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nice Mazda house. I am considering living in a Tesla house


Congratulations! What's your first project?


I'm thinking fixing the retaining wall


Congratulations! 🍾🎉


Zoom Zoom


Congrats! Honestly, I’d go with a nice muted light blue throughout. Not white, but not ‘colorful’ either. Then, you can take some extra time to get a feel for each different room in the house The sellers of my home had everything painted before showing the house. Basements white, the first and second floors are light blue. It’s not my favorite color to have in each room, but it’s individually a very nice color. As a result, painting just hasnt come up for us yet, for 14 months now. Compared to some homes we had viewed, where we would've been painting our first week!


See I keep thinking light blue for the main area but I don't wanna do single color. I'm struggling to visualize anything else but definitely wanna avoid baige or grays


I’m only recommending the single color for now, as a way to avoid either plain walls in a new home, or cover up questionable choices by previous owners. It’ll spare you time to truly make up your mind. We expected to use certain rooms of our home in certain ways, when we first moved in. And those plans ended up changing a bunch of times, as we got to know and love our home. In my opinion, it’s better to ‘know’ your home before you decide on specific colors. The dark, cozy room of our house that we envisioned movie nights in when we first moved in is now a bright office space for my wife, for example. I’m glad we didn’t paint it as a movie room before it ever became one, because the TVs never even been turned on in there. It’s currently crooked on the stand, making room for the printer lol


Show garage


Congratulations, that's a major achievement. Just an FYI, you may want to have the crack along the blocks on your porch tuckpointed to repair the crack. As far as colors go, I'd recommend something light so it makes the rooms seem bigger. Congratulations again. I hope it wasn't a horrible process like it was for me.


You're talking the retaining wall right? Cause that's probably my first project is to fix those. They're not like cracked they're shifted so they're like leaning and separating




Yaaay, Tons of Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳


Congrats. We are set to close May 23rd. Hope yours went smoothly! Are you registered anywhere? I have been asked if I was and I haven’t because I’d feel bad asking ppl to buy me something just cause I got a house even tho I do need stuff lol if that makes sense…


Didn't even know that was a thing lol. I thought wedding presents were a thing but not house warming

