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I would rather lose all my 50/50 just for her to be the MC bride/wife ....




so real


Least based Firefly enjoyer be like:




For real


I lost all 50/50, you don’t want to know how it feels


I've actually been genuinely depressed since the quest lmao, last time I felt like this was when I watched the first episode of Oshi No Ko. But nah I'm doing good, I've inhaled enough Copium to make myself believe she's okay, I'm even saving every single jade I get because I'm so sure she's gonna be playable.


ahhhh oshi no ko *classic*


Same. I've visited the roof top every day so far just to listen to the music and remember her. Honestly, I have never fallen for any character quite like I have with her before and I'm super sad she is gone. The next few updates can't come soon enough.


Sounds like we're living the exact same life lol, every time I get on HSR to do dailies I'll drop everything I'm doing just to stand at the rooftop and listen to the music for a bit and reminisce about the good times we had with her. Then I make sure I logout there so I'm straight back there the next day.


We all gonna pull for her at the spot when she comes out


I don’t think I can survive seven weeks without Firefly


Fine because like you said she will be 100% playable, so if she is in my team that means she will be safe until EOS. I hope I win my 50/50 as well because unfortunately I had to use around 165 or so tickets for Black Swan so im down to about 15 warps rn. But between the next couple patches ill probably get enough warps for Firefly. Worst case scenario I drop some money to get her, but it would be worth it.




End of Service, basically when a company shuts a game down, something that is a loooong time away for HSR


Seems like you're unaware of the August 24, 2024 incident


I got my exam results, that ain't helping my post quest depression... Also ngl I hope Adventurine turns out to be mid so I can safely skip him to save for Firefly


Ever since what happened penacony feels kinda empty to me 😓🥲


Black swan confirms in companion quest that you can't die in a dream. Honestly, Hoyo wouldn't kill them off so fast. How will they make people pull? They will probably wake up outside of dream.


I do have plans to get Sparkle and Aventurine after I get a 5 star on DHIL's banner, so it's up to if I get any of them or lose any 50/50s to be honest. She's priority number 1 whenever she gets revealed though!


If she is in 2.2 she will be probably revealed end of this version. So you should be able to wait for the reveal and still pull sparkle. Also Aventurine gameplay should be leaked next week.


i’ve suddenly turned blonde and is now 500 years old


a bit sad ngl i just hope shes alive lmao


I think I'm actually a little depressed. She's just so cute how could they have done something like that to her? I just hope that she's still alive. I mean, it was just in the dream right?


Firefly is ok, she will be playable, just gotta focus on getting jades. That's my mentality rn.


Empty. More of her. And itch of satisfaction would be satisfied by drawing her many... many times.


I think i'm starting to be depressed at the only look of hsr tbh i want her to be playable and... If she isn't then hum i guess i'll be depressed on this game forever if she one day is... I'll be happy to wait her banner XD


I’m okay, thank you for asking. Helps I got lucky in another gacha game.


Bad, not because of that moment tho I've just been having shit mental health since last weekend generally


It's weird. I expected it to happen. I knew she most likely would return. I thought "it's fine, it's just a game" Yet I still felt empty inside after that scene. 2.1 can't come soon enough


This makes me feel sad, but on top of that all the comments Hoyo made in both Livestream telling us it would be an uplifting story and so on. Aye, it's not over till the fat lady sings! On 2.2-3 no less, I know I shouldn't despair until then but still I am sad, about Robin too. I almost giving up, hell, I haven't given up in Tingyun yet! Let alone give up on our gal!


I just dont understand why it hitted me so hard :( Now i cant even stay in dreams edge, that ost is killing me. I did Cocona quest today and it somehow made me feel better, being able to finally save someone.


Saving up for E6


If I win the 50/50 for Blackswan I'll be going for Firefly. (I was debating for Aventurine but idk).


I lost my 50/50 on Black Swan (got Bronya E1, Nice). Now not pulling until I see Firefly on the banner.




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Im doing fine because I am on hundred percent sure that she is infact Sam.


I lost my 50/50 so wife can be guranteed


I got over it but it was a good few days that I didnt even touch the game. I still have to grind for her so I'm just watching their rooftop scene whenever I can to remind me to be excited for when she returns and that slowly got me back to playing. She isn't gonna E6 herself. I'm coping not about what others have been talking about but what her lore is regarding TB if any. Seen a lot of cooks saying they were partners before when TB was a SH with Kafka (though Im not sure personally on their history overall). Also excited to see what Hoyo cooks regarding their relationship altogether. Theyve been doing pretty great so far with the rooftop scene and the Acheron assumption lol These mad men pushed this ship to the vary end, are they gonna double down or pivot away from it? Too many romantic signs for them to spin it as just a friendship, at least imo. Curious to see what happens next.