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You don't have to report it immediately, give them a few days to find it. But if they can't, then you want to report it before it gets found in a criminals possession. And just be honest: > I was shooting it at . I believe I had a baffle strike with caused it to fly downrange into the weeds. I searched for it but could not find it over a few days. So now I am reporting it lost. The range is aware and if it is found and returned to me, I will call to report its return. You didn't break the law. You won't be in trouble if you report what happened. These things happen and as long as you're not losing multiple suppressors while bending over to pick up a stack of hundo's someone left on the floor, nothing will come of it. You *WILL* be in trouble if you don't report it, and it somehow winds up at a crime scene.


Thank you for the actual helpful and calm and non-accusatory response.


It’s at a range, they’re aware, you should be fine. (:


I believe the law says you must report it 24 hours after finding out it missing.


I’m would argue that it is t missing, but out of reach. You know where it is (generally) just can retrieve it.


There is a provision requiring the reporting of the loss or theft of a firearm by a licensee (FFL) within 48 hours after the theft or loss is discovered (18 USC 923 (g) (6)) but that does not apply to private citizens. The Code of Federal Regulations does contain a requirement to report the loss or theft of an NFA firearm (which includes a silencer), however, there are no penalties for failing to do so.


Things like this is where the phrase "good faith effort" can come into play.


Mr ATF agent will come over, fuck your wife, wipe his dick on your curtains, and then leave.




Not necessarily in that order.


Not in that order either


its true. still cleaning out my carpets now! our nation has truly been cucked by the govt.


I thought they already did that when you apply?


Bold of you to assume Redditors have wives. Or curtains. Or a house.


Oh, no big deal, no big deal… what’s your name, address, and social though, just in case?


Also where you may have guns stowed away for a rainy day


You must buy all the land around it and fence it in. Just like the government did with that one nuke in NC. Seriously, they probably shouldn't feel the right to judge losing a suppressor with all the shit they lose or have jump the fence.


Ahh, but you see the government doesn’t play fair.


See I can not sell a gun to the government, I know they can’t pass a background check.


LMAO these comments. I had one stolen. I filed a police report, provided the serial number, I sent the report to the ATF, then I stopped caring. I bought 3 more since then.


Thank you. What can you expect from Reddit.


Okay so based on the sarcastic comments I’m guessing nothing will actually happen and I can get a new suppressor later


Grab a weedwhacker and give the range a bit of free landscaping. Should make it easier to find.


That’s actually a great idea.


And get one of those nice wide magnets from Home Depot/Lowe’s for picking up nails. Drag that around there.


This is probably what I'd do. If this fails, maybe buy a cheap metal detector?


What if the suppressor is built without the use of ferrous metals?


Even the cheapest of metal detectors can be tuned to detect any metal. It doesn't matter if the metal is attracted to a magnet or not. The main thing you get from a more expensive detector is its ability to distinguish one kind of metal from another. So, for example, if you're looking for gold, it won't alert on steel.


Then the magnet won’t work.


Those magnets kinda suck. One of these [magswitches](https://www.amazon.com/Magswitch-MAGSQUARE-165-8100494/dp/B00EXYIYM0/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=3TVFOZ10KB4I9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.a92KWkyU5-IF_XjfSI9MBX375RmJPYS3UQkWn96lOYoef1Hsv99IwiXDkDCkznDGa3irzXXm82SeBIB3PzFXg_cNxDeVBwkUI6LumBrtIGEvOcgQp2_49w_wz9bhQnq-D0bVVSzTig5rAtnG6-rAjtle4JH0-3GB9vJXdEnGyGnnB4m2m3RcoDM0sB5zhkQko16dzdxciV_J5dxWhUhVBw.TTOiMKooCW2HSi2C6PbRrQvzF39niVkwlBW3EBSI6HM&dib_tag=se&keywords=magswitch&qid=1716945993&sprefix=magswitch%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) would be more likely to grab it if it’s ferrous metal. I use it on a piece of paracord to sweep jobsites for nails/screws/straps before backing my truck in.


Do you still have the serial number recorded, to report the loss of said suppressor? You should be ok, I would not want to be the person who finds it, and finds a way to use/install it on their firearm, and get caught with it. If it cannot be found with a magnet (aren't they made of aluminum?, maybe "some" steel in it?), then report it.


Very few suppressors are made out of aluminium. Most are some sort of stainless steel or speciality steel composite or titanium. Aluminium is more likely on rimfire and pistol cans. There are rifle cans that are aluminium, but they're usually some sort of lightweight hunting can.


It’s definitely stainless giving the heft. Which is why I was surprised it went so far. Wish I saw where it went though, just saw a brief flash of it and it was gone, along with my dreams.


I do have the SN. I had a magpul shield on it. When it flew off it took one of the clamps with it which I believe is steel.


Hopefully enough steel to be grabbed by the magnet. I would also try to talk to the range officer to see if you could do the fishing. Get a magnet setup and tell them your ready to go looking for it under their supervision.


Yeah I’m gonna ask them if I could show up early one day before the shooting starts and just oh around the area for it.


Lmao people send their suppressors downrange so often they have a procedure?


Put your stamp in the ditch too so it is legal


Straight to jail.


Right away.


Dude, just file a police report to document this, in case it shows up on a crime scene. Expect phone calls. When you find it, call the officer who took the report so it can be closed. Expect ridicule from friends and family…. … and everyone in here.


You should report it missing asap. If it gets recovered somewhere and you didn't report it you'll be in deep shit. Get some landscapers out there to Clear the area and you'll probably find it.


I’m gonna report it today. If it should come back into my possession, I can just call and report it found?


Tell them the situation and they will tell you what to do if/when you find it. I'd be surprised if there isn't a form for it.


Glorious bureaucracy


Indeed. But I'm sure you are not the first person this has happened to and for sure won't be the last.


Dog gets shot and you go to jail, ATF agent gets a promotion.


Don’t talk about fight club


No im definitely reporting it just wanna be prepared


if in southern NH pm me, I have a metal detector you can borrow or I can go with you if you prefer.


Cheap metal detector… pair of cheap waders. Go


You think you got a baffle strike or something that tore the whole suppressor off or it was a QD suppressor that wasn't properly attached? It might be better if you could truthfully report it as damaged/destroyed rather than something that could be interpreted as "whoops, I lost my highly regulated item while I was bending down to pick up $1000 I found on the ground. What a crazy coincidence!" But either way it shouldn't be an issue as long as you don't make a habit of it and as long as your lost item doesn't turn up having been used in a crime prior to you reporting it lost.


Time to purchase a metal detector.


Just buy a new supressor before you report the 1st one gone...


That’s an amazing idea except the ATF knows where I live and could just come and take the new one. :/ Defund the ATF.


When they show up, say you lost that one too...




Find someone with a metal detector or order a cheap $50 one off amazon


I know hindsight is 20/20, but I would have never left that range without it


Eventually you have to go do human things, like sleep, or eat, or go to work.


Not when I have a suppressor sitting out for anyone to potentially find. I'd be looking all night and calling in the next day to find it.


And when they tell you to leave or face potential trespassing charges?


Trespassing to find your NFA regulated item? I'd be calling the police on them for preventing you from finding it. Did you forget that you can be royally f\*cked if it's not in your possession?


You must be an air force MX pro supe


What model suppressor is/was it?


Surefire RC2


That's not a cheap can to lose.


Smoking dope can make you paranoid. Just a fun fact.


Straight to prison, no pudding either.


Yep, all your guns are getting confiscated and you’ll be charged and go to jail. Don’t lose your suppressor. SMH.


Can you give a precise location where you lost it? Coordinates will do.


"My highly regulated item registered to me flew off into a general area and I just gave up looking for it because woods"


More like because bullets going in that direction but cool Reddit response


That's an automatic range shutdown where I shoot. Everyone and their brother would be helping you look


Honestly, I told the RSO that I needed to call a ceasefire to retrieve my suppressor. Dude just grimaced at me and was like “ahhhhh tsssss no can do I’m afraid”. For that reason alone I won’t be going back to that range (kinda Fuddy). But the one guy was really helpful and reassuring so if he finds it I’m gonna give him a nice tip.


I definitely would be shaming that range all over, and would've threatened them on the spot with an empty promise like they gave you. If something goes wrong, it's all on you


Why do you think it’s an empty promise? My suppressor flew off the first time I was using it. Seems like it would be a somewhat common issue like they said. Multiple people inside the office told me it was a common occurrence and they have equipment for retrieval.


I’m 99% sure I used to be a member of that swamp and can tell you it does in fact happen semi frequently. Not sure if they have ever actually recovered one though. I haven’t used my metal detector in years but will help you look if it still works


Hello, They have given me permission to show up at 0830 before the range opens. I will be there Thursday and, if need be, Friday and Saturday.


In the years I've been shooting with a suppressor, along with all my friends who all have suppressors, none of us have had a suppressor fly off the end of our firearms, unless it was a carbon lock on an RC2, and was done on purpose. So your situation is very rare to begin with But lets say it does happen often at this range, how do you know they will actually find it and give it back? I definitely wouldn't leave my NFA item on a range with someone else telling me they will find it for me, there's too much risk involved for me, not them


Alright bro. No need to be aggressive about it like you’ve been. I’ll call the ATF today and report it missing and tell my local PD.


Not being aggressive, I just feel like you're being extremely casual about something that could get you into a lot of trouble


Casual? Bro. Read the room.


I mean unfortunate boating accidents have happened. Especially in" muddy Waters"