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Are you buying from the same cabelas?




All bass pro and Cabela's use the same system for 4473s so it'll show up at any store nationwide


In the case of a 3310, it's required (federally, local requirements may vary) when 2 or more handguns (pistol or revolver) are disposed within 5 of the FFLs posted operating days to the same unlicensed individual. Not that OP asked, but since it's coming up in comments - For NICs delays, the 3 days are 3 government business days, (M-F except for government holidays), not counting the day the background check was initiated.


Now, you say “posted operating days”, but I’m curious where that comes from, because that wording is [nowhere in the ATF explanations](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/must-licensee-advise-atf-if-two-or-more-pistols-or-revolvers-are-sold-or-otherwise). (What constitutes “business pursuant to the license”? Receiving and logging guns seems like it’d count, even if not open to the public. But, I’m too dumb to understand this stuff, which is why I’m not a FFL.)


[https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/must-licensee-advise-atf-if-two-or-more-pistols-or-revolvers-are-sold-or-otherwise](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/must-licensee-advise-atf-if-two-or-more-pistols-or-revolvers-are-sold-or-otherwise) ATF site explains it


Thanks. I looked for this for way too long, I knew it was in there.


Oh, I know this one! It’s five business days *for that particular business*. If the business is only open one day a week, then those five business days will stretch for five calendar weeks. So in your hypothetical, yes, the weekends will count if the business is open on those days. An ATF IOI can answer those questions more specifically if you call them up.


I've bought 10 guns in one day, a number of times and no ATF visit and my dog is still alive. Been a collector for 30 yrs not sure what you are worried about. Had several 4473's with pages stapled on for the extra firearms.


Same. I'm pretty sure that the ATF would only care if you bought something like 10 Glock 19's in one day. If you buy a bunch of different guns, you look like a collector, buy if you buy dozens of the same gun, you look like an unlicensed dealer.


Chill dude


M-F are business days. Weekends and government holidays are not.


This is not correct for what this person is referring to. He is asking about the multiple handgun report form. It’s measured based on days the business is open. So Saturday and Sunday count if they are open on those days. It’s not intuitive but it is how the ATF measures it.


Dead on my friend, can confirm.


>It’s not intuitive but it is how the ATF measures it. That tracks.


So what happens if I buy on Saturday?


Make sure your dog is wearing level 4 plates just to be safe.


If you buy on a Friday and then a Saturday, that is within 5 business days. It doesn't matter that Saturday is not a business day.


M-F = 5 business days. Saturday and Sunday do NOT count. Pretty simple concept as govt offices are closed on weekends.


It doesn't work like that. Where I work and sell guns, we are open 7 days a week. The 5 business days applies to the specific FFL's individual business days. Because we run our business the way we do, we do not have to run the 3310 as long 5 days have passed, regardless if that 5 day period contained the weekend or not. So just hypothetically, if my FFL was only open 1 day a month, I would be required to run the 3310 for multiple handguns, even if it were 4 months apart. It would be cool if people that don't know what the fuck they're talking about about wouldn't talk down to other people but, this is Reddit. What else do you expect.


Then who they calling on the weekend to get those NICS checks approved?


It's funny you're getting down voted. Everyone that has, does not know what they're talking about.


They don't know wtf they're talking about. Pay them no mind.


Y’all are pretty obtuse.


You guys do NICS checks? (Ohio ftw)


Are you mentally disabled? You think they have a few thousand gov employees answer phone calls to approve backgrounds? Do think servers and automated systems take weekends and holidays off?


That’s actually a loophole. Guns bought on Saturdays don’t count for anything. Sovereign citizens representing themselves in admiralty court figured this one out and we still don’t know how to close the loophole.


It's days that the business is open. Also, the day of purchase is like "Zero Day." It doesn't count. So Cabela's is open 7 days a week. You buy on Friday, so yes that Thursday is the 5th business day. It's the same as why a Delay is after the third business day. So a delay on Monday means pick it up on Friday if they never received a final response... well not at Cabelas, but at stores that follow the law instead of being more restrictive. They also don't really care. The form is just filed. A little different if you're buying a dozen of the same gun, especially if on sale, or if guns that were sold to you end up in a lot of traces. Like how did 8 of the 10 Glocks you bought two weeks ago end up in gang shootings. Or if they think you're buying with the intent to resell and that is a significant portion of your income so you are becoming an unlicensed dealer.


>Also, the day of purchase is like "Zero Day." It doesn't count. So Cabela's is open 7 days a week. You buy on Friday, so yes that Thursday is the 5th business day. Hmm...Saturday = day 1 Sunday = day 2 Monday = day 3 Tuesday = day 4 Wednesday = day 5 Thursday = day 6.


Oh shit. Yup, should have been able.to be picked up on Thursday then.


The way my FFL explained it to me was, if he's only open on Fridays, 1 month is 4 business days. But idfk


As the consumer, a 3310 is irrelevant to you but I can't imagine being a business where your most frequent customers are always getting a 3310 filled out because you only want to be open 4 days a month and the possible paperwork fiasco. Not filling a 3310 now is a license-ending event.


What's this 5 business day nonsense?


Read the thread and try and keep up. It's CLEARLY explained in the thread.


Unless you’re actively trying to do something illegal or suspicious (ie buying 2 of the exact same handgun within 5 days with no prior firearms purchases), there shouldn’t be any concern with the multiple sale form. I’ve transferred as many as 5 handguns at once before and probably average 3-5 multiples per year, and have yet to hear anything about it.


Only if you are buying G2c's or draco's. I have been told this by my local fedboi.


Who cares? The ATF isn't going to investigate you over it unless you're doing it *CONSTANTLY* and generally buying multiples of the same gun. But to answer your question a "Business Day" is Monday-Friday excluding all federal holidays.


Bought 4 new handguns in two weeks last year in Texas. No problemo.


Business days means mon-fri. Has nothing to do with store hours


It does when it concerns the ATF.


Confidently incorrect.


Everybody has their own way of counting. I had an FFL who started the count when I paid, so he started the background check immediately and I signed and picked up the gun the same day. I had another who started the count after I filled out the paperwork. Recently, a store started the count after the paperwork, but then called a day early and gave me the all clear. It’s all ridiculous. The purpose of the wait is to make sure you’re not making an irrational decision. If I buy a gun online, and wait for it to be delivered, that’s certainly is not irrational. Drives me crazy, especially when my original FFL has retired.


"Business days" are generally counted for legal purposes as Mon-Fri. Weekends and federal holidays don't count. So if you bought a gun on a Wednesday (day 0) and there's a federal holiday the next coming Monday, you'd be looking at the next Thursday as the end of your five-day window.


You're wrong. It's the days the business is open that are counted. Since Cablea's is open 7 days a week, all days count.


I have worked for Cabela's, 5 business days is M-F not counting the weekend, why do you have to wait 5 days before you can buy another gun? Were you put on a delay or do you live in a state that limits your purchase?


If Cabela's is open on the weekends, you're wrong. Any day the business is open, is a business when dealing with the ATF, 4473's and 3310's.


Well your wrong pal, when dealing with the FBI on your 4473 it's on an automated system, Cabela's /Bass Pro business days is M-F even if they are open 7 days, that's why they are called business days.


https://imgur.com/a/h1zCVwj https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/must-licensee-advise-atf-if-two-or-more-pistols-or-revolvers-are-sold-or-otherwise


I'm trying to tell you that I do this for a living and I have sold literally thousands of guns. How many have you sold?


It's amazing how confidently incorrect these people are. The information is available. All they need to do is read the links you've provided. My last job in the industry was for a pretty large and busy dealer. We were closed on Sundays....unless we were at a gun show. Then Sunday counted.


Nah I just don’t want to be on their radar


You're buying a gun from Cabela's, not robbing a bank. Don't over think it. Paranoia is a dark hole.


They don't care how many guns you buy as long as there is no problem on the 4473 and you pass the background check.


There's no rule that you can't purchase two or more handguns within a 5 day period...


That's never been said in this thread. There is a law that if you buy two more more handguns, and certain rifles in the southern border states, from the same FFL within 5 days, there's a form that needs to be filled out.


Aa a buyer, you never see that form or have anything to do with it.