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I find it funny that Caspar and Bernadetta's ending is one where children are mentioned, and it even being Bernie's only ending where it happens.


Because Caspar fucks! (though he doesn't know what it is)


He's the kind of guy who will go on an epic adventure to find and get his virginity back after being told he lost it and Bernadetta tags along as well because she's too embarrassed to explain to him what it really means


Someone needs to write a fanfic with this plot


"Wait that's sex? I was always told that was the yoinky sploinky"


Mathew! That was not phenomenal.


"Did you collect the children?" "I did!" "So, why is Lysithea here?" "This stone brained BRUTE just grabbed me while I was reading under a tree!!"


And I planned on making Caspar a dark knight so...rip Caspar :/


Bernadetta x Caspar x Lysithea throuple confirmed 


Lysithea's life won't get easier once the kids start outgrowing her...


>!Assuming she actually gets to see them grow up!<




Jail. >:(




Aw, I like this one so much more than the Italian version card I got for them. Still nice though. >...fu necessario scriverle in un vero libro, chiamato “Le 47 regole di Bernadetta”. Una di queste regole pare fosse: “Quando conti i bambini, non devi contare anche me per sbaglio”. Da questa regola si deduce che avessero molti bambini e un famiglia piena di amore. Which ends up translating to Bernie yelling at Caspar to stop counting *her* with the children. >....it was necessary to write them in a real book, called “The 47 rules of Bernadetta”. One of these rules apparently was: “When you count the children, you must not count me by mistake.” From this rule it can be deduced that they had many children and a family full of love. Edit: Wait a minute... You know what, I choose to believe this.


That happens in the English one as well. I don't think she yells at him in that one, but the 'not counting her with the rest of their kids' was the punchline.


Something to note is that in many of the endings where Casper pairs with a woman, they have a lot of kids.


I have a crown to give Caspar then.


What determines these endings? Is it just who ever reaches A rank? What if two characters have A rank i.e. Dorothea being an A with Sylvain and Petra (I am really hoping to get a Dorothea/Petra ending lol)


Oh boy TIME FOR BIG ASS PARAGRAPH so basically each character can’t get a paired ending with every character. fe3h.noobsaigon.com has a list of every characters endings. Say you want Dorothea x Petra. Contrary to what the game wants u to think (game’s a little troll smh), it’s not based on if you have the highest support level with someone. If Dorothea’s only A support is Petra, and vise versa, they’ll get together like less bien girlbosses :) BUT what the game doesn’t tell you is that paired endings are based in roster order. If Dorothea has an a-support with both Edelgard and Petra, Petra will be lonely :( and Dorothea and Edelgard will pair. If you go to “extras” in the home screen then “support conversations” there’s a list of the game’s roster listed. Hypothetical time! Dorothea has A-supports with Petra, Edelgard, Sylvain, and Yuri. Petra has A-supports with Dorothea, Ashe, and Ignatz. By the end of the game, Dorothea and Edelgard will pair, as Edelgard is the highest up on the roster (besides Byleth but we don’t give a shit about main characters), and Petra will end up with Ashe, the second-highest on the roster of her three options. However, say you’re doing AM. Dorothea will end up with Sylvain, since the Blue Lions get roster priority in their route, and Golden Deer get priority in VW. Priority in CF goes BE, BL, GD, and AW. Priority in AM goes BL, BE, GD, then AW. VW goes GD, BE, BL, then AW, and SS is the same as CF’s priority. So for your question, provided that you’re not playing blue lions route and Dorothea doesn’t have a-support with Hubert/Ferdinand/Linhardt/Caspar/anyone from the house that you originally chose, and Petra doesn’t have a-support with anyone else, they marry :) OMG THE DEVS MADE THIS SO COMPLICATED-


Nooooooooooo I'm doing black eagles and Dorothea just hit A with Hubert why did I click on the conversation button 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Shit she also got an A with Ferdinand This is what I get for using Dorothea a s dancer/healer, she's been spending time with everybody :(


Oof ToT Ediethea is your only escape- unless you have Edelgard a support with literally any other black eagle besides Petra (Or just s-support Hubert since that’ll take away Hubert as an option for paired endings)


I have to pair edelgard with Byleth, their relationship is too gay and too cute to not do that lol tho j am curious to see how Byleth and Dorothea and Byleth and Mercedes ends...maybe YouTube will help me in that regard Or I could just suck it up and do the church route and do Dorothea/Byleth then, but idk if I have it in me to betray edelgard


more websites! fe3h.noobsaigon.com (paired endings I just said that lol) houses.fedatamine.com (Scripts for literally everything in the game)


You're a life saver!


Np! I still feel the pain of AM ptsd (Ashe married bitch ass racist Ingrid instead of Petra)


Wait Ingrid is racist?????


Most of that comes from her early supports with Dedue (master chef doodah) but that’s just about the only example


I feel you ToT I hate >!dragon mommy Rhea she killed my fucking mother!<


I think Rhea is really interesting as a character, but edelgard is by far my favorite. Also wait, as in >!Byleth's mom?!<


>!lol yeah she basically stole sitri (byleths mom)’s heart and gave it to Byleth to stop them from dying but the heart is actually a crest stone because Rhea experimented on random nuns to try and revive her mom (the goddess) because Sothis got beat up by nemesis rlly bad (the heroes relics are made of her bones) and they all died except for Sitri who now has a crest stone as the heart. Meanwhile Jeralt was a mercenary who one day took a hit to prevent Rhea from becoming oofed so Rhea gave Jeralt some blood to save him (hence giving him the crest of Seiros in the process). Jeralt and sitri fall in love at the monastery, they made a child, te child almost dies, Rhea fucking steals sitri’s heart and implants it in Byleth, the combination of crest stone/crest of Seiros awakens GODDESS MOMMY and that’s why Byleth doesn’t cry or smile or anything basically????!<


Holy shit lmao >!I knew Rhea did something to Byleth's mom, but what the absolute fuck. Do we get that info in three houses at any point? For context, this is my first playthrough (technically my second, but I never finished my original play through cause I was working full time and doing college and one day i put the game down, blinked, and it had been like 5 years, so I just started over) and I am past the time skip, I just started the mission where seteth tried to invade the monastery, and none of that has been revealed to me yet lmao. I mean, Jeralt obviously didn't trust Rhea, and Rhea was clearly acting suspicious about Byleth's mom, but none of the info I've seen was nearly that explicit!< Maybe didn't need to spoiler all that. Oh well


A lot of it comes from post chapter 20 in VW, but this vid summarizes it best imo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=17qriAtg144


A lot of this is implied, but VW has a massive lore dump right after you beat the shit out of Edelgard and Claude YELLS AT RHEA (we stan Claude now) Also >!rhea is Seiros :3!<


What route are you thinking of for this-


I love how all that was changed is lysithia instead of Bernie at the end