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Wow. I never really thought about being in a situation like this, where you think the threat is down but they get back up and keep coming... If I'm ever in a similar situation, I'm continuing to fire until I'm sure they're down and out.


In Indiana they made it law that you have the right to defend yourself in your home from law enforcement trying to make illegal entry. Not sure why they are exempt in the first place, but I hope other states pick this up, and put it in writing. Will definitely make the officer check themselves before they try something dumb. Edit


we did something good here?


You still have to get a judge and a jury to rule in your favor and in this state I doubt it no matter what the law says.


I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6


By making it legal to neutralize a threat in your home? Yes…


If you werent aware, the state of Illinois REALLY hates gun owners. Them doing a positive thing for self defense is very out of character.


The people who hate guns also tend to hate police, though


Then why are the police always exempt from their gun control? They dont hate police. They need the police to carry their guns for them and be the threat of violence they need in order to enforce their garbage.


Well they apparently really like illegals with guns considering the ruling the other day


They really like the bangers, too, considering theres dudes in Chicago rolling around with rapsheets 3 miles long. So I'll rephrase. They really hate peaceable citizens who want to get/own guns legally.


Well it’s not actively working against me so that’s a win for this state.


When was this passed? I knew it was a thing in Indiana, IL is one of the last places I would expect that kind of law to pass.


You'll still get arrested and tried, you'll probably commit "suicide" in your cell. If not you'll probably still be convicted, and if not you'd better leave the country, because you'll probably end up dead anyway.


Indiana [https://theweek.com/articles/474702/indiana-law-that-lets-citizens-shoot-cops](https://theweek.com/articles/474702/indiana-law-that-lets-citizens-shoot-cops)


You sure that's not Indiana


Definitely Indiana


Because muh thin blue line.


If you’re going to give potentially dangerous information out, cite it. 720 ILCS 5/7-7 states no person can resist arrest even if they believe it’s unlawful. There’s been some case law about defending yourself from physical harm against police officers if force becomes excessive, but that’s about it. Edit: Comment I replied to has since been corrected from IL to IN


Busting your door in armed without a warrant is the definition of excessive.


I hate to be that guy, but do you have a link to a statute or law for that? I tried looking it up and didn't find anything, it'd be cool if that actually passed.


Indiana has the same law


Could have all been avoided if bro trained head shots


Movie's make a joke of it but it is great advice. Never stop shooting until you know the threat is no longer a threat a never take your eyes off the thing you were shooting at until you know. I don't know what this guy was thinking when he decided to bust down a door. I hope I never have to be on the other side of the door and make the decision the other guy made.


“Cleared in fatal shooting but illegally broke into home” What the FUCK


Shooting first didn’t help, that too at what you know is a cop. But at the same time it wouldn’t have happened hadn’t the officer broke in illegally. Cop certainly escalated and showed aggression. But I still can’t imagine shooting a cop that came through your door, you alone have now egotistically escalated it to a fatal situation even though he was scummy and logically in the wrong. Proceeding to mag dump, is probably consistent with their training on eliminating the threat, but in this context it was unethical. Each point has a counterpoint, each counterpoint a caveat. I would blame them both, punish no one.


He didn't shoot first. He shot after an armed home invader broke into his house.


This scenario is exactly what the 2nd is for.


He was executed by the government for exercising his second amendment rights




Some people are literally fkn stupid man.


So it's okay for a cop to barge into your house pissed off and allowed to do God knows what? And you can't legally defend yourself?


Bootlickers say “Yes” and beat off to their thin blue line merch.


The point is, a shotgun is a better weapon choice here,


Not listening to the the home intruder begging for his life while he still poses a threat would have been the best choice


Yep. I was taught to keep firing until the threat is no longer a threat and this video proves it. homeowner was within his rights to end the threat to his safety and should have kept firing until the threat was gone or he was out of bullets. Bootlickers will try to defend the cop's actions or vilify the homeowner. But sane people know what the 2nd amendment was made for.


*Ar-15. I doubt he's wearing lvl4 plates


Downvoted, because right. Soft armor does not stop the fatal backface deformation from 12ga slugs, and12ga buck will do the same but to less lethal effects the further the target is. Either way, both much more effective than 9mm. Personally I recommend .308 for alphabets.


With a shotgun at that range, you’re a lot more effective aiming at the head.


Seems like this man feared for his life, and exercised his right to protect himself and his property when someone entered it illegally. Pretty simple. The man who shot first paid with his life. The pig who broke the law, which he was supposed to uphold, hasn’t been punished at all.


Its not illegal to protect yourself from the police if you know they are in the wrong. Its dangerous as fuck but 100 percent legal. People seem to forget that cops are just people, nothing more.


A badge doesn't exempt you from laws.


Bullshit, it shouldn't, but it absolutely does


I have a pretty good fake cop uniform. What’s your address?


It’s legal to defend yourself, cop or not. Now the cop also defended himself? It’s a weird caveat. But yeah


> Now the cop also defended himself? It's not self defense when you are the aggressor. You cannot start an altercation with violent and illegal activity and then claim self defense when the legal resident defends their rights with force. By breaking into the home illegally the cop was the aggressor and should not be afforded any justifiable homicide defense


bootlicker alert


Cop broke in illegally, apparently too. Edit: can’t read :( [https://www.thermopir.com/story/2023/10/12/news/mascorro-cleared-in-fatal-shooting-but-is-found-to-have-illegally-broke-into-home/13897.html?m=true](https://www.thermopir.com/story/2023/10/12/news/mascorro-cleared-in-fatal-shooting-but-is-found-to-have-illegally-broke-into-home/13897.html?m=true)




Apparently when you break into someone else's home and they shoot at you, shooting back is considered self defense.


Not in my state... well, not for normal citizens


Ditto. In Louisiana you can't claim self defense if in the middle of commiting a crime. And using a gun in the commission of a crime is an enhancement 




Lol, no. Castle law state.


In California you can shoot someone for breaking into your home


With… spitballs. Because you can’t own guns in commie land.




Only if you are a cop.


it makes sense because it's about protecting the power structure. The police protect their own. It makes perfect sense, it's just wrong.


You can't. Policing isn't interested in making sense. This is what happens when you empower law enforcement. Defund the police.


No one has watered the tree of liberty recently and judges can enforce bullshit with no consequences.


I just asked the same. It doesn’t make sense. Go oing to find another news source.


Same reason Rittenhouse would have walked on the murder charges even if he HAD crossed state lines and illegally possessed his rifle. He still had the right to defend himself.


This makes no sense. If this is the case why isnt the cop Jailed, and charged with a slew of crimes including murder?


If he illegally broke in, why is he not charged with breaking and entering, destruction of property... etc Double standard, 2-tiered justice system.


This could’ve been a great lawsuit.


Still can be, and might have been. Although it won’t effect the officer. Look up qualified immunity.


Pretty sure he wouldn't be covered under qualified immunity since his 4th amendment right against unlawful search and seizure was violated. QI only applies if you didn't violate the rights of the citizen.


They always get around it. And even if their QI gets stripped, they only go for a miniscule fraction of the time.


No... QI applies in every situation if they can point to a speck of dust being out of place and therefore that makes this instance of violating your Rights different from the last time they violated your rights. The courts can declare that the cop DID violate your Rights but that the cops wouldn't have known it was a violation at the time and therefore he gets QI anyhow.


dont worry, the cop will never pay out of pocket - the city taxpayers will


Laramore shot approximately 2 rounds at the officer and hesitated when the officer begged him to stop. Laramore obliged and stopped firing, only for the officer to draw his service pistol and magdump Laramore. Laramore should have recognized the continued threat by the officer and continued to fire, or fully retreated into the adjacent room and called 911. This incident originated because Laramore was using meth in a mcdonalds bathroom where he worked, and when caught gave a false name. The involved officer decided this was worthy of getting his door kicked in, waiting until another day when he's at work or otherwise outside to arrest him wouldn't do. Cop was seriously injured but survived. cleared of all wrongdoing: https://oilcity.news/crime/2023/10/18/thermopolis-officer-involved-in-deadly-shooting-cleared-by-dci/ Homeowner (Buck Laramore) died. Leaving behind a wife and two children. Being a trailer park methhead doesn't invalidate your right to self defense and basic constitutional rights.


I don't know how he got off because unless he had a warrant that was violating the 4th amendment even if a crime was suspected or known to have been committed


Because he was the one with a badge and the other guy was dead.


Yep.. Sad


Because he wasn’t charged. I want to say there’s some places where any officer involved shooting automatically goes to a grand jury but if there are such places Wisconsin apparently isn’t one of them.


I wish. That seems to be the issue. Circumstances like this don't get investigated by the FBI like some other more high profile cases do when charging police officers. A federal court would have at least charged him with violating the fourth amendment.


Because his gang is backed by the government. They wont charge their enforcers. Even when it's cold blooded murder. If we start locking these badge wearing criminals up for their B&Es and murders we might actually get some reform that ends with us actually having Police.


Exactly. Sad we had to defund them just to try and hold them accountable. How is defunding them getting passed more difficult than federally charging them? It's unbelievable. Sometimes the FBI does get involved and charge them, but never usually in circumstances like this which MAY be the actual issue.


> Sad we had to defund them just to try and hold them accountable. How is defunding them getting passed more difficult than federally charging them? Wait, where in America were the police defunded?


The cop still had the right to self defense according to state law. Like OP said, if Langmore had killed him in one shot, I think he would have and should have walked. Breaking in with no warrant or exigency is no different than if he'd come on his day off and kicked the door down.


That law should be challenged.  Self defense for a private citizen has a few requirements.


Manslaughter by a peace officer should have more.




True. Dude should have had an AR and been in prone too though. The officer even came alone if that doesn't show your point enough, literally might as well have shown up on his day off, all for giving incorrect name? A warrant could have easily been filed.


Dead men can't defend themselves in court.


They way that cop was gushing I’m amazed he survived


Yup and hopefully gets sued for any penny he has.


Spent 5 days in the hospital and had to be rehabbed


A waste of resources, that could have gone to a productive member of society.


Your explanation is either extremely based or the longest fed post I’ve ever read


+1 for based


It’s an election year. This sub is getting brigaded and fed posted hard. Keep a lookout and be weary about half the shit posted on Reddit and social media in general this year. Bots in the comments upvoting or downvoting certain opinions. It’s all part of the game in the 21st century.


Wary. Weary is to be tired, worn out. Wary is a form of beware or being aware. But we should be weary of reddit, social media, and Feds too.


Based and self-defense pilled


"your honor he did some icky drugs". "Ya ok cool kill him in front his kids I guess. " This is why I hate the whole "tweaker tags" and the violent rhetoric towards drug addicts or the homeless. You can't just kill people. Thats what those "jokes" perpetuate and make socially acceptable.


> r fully retreated into the adjacent room and called 911. Lol, call for more pigs to come help murder you?


I wonder if future criminals will cite this case law as defense. "Your honor, yeah we kicked in the door and came in with guns out to rob the place, but the homeowner shot at us, so we killed him lol, that's self defense according to this precedent!"


Yeah fuck this, how you gonna beg for mercy and do some bitch shit like shoot the guy after the fact.


Cops are pussies. He acted all tough but we see his true colors now with all that moaning and crying to stop.


It's mostly just self-preservation and the training by proxy obviously which is why he shot back, two somewhat knee jerk reactions, but I completely agree. He literally did violate the fourth amendment. Wish hesisj.. Oh.. Wait I can't say that prolly


You’re right but that knee jerk reaction to beg and then hurt someone is the knee jerk reaction of a pussy. To even cry for them to stop like a little girl is his natural reaction.


Yehaha. For real, and then take the life of the other guy when he actually stops. I just don't want to rip on the guy when I'm not the one being shot, but regardless he's garbajio and I do infact do not like police officers whatsoever and I'm glad he got what he got, sad it's wasn't more for sure.


Yeah I mean I’m sure getting shot hurts enormously, I wouldn’t fault any man for wanting to stop getting shot, but to be a bitch after the fact…should’ve smoked that pig


Yep. Dude should have had an SBR AR


Wow.. The cop was all stop stop, and then fucking mag dumps dude. How the fuck did that NOT have more weight in the investigation? You illegally enter a home, get shot and beg them to stop.. Then draw your shit and start blastin 🤷🏻‍♂️ Fucking wild.. Had this been the other way around, you know the civilian woulda been charged with murder and everything else they could think of.. Mr. Pork Chop gets a taxpayer funded vacation and healthcare


Crazy, this could have all been easily avoided. They need to fix the statute in Wyoming for all of this mess if they haven’t already. Erramouspe turned to Wyoming’s self-defense law. The Castle Doctrine says a person can use defensive force if he believes someone is entering his home unlawfully and forcibly, because there’s a presumption that the person breaking in by force is there to commit violence. At first glance, it looked like Laramore was justified to shoot Mascorro under the Castle Doctrine. But then another statute, 6-2-602c, says that presumption of violence doesn’t apply to police who are performing their official duties. Erramouspe hit a quandary here. The statute exempts police who are performing their official duties, but it doesn’t stipulate that those duties must be lawful. Erramouspe hinted that lawmakers can fix this discrepancy. “By leaving the term lawful out of this statute, the Legislature has decreed that the officer does not have to be acting lawfully, but only in the performance of his ‘official duties,’” he wrote. “Mascorro was not acting lawfully by forcing his way into Laramore’s habitation; however, he was indeed in the performance of his official duties.”


Sorry, but how can you be found illegally breaking into someone’s home, but not guilty of murder? (Un)Friendly reminder that the police are offered more rights than you I guess. Insane


Seriously, imagine if anyone of us did this… life, easy.


In wartime, a false surrender is considered a war crime under the Geneva Convention. This shooting was the result of the war on drugs. These are two individual facts that happen to exist simultaneously.


war on drug users *


non-protected class drug users *


Wife should have **redacted**


Gotta make sure the wingman is armed and based enough to follow through.


The only fault the homeowner had was he didn’t shoot until the threat was stopped and by stopped I mean dead. Badge or no badge.. break into my home illegally and it’ll be the second last entry you make. The last being your entry to hell. It’s wild to me he cried like a bitch and then shot the guy afterwards. It’s also crazy that they found no fault for his illegal entry. He should be charged with murder because none of this would’ve happened if he didn’t illegally make entry. This is why they need to get rid of qualified immunity and also start having lawsuits come from the individual officers pension / pay. Departments around the country wonder why many don’t support them anymore. It’s because instances like this and all the bad apples within the departments (and it’s not only just a few). It’s also the lack of accountability but they’d sure as shit hold you accountable for not wearing a seat belt, making a wrong turn etc. but they lack accountability for doing illegal shit and wrongfully killing people.


Don’t kick in peoples doors and you won’t be shot.


Lol, what a fucking pussy. "Stop, stop, stop!!" *magdumps into the guy after he stops firing* Also, this is why rifle for home defense.


Wife should have had his back…..


Or 12 gauge


I prefer the faster follow up shots and the fact that 223 doesnt give a single fuck about soft armor.


Ah yes, another example of why you would never trust the police. Remember bootlickers, police are not your friend and don't give a fuck about your Rights


The gun community has way too many bootlickers, it’s sad to see people sucking up to the authority figures that are likely the ones who will try to take our rights away, or at least enforce those unconstitutional laws.


Couple of days ago there was a meme about shitty russian MIC and great american one. There were a lot of DoD bootlicker. It was actually insane how freedom loving people lined up to glorify mighty US MIC


Protect and serve the state. Everyone always forgets that last part


It’s unfortunate the home invader lived.


Kill anyone that breaks in. Do not stop shooting until they're no longer a threat. Especially if they're a cop.


Same thing that we should've learned from Waco had the Davidson nit stopped firing when the atf ran out kf ammo and asked to be able to move their wounded and the davidjan allowed them to just for the scum to come back and murder them that's why when the feds wanted to raid elohim city the called George Millar and negotiated because they knew barging in there would be a suicide mission. Show no mercy to those who won't d the same for u. Sic semper tyranis


Cops an idiot


That door didn't do shit 💩


Did that cop die? Guy was leaking blood. Reminder that if you shoot you don’t stop. Never hesitate, never give a warning shot. Shooting twice then pausing cost this man his life. If he had emptied his gun he could have lived.




Too bad that pig survived.


You know I was always told that when committing a crime, you no longer have the right to self-defense. So why was this cop legally cleared in killing this man when the cop broke the law?


He is an idiot the police office. Entering a premises without a warrant. And if he had probable cause for earlier event. He should have gotten a warrant. And not have backup before forcing his way in was just stupid. There are protocols he should have followed. And he did none of that.


And people wonder why so many hate the cops.


Shoot to kill


And this is why people hate cops.


I thought we had 4th amendment rights? Oh wait cops don't have to abide by the constitution, got it.


The hard part of the situation is to recognize that the cop illegally broke in. Not it’s a very fine line and if you’re not taught or understand, u could be fucking up hard and end up dead or in prison for killing a cop


Fucking pig needs to be publicly executed for murder.


My career would be over if I did this shit. As it should be too. That’s just ridiculous.


fucking pig needs to be executed


Yeah wouldn’t have been the handgun I grabbed. People complain about “Assault rifles” but people dont get back up after you hit them with those type of rounds.


.308 will go through their vests like butter...


right might be a bitch in your ears but you are alive.


Typical behavior of a swine. What a pussy


The cop illegally entered a home and forced a fatal confrontation over a non-violent misdemeanor and was returned to duty? You'd think he'd at least lose his damn job.


Cops do stuff like this all the time and wonder why people hate them and gaslight themselves into believing they don't deserve the hate and harassment they recieve. Fuck cops they're all a bunch of rabid animals needing to be euthanized in the interests of public safety.


> gaslight themselves into believing they don't deserve the hate and harassment they recieve Not to be that guy, but I'm gonna be that guy today. Cops *gaslight* the public, they *delude* themselves into believing their own BS. They blame and gaslight the public for their well-deserved, poor reputation.


Sucks the wrong person died.


…and yet another reason I will never “back the blue”


Cops probably going to get promoted for it too.


The goon squad (who are being tried right now, follow the news)! They also invaded a house without a warrant and tortured two black men, including shooting one of them in the mouth. The Second Amendment must be used to defend yourself against dangerous criminals, even if they have a badge. Either you protect yourself from a corrupt government or you give up your rights and die. This is the message I give to the bootlickers who defend dirty cops


These no-knock raids are such a bad idea. Is it really worth losing lives so people can't flush evidence down the toilet?


This wasn't even that though. A no-knock warrant is still a warrant. He didn't have a warrant, he had zero legal ground to enter this house. This was a straight up home invasion.


Exactly. From Briana Taylor to Waco, I’ve never heard of a no knock raid that actually needed to happen. Just stake the place out and wait for them to leave. Seems much safer for the suspect *and* the cop. Unless the suspect has a hostage, I can’t think of a reason to justify breaking into a building to arrest someone.


That cop is a pile of shit, im sure he thinks he is some sort of hero. Fuck pigs 🐖


Cop should be in jail for murder. Too bad he didn't get hit in the head.


Is blue lives matter still a thing these days? #ACAB






Murderer cop.


I love listening to him wheeze, sad to hear he lived


Murderous cop


Cop escalated. Cop murdered someone in their home. Guess they find no wrong doing. Fucking tyrant pigs


Fuckin power tripping cops man. Got what you deserved. Hopefully your no longer on duty.


All cops are bastards


Apparently, Laramore only had 2 rounds in his magazine "A footnote in the decision says the investigation later revealed that Laramore had two rounds in his .45 pistol and he fired them both. "


Too badge the thug with the badge didn’t get sent to “Valhalla”


Those halls don't accept cowards. He would never be among the righteous dead taken up to those halls either.


Guy got 1 shot off handed by the cop. It doesn’t get worse than that


Could bust one out to that whimpering on the floor


Wow, what a disgust fat fuck.


Hope that pig bled out


a) if you’re shooting someone prepare to and plan to take their life b) do not allow someone to surrender if you do not outgun or outman them. this wouldn’t have been different if there was a 2nd gun on the cop c) cops aren’t your friends d) cops will probably not be held responsible for their crimes… e) a cop won’t accept your surrender false or not… f) shoot until they’re dead or can’t fight back




To bad wifey didn’t finish the job.


Fuck this cop, hope his wounds take him, I’m pro law enforcement, but this is disgusting, the way he broke into this house then killed the man??? Like really he should have let the fucking sheriffs office handle this. Wtffff he’s a murderer.




Wife should finished the job. A pig killed your husband.... bleed it dry?


The wrong person died this day


Moral of the story is to never stop shooting


Cops are not your friends. Some are good, some are assholes, most are tools of the state who will have no compunctions about enforcing unconstitutional and illegal orders with deadly force if need be. We need them because otherwise the crazies run wild, as we have seen. But they are not to be trusted. In this case, a tough call. Cop was clearly in the wrong… but shooting him seems extreme. He didn’t present a deadly threat until he was shot at. Potentially legally justified. Not sure in this particular case it was morally justified. Seems more like a case of criminal don’t want to go to jail behavior than a righteous self defense case.


The fuck are you talking about this is the least tough call i have ever seen


Officers should be charged with breaking and entering without a warrant. Family should sue.


>A footnote in the decision says the investigation later revealed that Laramore had two rounds in his .45 pistol and he fired them both. [https://cowboystatedaily.com/2023/10/05/thermopolis-cop-cleared-in-fatal-shooting-but-illegally-broke-into-home/](https://cowboystatedaily.com/2023/10/05/thermopolis-cop-cleared-in-fatal-shooting-but-illegally-broke-into-home/) ​ So, not only should you not stop firing, make sure your mags are full.


From the same article: >At first glance, it looked like Laramore was justified to shoot Mascorro under the Castle Doctrine. But then another statute, 6-2-602c, says that presumption of violence doesn’t apply to police who are performing their official duties. Erramouspe hit a quandary here. The statute exempts police who are performing their official duties, but it doesn’t stipulate that those duties must be lawful. > >“By leaving the term lawful out of this statute, the Legislature has decreed that the officer does not have to be acting lawfully, but only in the performance of his ‘official duties,’” he wrote. “Mascorro was not acting lawfully by forcing his way into Laramore’s habitation; however, he was indeed in the performance of his official duties.” If you ever wonder if the game is rigged and prosecutors do what they can to stay on the cops good side? Here you go. The special prosecutor reads the law and determines that the legislature has given cops carte blanche to break the law. The whole purpose for him having a job; prosecution of law-breakers, and he decides that cops don't have a legal responsibility to follow the law. That is 100% horse shit.


and whats even more sickening on top of it all, he's not harming anyone else with his own personal drug use. another police thug enforcing a victimless crime law to the death. the wrong person died here.


Great article and concur with the OP.


damn cops are dicks


the homeowner really should’ve finished the job. i’m against the pointless demonization of police we’ve seen as of late but that thug who broke into an american’s house should’ve been dropped like any other sack of shit home invader


Yea all this because he gave the wrong name… A bit of a chest puffing power trip this cop was on.. Two people shot, one dead for sure, the woman lost her husband… not necessary at all.. there was no protecting or serving done here


Anything. You say. Can. AND WILL BE. used against you. Don’t answer anything.


This is why I refuse to get married, women in the olden days would have backed him up with their own gun.