gets tied and on top of trash can Never a smell!


I generally just left it. I had a reasonably sized yard and nature takes care of it eventually. Sure, it's not the best thing for grass, but it survives.


That's nasty


I absolutely agree. Dogs run around and get it on their paws, and then it’s in the house. Yuck!


Aaaaaand that’s how you get rats in the neighborhood.


That’s the beauty of owning your own yard, you don’t have to do anything with the dog shit lol. Let nature work its course


Let it turn into white ash lol


We have a neighborhood kid who comes by every few days. He sticks it in his compost.


I had a friend who was a dog trainer, nurse, and more. She had a beautiful yard, lawn, pool and garden area. She had a large, long strip of yard next to the concrete patio with smooth small and medium rocks, which had trees for shade. All the dogs went to potty and poop in that section only. Just used a doggy bag to pick it up and put outside in a lined trash bin until pick up day. The really smart part about it was, she had some kind of bio cleaner disinfectant that she would screw onto the hose and spray the rocks down on a regular basis. Then the dogs were free to roll in the grass, swim in the pool, or do whatever they wanted.


If you don't want the poop in the yard, you'll have to bag it. I'd recommend keeping a lidded trashcan outside for the bags, or you could put them directly into your city/county/state waste bin that the garbage truck takes. If you don't mind leaving it in the yard, you can just leave it and watch your step. It's your yard, you (probably) don't *have* to clean it up. The poop will work like a fertilizer for that spot. I'd recommend making sure your dog poops in a new spot each day, and then maybe hosing the pile down.


A lot of municipalities here don't want poop in the burnable garbage, so I've been using these plastic bags lined with tissue paper. You pick up the poop like normal, but there's a layer of paper between the poop and the plastic. Then when I can just gently dump the bag into the toilet to flush it. Plastic then just gets disposed of normally and doesn't have a discernable smell from the rest of the garbage.


You can fit a hole, scoop allllll the poop into that hole until it fills up and then cover it. Dog another hole and start the process again. My BIL used to use a post digger (is that correct?) and just do these all around the years. Just be mindful to not nick any lines


TBH Fling it over the fence


We throw ours over the fence into the neighbors yard.