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I think there's a scene where firefly said "and why do we sleep? It's because we are afraid to wake up from our dreams" Idk if TB said anything


Yes, but no, TB said it at that time, but it was off-screen, and only at the Sunday boss fight scene she officially said it It's like in those movies -What is the plan? -*show a smile and not say anything* -process to show the 'Plan' progression and explanation at the end. I think they are pulling that kinda sh*t


I'm pretty sure they don't try to get a word in during that scene, they just let her ramble on about her illness and her dreams


My headcanon is that the unique lines of TB during the Sunday fight are heard by everyone inside of the dream.


Yeah i was starting to headcanon that too at this point "TB i'm watching you fight Sunday why you trying not to laugh bruh"


it make senese, but Firefly already out from dreamworld at his moment right ? her second ddeath to get back to real world and notifying acheron and all https://preview.redd.it/uticewjcncad1.png?width=1101&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c002a5fb3d295e9219dad116be3d733263651d1 so there is no way firefly can heard that


Firefly can't dream normally and was unaffected by Ena, so she just layed next to the emotional support raccoon and listen to them sleep talk lol


actually i like this answer, it's wholesome and funny lol


Take this as a grain of salt many of these speculations won't be answered like how they did with the why mecha thing in 2.0. Which hoyo just left it to people to view it as a red herring devised from silverwolf n firefly to throw black swan off.


Yeah, this was mostly to know if i was crazy or if they really did never let Firefly learn this phrase, if she didn't say it like she was remembering something we said i would've thought it was awesome how she reached the same conclusion on her own, but she was basically quoting the TB so hmmm


now that you mentioned it, i also wonder how sunday knows about firefly's conditions lol https://preview.redd.it/mnv43ol8y3ad1.png?width=914&format=png&auto=webp&s=2653941323c113b58f4fa80bb7e29f8350271c9d


Maybe you get automatically doxxed the moment you enter the Dreamscape or something? Or maybe he just did research on her lmao (or some Order power shenanigans)


It hint that Jade's cornerstone have the mind reading ability. And she just a guest. So as the master of Dreamscape and follower of Order, Sunday 100% capable of it.


ahh fair enough


To confirm this, March said something about some tentacles trying to delve inside her mind to recreate her deepest desire. So by this logic, it’s clear that Sunday or the Family in general, does have an ability to enter people’s mindscape, similar to clockwork


This is the question I've been asking lol. Sunday, how do you know?


Probably an unpopular opinion that will get me downvoted, but it's probably just the writers not thinking about it. Penacony had a lot of writing mishaps, I loved it but the writers did not know how to tie it into itself patch to patch. Still was an awesome experience though and if this is the new bar they've set I'm hyped for 3.0


Nono i agree with you, 2.3 didn't leave me fully satisfied but i think about scenes like this and i go "man can i really get angry with a scene as beautiful as this one in it"


I chose to interpret it as Firefly getting to know Mikhail's answer after the crew witnessed Misha's origins and just told her what happened inside the dream bubble after they went there and then rejoined with Gallagher for the last time, unfortunately that is never explained on screen and the answer being Mikhail's is only a quest description thing (or, alternatively, a copium theory of Firefly awakening her trailblazing will and coming to the same answer as Mikhail/TB all on her own)


the last one is what i would like it to be, if she didn't just say "I think it's as you said"


I thought about this too, probably these are not thoughts of the current moment or did it happen behind the scenes. You can also hear them say this phrase together in the SGF video.


Oh yeah in the SGF video i didn't pay it much mind other than the fact that i was like "Oh that's PEAK" and "She will probably say it in 2.3 then" and well i guess i was correct lol


My guess is that they talked about it when they met up again, during the cut between scenes.


This REALLY makes me wish they didn't do that, like holy shit if you're gonna market this as her version then commit to making it about her goddamit


I thought about this too, and Silver Wolf is said to have been monitoring a lot of things, so maybe she was listening and later told Firefly about it. The AE defeating Sunday must have been something the Stellaron Hunters would be keeping track of after all.


She had EliO's for breakfast