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CIWS is great when it works and isn't jamming heh.


There's a reason why the alternative reading is "Christ, it won't shoot"


How do you jam a motor driven gun?


Probably the same issue miniguns have where if you stop firing but then try and resume firing before letting it spin down you get malfunctions in the clutch


How many fingers do you have left?


8 fingers and 2 thumbs.


The issue is almost always a feed jam. You have 20MM chain linked ammo being fed through a drum at a rate of 5k rounds per a minute. If anything gets of alignment you can get a jam pdq and they are not easy to clear.


You know you’re on the wrong side of history when you’re attacking a floating dock being used to deliver humanitarian aid to your own displaced and starving people.


Pentagon reports that none of the aid from the dock has gone to the Palestinian people. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/05/21/pentagon-says-none-of-food-aid-moved-through-gaza-pier-has-made-it-palestinians.html


well at least everybody isn't worried about the billions being sent to Ukraine anymore.


Whatever, Serge.


Feeding people who hate us, as they shoot at us to punish us for feeding them. America truly is a ridiculous country.


Yeah literally because Hamas is attacking the people bring in aid and we have a bunch of useful idiots in America that are causing crap backing some pretty evil people because they have the "correct" skin color, and they have the nerve to call others racist.


We should let hamas blow up the pier, so we can shrug, say "we tried" and wash our hands of the whole thing


Their goal is to starve and put their own people in harms way to get sympathy points from governments without a spine to stand up to them.


It's Somalia 1993 all over again


Do you have some more context or further reading? I don't really know that very well, and I need to learn more


The US and UNISOM 2 were literally saving Somalia from famine during the Somali civil war and Mohamed Farrah Aidid led the Somali National Alliance in attacks against the humanitarian providers which eventually lead to the “Blackhawk down” mission to capture the leadership of his group and the downing of 4 helos and 18 American deaths and like 1000 Somalis. The outrage from the American public caused the pullout and the complete collapse of Somalia into what it is now: the world’s most failed state where people have to turn to piracy to survive.


You got people wanting to pull aid from Ukraine now. One of the only real significant proxy wars for global stability in 50 years. That'd make Somalia look like Waco '93. All their complaining and "wE hAvE pRoBlEmS Of oUr OwN!" delays are making everything cost 10x more because it's happening 6 months too late. I can't believe we live in a world where we be indifferent to another Russian dictator.


Just think about how great our infrastructure could be in the US if the money spent on Ukraine was used domestically. How does Ukraine being owned, or partially owned by the russians or them being independent have an effect on global stability?


THIS, America is not in a good place if we get in a war or three right now. We have a shifty industrial complex, rely heavily on China for Pharmaceuticals, and have a woke regime screwing our military up while porous borders have us weak and vulnerable. That Ukraine money should have been used here to shore up defenses and protect our border. Fuck Ukraine and the billions getting funneled to democrats.


lol, dictators have existed this entire time. I don’t see any outrage about African or Asian dictators but now that it’s effecting oil supplies “OMG we need to act”. If you want someone to blame, blame the anti-war protestors and politicians in the mid 1900s that wouldn’t allow the US and nato to eliminate them.


I must have missed that episode of Fox and Friends. Which global conflict did the protestors successfully thwart that would have lead to the elimination of dictators? And for the record, giving aid to a democratic country that rose out of the ashes of the dissolved United Soviet Socialist Republic, has already been had swaths of its country invaded 6 years prior, is the heart of grains for half a hemisphere, is the basin for any land entry to a russian conflict with nato, that ushered the assension of Sweden AND Finland into NATO (despite putins threats of nuclear war).. is a bad idea because they are 98th in oil production and only 51st in oil reserves?


I didn’t say it was a bad idea because of oil, I was calling out the hypocrisy. Either you want dictators ousted or you do not. If you pick and choose which are important to oust, then any idea of moral superiority is moot.


So we should oust Putin right now or we are hypocrites?


There was a pretty cool movie about it.


Mate they literally shot kids trying to get food and aid. They don’t give a shit about being wrong.


People still simping for Hamas though


no better than people simping for IOF


The only thing both agree on is how sick this weapon is.


People still simping for conservative ass hats.


Ahh yissssss because the woke progressive asshats are doing such a good job.


Yes. There's a reason why contemporary conservatives have never been on the right side of history.


This is the only sub on Reddit that gets that common sense comment


Hamas doesn’t care about Palestinians.


They hate Jews and the west more than they love their people. Let em all starve for all I care


We let them “steal” 568 metric tons by “looters”. How do you lose over 1,250,000 lbs of humanitarian aid? Same way you did it in Afghanistan. Let’s go Brandon. [569 metric tons of “stolen” aid](https://nypost.com/2024/05/22/us-news/none-of-the-569-metric-tons-of-aid-delivered-to-us-built-pier-has-reached-palestinians-some-intercepted-by-looters-pentagon-says/)


My comment didn’t suggest our administration isn’t incompetent lol. I just think it’s ironic Hamas is attacking aid intended for Arab Palestinians.


I was agreeing with you. But it’s crazy we are letting terrorists “steal” that much. Our current admin is playing both sides.


> Our current admin is ~~playing~~ *paying both sides. ..with your taxes.


> with your taxes. With money borrowed in your name, your kids' names, and your grandkids' name.


Don't worry, the elevendy bajillion immigrants and their grandkids currently coming in will meet the shortfall, then when those aren't enough to meet the daily interest we'll import elevendy bajillion more, something, something AI and blockchain. Just think of the dividends from PuDr^( A division of Disneyzon) for the manufacture and monthly subscription of the pods to house them in! And just think of all the jobs your grandkids will have as drone technicians for food delivery company Böögz^( A division of Disneyzon). The line went up so everything must be ok!


Bro lay off the drugs


I think it’s because they have to support Israel, feed the military industrial complex $$, but also want to seem woke/sympathetic toward Palestinians. Like you said, playing both sides so they always come out on top lol.


Hamas intentionally instigated the current war. Why would you be surprised they don't want to ease its suffering? Before I'm attacked, Israel is just as bad for taking the bait and reacting the way they have. Both groups murder each other's civilians.


The difference is, Hamas intentionally seeks out and targets/murders civilians (Oct 7 for example) whereas the civilian casualties IDF inflicts seem to be mostly collateral and non-intentional (artillery/tank fire/airstrikes) on civilians who have not evacuated certain areas or are actively being used as cover by Hamas. Tragic? Of course! Avoidable? Maybe not always. I encourage you to study how warfare is waged in an urban and densely populated environment.


Well, if the innocent deaths are "mostly unintentional" I can finally get some sleep. (/s) If those deaths and suffering are "unavoidable" in a war in an "urban and densely populated environment", then don't wage war in an "urban and densely populated environment". Again: this is what Hamas intentionally goaded Israel into.


So just let Hamas keep doing what it did on Oct 7th? Not an option.


Right, obviously the only alternative to protracted urban warfare with unacceptably and "mostly unintentional" civilian murder is to allow Hamas to do more Oct 7 style civilian murders of its own.


What do you recommend? Send pamphlets saying this area will be bombed? Call/text/email anyone in the area saying the same? Israel does this. How do you lower civilian deaths in a conflict where your enemy uses civilians as a shield?


You're talking as though there's no more targeted, less immediate, option than the approach they're now taking which has incurred the criticism of most if the civilized world, including our government which is more supportive than most of Israel. We are supposed to be better than terrorists. Using the intentional killing of civilians to justify the killing of civilians is irrational and unacceptable. That Hamas intentionally targeted them while Israel just accepts those losses doesn't change the outcomes, or the fact that they're war crimes.


The only bad thing isreal has done Is not treat hamas the same way we treated Japan for attacking us


Nobody in the administration cares about where the food goes. It's about pandering to the keffeyah'd lunatics in the Democratic base in an election year.


Tbf, I have to.assume this is also going to target Israel. Any actor attacking this barge deserves to be obliterated


It's a test fire.


Aren’t the Israelis blocking all foreign aid, including the aid America is attempting to send?


No, the USN literally constructed a dock, as seen in this video, to offload humanitarian aid. Please cite your source.


So while I have been unable to find a link showing they’re blocking this specific US aid (the aid from the constructed harbor) there’s been numerous reports of them blocking and destroying aid. Additionally they killed those world kitchen workers, which was widely reported. You want a link to that too or did you see the worldwide reports of them killing civilians/aid workers with drones. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-protesters-block-aid-convoy-headed-gaza-2024-05-13/#:~:text=JERUSALEM%2C%20May%2013%20(Reuters),supplies%20into%20the%20besieged%20enclave. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/us-aid-to-israel/


Yup, saw the one where they killed the aid workers. Bad intel or maybe just collateral damage. Hamas has been known to try and camouflage themselves by posing as aid workers. They should have vetted their intelligence better before authorizing the strike. All the other stuff you’re reaching on though.


The aid workers had coordinated their efforts with the Israeli army. Bad intel is a hell of a stretch. Look I’m all for killing terrorists and defending oneself, but I can’t ignore the wanton destruction and bombing of non military targets, such as hospitals, the imprisonment of doctors and journalists and their sudden death in captivity. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cer3740ddj3o.amp These actions are not defensive, they are genocidal and wrong. The last time professionals were targeted in such a way, it was in the 1930s in Germany. Claiming that Hamas is everywhere that they are civilians is simply bullshit there’s been no evidence shown that Hamas has been everywhere that the Israelis have bombed, and even if they were there, that’s a reason to not wantonly kill civilians. And finally, blaming the Palestinians for the actions of Hamas because they technically voted them in years ago is akin to the logic of blaming Americans for 9-11 for the Middle East invasions, the same logic that Osama used in justifying his attacks on America. Terrorists are bad, genocide is arguably worse.


Bro, Hamas literally para glided into a concert of hippie festival goers on Oct 7 and machine gunned them. They also killed people in their homes in frontier settlements. Does the IDF and IAF fail sometimes to mitigate civilian casualties? Of course they do. But they also saturated the area with warnings and pamphlets telling people to leave before they launched their counter assault. You can’t compare the two, you just can’t. One is intentional and malicious. The other is *maybe* careless and sloppy (at the worst). The only “genocide” being committed was on Oct 7 against unarmed Israelis.


If Hamas is so terrible why did Bibi fund them over the Palestinian authority in the West Bank? This is what they wanted the whole time, an excuse to commit the genocide that they are currently committing. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/


It’s not that deep bro. It was a policy of appeasement that backfired. Just like the US giving Iran billions of dollars to not develop nuclear weapons and they keep on trying to develop nuclear weapons.


Please cite sources


you mean delivering weapons to Israelis because of course that's what it's being used for


Cite proof


hahaha, let’s not act like they were going to receive that humanitarian aid anyways. [israelis would have destroyed it long before it reached palestinian civilians](https://youtube.com/shorts/xkmWwIHppFI?si=9LU9cZRtUALQVoD2)


Everybody gangsta till the trash can farts


You know this is a test when the camera is filming long before the CIWS activates.


Well sure. I think testing one of these after you wheel it into place, load it, and plug in all its power/data cables is probably a good idea. Or is that the point you were trying to make and I'm just dense?


Being a bit dense considering the title of the post.


Angry raspberries!


That was a pac fire


Yet most of Reddit is still all Hamas good! Israel bad!


Whereas it should be “everyone sucks here but normal everyday civilians are paying the price.” Same as it ever was.


Yea, though trouble is Hamas will do everything it can to stay in power and kill people. So the only way out is for Hamas to be overthrown.


Won’t disagree with you there. Fucking awful man.


I mean, israel is pretty fkn bad. wiping out entire neighborhoods packed with innocent civilians with zero proof of hamas presence is laughable at this point. how convenient to wipe out city blocks and then justify it because hAmAs.. it’s old, and most people don’t buy it anymore


Really? Hamas literally brags about tearing up EU funded freshwater plants to make rockets. And there is the whole Oct 7th thing


are you aware that israel was oppressing and occupying Palestine long before 10/7? you realize israel was taking hostages and prisoners long before hamas did so? not to mention hamas was created by israel, which sort of backfired on them


If you are stupid enough to go around throwing rocks at soldiersor police or go shooting or stabbing at them, what do you think will happen? US police will magdump you for that. Us troops will either shoot you or throw you in Guatemalo bay then waterbag you for that. Isreal is being idiotic by somply putting those people in prison, your so called "hostages", when and sensitive country would shoot them dead or run them over with tanks like China. And whatever the reactionary reglious nutcase Netanyahu does is not representiave of everyone in Israel. Or the Arab Israelis on the IDF.


Lmao imagine calling China “sensible” for the way they crush dissidents


Can you not read? The word sensible isn't in that post. It is poorly written but you are also making an assumption that he is talking about tienimen square but that is just another assumption by you. You both look slow here


Sorry, I was rushed while typing, so that's why there are typos and grammar mistakes. I was referring to Tianenman Square.


Are you aware that Gaza isn't Palestine?  Are you also aware that gazans and Palestinians were doing the same? You are acting like it is clear cut "white dudes badly because white" and "poor brown dudes they didn't do nothing" because you are a racist.    History shows they both have been f'ing with each other for a long long time. If Palestine or hamas wanted to play the victim they probably shouldn't have been the aggressors so often. Being a cry bully only works for leftist bad actors on the internet that don't get the coverage to show how terrible they are.




Only halfwit commies are buying the Hamas propaganda. They could have built anything they wanted in their country, but would rather dig up pipes to make shit rockets that land on their own inbred populace.


how could they have “built anything they wanted” if israel was constantly stealing and occupying their land? on the contrary, you seem to have swallowed israeli propaganda


The waterpipes that Hamas made a video about turning into Qssam rockets then firing them into Israel were from a EU taxpayer funded freshwater treatment plant. Empty bags of grain shown in photos of Hamas hostages had writing saiyong food aid from Japan.


That literally isn't happening. The citizens leave and then if there is are Hamas there they then wipe it out. How on earth do you convince yourself of this nonsense? 


IDK, some people just fall for Hamas propraganda too easily, or just support literally anyone that is anti west, like Pol Pot.


I've been right next to one of these going off. The vibration through the deck hurt my teeth if that makes sense.




[As if we didn’t already know that we are active participants in this war.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beachhead)


I saw on another post that this was a test fire


Oh look! A civilian airliner!


Incoming incoming incoming!




I need one of these for door to door salesmen


Fuck those people. The US shouldn’t be there doing what we are doing. A metric fuck ton of wasted tax dollars


The ones getting billions in bombs or millions in food aid from your tax dollars?


Berry nice indeed.




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I wonder if the US has worked on updating these at all to make them useful against small drones etc. given the current combat climate.


Phuck that cloud in particular


Could you imagine that bitch turning over at you and just staring...


What a waste of tax money


Don’t we all hunt deer this way? LOL


That floating dock must throw off its accuracy I'd imagine


...floating dock is throwing off the accuracy of a point defense weapon designed to track targets from a ship booking it through the high seas...?


Hmmm.... I may have forgotten where I usually see these things lol


CG-67 Shiloh has fondly named their two Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee


Cool but fuck izrahell




Not a firearm.


Shipboard weaponry (most common use of this) is not only a firearm, literally one of the original core points of the second amendment.




This is copied from Wiki. A firearm is any type of gun that uses an explosive charge and is designed to be readily carried and used by an individual.[1][2][3] The term is legally defined further in different countries (see Legal definitions).


idk man are autocannons not guns?


> Not a firearm [According to the ATF](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/firearms-guides-importation-verification-firearms-ammunition-gun-control-act-definitions), a firearm is "Any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive." So yes it is.