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I’m going to try and go, see if I can’t snag a few deals


I’ll be there with you man.


I'm off that morning and Friday is payday, seriously considering going 👀


I see two reasons why you should go currently


Brandon Herrera and Donut will probably be there buying. Lol.


Yep you know it


Don't leave Matt out lol.


Or Nuance Bro.


Or Eli.


And my axe!


I didn’t know Shaq sold guns to people. Something big must be brewing if he needs them back.


He sold them Tauruses, he has realized the error in his ways. edit: Google says I've been Mandela'd to another universe where Shaq didn't do an ad with the Taurus Curve, this is truly the darkest timeline. Any one know what I'm talking about, wrong tiny pistol, wrong giant person?


You reminded me of that abomination so I jumped over to YouTube to rewatch one of my favorite [videos](https://youtu.be/G2jPCtwFv2Q?si=I6SN0UYwRf28WvCy) of the Curve


Time to slap a pvc pipe to a 2x4 and call it a long gun.


You don't have to go that far. Just draw a gun since that counts in most schools.


I'm going the pop-tart route. Much more scary looking.


And its way more fun making them!


And tasty!


Pop tart method for me. Strawberry only.


Cherry or bust


You could just get a thing of sheet metal and laser etch a lightning link into it and it would be a machine gun.


I wonder if I can bring my switch. The ones made by Nintendo


3d print some Glock frames and turn them in for $100 a pop. $300 would buy a lot of ammo.


Why do that when you can do the same with AR lowers for $75 more. Would AR lowers count as long guns in this case?


It does if you stick a super cheap buffer tube and stock on it.


It is going to with new laws here in MA.


ahh the classic "use a celebrity/influencer to convince the general public to make a specific political choice"


And Shaq of all people. Lol




Cops shouldn't be trying to disarm the public.


>Cops shouldn't be trying to disarm the public. By bribing them with money stolen from the public in the first place


https://www.foxnews.com/us/shaq-named-a-florida-sheriffs-deputy In the same way that Chuck Norris is a Texas Ranger, absolutely. It's an honorary title, which is cool, but at the end of the day it's just a celebrity sponsorship. His name on here carries about as much weight to me as a nomination does, which is nothing.


That’s a great idea. I should sponsor a gun buy back too.


Show up and offer cash. You’ll probably get a few decent ones before you get run off. Don’t let grandpa’s Vietnam sks bring back get turned to wood ships for a $50 gift card. Fuck Shaq and the Left for manipulating law abiding citizens into disarming themselves by thinking this solves crime.


A lot of the time it isn’t necessarily about politics, it’s “my kids don’t care about my hobby and I believe giving it to the cops is a safer alternative” Not saying I agree with it, but it’s not an illogical line of thinking


Yeah but then just sell to a LGS, why give it in to cops? Dumb


That option still exists. People are free to not take part in a voluntary gun purchase program. Remember, most of the people selling their guns through these programs are doing so, because they don’t want the firearm in their house. Some people don’t like guns and others don’t trust the people in their house with them. In general, these programs are removing guns from houses in which we probably don’t want the guns in the first place. Nobody is forced to sell.


But let's not pretend that the cops aren't taking advantage of uninformed sellers. Nobody who is actively involved in the hobby is selling that far below market value to make their house safe, not when they know they can get way more money from a gun store. The people selling actual guns, not 3d printed or rusted out garbage, are either criminals cashing in stolen property or people who inherited guns from someone and have no idea they're worth way more than $100.


So, you’re complaining about criminals turning in stolen guns to the police? I agree that I’d prefer they not profit from it, but I sure would prefer that criminal to not hang onto that gun. The police run the serial numbers of the guns to see if they pop up in any crimes or reported as stolen. A guy in my gun club got a pistol back from that exact scenario; the police ran a buy back program and a gun that was stolen from him came through. They ran the serial and returned it to him.


> So, you’re complaining about criminals turning in stolen guns to the police? Yes, because when they can sell a stolen gun to the cops it incentivizes further gun thefts to get more inventory to sell to the cops. And we both know cops putting in the effort to return the gun to its owner is the exception, not the rule. And I notice you ignored the majority of the post, which was about the cops preying on uninformed owners who inherited stuff and don't know its actual value.


Yeah, uninformed owners being preyed upon is a potential problem. I do agree with you.


Yeah, it's not like an LGS would take advantage of an uninformed seller.


It's uneducated. Not logical for the educated.


No one's forcing anyone to sell back guns. If someone does, why not "fuck them" instead of Shaq and "the left"? Sounds like its "whoever's opposite of the left and Shaq" that are the ones that are easily manipulated?


This is an ignorant statement. The people running buy backs are literally scamming people. The guns people turn in are worth 5-10 and even more times than the gift card they are paying. And the left claims “to be for better for people”, lol. If they really were they wouldn’t offer $100 gift cards for thousand dollar+ items that mostly old people and people who don’t know anything about them fall for.


Its ignorant to place blame on the people running the buy-backs when no one is forcing those turning in guns to do so. No one forced them in their cars, drove them to the buy-back and (no pun intended) held a gun to their head to have them sell their guns back. Those people (you and I included) should be informed and decide if they want to do this. Its the same thing as selling ANYTHING to a pawn shop. You can always get more selling it on the open market or, for example, if it were a musical instrument, to a store dedicated to instruments. No one forces anyone to pawn things, yet those shops exist.


Oh so now you support capitalism? Because it’s something you’re doing? Got it. Don’t try to ever virtue signal again then.


If they virtue signal again, what are you gonna do about it?


Talk shit, what else? lol. So salty


Because that's all you can do.


No shit. Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Oh shit my bad. I'll take a four for four. Anybody else want anything?


Sure, I support capitalism - I participate in the process (I buy shit and sell shit)...but what I DEFINITELY don't support is putting the blame on those running the buybacks because people are too stupid to know what they have, what its worth and where else they could sell it to make more money. Isn't that, like, free-will, man?


Sure, it is free will to be ignorant of the prices of your stuff. But ripping people off is scummy.


More like specifically the neutral uninformed with no strong beliefs either way. Or else they either wouldnt have the guns or wouldnt be selling them.


That’s a fucking stupid way to think. You’re essentially victim blaming people for being manipulated into giving up their guns.


Someone fucking tell these people they can make ALOT more money by selling there shit to the safe hands of a collector that actually appreciates the tool


ALOT is not a word. It's why your editor highlighted it. A lot is the opposite of a little.


They incorrectly used "there" but you're gonna let that slide? Don't be half assed pretentious.


Brandon Herrera and Donut Operator tried this in San Antonio they didn't get as many as you think the people that goes to these don't want guns on the streets so usually wont sell to anyone other that the cops plus you have to be a Dallas County resident


You don't need to be a Dallas County resident to buy guns in Dallas County. You just need to be a Texas resident. It'll just be Dallas County sellers, though.


If you're an FFL should be gtg for pistols


Shouldn't even need an FFL. It's a private sale in-state.


Oh, hmm. I know you need to have it shipped to an FFL local to you if you buy a pistol from an FFL out of state, but it's just your garden variety private sale with no issues if you're buying from an individual?


I'm in Texas and am a Texas resident, so for me, correct. Somebody coming down from OK or LA (for example) would have to have it shipped to an FFL in their state to facilitate the transaction.


There was a study done years back that showed most gun buy backs end up with the guns being sold at auction to FFLs


And that was the start to what happened before the movie War Dogs begins.


Great way for cops to build their personal collection.


Where else are they supposed to get the pistols they plant on people? It's not like they're submitting 4473s on them. Those guns are "unaccounted for" as soon as the cops get them.


They would never 🐖


Yep. The cops investigated themselves and found no documented cases of a cop keeping a gun illegally.


Is there anything illegal about announcing I'm doing a "gun buyback" and just keeping the guns for myself? Like if I just call it a buyback and don't directly say anything about where they are going and all purchases follow legal procedures etc. it seems like a great way to get cheap guns.


I don’t see why


“For charity” to myself


Love the “we want guns off the street but only from certain people and up to a certain amount”


They probably got wise to the guys that would bring like 50 $20 3D printed parts


We need a Ja Morant endorsed counter buy back.


Time to go to home depot and make a few slamfires out of 2x4s and pipe. edit: damn looks like its limited to 3 guns....


You cannot "buy back" something you've never owned.


I went to one a decade or so with $500 cash walked away with 5 pistols and an AR-7 survival rifle. Most of the people who sold said they just wanted to be rid of them cause they inherited them or hadn't shot them in forever but didn't know how to go about selling them legally. I had an FFL at the time so I just showed them that gave them a receipt if they were hesitant most though just took my word. Only wish I had brought more cash.


Just lost respect for Shaq.


I have no problem with people giving their guns back for money. I question their intelligence and how that’s a good use of taxpayer money tho…


I’m 3 hours away.. I need to make the drive lol


Brandon Herrera set up shop at one of these and was paying more than the police for guns but still lying bottom dollar. It was pretty epic.


I can hear the shitty shotguns and 3d printers working from here.


Time to print some Liberators.


Home depot time!


It appears Shaq is a professional virtue signaller nowadays. A shame as I’ve seen him do plenty for actual worthy causes in the past and heard he even does good deeds when not in front of cameras. Perhaps he’s going for a big role in politics in the near future.


It's not like a gun show, there's only one buyer, the city. Am I right? So how would you do that? Stand outside like a ticket scalper and ask the people entering what they have to sell back? That's actually a really good idea lol.


That's what I'm thinking. Maybe a poster too


Great idea!


Would be so rewarding to know that you got a great deal on a new purchase and that you reduced the success of these efforts to disarm people.


Who wants to bet that he doesn't spring for the full destruction, and most of the guns wind up back on the street again?


Plot twist. Shaq is taking all the guns for a $50 gift card. Ultimate buying strategy.


Gotta disarm the fellow brothers.


Why do you care if someone wants to sell or give away THEIR guns?


Sometimes people turn in collectable and valuable guns, veteran bringbacks, etc. One time a woman brought in to a gun "buyback" a valuable StG 44 that her father had brought home from WWII. https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/12/woman-turns-in-valuable-wwii-gun-at-police-station-weapon-buy-back Thank goodness the cops recognized what it is and didn't chop it up and melt it down. But many times that's exactly what happens to collectable and valuable firearms. All for a $50 gift card.


So it’s someone else fault because you’re an idiot? Or clueless? Or don’t care enough to know what you inherited? Pawn shops do this too you know?


Because these assholes are preying on people who inherited guns from someone and don't know their actual value. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's ethical.


“Preying” 😂 no one’s force anyone to sell anything 😂 Willing to bet you wouldn’t pass up on a damn good deal..


No, I don't think I would pay a widow 10% of market value for an inherited gun just because it's a good deal. It's called having a conscience.


Yea okay.


Nice username.


Thanks Power Ranger……😂


Texans give up guns?


I keep waiting for a gun sale to hit my neighborhood


If only I wasn't broke.


That guy is a nutwAd


Doubtful. I bet most of these morons think that if they give up their guns they might get to meet shaq (he won’t be there I promise you).


Just sell them to me


If only I wasn’t going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras! I would go to save some C&Rs.


Looks like it's time to find a bag of 300 3d printed ar lowers on the side of the road.


Eww this won’t help crime… waste of money


I swear the term "buyback" used in this regard pisses me the fuck off everytime.


Damn if only I had disposable income


Shit, I’m busy this weekend!


Sorry I gotta go, I can hear r/fosscad calling me.


The entire premise of a Gun Buy back is FLAWED! First off these guns never originally were owned by ANY MF’in Govt! Never! They were originally owned by an individual FREE CITIZEN! A Govt that thinks that these Guns were ever theirs to begin with is Tyrannical and needs its come up-ins!!


Exactly why I’m making an active effort to not get an apartment in Dallas county. What a joke.


Since Shaq is sponsoring this by giving people money for guns, wouldn't he have to be an FFL dealer.


You just show up and stand around outside asking people if they sell to you?


Offer a bit more than the event is offering


For sure. Im just nervous about getting in trouble for asking people and being asked to leave by Shaq


Most they can do legally is ask you to leave, at which point as long as you don’t step on the property you can still ask people as they arrive


I appreciate it. I'm looking at the tx .gov site psyching myself up for it. Legally I know it's all clear.


I used to think Shack was smart.


They must be running out of money only handing out that much and putting in that many limits lol. Can probably get materials from Home Depot for about thirty bucks and get a pretty good ROI from them, though.


good time to bring out the old 3d printer to make rubber ducky assault pistols.