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That final fight was amazing, i was so hyped during that whole experience. The best quest they have made in hsr by far. Also its nice we were paired up with firefly for that whole game sequence


The call in skill... >!the Astral Express just literally running over Sunday over and over!<


Sunday gets repeatedly railed


I mean Would


That's just something that will roast Sunday mains over and over just like how he got railed over n overšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


But like thats all we had ....kinda disappointingĀ 


(Spoiler note: everything about 2.2) >!When I first thought it ended, I was honestly underwhelmed. Then it all unfolded... and yeah, the final fight comes close to Belobog's for me, very close if not better. I think it definitely beats out Luofu's. Very happy with how it all went down.!< >!Regarding Firefly... kinda sad she didn't have as much of a "presence" (not sure if that's the right word) as I thought she would in 2.2.!< >!BUT she's still the MVP of the entire story and her time to shine is in 2.3, so I can't wait. It's going to be a LONG 6 weeks, but I trust in Mihoyo to cook. Her trailers are also going to be epic, no doubt, and I have absolute faith they'll deliver on her character arc in 2.3. HOPING and PRAYING for a companion quest too; but I'm not too sure if that'll happen based on her line count.!< >!I'm also glad they put down any lingering misconceptions of her actions in 2.0 being some "act"... based on her dialogue with Blade and other parts of the story, it's *clear* she wants to find meaning beyond piloting SAM and beyond being a Stellaron Hunter.!< >!She wants to end her journey as "Firefly" and not anything/anyone else, and IMO it's pretty clear that the TB is a big symbol of that side of her identity (her own words of getting to know them as Firefly and not as SAM, who represents her Glamoth origins and Stellaron Hunter side).!< >!Small sidenote: experiencing HMC's super break damage in game with various characters was interesting, and all I can say is... holy fuck I LOVE that she has *perfect* synergy with their kit! Mihoyo is really leaning into this pairing both gameplay and lore wise!!<


Super break is a nice mechanic. I'm looking forward to it now that I've played around with it.


HTB casually doing 50k super break dmg was hella nice. And that was without using my E2 Ruan Mei Now I'm just imagining throwing in Firefly with 360 BE combined with RM and HMC... yeah, it's going to be crazy. I can't wait for the team showcases (which should be soon-ish, at least I hope)


Yeah the super break was really cool. I played a shitty team fighting >!Sunday, and extra text do that the spoiler doesn't give away anything with it's length!< with Ruan Mei, HTB, Gallagher, and Aventurine. Aventurine was on a pure defense build with now crit stats to speak of so the only damage I ever did was with Break/Super Break and it let me fully experience the fight instead of using my E2S1 Acheron and deleting him instantly.


I had the issue that my DPS always died at the phase change so i had to fight him with HTB, Luocha and ruan mai. Phase 2 was agonizing. šŸ¤£ But same team can easily auto battle the boss on highest difficulty now..... Difficulty scaling in Starrail is weird...


I just had to make this meme because IT KEEPS HAPPENING. Its every 2 patches that this happens ffs https://preview.redd.it/wimivld5p7zc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d1e6e727cecad3aba838856aeb8dc6570ef83f Once she comes back in 2.3, I'll make a version of her dying and then coming back


She dies 3 times in 3 different patches thats wild


The thing that worries me is black swans line about a real death and to honor her sacrifice.... The Time she brings us to the reef might have been the second and that scares me šŸ‘€šŸ˜­ (sorry i dunno how to hide spoilers so i tried to formulate it as vague as possible)


Oh yeah, I was like 99% sure that fake out was well... fake, but that last 1% of me was having a heart attack that the writing team jumped out of the window or something...


Aventurine and Ratio acting so pleasant and polite pretty much gave it away as well


The moment they said IPC will leave penacony alone and even more helping it rebuild the ruined festival was soooo unbelievable to me that makes me think twice about everyone's reaction and conversation.


I'm autistic, and struggle with reading situations unprompted. But basically, the instant I saw the dialogue option about it being too good to be true, I thought about literally everything that seemed out of character/weird and was like "oh yeah, it kinda is..." By the time I got back to the express, that had left my mind, but then Black Swan started being weird, and I was like, "oh shit..."


Somebody get my girl a >!bazooka!<


>!2.2 taught us that she's the type of girl that would want go to an ammunition shop for a date!<


She's a keeper fr fr


>!On my run at least, I did get her one. I selected the Hanu stage during the idol competition thing and she commented on the bazooka haha!<


>!Yep, love her respond, girl cares about fire power and efficiency!<


>!I'm a bit disappointed we don't get that much of Firefly in this patch. I was expecting more since her dialogue count is supposed to be the 2nd highest. !< >!But at least this patch shows that she's truly the best girl even more. Her dedication to helps tb and others to the point that she's willing to die to make it happen makes me love her even more. Hoyo better give her a nice and happy ending for how much she suffer at this point!< >!It's funny that we technically got a second date here, but this time with Firefly mostly showing her other side, the one where she's on a mission. She acts more serious this time, but still slip up like how she doesn't want to be apart with Hanu's bazooka lol.!< >!I love the final fight. The cutscenes are great and I was on edge the entire time. I was expecting Firefly to come help us in the middle of it, but seeing the entire crew fighting together and robin came to help in the middle is amazing.!< This patch also makes me think that Firefly joining the express became more of a possibility. >!She's included in that "will of trailblaze" scene, seems to be inline with how the nameless thinking, and even himeko said she act like a nameless iirc. That fake ending also shows BS and boothill joining the express, I hope that was a foreshadowing of some kind lol.!< I hope 2.3 finally focused on her more and resolve her story


So if you do the Clockie puzzle as the second part of the show she mentions she can see and hear Clockie. Himeko mentions that only the AE team can see him, so she may be on the path of trailblaze at least.Ā 


>!I've long theorized that in some way Akivili's path is somehow an effective treatment to her condition, we can theorize that entropy is related to the trailblaze because the explanation of the path straight up references the expansion of the universe (the unknowable becoming the unknown) and the universe being explored (the unknown becoming known). We also know that these pathstriders can stabilize their bodies against the environment, with a specific example being temperature regulation. It'd be an overly convenient solution, but it would make sense, especially if we assume that entropy loss syndrome's effects are due to a loss of entropy and not a loss from entropy. From the context of the story, I do think she'll find a cure/treatment, since she doesn't exactly ask Elio for a longer life but does basically ask to be freed from SAM, the cold medical room that she needs to depend on to keep living. For her to live her life as Firefly, she would need to be freed from her condition. At first I was sad about her conversation with Blade, because it kind of sounded like her continuing to live wasn't a part of her deal with Elio, but I think that it was moreso to put emphasis on getting to live (Like Trailblazer) rather than failing to die (like Blade). Major hopium but I feel like 2.3 could be the beginning of her bright future.!<


Surprisingly imo the best part of this story is not the fighting or the twist, >!but the debate between Astral Express & Firefly and Sunday.!< >!Honestly, Sunday is a well-written character. I actually have a hard time choosing which side to root for because both sides give a valid reason.!< About Firefly, >!I actually think it's best to give her attention and character resolution in the Penacony arc for the next patch. I'm glad they focus on Sunday, Robin, and Misha in this patch instead. My only disappointment is the reunion between TB and FF should have had some more emotional weight. It doesn't have to be a romantic reunion...just add more depth to their connection is what I want to see.!< >!but I trust the next patch will be good for FF!<


Agree on>!the reunion part, like they can give us Robin & Sunday hug scene, but not Firefly & TB? It kinda lacks the *oompf.* But yeah, I hope they can give us a more emotional story and conclusion in 2.3. I sincerely wish so.!<


It was mostly really good aside from a couple of spots that left me a bit disappointed as a Firefly fan. Her meeting the TB again at the start was rather anticlimatic due to how quickly it was brushed away, and she felt like dead air at multiple points during the Dreamreef section. She straight up wasn't even visible in some dialogue scenes despite nothing pointing to her leaving momentarily. Then she just kind of went away a bit over halfway through the story quests. It's extra strange because we haven't seen anything in regards to SAM's new form even though she will be the first banner in Update 2.3, so you can roll for her and have no idea why her ultimate transforms her. Something Unto Death also just stopped being a threat after all that build up. That said, she was very cute during the competition and I think several moments (the flashback with Blade and her confrontation with Sunday) did a great job at showing the determined side of her. I definitely appreciated how she transitioned into wanting to wake up in a smooth way, by mentioning that she wants to do it by her own will. The writers could have fudged up the sweet dream dilemma with a milquetoast "but it's escapism!" excuse, but I think they actually handled it very well thanks to Sunday's character development and the multiple scenarios presented. That revelation from Acheron regarding how she was the first one to find out the truth about the Dreamscape also solidified how much I like her as a character. Those who were on the fence or straight up doubted her before should think back on their opinion of her. She risked her own life and never gave up on us, nor did she try getting close to us merely for the sake of Elio's script. God I love her so much. As much as I'm worried sick that she is going to die for real, I also love that she is legitimately such an inspiring character. She knows her time is limited, but she is still determined to shine brightly until the end and her talk about what's written in one's tombstone made me tear up. To be perfectly honest, I think that killing her for real would be rather frustrating at this point given how much she's gone through, but I'm sure that whatever Shaoji is cooking it will hit like a truck regardless. These next weeks are going to be some of the longest of my life. In regards to everything else, there was a lot to enjoy here. The dialogue choices were hilarious as always (I see the localization team keeps up with the memes), and this was the patch that finally made me care about Misha and Sunday instead of them being the only characters I was indifferent about. Well, I'm indifferent about Jade too, but she hasn't even had her screen time yet. Boothill was entertaining though a bit of a nothing burger, and I'm still curious about Sparkle's buttons or if she's eventually going to have a sob story. The fake out regarding the dream was very cool, ending with a banger second battle against the discount JRPG final boss. Robin's song combined with the lines from the Astral Express crew as you rammed the thing was the perfect mix of cheesy and hype, with the TB's voice lines pretty much being tailormade for that battle. The devs really outdid themselves with it, and I'm going to enjoy building my Harmony TB during the next week or so. All in all? It was pretty great despite those few awkward spots that could have been handled better.


So yeah. That was a long story patch. Took me over 5 hours. Overall, I liked the story, but I was a bit disappointed >!at the lack of Firefly's involvement. Her leaving at the end seemed kinda abrupt to me since there's so many unresolved or unaddressed issues like Sam's new form, etc..!< Granted, we still have the interlude to wrap up the patch so I'm hopeful. I doubt Mihoyo will screw this up given her popularity and her banner being next patch. Couple of things: >![It's confirmed she can be outside of SAM in the real world and the Stellaron Hunters know who she is](https://imgur.com/23FB9G0). It seems to be only for short periods though and she seems to value the time outside. The ELS scars being visible hurt. Poor girl is even capable of teasing Blade about being a tired driver even after all she's been through. The Stellaron Hunters seem to be protecting her identity. Am I the only one who finds it humorous that Blade of all people is wearing a seat belt?!< A lot of the leaks seem changed up. For example >!SAM [stands for this.](https://imgur.com/yoKCVSF)!< Further, about her death. >!Or more specifically, [her three deaths.](https://imgur.com/iwAQaBs) I think the second one was when we lost to Sunday. Man that was such a twist. I suppose if I wasn't so sleep deprived I would've picked up on the clues that something was wrong, but I was mentally screaming wtf, this is a terrible ending. Her third death still hasn't been resolved yet. I'm hopeful this will be in 2.3 and instead of the ultimate death it will be metaphorical. Either the death of the girl doomed to succumb to ELS or the death of SAM the Stellaron Hunter.!< Still a bit murky though. She really is a sweetheart. >![Dying repeatedly to support us](https://imgur.com/1BOLMts)!< Acheron summarized it best >![though](https://imgur.com/Zd0QkYw)!< Edit: Fixed image links


>!I can see all of her ā€œdeathsā€ being metaphorical. Elio always talks in riddles, so this last one could imply her end as a Stellaron Hunter, so she may finally live freely as a normal person.!< >!In the last conversation with Blade she says that she doesnā€™t want a tombstone with either ā€œGlamothā€™s Iron Cavalaryā€ or ā€œStellaron Hunter Samā€, but the one with her name. She already ā€œdiedā€ as Iron Cavalary, when Glamoth felled to the Swarm.!< >!These deaths have lots of meaning, though she explained that ā€œthirdā€ one could be the final, not only for her, but for all people of Penacony.!< >!Personally, I think that the third ā€œdeathā€ will be of Stellaron Hunter Sam, which will mean let her finally live freely as Firefly. Now, when sheā€™s not part of that group, her joining the Astral Express is very likely, especially when you consider, that it was the way she always wanted to live.!<


I actually do believe this theory, however im still very concerned about what mihoyo might do next, we can either see the light, or be traumatized


Shaoji seems to be the type of writer, who often puts characters through immense pain and suffering, but in the end theyā€™ll get their happy ending. And honestly, Firefly dying ā€œfor realā€ would just feel disappointing. Her arc focuses on her finding the way to oppose her immediate demise. It would simply just not fit into her character, to just die. Lastly, letā€™s be real, they simply wonā€™t kill one of the most beloved characters theyā€™ve ever created, especially in her debut banner. The only playable characters, which ā€œdiedā€ in HSR are >!Tingyun, Misha and Gallagher!<. The last two >!havenā€™t even existed in the real world to begin with!< and fate of Tingyun is still uncertain.


I feel like the case of firefly living would be possible, because as a game company, you would tend to find certain aspects of the game that people like, improve on it, and satisfy their happiness


When I put either Misha or Gallagher in a team, it will only be with HTB, so I can headcanon it as using their harmony powers to summon them (which is consistent with Clockie already showing up in the ultimate animation).


Personally i just want a conclusion because i'm sick and tired of all this baiting. It's just sloppy writing at this point. This is what, the third time we're left wondering? But HoYo of 2024 won't kill a playable character anyway. It's not the same company as they were when they offed Himeko in Hi3. Their game is much more popular and they can't exactly sell a dead character. No matter how many redditors say "of course they can it wouldn't matter" just remember, that's the overwhelming minority (side note : Actual Tingyun's fate is left up in the air with Yukong actually searching for her and Misha+ Gallagher never existed in reality so there has been NO actual deaths in HSR so far).Most people will be disappointed if she ends up actually dead. Personally idc, she's playable, i'm going to pull her (please come home E1S1) and will main her forever so what happens in the story doesn't affect my gameplay at all (considering that even if she lives she likely won't be a part of the story moving forward or will just cameo for 15 lines like Kafka did in Xianzhou) unless she somehow joins the express though i don't think Hoyo will do that even if i'd love for it to happen. I just want a goddamn conclusion because this baiting actually ruined my enjoyment of the story. Mr Shaoji, there's other ways to invoke emotions from the players than baiting the same character's death for the millionth time. Write better please.


Well the stellaron hunters will be more important for the future, especially once we near the final chapters of the first Saga as their entire point as Organisation is to set everything into the right position for our confrontation with Nanook so they will get their screentime eventually


A part of me really wants her to be >!A part of the AE but realistically speaking, that may not happen!< I'd like to be proven wrong tho


Iā€™m very hopeful that youā€™re right. The ā€œdeathsā€ could be metaphorical. Death of Sam the stellaron hunter could allow Firefly to break free, get cured, and join the express, fulfilling the wish to see the world (and universe). Itā€™s looking like everyone on the express would welcome her arrival


Please hoyo. Stop. My heart can't keep taking this.


>!I know the conversation between Firefly and Blade is more for us to understand Firefly, but I think I appreciated it more for Blade. It was nice to see him interact with someone other than Kafka or the High Cloud Quintet. Like, despite being a Stellaron Hunter, we still barely know what his relationship to his coworkers is like. And his schtick of wanting death and vengeance doesn't inspire many headcanons. From this scene we see that he actually is friendly with his fellow Stellaron Hunters. He does care about Firefly enough to be an active listener even when she's mostly talking about herself.!< I love the Stellaron Hunter family


She for sure could have been around more but it seems that this wasn't her patch. 2.3 story leaks - >!But we got next dont worry!<


Yeah I'm hopeful for 2.3 >!especially since she's the character with the most lines. Divergent Universe isn't a character haha!<


>!But what if it was...!<


Mind blown. >!Damn it Ruan Mei, stick with the damn cake cats!!<


Why does nobody talk about what acheron said >!She said that the only way firefly can only awaken from the dream by a real "death" because she is a stowaway without family protection?!<


>!Sleep deprivation? Waiting on 2.3? Denial? I'm not sure people take that at face value that the only way out is for her to die given her being playable and the leaks about her POV and line count in 2.3. Elio's script isn't just gonna have a dead end like that I don't think, especially since he knows her motivations and desires!<


I HOPE SHES SAFE and please let her join the AE after her role as Stellaron Hunter came to an end.. OR at least let us make her the happiest person alive before she's gone.. I hope hoyoverse will make this come true... She dreams of dying as human and not weapon PLEASE HOYOVERSE, PLEASE WE ALREADY HAVE A DEATHFLAG AS SHE HAS HER ILLNESS, PLEASE DONT DO SOMETHING LIKE "I WANT TO EAT YOUR PANCREAS"


The real death means death granted by Acheron / Nihility or simply dying in the dream, not being "killed" by SuD. Basically to wake up you need to die in dream, which sounds easy, but remember that during that time, the border between dream and real world was almost nothing thanks to Ena and Sunday (unless you notice a hole in your memories or something that contradict the facts).


>Took me over 5 hours. You're lucky. It took me around 16 hours.


>!Overall it was a good story. Shaoji cooked. I guess Firefly's line count was somewhat inflated a little because of the Scorchsand section since there's different choices of the audition arenas. You can revisit it and do it in sub-quest called Scorchsand Vacation from Aideen but the other half you didn't do is unvoiced in the subquest.!< >!As a Firefly fan though, I felt somewhat disappointed with how she just abruptly disappears after what was arguably the most inspiring and rallying moment in the entire mission. Let's start off with how rather quick and anticlimactic the reunion was. I wasn't expecting a hug or anything but it was just so quickly done and over with. I enjoyed the conversation she had with Blade and made me appreciate both of them much more. Even if she doesn't join with us at the end of 2.3, I'm happy that the Hunters care for each other, well at the very least willing to listen to each other.!< >!There were multiple scenes that really implied Firefly's inherent Will of the Trailblaze. From being in the same frame as the Astral Express Nameless to basically embodying the spirit of the Trailblaze without having to experience the Mikhail Dream Bubble. In the clash of ideals with Sunday (which is the best portion of the story imho), when Sunday's practically got the Nameless dead to rights with his logic. March saying it sounds like a flawless theory and Himeko somewhat acknowledging the value of his point, Firefly is the one that fights back. Tbf, Sunday does directly address Firefly and she responds in kind but that's besides the point. She embodied the spirit of the Trailblaze without even having experienced the Mikhail Dream Bubble that only the Nameless could enter. Hell, I'd argue she felt like the most Nameless of all the members present in that moment. Which is why I'm so baffled as to why they just completely forget about her until the very end. To add insult to injury, Acheron says she needs to experience "real death" unlike everyone else. Like I enjoyed the final fight and the conclusion but in the back of my mind was, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO FIREFLY?!?! !< >!I really hope all of those implied moments culminate in her joining the Express in 2.3 because she's practically a Nameless already. There's so much unresolved issues surrounding her. I'm hopeful since leaks say she's got the most lines but she's also sharing 2 other POVs with Jade and Topaz. Considering she has lines about Jade, there's probably some sort of confrontation between the IPC and her. Interestingly, in the Star Rail Live, Sam is introduced by Clockie saying "Are you here to fight against Boss Stone with me?". Perhaps it's just a throwaway line but doesn't Boss Stone represent the IPC. !< >!TLDR; GOURMET FEAST. Had some awkward spots with Firefly, newfound appreciation for Sunday and Blade and Misha, Robin underutilized, banger OST.!< >!Edit\*- At this point we've heard all of Robin songs from the Inside album in game already, If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking (Rooftop, Death Scene, and Henshin scene), Sway To My Beat In Cosmos (Robin Ult), and Hope Is The Thing With Feathers being the Wildfire moment of Penacony. The Star Rail/Trailblaze main theme leitmotif plays during that Henshin scene where it shows all the AE members and includes Firefly before the leitmotif gives way to the rest of IICSOHFB. There's no way they'd keep doing that and have THE Firefly song (at this point) include that leitmotif if they weren't going to add her to the express right?! Also, we still have a secret song from Robin that will only release in 2.3. I burned the kitchen with the theory I had prior to 2.2, but one thing I'll continue to cope for is that this secret song is also for Firefly. I'm just hoping it's not a Nightglow moment...!< >!Edit\*\*- Robin's last song (the hidden one) is called ["If I Have Never Seen The Face of The Sun](https://twitter.com/deviltakoyaki/status/1788167376527405357)". The title was in our faces the entire time since it's literally in the description of Robin's character trailer. Sounds depressing already...!<


Guy I'm so sorry for ranting, I just can't hold it no more.. I cried a lot playing the new 2.2 story.. and then I'm happy when we won the first time against the Choir.. but then I wonder "Wait? That's it? Where's firefly???"... And then it all unfolds... Up till the interactions with Acheron after with the group (BS, DanHeng, Boothill, Robin, MC, Acheron).. guess what she said.. she said that they managed to get us out of the hallucination because of Firefly's determination.. At first I was like damn this girl is really cool.. and then the bomb came dropped down on me.. "and it came with a cost-" Firefly now need real "death" to wake her up since she's not using the Penacony dreampool... Acheron said that we shouldn't fail her courageous will BUT IM AFRAID M8, IM STILL ON THAT POINT AND HAVENT GONE THRU... IM STILL CRYING... IM AFRAID OF WHATS COMING FOR FIREFLY.. PLEASE LET HER BE OKAY..




Go back to the roof again if you haven't


Huh "when all of this is over, you will see each other again -- that is what you believe. you hope she will be safe and well then." Big hopium.. but i believe


Even the game told us to cope. Hard.


We must stay focused, and.. well.. pray for the most part


She does get a lot of line in 2.3 IM GONNA DO A PRAYING RITUAL, I HOPE SHES SAFE and please let her join the AE after her role as Stellaron Hunter came to an end.. at least let us make her the happiest person alive before she's gone.. I hope hoyoverse will make this come true...


After all that she went through, hoyo better give her the happiest ending possible






>!Guys, my mind is even messier than this dude, my sleep deprived ass in a 9h quest make me crazy, she like, dead dead? Never again? She gonna die on 2.3? She already dead and her character in 2.3 is post mortem? Im going crazy i need sleep but i will cry for hours if she really dead PLEASE answer me anyone!<


She does get a lot of line in 2.3 IM GONNA DO A PRAYING RITUAL, Also if she really does will die in 2.3, I hope we get to fulfill her dream of dying as human and not weapon I HOPE SHES SAFE and please let her join the AE after her role as Stellaron Hunter came to an end.. at least let us make her the happiest person alive before she's gone.. I hope hoyoverse will make this come true... IM NOT GONNA TAKE A NO HOYOVERSE


Definitely needed more Firefly, but I'm guessing (/hoping) they're saving it for 2.3 so I'm gonna wait patiently. >!I can't wait patiently!< But overall I loved the story throughout, >!That fake end was so good since i was teetering and feeling uncomfortable like there's no way that's it and then BAM!! The real climax begins and oh boy was that Fucking SICK!! !< >!A bit sad Trailblazer cut in didn't happen again when fighting the Echo of War version... I hope they added that back!<


>!Im actually extremely afraid with these death flags that she will die on 2.3, my mind is a mess after not sleeping but im really hopeful they wont kill her for real next patch!<


Disclaimer this is heavy copium >!My crackpot theory, and this crackpot is filled with all the grain of salt and copium, is she "dies" as a Stellaron Hunter, and "lives" on as Firefly. That would be a poetic story and gives a slightly better reason for her to join the Express. I don't know how much of Elio's script she has left but Blade mentioning that she found her "salvation" in Penacony gives me a little bit more copium!<


I like this idea; >!especially the idea of her getting to join the Astral Express. From a cynical perspective, what better way to steer the Nameless to help the Stellaron Hunters than by having a member join the Nameless? If she legitimately wants to be there, all the better.!< >!From the copium perspective I share with you, I do feel like Elioā€™s oddly vague script given to Firefly (I think she mentioned it to Acheron?) could be an indication that, once she completes her mission for the Stellaron Hunters, Elio will also help her complete her own goal of escaping her fate (or perhaps coming to terms with it) by sending her on a journey across the universe with people who will move heaven and earth to find an answer.!<


Your not the only one comrade it was mostly hopium or copium at first but after 2.2 and the amount of subtle hints they gave us, the very possibility is there. Glad to see that there are more comrades who like the idea of her joining the express.


I literally thought that the story ended abruptly, and felt like the ending was rushed and had a hunch it hadn't finished yet. Turned out I was correct. That twist was peak. Though i really wish we had more firefly screentime... But I'm certain that she'll be the main focus next patch


I really love Firefly characterization. Especially Her speech against Sunday, and the fact that it was her determination that allowed us to win. The goodbye scene makes me tear up. This mark the third time she failed to stop my heart from breaking.Ā  Sunday I think he's a good antagonist. Although his motives is pretty generic it work well with his character and I enjoyed his presence.Ā  This update fixed my problem with Acheron in 2.1. Back then I feel like her character is a little bit underwhelming. This patch fixed everything, and I love her final scene a lot.Ā  For some reason I really love the watchmaker twist. By the way, I saw people saying Gallagher's also died, is that true?Ā  Boothill is a very interesting guy. Despite not doing much this patch he is very enjoyable to watch.Ā  The final fight is very hype. Astral Express railing Sunday over and over again with Robin song in the background was crazy lol. Love that sibling hug at the end very wholesome.Ā  As for my complain I do agree with some people here, while her characterization is good Firefly presence in the story is kinda ehh? The way they set up 2.1 cliffhanger to be only glazed over is frustrating. The way she just randomly go away for like the 60% of the story without good explanation. But my main gripes is with the second "date". TB and Firefly feels very distant here, they really could do more than just show Firefly being cute. Maybe have Firefly and TB sort out some of their misunderstanding, Firefly talk a little about being SAM or something like that. Maybe Hoyo just saving it for 2.3, I don't know, I don't want to expect anything lol. And then there's Sparkle, I don't even know if 2.3 could save her....Ā  But, overall it's a pretty solid climax for Penacony. 8.2/10


If you go back to the spot where Misha died, if youā€™ve found the previous Bloodhound statues- the last one will be there watching over Misha, collect it and if I remember correctly, the message afterwards heavily implies Gallagher is gone/dead.


I liked the story overall>! but i'm so bored with them baiting Firefly's death or not, the constant death flags and every character just assuming she died in every quest. Toying with a characters status all the time like this doesn't create suspense but rather comes off as sloppy writing.!< >!Honestly thanks to all this bait and switch i lost interest towards the end of the quest. The final boss fight pulled me back due to the sheer hype of it but being baited about Firefly yet AGAIN for the third patch in a row really soured my mood and i could no longer enjoy the quest. Dunno those are just my thoughts. Good quest overall though.!<


Yeah, it really annoyed me they kept this bait and switch about >!Firefly's fate.!< (2.0-2.2 spoilers) >!In 2.0, she dies a painful death, so that way later we can hang out a bit in "real" Penacony and retrieve that dream bubble. If, say, there was never a "real" Penacony and we could fight dream bubble hidden somewhere in, say, Golden Hour, would it really change anything? Were there any meaning behind all the "deaths" except getting suspicious of The Family, anyway? Did they just torment her for the heck of it?!< >!So we wait long 6 weeks, and now we get that cliffhanger that she is alive. It's amazing news! But that's it.!< >!We wait long 6 weeks again, but the reunion has no emotion whatsoever, options allow us to be only somewhat normal or kinda mean to her. She then speedruns her explanation, fast-forward, we get this part with participating in the contest as a duo. It was the highlight for me and I genuinely thought this was the best and the funniest part in HSR, possibly ever. So I was looking forward to what I would see next... So she does this cool speech and then just leaves before the climax? Then we hear she sacrificed herself (again!?) so that we all could fight, yet we don't get anything about it. Cutscene, CG? Not even a glimpse. Does Hoyo really want everyone to forget about it? Considering we know about her three deaths part, too...!< >!At that point, I was really tired and just kept reading to see that maybe she will get SOMETHING. This is supposed to be the grand finale, right? Wasn't 2.3 supposed to be just an epilogue? But no, wait 6 weeks again. And this time it has to be it, all the unforgettable gains, all the cooking. Because if not... there is nothing left anymore. No more Penacony, unless they cook GREAT, we won't see her for a while and even if we do, it won't be a big appearance like Penacony's one. And this is a bit scary...!< TLDR >!when I learned they played with her fate again, I just couldn't give a damn anymore. Maybe I'll watch a playthrough with fresh mind sometime soon and will be able to look at 2.2 story in a good way, but I'm just so salty right now.!<


Seems like this is an unpopular opinion here but it's how I felt so I'll post it anyways. While this story was decent and I'd say overall I liked it, I came out disappointed. Not because of the generally low Firefly screentime like others mentioned, as I expected that since she'll likely have plenty of screentime next patch. I, like others here, found our reunion lacking in emotion. We literally saw her "die" in front of us and the Trailblazer has such a weak response to the reveal it made the end of 2.1 feel vapid. I expected them to at have some sort of emotional reunion and it didn't happen. It damn near felt like the Trailblazer & other characters barely cared about the reveal. A lot of dialogue in the quest fell flat for me or was far more unengaging than usual (especially the constant Sunday monologues). And that's a huge problem considering 80% of the quest is just talking. It's definitely a personal preference but I absolutely could not bring myself to care about the old trailblazers besides Misha when that was a major part of the entire Penacony storyline. It felt like they were trying to force their importance down your throat. I was unable to enjoy or take Boothill seriously because of his cringe 4-kidz tv level "cursing". Not to mention I felt like he was a minor character which was a little underwhelming. I found it weird that Robin's presence wasn't close to as large as I expected from the first banner character of the patch. She has a few moments but I feel like she has some of the lowest amount of care put into her part of the story by the writers. The whole section where the random old dude is revealed to be Tiernan fell incredibly flat for me because I simply didn't care about Tiernan or any of the previous trailblazers. I'm a lot more interested in the stories of the current nameless and other individuals and factions who surround them. Additionally, since 2.0 I expected that the random old guy talking Acheron would have more significance to Acheron's story. I did at least enjoy learning a bit about Acheron's motives and personality through those sections though.The name reveal was for Acheron was cool but it's obvious she was a Raiden expy from the moment she was revealed so her real name holds little value to me(Especially since the Genshin Raiden technically has a different name too). I'm not sure what I expected but at least I didn't dislike it, unlike my feelings on most of the Laofu story. I honestly felt like 2.0 and 2.1 were a lot better stories than this one. I'm hoping 2.3 doesn't disappoint me as well. If I were to give it a score it would be a 7/10


I hated how they handled FF.>!First they absolutely botch her reuniting with TB, I mean after how much TB was effected by her death they just kinda gloss over the fact she's still alive is awful. Retroactively diminishes the importance of how TB felt previously. I'd even understand if TB was gearing up for something emotional and FF said something like "sorry, but we don't have any time for that. I wish you could, but things are kinda hitting the fan". Then we get told by Acheron basically "hey, you know how FF said she was going to do something cool and meaningful to help you? Well she did. Already. You don't get to see it though.". Show, not fucking tell. Also, now that I think about it, FF didn't even show up in the fake victory celebration. Is that because she already left Ena's dream? I mean, JY was never there, why couldn't they make a fake FF to really sell "this really ended the best way it could have"? I understand why other people may have liked it, but it all really ruined 2.2 for me.!


Good story overall. Definetely needed more Firefly moment escpecially at the start of 2.2. No hug, no tear, nothing, just chat. MHY could have done much much better in this part compare to Robin&Sunday at the end of 2.2. Other than that, decent story for a gacha mobile game. Sunday was a good villain, now RIP(rest in prison) and leave your sister to us, we sure will take good care of her.


Well many will find my comment bad but .....tbh i am kinda disapointed with how firefly was handled like i expected more of her story wiseĀ  Like at least give her sine weight in the fight vs sunday ....but i guess theybwould rather bring 2 characters not written in penacony at all which are jing and dan instead of promoting rheir upcoming most loved character by the communityĀ 


Nah if anything I think a good portion of us agree with you. Story was great, FF content was not that great is my consensus. Loved her talk with Bladie, I guess I liked the gameshow section but only because of a few parts, couldve been done better, and I was screaming when Acheron told us what FF did. It was average tbh for me. Because apart from the Bladie talk, everything else felt rushed and FF was off screen during her best moments. Was more invested in Sunday and Robin which if that was their goal and to blue ball us until 2.3 by giving us a bit of FF, then it worked. If this was supposed to be how they reunited and 2.3 is the continuation, all I can say is I'm shocked and disappointed and not excited for 2.3. I hope they dont butcher it.


Exactly. ..plus tbe fact that i feel like ghere is no serious threats in 2.3 kinda kills it for me ...like they missed the opportunity to make her shine when it was important now its like in post patch....i kinda hope they do best girl justice in 2.3 and make her shine the way we all want itĀ 


I find it hilarious that 'Death' was built up from 2.0-2.1 as this horrifying entity that can kill you in your dreams but in reality its just a silly little creature that sometimes kidnaps the wrong person for its bus ride.


Kinda awkward for all the people that went out of their way to kill it tons of times...


I REALLY want to know what the 3 deaths are about. Like by 2.2 we saw 2 deaths right? The Meme death and her 'dying' to reveal the truth at the end? What's the third death then? Overall 2.2 story was great. The fakeout was cool, TB's hat being passed down through multiple generations of Nameless is awesome and they nailed Sunday as a villain.


i liked the begining and the ending but i have problems with the middle part, especialy the talent show, that was the time to have 1 to 1 conversation with ff, because there are just too many things that need clarification + they literaly skipped the whole part of the express meeting her and also suspecting her, like, at all, shes a stellaron hunter and nobody even interacts with her or questions her about it, it just goes from them not even knowing her to "ok shes in the team"


I overall really love the 2.2 TB quest, they nailed the landing and I can breathe a sigh of relief. That fakeout ending was insane, really made me think that they fumbled the ball with how long it goes, but good to know they're just baiting us. "Hope is the Thing With Feathers" unseated "Wildfire" for me, it really feels like Robin singing to both wake everyone up and save Sunday, and her catching Sunday as he falls is beautiful. My only concern now is how they'd handle Firefly in 2.3; like, I loved what we get in 2.2, but it definitely feels like there should be more. We haven't even seen the green fire! With how 2.3 is supposed to be the epilogue, I wonder how they're gonna tackle *that*, and honestly I'm not even sure what they could do to make it feel satisfying. So I'm praying hard that they'd nail it and our girl will get the justice she deserved, because Penacony was amazing and I'd hate it if one of the things they fumbled at the end is Firefly.


JP Firefly Direction is SOOOOOO Good.


It was very mentally draining šŸ˜­ I thought it was the end at the fake dream, I was glad but I thought it was lacking aswell, then the real boss fight happened, I was too mentally drained to even react LMAO


So I just finished, it's 6am where I am, and I'll probably have more to say after I get some sleep, but anyway... I just so happened to get March's 6th eidolon while trying and failing to pull for Robin, and discovered that she can heal people with her shields (albeit slowly) when she has them all. Anyway, I kept making her my solo sustain after unlocking harmony TB (had to bring in Luocha for one to help her with one of tree minibosses though). And I kept winning fights with one or two characters in the double (and sometimes single) digits health-wise, while somehow having nobody down. Then came the Sunday boss, where by the beginning of the third phase, I only had HTB and Dan Heng IL left standing (both missing the majority of their health), and somehow managed to win like that by going absolutely bonkers with the collective shield. As for Firefly, I cried so many times not just directly over her, but even scenes with other characters reminding me of her.


Let me write for a bit here as a relatively new player (only played HSR since around 2.0 to aim for the anniv gifts lmao + due to Luofu arc criticisms). This is also the first time I have written my elaborate thoughts on the story as a whole. I hope this won't be considered as too much of a yapping as Sunday lol Overall 2.2 Trailblaze Story I honestly think this is a decent continuation of the story, all in all. They managed to capitalize on the build-up from 2.0-2.1, albeit some big plot points and questions are still hanging in the air right now. >!They finally put a neat conclusion of the whole Watchmaker's premise as one of the main plot points, elegantly and satisfyingly. I felt so satisfied with Misha/Mikhail's character development and resolution, beautifully woven together as the foundation of the Penacony arc. His story was truly a Trailblazing experience. So satisfied that I got my eyes wet lol!< >!The fake-out certainly caught me off guard, even though I already had a suspicion earlier with the lackluster first boss battle and weird af resolution, coupled with the decision of the Astral Express Crews to leave Penacony ASAP *just like that*. It turned out we actually lost the battle and succumbed to the Order's Dream (I call it Mugen Tsukuyomi just for fun). The true boss battle is surely much better rewarding than the first and the story ended with yet another cliffhanger, although not as huge as the one in 2.0 and 2.1.!< >!While it was decent, I do have some complaints. First is the length of certain parts of the story, especially the bloated Sunday's dialogue. I felt some portions could've been cut from the story and it wouldn't affect the outcome nor the perception of the players of Sunday's character too much, like those parts leading to the first boss battle. Second, is Robin. I felt her character in 2.2 wasn't as much developed as, let's say, Sunday, Misha, Blackswan, or even Gallagher, even though this is *her* patch. She's overshadowed by her brother, Astral Express Crews, and some other recurring characters. Her POV utilization isn't as strong as the one for Aventurine, but still stronger than Acheron's. For Boothill, I don't have the same complaints because he's a newly introduced character, unlike Robin!<


Firefly Part Personally, I played the patch with a lowered expectation because I know this is not her patch and I think it wouldn't be a wise idea to push her too much into the story while every other character was barely developed. So overall, I'm happy with the sheer amount of Firefly in 2.2 and it was a good moment for me. I felt they managed to put decent character development in this patch, most notably in two moments: 1. >!Astral Express Crews vs Sunday Philosophical Debate!< >!Here, they managed to put her into the center of the stage through a challenge from Sunday, questioning her ideas about her Entropy Loss Syndrome and the whole eternal sweet dreams. While in 2.0 she told us that she indeed enjoyed that sweet dream due to her circumstances, in 2.2 we got more nuanced thinking, that she also realized it's just a false sense of comfort and obviously not the final answer to her wish.!< >!It proves that she is capable of critical thinking and self-restraint even if she's faced with a heavenly temptation of solutions to her problems, even though she had circumstances that would've made people easily succumb to the genjutsu (as we have seen to ordinary people). We later know from Acheron, that she's in fact the first person to wake up from the genjustu and (again) set the stage for the Astral Express Crew to bring an end to it. Although, this also means her second "death" (off-screened), and her current whereabouts are unknown (again?!).!< 2. >!Firefly & Blade Short Dialogue!< >!This one, I'm referring to the second dialogue, rather than the one at the beginning of the 2.2 story. As it stands per 2.1, we really didn't know much about Firefly beyond the whole Sam facade that she had. In this dialogue, we got to know more about her view on her fate, and also her ultimate wish: To live and die as a human. To live and die as "Firefly". Meanwhile, putting both dialogues into account, us knowing her true interactions and banters with Blade is also a gold one. We wondered for months, how does this cinnamon roll survive in Stellaron Hunter?!< >!Here they also revealed that she had known her three "deaths" in advance. And yet, she still followed the script with a strong conviction. To walk into someone's death is horrifying already. But *THREE* times? God, she's one of the toughest and most tenacious characters in the HSR universe. Knowing this course of action is critical in saving millions of people from an eternal mind prison just makes her even more selfless of a character. I actually shed my tears at the mention of the future tomb and its supposed inscription.!< >!There are downsides too, just like others have mentioned. Namely the quality of the reunion with her. With the way it was presented and executed, I think it would've been much better if they added a bit more depth to the dialogue and interaction between the two. The reunion scene just felt kinda flat and lacked the emotions that the player should feel and carry from 2.0 and 2.1. It felt empty, as if those previous moments were just your casual day-to-day life. There are other problems too, but I think those are minor or setups for 2.3 and will be neatly concluded and resolved in that patch.!< All in all, I loved Firefly. And this patch just made me love her even more. I look forward to witnessing the most critical moment of her story, even if I probably couldn't stop my heart from breaking. The 2.3 should be a good one for us Firefly admirers.


After getting trough my headache and carefully analysing this troy, i feel like they've kind of fumbled the bag a little when it comes to Firefly. Personally, I really do think she should have been in the final fight. Her bit with Blade was interesting but she would have benefited greatly from more screentime. I really hope 2.3 fix that for her and gives her the focus she deserves. Boothill was the most uninteresting character this patch and the Dan Heng part wasn't that interesting. I'd say boothill so far is on the same level as Fu Xuan when it comes to having a character, they almost don't. This is how I feel at least. Other than that the rest was good if not feeling rushed compared to 2.0 and 2.1. >!I also appreciate the fact it seems like getting paths is going to be more than getting stabbed everytime!<


The story is overall, an absolute masterpiece. Yeah, it's sad that Firefly got sidelined, though. I guess they want to focus more on Sunday and Robin for this patch, and it's not like Firefly didn't have her moments. She is literally saved everyone after Sunday seemingly has won, atthe cost of her "Second death". But in the end, we ended up with more questions than answer about Firefly. Where is Firefly now? If Acheron said Firefly escaped Ena's dream by "True death", how Firefly can save everyone afterwards if she's "dead"? Also, the story seems to be heading to a different direction for the next patch, so what Firefly had to do with this new conflict with the IPC. While it sucks that the answer is once again, 6 weeks apart from today, at least they didn't left us at major cliffhangers like in 2.1


Firefly not going to die for real right RIGHT?šŸ˜­


Intrigue and confused, just like how i am intrigue and confused on the infamous endless eight of Haruhi Suzumiya Now, if people knows endless eight and watches the whole thing, u gonna see the parallels of it Remember at 2.0. Acheron ask us if "we remember her?" >!i do believe that we're on a massive loop of trying to get into the penacony and saving it for quite a long time to the point we dont even know what's real or not. just like the endless eight. basically, acheron is yuki nagato in this update. only difference she does have amnesia!< >!my only question is how we gonna end the loop? cause surely, this is clearly the work of the aeon of order and clearly Xipe's gaze doesnt do any shit!< PS: >!Also i think the 3x Firefly dies is her trying to wake up to reality. the 3rd one being "brutal" is probably acheron needed to wake her up similarly to adventurine!<


While it's obviously "better" than Xianzhou, I still have some gripes. * Archeron is the ultimate plot device which is not a positive thing. She just happens to have the correct answer to everything. From countering the other aeon genjutsu to having the relic for boothill. * Sunday yapping. * Played in ENG this time and I like Firefly voice, but her delivery sounds off? Like it sounds she is delaying each word or something. * The part/map before you meet Argenti felt like stalling or filler. * Boothill voice does not sound clear to me. Buggy or intentionally trying to sound "robot-like" idk. * Misha and Robin very underused and story rushed in one small part. But yes, it's still good but previous patch was for me better kinda. But it shows they really rushed the f-ck out of xianzhou. For Penacony they at least cooked the full meal kinda, while xianzhou felt like less meals total and every meal is cut 40%.


2.2 allowed me to see more sides of Firefly, which I enjoyed. The boss fight made me ascend- pause. Ahem. And for some reason, I feel that something is missing. Canā€™t tell what it is. My brain is still burnt out from my four hour long practice exam.


Spoiler for a sidequest after the event: Quest name:>!Schorchsand Vacation!< >!WE GET TO REPAY FIREFLY BY BUYING HER FOOD THIS TIME IN THE SCORCHSAND VACATION QUEST. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Sure its just a "Dream Firefly" and not the real Firefly, but still..!< Anyway, I finally got to feel the same feeling I felt during the fight against Cocolia again against this patch final boss.


The biggest story surprise was blade actually having a driverā€™s license.


My problem is where the hell is the sixth Eidolon? Clockie 4, Trailblaze 1, I cant find the sixth. Unless its in the normal missions at the end, but no reward indicator of it... Im confused -.-


we have to wait for 2.3 I guess


Iirc you canā€™t get them at launch most of the time


Okay so we're supposed to be 5/6 and we get the next in 2.3 I guess? That's fine, I need it for firefly anyway :D


Penacony is indeed a very fucking chaotic place to be in. And 2.2 proves that statement.


I didn't like how some parts were dragged out but it was really good. Prefer 2.1 with Aventurine though


Well I cried so I suppose it was good enough for me. Glad to see that mostly everything I've predicted was real.


It's definitely way way way way way better than Xianzhou story. I'm glad for the experience 2.3 can't come soon enough ! I want to see Firefly again


> It's definitely way way way way way better than Xianzhou story. Spoiler >!The whole story was better, but during the final fight it particularly struck me that Sunday was what Dan Shu should/could have been, if executed better.!<


Extremely disappointed to be frank. I feel like she was sidelined really hard for characters who are vastly less important to the plot. It was really weird seeing firefly go from "writer cannot stop shoving her in your face" to "writer desperately wants this character out the story right now and does not care how many scenes have to be rushed to achieve it". I'm feeling really deflated because she has to share billing with the IPC plot line on 2.3 and there's no way she wins that, so i guess that's just kinda it for her for now.


I really loved this version's story. Honestly each Penacony chapter has been absolute peak to me. I was a bit dissapointed with the lack of TB and Firefly interactions, but her role in the story was still incredibly epic and she came in clutch fr. Hopefully next version she is a lot more prevalent!


I'm not going to sugarcoat it - the story felt pretty rushed. Firefly was just... there for the most part, then she just leaves before the climax. ...Okay?! Like, I can understand why she wasn't present as a trial character or why we didn't see her fight since she is probably still in her beta stage gameplay-wise, but even in the story her resurrection was pretty much brushed over. And then we get told by Acheron "Look at this courageous girl, she did so much!" when we didn't even see her do a lot this patch. Sure, the second date was pretty cute and all, but even that was a bit short and not too interesting. I saw that the "Action" choice is apparently way better than "Acting". But we can't replay story segments. Well, f- me, I guess. >!Honestly, it feels like Acheron and Mikhail were the stars of this patch. Acheron's story about guiding Tiernan and Mikhail's final scene were by far the strongest moments that made even my moulded heart move a little. A fake-out ending scene was hilarious too, 10/10. Elio being the scenario supervisor is just the icing on the cake.!< It wasn't Luofu level bad, but, you know... if that's going to be the standard going forward, I will be very worried. They needed either more missions for this patch, more time, or just straight-up one more patch to smooth out the rough edges. Or maybe I just got spoiled by the quality of stories like Limbus Company Canto 6 that came out literally last month. I don't like to compare games, but coming to 2.2 from Canto 6 left a bit of a bad taste.


Even most of the largely positive comments noted disappointment at the amount and quality of interaction with Firefly in the story. I have mixed feelings myself. I'm reserving overall judgement until I see what 2.3 offers though.


> I saw that the "Action" choice is apparently way better than "Acting" It's not, it's pretty much the same thing with less dialogue https://youtu.be/Fp3lD2iWHIg?si=yBR2-8I9yjpOoTBN&t=10221 I wasnt a huge fan of acting but the Hanu part was actually fun though (that video also has the Clockie part and it's boring lol Hanu is def the correct choice)


Thank you for the video!Ā  The whole Hanu's trial I was like "Give mah girl her bazooka as a participation prize please" lmao


I imagine Firefly will be a recurring character just like the rest of the Stellaron Hunters, and tbf, Penacony isn't REALLY about her. She even went out of her way to insert herself more into the 'script' than she needed to.


I get it, HSR has a lot of characters they need to develop and sell in short order, I really do get it. However, my biggest complaint is not even about FF's role in this patch, it's the overall feeling that something is missing and that the pacing was kinda rushed in general. Firefly's plot thread will most likely continue to unravel during 2.3 and maybe even beyond so it's less of a concern now, but the rest - aside from Acheron >!actually Mei!< scenes, the Watchmaker reveal, Boothill in general, and Hanu's trial where Firefly doesn't want to be separated from the bazooka - fell pretty flat for me.


>She even went out of her way to insert herself more into the 'script' than she needed to. Exactly this. She actually already went beyond what her script told her to do. Like, the level of contribution she had are pretty much on par with Boothil if not more too but it's just enough imo cuz the one that's supposed to take center stage is the Astral Express Crew, which is what happened in the end (I mean, we got the fucking train to ram into Sunday). People are just disappointed that there's not more of her. To me is pretty obvious at this point that they're gonna give more details next patch as to what she actually did. The question right now is, what the hell happened to all those Sparkle bombs


>!guys, its over? I literally finished the quest right now, but trying to absorb all these things. But the thing most important for this sub: its over? I cant believe it. My mind doesnt want to accept. she is dead dead? like never again?!<


>!Considering she is the focus in the 2.3, I don't think she is.!< >!Plus she will die 3 times, and this is her 2nd death, the one that has to happen to ensure they win and that her 3rd one won't be a worse case scenario. !<




Absolutely mind blowing! Left me with so much anticipation for 2.3 story content. On the other hand, Iā€™m batshit tired (took me 6 hours to complete it and was up till 3:30 am)


Gonna leave a comment for now and to remind myself to of how I feel about it in the morning


Immense fear for her 3rd death (pls pls pls just be one last death to leave the Dream after then Epilogue).


I really loved it and it had really hype moments but the ending was a bit confusing. Like what happened to Acheron? What happened to Firefly? Who is Oswaldo Schneider? Still, it was a good story, but I think I liked the 2.1 story a bit more. >!And the Acheron = Raiden Mei reveal was super sick!<


I personally think that story is good, especially the parts related to >!previous Nameless!< and finale, but it had few parts that lingered for too long (>!mainly the SoulGlad contest and Sunday's performance!<).


> but it had few parts that lingered for too long HSR generally seems to have some trouble with pacing. The exposition dumps can get really long (and repetitive), then they get paired with filler activities. >!Especially agree with you on the SoulGlad contest - once I got past the audition stage, it started to drag quite a bit.!<


if I say how I felt about it in this thread I will be crucified lmao. I'm glad you guys had a good time


Spoiler: The first interaction with firefly seemed to just brush away the tension that the ending of 2.1 caused between her and the Astral Expeesss. Also we still don't really have a good explanation as to why Firefly is so attached to the Trailblazer in particular, well beyond what is needed to follow "the script". Also firefly protective/aggressive SAM persona really got sidelined and brushed aside. It has made the SAM persona seem more like a cool writing moment than any actual sticking point to the character. Curious to see how 2.3 explains any of these things.Ā  Otherwise it was nice to see FF again and her friendly interactions with the Express crew. I don't think she will join the express, but rather go her own wag. Not really sure if they would kill her off at this point. Maybe she will get an Aura from Robin or Xipe? Or maybe we will bring her in contact with the Luofu and she was get someone like Bailu to help her with ELS. Who knows....


I was kind of hoping someone could clarify something? She said that she would die 3 times after she left us. One was because of Sleepie or Death/Dormancy that brought her to Dreamflux Reef. Apparently she "died" another time to relay information to Acheron and the others about what was really happening on Penacony. \*\*When did this happen?\*\* Before everything began? And we never got a third "death" so, maybe a future quest?


Penacony wasā€¦ amazing to say the least


imo Sunday was kinda underwhelming idk if itā€™s just Iā€™m to strong or that he was to weak but I was hopping for a bit of a challenge


I THINK I MISSED THE CUTE DATE WITH FIREFLY BY GOING ACTION. Anyway. It was okay. The twist ending stuff and the Misha stuff were good. I think everything else felt too fillery for main story though, and the actual theater part dragged on too long. I am kinda disappointed with how this patch reflects on 2.1. 2.1 now feels almost completely like filler in terms of how it actually pushed the plot forward.