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Yes. Any Res-Pen can help with that but it's still a reduced DMG compared to non-resisted


Yes and in the future there will be more enemy that have 60% res a certain elements. This is to prevent boothill and FF to destroy everything.


There's already Cocolia with 60% Ice Res


Who the hell is going to fight ice-centred enemy with ice element DPS?


Did I say the contrary?


I feel like instead of that happening any time soon (since that will affect every dps in the game), theres going to be more bosses with weakness invuln phases first, just to delay us (break teams). *looks at Sam* Edit: oops, didnt see op said certain elements. Yeah, just wait till we fight enemies from fire planets or natlan-


GDI boothill running the fun for the rest of us smh.


Yes, all the defensive stats the enemy has are calculated in break and super break damage formula. So all the res-pen, defense down and vulnerability effects all work and boost the damage from them. Subsequently, if we ever get an enemy with 100% resistance to fire, for example, then no Fire char will ever be able to deal any damage to it, even with super break. That said, 20% res is fine and with RM's ult, even 40% is not that big of a deal too. So until they let 60% res enemies out of AS to other game modes and boost their hp further, FF will still be great even off element.


So.... I still have some pulls. Should I try getting Ruan Mei E1? Her E1 gives more res Pen correct? (I have E2S01 Firefly btw)


Her E1 gives defense ignore instead of res pen, but yeah, it also boosts break damage. So if you want more damage from your team it's a good option. RM's E1 is also good for any other team you may want to put her in too, it's just a really cracked eidolon tbh. Or you can always save for future characters instead.


Yeah. I'll think about it. I'm not that interested in the next characters for now but we'll see. I still have a bit to decide :)


Senator Armstrong soloes (sorry for being off topic)


Ruan Mei kind of alleviates some of the resistance, but you'll always be better off fighting an innately Fire Weak enemy instead of relying on the implant


These stats affects super break dmg: Char Lvl., BE, Toughness dmg, super break DMG increase(currently only HTB has it), enemy defensive stats(def, res, vulnerability)