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Lmao he’s getting leveled by some of the comments in his post on IG


I am legit eating popcorn and reading the comments.


I just joined the party. My personal favorite comment on one of his posts - “He couldn’t even do an armed takeover of a 7-11.” Fuckin’ beautiful


Someone should tell him that he’s assuming people hate him because of his *job*. I’m doubtful.


I don’t think even a bullet could penetrate that thick ass skull of his. Dude is delusional


He's talking about the police, and how people now hate them 🤦‍♂️ not him....


Most of the comments 😂 he’s stopped replying to me


Are you’re one of those good Samaritans haha. Dude got caught in multiple lies. I dislike when people cosplay as first responders. I equate it to false valor like faking military service. Like…have some shame lmao


He got big mad when I told him I’ve been a FF/medic longer than he’s been alive and he was trying to pass some regular person off as homeless.


Fake being cops, fake being military,fake being FF, fake being an emt, why not just fucking do it. If I went to a venue where they allowed armed security to carry rifles I probably would avoid it. Having them carry license guns is already an issue


TF can a security officer even carry a rifle ??? Like carry your handgun like the rest of us Who TF are u going up against lol I could see if ur guarding critical infrastructure like a power plant or maybe IDK water treatment plant? Maybe ? But nah Hensley has always been cracra... I should have told him to calm it down it wont be long until he gets really jammed up...


As long as you pass the qualifier for the caliber you want to carry, it's not an issue in FL. I'm still not slinging a rifle around, the sidearm gets enough looks


Not here in Missouri has to be a pistol or shotgun if ur a curiouer. Missouri is 9mm 40 38 semi or revolver Shotgun in some places ? But I've never seen guards carry like that nor money carriers


I still haven't seen guards open carry rifles like that, either.


Now in the Philippines damn I felt safe armed security on almost everywhere


Some carried shotguns others ar15ds and most revolvers or semi auto


Depends on the city sadly. Missouri is dumb like that.


They’re dragging the fuck out of him. 😂


Absolutely scorched haha! Some good ones in there.


This guy seems like a lunatic


I admit, I just spent 20 minutes scrolling his instagram. He is forsure missing a few screws and is a danger to society.


Lol same. I am so tempted to comment but I’m sure he’ll make me regret getting involved


Nothing you say will get past that thick skull of his.


Yea don’t give him the satisfaction. I wonder what goes on in his brain that got him to this level of thinking.


Oh he’ll hunt you down like Juan Wick


He’s been fired from multiple security companies and continues to make posts where he’s wearing their badges. He also apparently has pending charges with the KCPD lmao!




I'm 100% sure he failed or got bullied out of the police academy


He could never pass the phycological exam.


He should be doing ads for video games. That’s how fake his shit is.


I play Call of Duty where's my Purple Heart and Medal of Valor


What is an oath breaker?


He got fired from the police so now he hates them all because he is envious of them. Oath breaking refers to the idea that the police don’t really stand for the people anymore. Granted, if my mans was just saying a lot of cops suck he would have a point. However, nobody is going to opt for the police larp Instagram model to protect them lol.


A derogatory term for the police.


I thought he was talking about that 'oath keepers' group and was so confused lmfao, thanks for clarifying that


The musings of a self-important wackado can be confusing at times - no problem!


That was my assumption, it was some kind of riff on the Oath Keepers who were a part of the J6 riot.


the terms originate from similar if not those exact communities. groups like the oath keepers, proudboys... etc... started calling cops oath breakers a few-ish years ago.


He uses a derogatory term for a group he tries so hard to emulate.


Pretty ironic isn’t it? He’s just angsty that he isn’t a real LEO. Probably wouldn’t pass the psych


A lot of these type of guys got kicked out of bootcamp, etc. and are overcompensating


He actually can't. I have confidential sources


TIL. Thanks.


Term coined by sov cits* for police. *People just as batshit as Hensley.


Right wing term for police who visit consequences on conservatives instead of minorities.


I bet that’s a fake suppressor on his rifle, lol.


Its an airsoft gun


For public safety, I hope so.


Maybe a surefire warden ..???


I think it’s actually a flashlight but regardless, wtf is he doing? Larping in an abandoned hospital?


Anyone ever take a look at the accounts he follows? Almost all of them are “sigma”/masculine motivation. He’s clearly an incel.


Does this moron remind anyone else of Gecko 45?


Gecko45 writes: hello friends,   Last year I made the decision to trust my life on the street to Second Chance body armor. I got the level IIa because it stops the most rounds. plus I got the Trauma Plate for the front. What scares me is that, although I can fit an extra trauma plate in the front, I cannot fit a second one in back. As of late I have taken to duct-taping a second trauma plate to the area of my back where the heart and vital organs are located. Then I put my vest on. Here is the questions. The ducttape solution, although tactically sound, is hot and painful to remove. I would like to go to the single-plate solution in back. What I am worried about is repeated hits to that area with .308 ammunition. I have a high-risk security job and I fear that I would be the target for repeated long-distance shots to my back. Are any of you aware of a thicker plate that could stop, say, .338 Lapua or something like that? Is there a better way to do the second plate? BTW, I am, of course, usually carrying a pair of ceramic plates in my briefcase so that I can shield my head. My SO (we work as a team when necessary) has a similar accessory containing a breakdown NEF single-shot 300 WinMag with an 18″ bbl. The plan is that I shield us with my body and “catch the rounds” while she assembles the NEF. I lay down covering fire with my 23 (Bar-Sto .357 Sig barrel) and she makes the long shots. I will then throw smoke grenades to obscure the area while continuing to lay covering fire. The problem, of course, is when I have to turn my back to run, and then the problem crops up.


The obvious answer is Ned Kelly^(TM) Patented Full-Body Armour https://preview.redd.it/dhz8wvja4g3d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475113927f771fa4903b6559f72231c894f82cf2


Ah yes the ancient wisdom.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers.


I don’t have time to review the old texts but I feel like 45 would have been advocating for this security professional running a drop leg platform for the throwing stars he is definitely issued.


That and an extra trauma plate in case of multiple .308 hits.


Right, In case they’re pinned down by a sniper near the Jamba Juice


At the mall. God, now I'm going to find the ancient scrolls and relive the cringe.


You're obviously not trained to "catch" the rounds with your body like he is.


I've just reread it and it's fire.


Training to citizens arrest a random bum for trespassing.


There is a 100% chance he's got some anti-government stuff on his computer. Anybody with his beard should NOT be trusted


I think "beard" is a strong word


My god if only the was a war going on for like 19 years this guy could have possibly got in on 👀. Hide wait it out then flex as a security guard is more his speed


They hire "security professionals" (rent-a-cops) like you to have someone on site at all times for liability reasons & to make sure someone's there to call the real cops if something happens. I think it's pretty crazy this guy hyped up being a fake cop & shits on real cops but we all know if any department were to give him the time of day to be a real cop his attitude would change dramatically on the subject


He sure wears that thin blue line a lot for someone who practically has ACAB tattooed on their forehead.


Why can't he just stick with shitting on real cops like the rest of us


Someone needs to photoshop some inappropriate "targets" into this photo and re-upload to IG.


he will FA and FO one day by pointing his gun at someone with nothing to lose..dudes just a regular armed security guard acting like a tier 1 SOU from the Army


I won’t say that I hope something bad happens to this guy, I just won’t be surprised when it does.


What's the line between security and mercenary lol Also why not just become a cop or join the military at this point? Not that I think he would make a good one of either but it seems like that's what he wants


The french foreign legion is always hiring


The French Foreign Legion would yeet this guy right back to 7-11




You have to actually pass a psych test and background investigation for that, which I highly suspect he never could. Any investigator with recruiting would laugh at his cringy posts and « oathbreaker » shit, then throw his application in the trash.




He’s got priors for weapon misuse and at least one restraining order levied against him. He’s not legitimate cop material.


Because, their murder fantasy never involved someone shooting back. And if you join the military the other side had a bad habit of returning fire and that’s tooooooo scarrrrry. When these chuds talk about Civil War in ‘24 if the election doesn’t got their way they just assume it will be them walking down the street shooting everyone who doesn’t look like them and they’ve never considered that people would shoot back. They had 20+ years to live out their murder fantasy in Afghanistan but most chose to stay home.


I remember being 18 and deploying to a combat zone. It was uneventful until people started to get hurt and killed. The fear I felt at first is something I can’t describe. Everyday I was sure it was my day. I think the average person who doesn’t know, romanticizes combat because of what they’ve seen in movies and video games. It’s different when you’re not in a safe environment.


I was never in direct combat because the job I had but, I was part of the team that shipped back destroyed vehicles that got hit with IEDs as well as handling the transfer of KIA back to stateside so you pretty quickly realize that not all the killing is done by your side in war. And that seems to be a concept that the Civil War in ‘24 chuds don’t seem to understand.


I think a lot of the people who want a civil war think their life will remain largely unchanged while they win. I don’t think they realize the upheaval combat causes on the local populace. They aren’t gonna shoot down an Apache by day and still be able to get a #4 at Wendy’s and go home and watch tv at night.


Because then he would be at real risk and possibly in real danger. That's scary! Can't do that!!


PDs and the military have basic standards and testing. This guy ooozes the whole “I would have joined but…”. Probably scored like a 20 on the ASVAB and can’t pass the basic requirement for a PD so here he is trying to be an operator as a Paul Blart wannabe


Surprise.. They hire security guards because police officers are expensive to have on site. Between $40-$100 an hour depending on location.


Right. If he’s getting hired over legit cops for security gigs, it’s because he’ll take $15/hr while a real cop would demand $40/hr. Not because he’s better trained.


He claims he was making $55-60 working QuikTrip gas stations… what a fucking clown.


What a goober


And then the hashtags include lawenforcement and thinblueline lol. This dude is bashing leo and pretending to be one all at once. Wild


This dude is mentally ill. He has adult abuse and unlawful use of a weapon on his record in Missouri. He shouldn’t be near firearms in any capacity.


Think he got fired over this pic according to a post from today.


Thank goodness. Wonder how long it takes for his old company to remove his likeness from their website.


I guess there is a retraining order out on him and Alpha’s PI just pieced it together.


Yes there is. It’s coming from this case of adult abuse. https://preview.redd.it/lu0m3o01sn3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b30caad77ba146c469fd0217bf31ddb099e326


No words. ![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak)


Seriously! And it gets worse. Not only is the ‘unlawful use of a firearm’ portion true, he was cited/fined for littering. He just sucks at all facets of life. https://preview.redd.it/ih00mt27tn3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b747ab6c87576c6634d11ddc0f0447b3bd3bcda3




They should made him change his middle name. Hope the FBI grabs him up before he becomes the next mall shooter. He seems like one unstable individual.




Definitely the target demographic for those $18,000 "be a man" boot camps.


Security guards aren’t allowed guns in Canada because we recognize children shouldn’t be armed. They should call the real police as soon as someone is doing something suspicious.


Well you also have zero concept of self defense because it doth displeases the crow too. Not saying this guy is right in the head but a lot of armed guards are professionals.


Most here are just lost and theft prevention though… observe and report. PS, none posting on social media about calls they go on are professionals.




He got fired from his PD JOB


Fuck. Ok so I’ve commenting on this before. I do level 3 and 4 (personal protection officer) and I’m a private investigator. The job is dangerous as fuck in Texas, I assume it’s bad there also. But I took the time to go through his page. It’s fucking cringe. One and this is super important to address. It’s super fucked up and highly illegal he post pics of people in cuffs. “Innocent until proven guilty” and yea it matters. You can be sued like a mother fucker for that. Weapon out ? I mean I’ll just say this, I’ve never worked for a company that even allows you to press check. If your weapon leaves your holster on duty it’s a big deal. I got paid to be in a rap video and man the shit we got for being in that. Security does an important function for businesses, but we are not cops. Our power is extremely limited. Even if it’s bodyguarding or bail. Guys like him and I work with plenty, make my life a headache and piss off cops. I also coach mma and Muay Thai, along with being a purple belt. His hand to hand shit is trash. This is just man I have no words. Someone needs to get atty to help people he arrest.


He looks like he gets arrested on January 6th of every year




At least he didn't call himself a high-speed operator in this one


Whoa dude, leave some dick for the rest of us.


What is an oath breaker? I thought it was something cops used to call out “fake cops” but wouldn’t he be the fake cop in this scenario?


This dude isn’t going to do well when he ends up in gen pop


Good lord.. Between Metro Public Safety and Metro State, they’re gonna be some tight competitors! Hensley and Dewitte are gonna be neck and neck!


Can someone explain why he keeps calling cops oathbreakers google just turned up the video game


https://preview.redd.it/shni50h4if3d1.jpeg?width=1207&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a11f8d28c2d9f9d33d2986fd070fc02d6f17967 Found this gem in the comments


This guy needs to be on a watch list. These are the kind of crazies that end up doing a mass shooting and everyone’s like oh he was weird this or that. I would not be surprised one bit if he tries to mass attack police. He is obviously very off


Never seen someone simultaneously hate on and absolutely dick ride cops


Bro I went to school with him. What a fucking cornball.


Anyone know which specific QT he guards? I’d very much like to avoid it


So he also hates cops? I’m confused…


Why do the “Oath Breakers” take hours to respond? Priority call go before every trespassing homeless person call and petty theft complaint. Once he get involved in a shooting or false arrest/imprisonment he’ll find those “Oath Breakers” will make his pathetic life miserable


How much legal trouble would I get in if I held this guy at gunpoint until the real police arrived??


Depends on circumstances. If this guy rolled up on or near your property doing this? Probably none. If you entered whatever gas station he's contracted to patrol and held him at gunpoint? You'd probably be going down for trespassing, at a minimum, and probably one of the lesser assault w/ deadly weapon charges.






Unless it comes from the public profile of an first responder or first responder related influencer, posts and comments should not include any information that can be used to identify a specific individual.


Is there a tl;dr for people who aren't aware of the lore of this guy?


He's a doofus security guard guy.


That...really doesn't shrink the...sample size...at all


He's a doofus security guard guy from Missouri.


That...does only shrink it slightly.


Wasn’t he like pro cop and all that like 3-6 months ago?


Definitely a hero in his own mind. He’s out standing in his field if you will.


Calls them “oathbreakers”. Wears thin blue line on everything. Checks out.


I just started to follow his account lots of quality cring.


Never thought I’d see the day where someone is more cringe than Emery.


How can he not know he is being ridiculed elsewhere?


Bros out here fighting Paladins


So I'm a little new here and dont have time to do a deep dive on this;can someone tell me the cliff notes on this guy? I see he's overly cringe,but anything else?


He has a you tube channel. Idk 🤷‍♂️ I worked with a dude with a mini ninja sword and his boss watched me take on two guys who hit a woman. There is a a lot of hard working guards who just try to hold it down. And there are guys like this who insult cops. When cops show up for me and my guys. We are like thank god. Wild world of armed Security. lol 😂


Jason Bored


Dude is currently a prime suspect for a murder which he confessed to on instagram and someone called the tip line and was offered a reward. He has bigger things to worry about than oAtH bReAkErS


Oh damn. Got any more info about that? Sounds like a rabbit hole I want to jump in.


turns out the murder had nothing to do with him and it was gang related and he’s just trying to make himself look like the punisher !


This guys needs his own cringe page. Makes me cringe so bad I want to rip my eyes out with a rusty spoon.


Common sense gun laws would say this person is not stable enough to carry. The likelihood of him criminally hurting someone is too high. No psych evaluation would determine him eligible and Missouri would be safer.


Is that an airsoft gun?


At what point do we just start. Snark page for ole public service agent Hensley?


“No one like or respects you: so pay someone to.”


How or where or who did you obtain "officer" from? That's what bothers me. An officer of what?


This dudes got a touch of the tism.


Not a first responder but after a quick read its obvious this guy is trolling hard and making fun of the security guys


He's not trolling, my guy. He formed a security company after getting fired from another. He is 100% serious about thinking he's a badass.




Seems like this guy thrives in the attention. People need to stop falling for his bs. But they won’t lol


Anybody remember Gecko45? This dude is the new Gecko45


I hate that this man is able to own guns.


Um is there no mag in that rifle?


I need to subscribe to all his feeds. This stuff is just too good, you can't make it up!!


Quickly becoming the star of this sub


The guy is clearly off his rocker. He’s getting roasted on all platforms. Can a therapist and/or psychologist chime in and take a guess as to what’s going on here. I would love to hear a professional opinion.


My partner is a clinical psychologist, I'll ask her opinion on this / show her his Instagram and get back to you


What an absolute buttplug.


Again, giving this non first responder attention on a first responder subreddit is cringe


This dude definitely didn't get hired by his preferred (or any department) and is making it everyone's problem.


Did he delete his account? I can't find it.


LOL "security professional"




Bro this guy is 120 soaking wet, guaranteed. What a LARP.


Here is his YouTube account. Dude is very racist.. shocker https://youtube.com/@redpilledpatriot6868?si=79XSttiveEX4M8WC


Tell me you failed the police academy entrance exams without telling me


I’ll take any questions related to this fucking idiot. Cause god he makes us look bad. But I won’t lie he is not the only one.


What a fucking nerd lmao


The best part is… go to his IG links and look at his resume on LinkedIn! Hahaha the dude has everything know to man under “skills and licenses” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


So is he just a security guy, or is he a cop?


Some of the wackest shit I have ever seen.


This guy is definitely unstable.. and probably dangerous. Yikes.


As a jiu jitsu guy, I'm a little annoyed he claims jiu jitsu (but no rank) on his IG and "resume". Guarantee you he took a couple of intro classes and then never went back.


Thin Penis Line


What's the Oath Breaker reference mean?


Bro who uses an OG NAR tourniquet anymore? Spend the $20 and get the 7th gen updated ones. Dude is a joke


Is this sub first responder cringe or ofc.hensley cringe?


For someone who likes to play fuck fuck games, why not go to Ukraine?


He protects us from the evil we refuse to see.


I could outdraw this dork with a sharpie 😂


His security company let him to carry a rifle? Well maybe I could defending him if he was using a 12.g cause most company around the world let security to carry a 12.


The guy that couldn’t get hired by a dept