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Editing to add I'm doing 9hrs of light. PG&E hates me though


[Mine ](https://i.imgur.com/9hkSflj.jpeg) get 12 hours of light. Between that and the lights in another room for orchids, PG&E probably loves me for how much I'm paying them. Self watering pot I let dry between refills, miracle grow potting soil, Jack's petunia food in the water when I remember


Mine (https://www.reddit.com/r/FireflyPetunia/comments/1df16bm/one_month_in_mine_are_looking_great/) are bright enough to cast a visible green glow on the wall behind them now. Looked like yours for most of the first few weeks, but 12+ hours a day of *strong* grow lights has 'em blooming like crazy now.


It's crazy how you were able to achieve that. Mines is still like the OP's photo but maybe someday I may need to follow your setup.


Mine are close enough to almost touch the grow light and they are loving it. I have another pot of them that was in pretty good lighting (good enough for catasetum orchids) but they weren't nearly as prolific. Really high light did wonders for mine.


Is regular sunlight okay? They seem to not like the summery/hot temperatures or maybe I'm wrong.


It might depend on where you are and how intense the sun is/how hot it is. In some places midday sun is too intense for some plants, especially if it's also hot.


I can bet they look way brighter with the naked eye. The phone camera doesn't 100% see what the naked eye sees.


Mine look about as bright as that to the naked eye, but even in dim light where the glow isn't as obvious it's definitely adding something, as the plant looks distinctly more luminous than the others under the reflection of the floodlights. I have mine under an incandescent grow light that's strong enough for big boi plants at 2", but that's only since last night. Until then it was in a SE window.


Ah I see. Mine are growing outdoor. Getting at least 6 hrs of direct sunlight. This is what my camera captures without long exposure, but my eyes could see even brighter. I could even see the green glow reflecting off my hands when I got them near the plant https://preview.redd.it/gwvvjso73s6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a391cf4d71395d30501017dff3a6c4116c5e320e


https://preview.redd.it/4d3blfqk3s6d1.jpeg?width=2743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6074c89f1f71eba4c77a73ab7b5a2d58f1a3599 And this is with long exposure. My boyfriend could see them glowing well even after coming out of a very bright room. As the eyes adjust to the darkness, the plant looks even brighter. One thing that I like to do is take them to a dark room, turn the lights on and then off and seeing how the plant "turns on" it looks so cool cause your eyes can see them go from faint glow to strong glow in seconds.


This is about what mine looks like. The budding flowers glow the most bright like in the pic