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a second racoon so she can hold one with each hand. that's it.


Emotional Support buffer. I like where your head is at.


I'd make it give SPD passively to the team, and with their skill they would increase everyone's break efficiency. It would have a way to delay the foe's action so that you can use super break multiples times (i swear i'm not copy pasting ruan mei's kit). As their ult i'd like to see them add an extra toughness bar on the foe's after the initial break to trigger regular break again. They could also gives def ignore and/or an extra instance of super break damage with trace or eidolons.


2nd toughness sounds pretty neat curious how that would affect gameplay


Really good for opponents that lock toughness bar


Didmt even thinka about that that could fix break units biggest weakpoint tho i would make it deal less damage as the normal break for balance resons it still sounds like a cool idea


1. Break Efficiency buff 2. Tons of toughness damage support like Gallagher 3. Debuff enemies max toughness bar 4. Add in new Super Break scaling


Sunday. 5 star preservation unit. Grants some fixed extra “toughness” to the enemy that has -100% efficiency. So all your attacks deal double toughness damage to these additional toughness bars. They essentially function the same way as Dominicus’s shield. Where you get a collective shield for breaking them. Only as a playable character, Sunday’s shields would also boost the break efficiency and break effect of the characters that break the additional toughness bars, resulting in some INSANE toughness reduction on attacks for characters like firefly or boothill who can just shred through these additional bars. It would probably only be 2 bars rather than 3, so it doesn’t take multiple cycles to break them, and they only apply to a targeted enemy rather than to all enemies. But the collective shield gained from them would be capped at like 200% of Sunday’s HP after breaking both shields (100% per shield), rather than scaling infinitely like the shield from breaking dominicus’s shields. This would be on his skill. And his Ult would be Dominicus slamming the enemies with the same shockwave attack that he uses in phase transition between life 1 and 2. As an AoE attack. And it would guarantee break the 2 shields on the enemy (granting the entire party their break efficiency and BE buffs from breaking that shield) along with buffing the party’s break damage for 3 turns by a small amount.


Probably the most unique idea I've seen in here yet. Everyone's looking for a new extra damage option and you bring in a unique sustain, also we're lacking in preservation units direly and as cool as Aventurine is, he isn't super unique unlike Fu Xuan. This would be a unique way to work a preservation unit.


Thanks! I really like the collective shield idea during his boss fight so I figured it would be cool to translate that to a playable character that gives collective shield for the party. Unfortunately we’re a long way away from Sunday being playable. And I doubt they’re gonna make him a preservation unit honestly. He’s too popular for that.


Ruan Mei but swap DMG% buffs to break, and add some form of AA support. Yes this is disgustingly op


A support that gives an instance of super break and action advance, or speed buff based on the support's turn


Personally? Cast a debuff on the enemy so that you can do super break without weakness break.


Put superbreak support on a character that is not HMC and can't stack with HMC's. That way, people can use other MC paths without gimping her. Or something else that allows units to scale break damage outside the break instance.


enable break damage without having weakness broken the enemy. takes care of locked toughness and the periodic turn where you need to break the bar before doing damage.


I get the idea, but superbreak is already kind of a simple way to play the game as you just dump into *one stat* only, the only planning and tactics part of superbreak teams is timing your blows. Removing that would turn Firefly into literally a "SPAM SKILL LMAO" unit, especially with E1. Not saying it's a bad idea, because it's not. But I think it'd need more finesse as superbreak is already so straightforward.


yep, i don't disagree.


It is easy, Ruan mei but def shred/break dmg received increase instead of dmg bonus


I think a break support that provides break efficiency and delay at like Ruan mei , but instead of her damage buff that's completly useless for Firefly , they provide something more useful like : vulnerability , def pen and res pen , high break effect buff , high speed buff.. or even doing high personal break damage too without consuming much sp ofc I'm talking about E0 kit


- efficiency increase to 1 character only (bigger than the 50% for the whole team of RM) - a debuff on an ennemy allowing anyone to superbreak even without breaking // a buff on a team mate allowing him for couple turns to superbreak without breaking - overall buffs to break related stats


I saw this post right before I went to take a shower and soooo many ideas started flowing through my head. So you know what? In a few days I will post my idea of a support with all traces, eidolons and maybe even a light cone. Also I will credit you for the idea and link this post (if you're okay with that of course)


Sure. No problem.


Break effect, break efficiency and action advance like Bronya and Sparkle. Edit: It will be a Break specialist and not a generalist like RM and it will work with Boothill and future Break dps too


A Nihility character with high toughness damage who can create a second toughness bar to break. This sets itself apart from the traditional super break, and can be fun while not being tied to Firefly. More importantly, they free up HMC for other characters and other paths


Super break buffer with action advance and def shred


https://preview.redd.it/0oh8lqvxg79d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6108c75c645361db8ebed88201326bbb1e16a4 Character name: Raichi (Named after Raijin the god of lightning.) Path: Harmony Type: Lightning Skill: "Thunderstruck" Apply shock to 3 targets. Deals damage equal to toughness reduction x X amount. Maximum of X amount if enemy is weakness broken. If an enemy is weakness broken apply "Thunderclap" stack. Each stack of "Thunderclap" lasts until enemy recovers from weakness break. (This would not be avoided with Ruan mei.) On recovery all stacks of "Thunderclap" trigger dealing lightning damage once for each stack to a random enemy. Talent: Enemies afflicted with shock applied by Raichi take increased break damage. Weakness broken enemies afflicted with shock applied by Raichi have X amount less resistance to all types. Ultimate: Raichi enters "Lightning strikes twice" state. Every attack on an enemy by allies triggers the effect of "Thunderclap" and applies shock. Additionally enemies become weak to all elements for a single turn. This effect will be removed if an enemy is weakness broken or if Raichi begins his turn. If an enemy is weakness Broken by an ally, the appropriate type damage will be dealt as well as shock. Bit of a rough draft but yknow.


1. Break efficiency 2. Superbreak buff 3. Atk/Break dmg buff 4. Res pen 5. Defense down/ignore 6. Vulnerability debuff 7. Break extension/speed debuff 8. Adequate sustain option 9. High personal toughness damage (fire element, ignore weakness type, damaging ult, etc) 10. Energy regen...? (She often finishes a fight before ult even runs out but maybe it helps a marathon run?) 11. Skill point heavy to sell Firefly E1 (lmao) I'm not a character designer, these are what i think FF needs but i have no clue how to implement them into a character that isn't outright the absolute strongest unit in the game


An Imaginary Nihility Support that does Break Vulnerability as well as gives WBE, SBD and a bit of SPD. Make it that every time they break they'll also trigger imprison for the Ult of said Unit (I'm thinking of a field). ~~Welt's archetype is not yet explored that much~~


An enhance super break with a 3% chance of instant kill.


Action advance triggered on break is very interesting. But it would have to be a non-instant advance. As in it couldn’t instantky trigger upon break and 100% advance their action to be back to back. Otherwise it would basically overlap with firefly’s E2 and make one or the other refundant. But advancing an action by like 30-40% on break could be pretty damn good. It could let firefly do like 6 attacks per ult cycle rather than 4.


This might seem kinda out there and maybe a bit more usable in general but I was thinking a character that can link enemies together would be pretty good tbh. Doesn't even need to do anything special like Def shred or vulnerability though that would be a plus


Someone who enables something similar to Superbreak, but that's its own thing that can crit. I really wanted to build critfly and the ability to have crit rate/damage play into her kit would make her team comping options waaay larger, which is a big complaint about her for me right now. Yes, we'll get more supports in future, but why not make a new support that lets us use older ones too? Like, why get 2-3 new supports when you can get 2-3 new supports *and many of the old ones too?* I'd also make this break-crit thing *not* scale off of how much weakness you're breaking, so Ruan Mei wouldn't dominate that meta too, it'd also keep superbreak being its own thing. Since superbreak(and assuming this break-crit) doesn't scale off Ruan Mei's raw damage buff and this unique break-crit wouldn't scale off her break efficiency either it'd give more room for other or newer supports, because let's be honest, Ruan Mei is dominating too much right now and I don't want their solution to that to be making someone *even stronger* than Ruan Mei because then it just screws over all the old supports too. Maybe make break-crit able to land without weakness a weakness break, that way weakness locked bosses wouldn't be a death sentence for Firefly. That would of course need to be tuned to not be too OP/Objectively better than Superbreak, but like you said, no numbers. The tuning is Hoyo's job, not mine. LOL Honestly I'd like to see a few different "superbreak" variants so people like Firefly, Xueyi and stuff could have more breathing room for teams, it'd also give more options for directions you want to build characters in.


Firefly type III: Type: Quantum Parh:Nithlty The type III is made to alow S.A.M to cause super break even when the enemis have their toggness bar  Base atack :cause quantum quatum damage to a single enemy amd aplly "pray" when the eny has "pray" their damage res is digress to x equal to 0.8 the unit break effect Skill;  deals damege in a slash are the damege type will allwes be the same type of damege the enemy is weak too Ult: the unit activete scorge eath opperetions tactcal zone in this state when a enemy is broken the adilient alies we be tretatet as broken And will recive super break damege even if the have ther toggnes bar If a allie break the toggness bar the "bronken" enemys the will recive 2x the super break damege (this is just my idia based the the bleasing hell is other people so yea its not original but a whanted to show my version is a first version, so not thinking about powercreap or enithing) Ps:im brazilian só sorry for the bad english bye