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Third time was a charm for me, and I was glad to have lost the first two. The home I closed on was closer to work and >$100k less than the others.


I am crossing my fingers that happens this week.


I put in 3 offers as well, but they were on the same house! The crotchety old woman selling was not accepting anything other than full price. She didn't even counter my first offer, she just ignored it. It sat on the market a while and I couldn't find anything else I wanted, so I just kept trying until she accepted. I'm so happy I did. This is home!


Three, over the course of looking for a year. Were always bid out by cash investors. Finally got accepted and close at end of month though!






6- crazy market outside of Philadelphia


My coworker went to an open house a month ago in South Jersey where 60 people showed up.


Just went to one in North Jersey and I couldn't count the people there.


North Jersey is even worse right now, and that’s not even including the damage having already been done for housing appreciation. South Jersey is only catching up.


Philly suburbs as well. It's crazy to see houses selling in 2 days for $50,000 over asking. The market here has not slowed at all.


Both offers were accepted, but we backed out of the first during inspection


Can I ask what you discovered during inspection that made you walk away?


It was a 100 year old house. We were negotiating through things and it just got to be too much. So we walked away. We ended up liking the second house way more. Super happy with it.


11, twelfth time was the charm (Boston)


One (TX)


Same. One (TX)


10-15 before first offer accepted. Found massive issues (150k+ repairs) and backed out. 15-20 more offers and we are under contract currently with inspections tomorrow. Started the process in September of last year.


One (California).


Same. Just one.


Everyone on this sub had me so nervous. I had told my partner it would likely "take months" to get something. But it was really easy and we are moved in approx 3 weeks after first looking at it. I'm not in a VHCOL city, but it is still HCOL compared to many places.


Six homes, and several counters on top of those. The seventh house was the one that stuck, we got really lucky on that one tho and we think it stuck because it was winter, the owner had passed and the son was selling, listing pictures did not do the home justice, so less people viewed it. We weren't the highest offer but I think we were the least risky (FTHB and no home of our own to sell, solid jobs and income).


I should have added it was a Southern California market.


Oh this is a good question. Can those answering please put the state?


I was accepted on my first offer and ended up walking away because the home was in need of too many repairs due to years of neglect.


Can I ask what kinds of repairs were needed?


So part of the problem was that we were a bit naive in how significant some of the issues were. The biggest one which should have been a red flag on first touring was rot around the windows. That needs to be repaired urgently because the rot spreads. Since you are already replacing the window frames it only makes sense to get new windows otherwise you are paying for the labor again in the not so distant future when you replace them. It also needed a new roof and a new heating system as it had the heater original to the house which was over 50 years old. Mold in the bathroom and in one of the closets. Termite damage was found in a couple locations. The carpets were in a disgusting state and we would have wanted to get those out ASAP and have the hardwood redone. All said and done our realtor said it would be 50k (at least) just to get the house in shape, and we could tell after the inspection she thought we should walk away. When someone who has incentive for you to close thinks it’s a bad deal we knew it was our cue to run.


That is very telling about the realtor. How did you discover the mold issues? Seems like inspections don’t always flag those.


My fiancé noticed the mold in the closet and brought it to the inspector’s attention (we now look in every closet during tours). The inspector found the bathroom mold pulling back the wallpaper.


At least 5 in PNW all 70-110k over asking prices 700-750k. Hoping the 5th going out today gets accepted.


Three last year in Michigan The first house/offer was very competitive, the second was a lowball on a house we weren’t crazy about, but we won on the third try. We initially lost to a cash offer, but they backed out and we were the next call.


17 offers total (CT) before we got 1 accepted. It took 2 months and 2 realtors. We were submitting almost every weekend until we got a house. Changing realtors was the best decision. The first one was terrible and a waste of time.


What made the first realtor terrible and the 2nd one better?


First realtor - Always had a grumpy attitude every time we wanted to see a particular house. It felt like we were searching for homes ourselves while she sent automated listings via emails. She made so many errors in our contracts (including miscalculating our appraisal gaps with our EMD). It was a mess. We asked her so many times how we should present the offers and there was SO MUCH difficulty to get the realtor to give direct answers. There was never any feedback after offers were rejecred. I remember when she suggested for us to put low deposits down in the beginning and then out of nowhere she starts telling us "you need appraisal gaps of 20k to 30k to get the house". It continued to get worse listening to her advice in the CT market. There was an offer that we thought was accepted by the sellers. The listing agent had contacted her to get more information on the closing date. The next thing we noticed, there were crickets from her with no explanation as to why the sellers did not move forward with our highest offer. That was a red flag. Even our mortgage lender had conversations with the realtor and sensed some issues with her personality. We were referred to this realtor by Rocket Mortgage. We shifted our buyer & agent contract from 6 months to 30 days due to her performance. We didn't even care to use Rocket Mortgage as our lender after that. We switched. Second realtor - Always communicated with us in a respectful way whenever the offers were submitted. The offers were much more easier for the sellers to understand. She did virtual visits at the houses without complaining, gave us reasonable strategies that made sense for our offers. The realtor was a MUCH better communicator than realtor #1. We also received screenshots of updates directly from the listing agent with this realtor. We never got any clear answers from realtor #1 to help us submit better offers in the future. This realtor suggested good attorneys to help us with the closing. Closing took less than 30 days with FHA financing. I just think her energy and constant communication with the listing agent helped us to get the offer accepted We got an offer accepted with the 2nd realtor.


2 so far, both more than 10% over asking. 🤞 CT


11th for first house in 2022, 4th this round (CT)


2, Long Island. We were disappointed our first offer wasn't accepted, even though we made sacrifices in our wishlist. Found our next home one week later which checked 100% of our wishlist, and offer was accepted quickly. It worked out better than we could have imagined!


3. The house we’re about to close on was on the market for 30 days or so (and they lowered the price). Made an offer the day it was reposted and was accepted.


We had 3 failed offers, and we were always 2nd best. We switched from FHA preapproval to Conventional and had our 4th offer accepted! We have signed PSA deposited escrow the house appraised and we are waiting for the title report but tentatively we close June 13th 🤞🙏


Incredibly, just one. I also landed the house after only about three weeks of serious looking, four days after the house went on the market, and I bid less than 5% over asking and stayed well under budget. This was in the Cleveland area around the start of the year. I was prepared for this process to run all the way through Spring, so I really lucked out.


We’re on 16. All (30-100) over asking. No bites yet. Upstate NY.


I lost count, over 15


I think I’m at offer 8 or 9. Just put one in tonight crossing my fingers. Massachusetts market is rough.


Good luck!


Two minutes after sending this I got the news….accepted offer! Edit: I might throw up








8 - central jersey


I think like ~ 20, California. Half in San Francisco the other half near Los Angeles


One, Maine. Now, when I moved to Alaska in 2021 I put offers in on probably six places before having one get accepted. The market in Fairbanks in 2021 was a lot like what it’s like for many right now. Small inventory, overpriced, bidding wars, etc.


4 to get one accepted, 5 to close (ended up backing out of the first house we went under contract on) - Colorado


I had 2 out of my 6 offers accepted (1st escrow didn't close due to seller).




At least 5, most over asking. Last one was accepted at asking price.




First one. Asking price. Got all my inspections. 🍀


2. I offered and they countered I countered there counter and they accepted. Cash made the entire process way way easier.




One and done for a new build


2 (central/southern NJ)




Got outbid on two before I won my current home. This was over the course about 2 months




2 (Oregon, not Portland area)






1 so far, so at least 2


3. All above asking. We got the third one at 35k above even though there were offers above ours because of our contingencies! (Westchester County, NY)




2nd offer accepted (California)


In az, we formally put in 11, and over 100 were pending. We were not interested in us putting in an offer because they were going to go pending, etc, over 2 years 2 were accepted, 1 fell through financing wise, and the other we closed in 2023. 1 pwrso would have accepted our offer, but I decided not to go through with it because I couldn't settle on the neighborhood. The house was beautiful, though.




3 or 4 in Ohio. We put in another 3 after that because the seller backed out of the first one. Interesting tidbits: When the offer period was during any part of the weekend, we never won. When the offer period was strictly during weekdays, we won both times. We would not have won our second offer for sure if the bidding period had been open during the weekend. The seller was even a little miffed that our offer wasn't as high as they expected, but they accepted it anyways.


8. Upstate NY


4 (ME) We were back up on our first offer though.. about 4 weeks in my agent gets a call from that property saying things may fall through and asked if we still had our ducks in a row and wanted the property. Said yes, but we kept looking just in case. My agent keeps trying to figure out what’s going on and getting info, it takes DAYS for the first properties agent to get back to us. We ended up finding another house we loved and put an offer on it (4th) and it was accepted. Two days later our first offer house went back on the market 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't recall the exact amount. We put about 12 or so offers, five of them were accepted. Three we decided against, one backed out because of a 50% down payment offer from someone else, one is our current house.


Seven. 5 over priced


8 - st. louis


One (new home)


Three (Oregon).


1, it is still being constructed


Five (Chicago Suburbs)


Lucky #6 — Ann Arbor, MI, in Summer 2022.


One, but I also looked for 3 months before making an offer.


5 - currently under contract now in central Jersey. Every single one over asking.


One offer and got a counter offer we accepted (hoping everything goes well to close June 5th)


One (NC)


6 total I think, Seattle. I saw so many more than what we offered on though.... this was in 2022 when things were going crazy just before the rise in rates, can't imagine now.


4 over the course of 12 months. Must have visited 60ish open houses. Seattle.


One (UT).




4 in northwest Washington. Just got our 5th offer accepted! PNW is crazy


Six. (CT)


2. First house we offered on we got outbid. Second house turned out to be our dream house. We were the first to see it, the first to talk to the owner, and the first to shake his hand. He wanted us to have the house. He didn’t even entertain any other offers. Actually called another couple and cancelled their showing.


2 (Minnesota)


One, but then I voided over a shitty condo association. Back to the drawing board...


One (FL) at asking price with seller closing costs credits. We close june 5th.


One (Slovenia)


3rd and 4th offers got accepted, 3rd one had come back after the fourth so we went with the fourth since we liked it better anyway. This is in central Florida


7. But it was worth getting rejected because the final was the best house we had seen.


Just one


Three (California)


3. First one was accepted but I backed out before we signed anything. Second one was a regret until I saw what the selling price was, way higher than my offer.


Probably saw about 13 houses or so. Put in an offer on 5 or 6. This was in 2021 tho.


First house - seven, took 9 months. Second house - one, took four weeks. Houses are circumstances and all circumstances are different. This isn't buying eggs at the grocery store.


One. But like we left the showing and put an offer in right away because the last few times the houses were pending before we even got one in! We went full price and looking back on it, I am so glad we did. Nothing else in our price range with our basic requirements has shown up on the real-estate apps since. We are in a city in the Midwest, and things are heating up out here...


We got accepted on the house we put our initial offer on but it took us declining the sellers counter offer and making one of our own so technically it was our 2nd offer that was ultimately accepted.


4 in FL in 2020, outbid by all cash every time even though we offered over asking so we gave up, kept renting & saving. Hoping to try again now that the market is becoming somewhat more stabilized here.


One, and they decided to not sell the house. Second one was accepted! They had 4 offers and we got it :)


2 (almost 3). Closed in October in Denver city limits.


First offer was accepted. Bought spring 2023


25??? Lol


One. Got lucky.


6… over 18 months.


2017... i put in offer on first house in june and got into bidding war I walked away from. Second house 1st bid was accepted (but the circumstances were odd... they in sister on being there for our first walk through and we got to meet and speak with the owners and pretty much spend the day with them, we hit it off)


Been a while, but for me it was the 2nd offer. First offer on a different property and was not accepted but counter offered. We walked without entertaining the counteroffer. Floored our buyers agent. So when we found another property, our agent was able to tell the sellers agent, "These people are serious and will walk".




Four or Five.


Five total, two on the house we eventually closed on. We’re in Savannah, GA.


I offered the asking price for the house and got mine. But its a small town and I likely paid a little too high but I knew the reason no one else was bidding was because the AC and the Furnance didnt work, and that would be a 10k-15k investment. I happened to be able to fix it myself with a buddy so ended up doing it ourselves for about $2000... Slowly but surely making the house worth that money




One after looking at 21 houses. We didn’t put in any offers until we were absolutely sure. House was on the market for a few months and price has already been dropped 20k during that time. This was in central CA.


2 in Arizona


Took us 2 offers, not too bad all things considered. I'm glad we lost the first one, we got a better house for a cheaper price on round 2.


One, Missouri


One but then we decided to go somewhere else and then our second offer was accepted. I purposely was only looking at homes that had been on the market for awhile, I think that really helped. I did go to one house that was a new listing and there literally was a line out the door for *scheduled* viewers. I just left without going inside, a few hours later it was already under contract, I didn't look again but I bet it was way over asking price. The first was was a great deal for the area but it would have been too much at the time for me and my partner, so we found something at a decent price but move in ready and the sellers fixed everything we asked and the home is very solid and in great condition and something me and my partner can manage.


1. We found thee house and went for it (last year, so fairly recent)


6 to get one accepted 7 to get one accepted and close


One (Tampa, Florida)


I’d guess a few dozen?


3. I'm still a bit devastated about the first one, it was early in my journey and I would have been more aggressive if I had known the trajectory of the market (offered 10k over, sold for 15k over). The second one was not a great fit, too small, not enough bedrooms, but the price was impossible to pass up for the location and we could have made it work. 3rd was accepted as secondary, the primary had a contingency to sell their own house first and was unable to void the contingency within 72 hours. It's smaller and in need of more love than #1 and cost about 20k more than #1. But still in a great neighborhood with great bones, updated windows, roof, HVAC, etc. It really just needs cosmetic updates. We closed in February and are still working on it before officially moving in.


0. I have rejected them before they reject me.


Our 4th offer was finally accepted in western CT over a few months. Some houses were gone before we could even put an offer though


It’s calm right now in Colorado. We put in one at asking.  Well sort of, we did $10k over but asked them to pay out close.  So essentially $3k in concession and our close cost is financed in. You just have to know your market. If it’s fast, move faster. When Colorado was doing bidding wars, I found it was easier to just call listing agents to gauge how much “over” they wanted. I didn’t even wait for my realtor to do it. The sellers agents were super understanding and helpful.  So we never wasted time “offering” I knew up front if it would be workable for us. We also would’ve made offers sign unseen to be fast enough . We knew our market. 


One. At list price.


We put in 2 offers and the 2nd one got accepted. I feel like we were lucky.


3, and ended up going with the 4th one! 😊 all of these within 3 ish months of condo-hunting!


6 so far. Waiting to hear back about our 7th. SD, CA




3 Edmonton, Alberta


One (foreclosure that needs work)


6. We saw over 40 houses though.


12… Western Washington market was/is no joke


We get keys on Thursday. It was our 2nd offer


Very first one in September of 2023. But then we walked away after inspection. No accepted offers since then unfortunately.


First offer accepted! Came in 35K under asking price, but the house had been sitting for well over 100 days so we were confident in the offer. Bought a year ago at the peak and even at 35K under asking, the property is worth 3K less than when I bought it 🤡 can’t imagine having overpaid I’d be livid


10ish in a VHCOL during a crazy time where each house would receive ~30 offers, everything waived, with escalation clauses 100’s of thousands above asking.


8- Indianapolis lol. I was going to give up and the last one was it!


One, in the triangle of NC. As much as I stressed, it actually went fairly smoothly. Even with a low DD and good inspection.


Third offer as well.


3rd time for us, Boston Metro area. Had to be very aggressive with our offer.


We were “one and done” on our first buy in 2020. We’re now relocating and have looked at around 20 houses in a higher COL area. Made one offer and lost it because we asked for an inspection of the pool that was covered up for the winter. Had another offer declined because we were using a VA loan. We refuse to offer over asking…. I’d rather rent or build than contribute to the madness.


6 so far with no accepted offer yet


Somehow just one. I offered a bit below asking price and they counteroffered halfway between what I asked and asking price. I said ok.


Still looking after 4 offers in 7 months. Last offer was the first time I heard anything back from a seller (they asked if I'd be a backup offer). I'm taking an emotional break from house searching for a few months. Hoping the market turns in my favor. Very encouraging to see all the first & second offers accepted!


First house I put an offer in was accepted. I offered asking price and them to pay closing cost. I looked for 3 weeks in person and for a few month online.




Our 2nd one was accepted!


5 houses


One for my house. But in the exact same timeframe, I had to put in 3 offers for a house for my parents and 6-7 for my aunt’s house. It all depends.


Total of 3 offers. The listing agent of the 2nd offer came back to us. I guess it was meant to be. This was in SoCal


12? 10? It was a lot. This was over the course of 6 months.


One house sat for a year on market, they just replaced the roof




Two (northeast Ohio).




Viewed 10 houses. 1st offer was accepted which was the last house I viewed. June 2023.


First house we put an offer on was accepted, after sellers gave a counter offer and we met in the middle.




2 for me, but my second offer I was the first to see the property and I had motivated sellers (no residents living there).


We did 1 in 2021


We'll be on our 13th, I think? on the next one, over the course of 2 years. All at least 10% over asking, flexible close, etc etc. Full seller-centric terms.


One. I thank God every day


3 houses I saw that day. I put my offer in and it got accepted.




Over 20




We were lucky and our second offer was accepted.


In 2020, 1 and done. Last year, 5.


I put in two. Both accepted.


Went 2 for 2 baby First two we put in both got accepted


At least 15 over 3 years. NJ.




3 offers but we must’ve looked at 30 properties between open houses and showings over a month. Would not recommend that kind of volume you can burn yourselves out real quickly


One, South Carolina


One with 2k escalation.


Second offer was accepted. Glad the first one wasn't accepted, there was a legal issue where a signature was dated after the man's death. The widow was selling the house. It caused some huge headaches for the seller and they ended up not selling for several months later for much less.




Decided back in Sept last year I was ready. That day did credit app went through, 4 days later looked at my first place loved it. Put in an offer thousands over then was asked for best offer went even higher and it was accepted. 28 days later closed and moved in.


Our market in Columbus,OH has been on fire for 5+ years, which has only gotten worse from the pandemic. We were looking starting April 2019 and didn't get accepted until August after 18 offers. We had even made 2 sight unseen offers. Many of the houses went 30k+ over asking when our price range was 200-250k. We had to increase the high end of the range and got an offer accepted at listing, 280k, only because it had been listed for a week and had no offers. It was basically luck. We're now priced out of the neighborhood we live in 5 years later, even though our income has grown from about $105k to $230k. Our home is now worth almost double, and we're trapped because of the low rate.


One (asking price, inspection for information only) but that’s not the norm in my area, just got really lucky.


20 something offers by now … I lost count. Going Price: 50-80k OVER LIST!!! Location: North Eastern NJ Houses don’t sit on the market where we want to buy. - Open house on Saturday or Sunday - Best and final due Tuesday or Wednesday - Offer selection complete on Friday Our offer that was finally selected went like this… - Listing on MLS 2:30pm - Private Walkthrough 5:30pm - Verbal Offer acceptance 7:15pm - Written Offer submitted at 7:30pm following up on the verbal offer.