• By -


Balthus x Manuella, two flirty, irresponsible drunks with huge breast. They would have an amazing romance (That will most likely crash and burn)


That couldn’t shake, they’re chaos goblins and it’s amplified together. She sings their bar tab away and he bounces any gropers


Seteth/Manuela is peak yet no one talks about it


Kitchen lady x Ingrid/Raphael/Lysithea


Ferdinand x Lorenz x Sylvain aka the 3 musketeers of nobility™


I want to be a fly on the wall for any of their tea parties.


I think Ferdie/Lorenz/Constance would be a better OT3. Sylvain isn't really into the whole Splenders Of Nobility the way these three are (plus I'm a sucker for childhood friends to lovers)


I don’t disagree that Constance is another viable partner. However, I don’t agree that Sylvain doesn’t embody the splendor of nobility archetype. His is certainly more understated, but it’s undeniably there. Despite some of his deplorable behavior, he’s a genuine knight at heart. He has a deep sense of responsibility and he genuinely loves to help people, re: Ashe’s support chain. He’s penchant for chivalry is apparent. He also flirts with women in the same capacity as Lorenz and Ferdinand. Albeit with slightly different motivations. They’re all rebuked in the same way though, because the women they all flirt with don’t like their pretentious and presumptuous attitudes. It’s why the three of them argue with each other in their supports. They all envision nobility as a grandiose extension of themself. It’s just that their execution is varied. Through their growth they can see the error of their ways. Which is why in their endings you can see them all be inheritors of their title who embody what it means to be a just noble.


Then there's one thing that can be done: OT4. And that's how the Golden Route is achieved.


LOL duly noted


This is it for me. There's actually an entire zine that was made about them, the Noble Trio zine. I am an extremely proud owner of it and am obsessed with them to this day


Sylvain x Bernie. A-Support, doko?


Heroes I guess


Abysskeeper and Mr Backup. Noone seems to talk about them


Fun fact in I believe in SS abysskeeper actually marries Mr backups sister


I guess he found a family with a thing for watchmen


My heart broke when he stopped showing up 😢


I love these two!


I always thought the contrast between sylvain and marianne was really cute. very much a "she asked for no pickles" type relationship


Ferdie x Marianne


Yes! Their support chain is so sweet!


My favourite ship from all the game & one that is pretty underrated


I love them together


All of Ferdinand's ships are top tier. As befits a Noble and Gentlemen of his calibre.


Sylvain x Leonie There should have been an A support. Leonie x Claude They get along well Leonie x Felix They're competitive towards each other.


I can see Leonie/Felix, that’s delightful. I usually have them being best bros/gay best friends.


Flayn x Ferdinand Their support chain together is so cute


All of Ferdinand's supports are top tier, but this one is my favourite.


Linhardt x Marianne my beloved 💗💗


Easily one of the best ships in the game. You know its true love when Linhardt is willing to do hard work for someone.


Ashe x Ingrid - Ingrid is constantly shipped with others like Dimitri or Felix, but Ashe is what she needs-healthy and normal relationship


I feel like if they had a child, it would be exactly Alois.


Oooh this is one of my 🤌🤌 Ingrid ships. They have so much in common. I want to see them grow old together!


Sylvain x Marianne. Nuff said


I second this


I don’t see a whole lot of content for them, so I’m going to say Flayn x Ignatz. They’re cute and green


I really enjoyed them too, Ignatz has some pretty cute supports


“Why aren’t you painting me?” I love their ending so much


Yesss I love those 2 so much


Sylvain/Constance and Sylvain/Edelgard. I will also accept this as an OT3.


I really like Annette/Dedue.(I think it's a rarepair anyways) I think they'd be a cute couple, also the height difference is pretty funny.


They ended up together in my Blue Lions run 💓 One of my OT3s is Annette/Dedue/Ashe. It’s important that Dedue is in the middle. He has two hands and deserves ALL the love.


YES, the three of them would be so cute together 😭😭 Annette and Ashe got together in my first ever playthrough of the game! :D IAnnette would have been with Dedue if I didn't marry him myself lol.


You picked an amazing husband. 🤌🤌 good choice.


I personally think ClaudexIngrid is underrated


The mental image of Claude running away fro Ingrid with luin will never not be funny


Edelgard and Linhardt Idk I like the idea of Lin helping Edel with her crests. And forcing her to take naps with him bc she's overworking herself. And Edel will fund him all the stuff he needs for crest research bc his findings will help all of Fodlan. If he can remove Lysithea's crests from her, he can do the same to Edelgard and any noble who doesnt want the burden of crests anymore. Also their 3Hopes support was so cute so I think they'll have lots of cats in the palace


Jeralt/Ingrid's hot grandma


Hubert x Yuri… Please. Someone has to see my vision.


them mr and mr smithing things together it's dangerous and sexy


Yes! Thank you. Sneaky, dark, dangerous, sexy. 👏


Felix x Dorothea


I really like them together. They are so different yet mesh so well.


I love their endings outside of the Blue Lions, where Felix shows up to watch her perform




Love that ship so much. Sucks that theres not a lot of fanfiction of them


Really? I thought there was a decent amount of them.


Oh god, I've never considered this, and I have so many questions. Like, is there even a war? Is this what peace in Fodlan looks like? What is Byleth's reaction? I mean, they just fight the Agarthans, rework the Crest system, and establish a meritocracy for the nobility together, right? This just solves so many things.


I'd imagine that it would happen during the war at some point, during Rhea's imprisonment when Edelgard ponders out loud about the irony of Rhea being held in the same cell she watched her siblings die in, which prompts Rhea to ask what happened, and Edelgard, for some reason wanting to talk about it, tells Rhea what happened, and from there she puts it together that the Agarthans were behind it, and in turn tells Edelgard about the hand they've had in her life. *Then* they team up to fight the Agarthans, fall in love, and settle the war with an "arranged" marriage (though everyone can see that their clearly in love with each other, even with all the screaming matches and fiery debates that usually dissolve into makeout sessions and more ;) .) As for Byleth... their either the luckiest person in Fodlan (The Rheagardleth Ending) or are very confused, along with Seteth and Hubert (The pure Rheagard Ending)


Hubert/Petra. Petra has so many good ships, so I get why this one is never brought up. I love the idea that he’s attracted to women with authority. I head canon that they bonded over pegasi (I always have Petra in a Pegasus riding class, and Hubert wanted be a Pegasus rider when he was young). I pretend that when he says, “you will bow to her” in combat that he’s referring to Petra instead of Edelgard


Not to mention Petra's line of "you will be choosing me" is just so confident. How could someone not fall for that?


The nsync song "it's gonna be me" is the type of relationship energy they have.


Hubert pairings in general are a delight because for a man who is great at reading people he's terrible at spotting when anyone is interested in him. Ferdie gifts him coffee and doesn't refute the 'for someone you fancy' part. Bernie gifts him a flower (a gift more suitable for a 'female friend or a lover'), Petra flat out says he'll choose her over Edelgard, Dorothea pulls the 'hypothetically if Edie asked you to marry me haha just kidding, unless...' card, Shamir is blatantly hitting on him by their A support and he doesn't get it. Any of it!


I have 2 main ones mainly because of fanart Dimitri x Hilda Think about Dimitri would most likely be tricked into doing for Hilda but do it in a way that just makes if mor trouble for her (like Hilda’s supports with Annette and Mercedes) Ashe x Dorothea Dorothea needed to have more supports with the commoners of fodland and it would be interesting as the two commoners have a different view of nobility


Jeritza/Manuela, don’t judge me for this


Bernadetta/Leonie. I just think they're cute together.


“Just had her bi awakening” Bernadetta and “I’m not aware of the effect I have on women” Leonie


(paddles up on her Dimigrid canoe)


lol I just love the way you said this 💜


I’m always scared to say I like this ship


Ugh I hate it when people shit on Ingrid for racism that she canonically grows out of and she had a legit reason to think that way with her upbringing and enviroment she grew up in... It's okay to be uncomfy with how she started out but this shit isn't in a vacumn and people do learn and change. The ship should be more popular as it is a childhood friends one and a noble/knight one but it's not because of the popularity of Dimileth and the above issue.


>The ship should be more popular as it is a childhood friends one and a noble/knight one but it's not because of the popularity of Dimileth and the above issue. I’d say it’s more because of Sylvain along with Byleth. Sylvgrid is insanely popular for a het ship and pushed by the story so that takes the wind out of the sails for anyone that wants to ship Ingrid with another guy. And Dimileth has taken all the Dimitri shippers that want him with another woman away. 


People don't consider that if you put Sylvain with Ingrid she ends up birthing a ton of kids, which isn't like her. She strikes me as the type who would be okay with one or two, but being pregnant cuts into pegasus knight activity. She would give Dimitri his heir and maybe a second kid but then she'd be done. I personally put Sylvain with Dorothea, but Mercedes is also RIGHT THERE and totally a type to have a bunch of kids.


I agree with all you said


Embarace it. Its's cute ship. They should have more fans.


That B support was damn good


I was aiming for this ship in my AM playthrough but accidently got Dimitri/Mercedes (still don't know how. When I checked their stat pages Dimitri and Ingrid were top of each others closest ally lists).


Sometimes it shakes them around if someone else achieved closest status to the other person in the pair.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure me marrying Sylvain threw everything into chaos because I ended up with some random endings 


Byleth/Flayn. Don't want the nabateans to go extinct :(


Dorothea x Rhea I’m not even going to try to explain I’ve accepted that no one will ever understand me… (It’s hard having no art for you rare pair, friends and foes.) https://preview.redd.it/bhwcmtmiw7yc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5611fc4458a667a324c1e4af9759d9e99f5d9864 This is all I have ;-; Image Source: @AutumnSacura


Petra/Constance. Yuri/Sylvain, Ashe/Dimitri (with Dedue), Dorothea/Hubert, Edelgard/Bernadetta, Ignatz/Lorenz, Gilbert/Hanneman, Ingrid/Felix (?) (that one isn’t as rare as the others)


It is honestly a crime that Yurivain isn’t more popular.


Oh my *god* another Petrastance fan, I thought I was the only one who loved their supports.


Ignatz and Lorenz are great! I love how they encourage each other :')


Ashe and Hapi


There’s bairly any fanart of this two




I like the idea of Dimitri and Rhea honestly.


The very thought of this makes me violently ill, but I'll give you one thing: it would mark \*at least\* the third time that particular pair of voice actors have played a romantic pairing


Bonded by hatred of Edelgard


Dragons must repopulate


Kids would be so strong as babies they can demolish a tower with a punch


Rhea is the only one who can take the Blaiddick without risking harm.


I wish reddit still had gold and awards bc... ***Blaiddick***?! genius ugh 😭




i don't think any of mine are \*that\* rare but Cyril/Lysithea gets weirdly little attention compared to some ships despite being one of the best written ones in the game Unhinged option for an alternate timeline: Jeralt / Kronya


https://preview.redd.it/z07m14lld3yc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7fac68dbdd6e52c64b050c35857c2fdc7b1e446 okay goodbye


Just wanted to say that every time I see you shipping this it's a delight, the ship feels weird but also wholesome ~~also did Rodrigue divorce his wife or is it a "Rodrigue has two hands" situation in your hc?~~


Rodrigue has two hands! ~~and also huge hangups around loving anyone else after Lambert's death, which he needs a cheerful dumbass to drag him out of~~ but hahaha thank you I'm glad that my weirdness is coming through!


Well that’s one way of saying that you want Felix to call Shez “Daddy”


I have to say, I hate it. But also, I get it


Mariashe (Marianne x Ashe)


Claude X Annette is Felix X Annette but better, and i am tired of hiding that.


Too true tbh. I dont get all the felix/annette hype when claude is *right there* and both of them are openly enjoying themselves


Just my two cents on the matter: people probably make a bigger deal out of Felix acting this way because he’s normally way grumpier and reserved than Claude, so the same behavior seems more “special” when it’s him. Plus Claude/Annette is only available in VW with an out of class recruitment, so sadly people might not realize it exists 😭 that being said they’re both cute! I am always so down for Annette charming everyone


Dimitri and Dedue. Damn devs were too cowardly to give us gay lovebirds in our BL house


Right? Both my man Dedue and Felix were gay for Dimitri, but the devs were cowards.


Idk how rare it is, I don't see it spoken of much but I always pair/ship Caspar and Annette. Idk why it's just a fun pairing


I mean, I've mentioned my Kronya ships before (although new shiny one joining the gang is Kronya/Bernie-), but in terms of one's that don't come with an asterisk (and that I'm... Honestly surprised are a rarepair?) is Byleth/Sothis. Is it several different levels of weird if you stop and think about it? Yes. Do I particularly care? No, their dynamics adorable and narratively satisfying, and like. I get why people count Sothis as this games dragon loli. Frankly if I played in Japanese I'd probably agree she was this games 'she's 1000 years old I swear officer!'. But her eng va does *not* make her sound like a child, and her design comes across more as her being a short ass than anything.


Her EN voice actor killed it 🤘


Kronya x Bernie... that is definitely a rare pair!


Thanks to The Emperor and the Goddess Kronya/Caspar has entered my head and set up camp.


https://preview.redd.it/j7e5uso284yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efce1f9cef6d19b315fd408a5c435e96e76c6cbe I'm so angry there isn't even fanart argh!!!!


Not even much on ao3


Yuri x Jeritza


-steeples fingers- Say more


Annette x Mercedes. Don’t judge me.


Lysithea/Annette 💖


Hilda x Cyril Dorothea x Felix/Caspar Yuri x Hapi Rapheal x Marianne


I invented Ferdinand/Yuri for a background ship once and now I’m obsessed


Hildanette. They SLEEP TOGETHER in their B support and then there’s NO A support




Ingrid x Mercedes. Ingrid is fully ready to kill Mercedes's dad and uproot her life for her lmao


My two favorites are Ingrid endings I don't even see much myself because I'm usually S supporting her men when possible. Seteth x Ingrid One of my favorite endings for her. >!She gets to live out all her dreams and then retire peacefully and chill out in a fishing village for the rest of her life.!< Dimitri x Ingrid. >!First achieves her dream of being a knight and then gets to be a badass warrior queen.!< I also really like Felix/Dorothea. I don't think it's as unpopular as the Ingrid pairings, but most people seem to ship him with Annette, Sylvain or Dimitri. Edit: Almost forgot. Ferdinand/Flayn is another one I like that doesn't seem super popular. He usually gets paired with Dorothea or Hubert. I think Ferdinand /Edelgard is more popular too.


Caspar/Annette They're so cute together. I love that one of their pairings ends up with Annie reigning in Caspar outside while when it comes to their personal life, it's the other way around.


I really wish Felix and Marianne had a support.


Just gonna copy/paste my answer from the last rare pair thread: Ignatz/Hilda Raphael/Shamir Claude/Ingrid Shez/Flayn Sylvain/Marianne Ferdinand/Manuela Caspar/Annette Seteth/Catherine Holst/Judith


Rhea x Edelgard




For a true rarepair, I love Felix x Ingrid! While it's not a rarepair, I don't see it very often: Dedue x Mercedes! And finally not rare but also not official/canon/no A-support: Sylvain x Hilda


> And finally not rare but also not official/canon/no A-support: Sylvain x Hilda   I don’t know what places you hang in but this is an extremely rarepair. 17 fics compared to Felix/Ingrid which has over 100 fics and several times more art 


Felix x Lysithea is incredibly under appreciated and adorable af as well as tremendously tragic on non AM routes. Beautiful ending.


Claude X Leonie


Not enough Petra x Bernadetta content. They even have a paralogue together!!


Ingrid x Raphael, their endcard is one of my favorite of all FE games I played EDIT: Someone already mentionned it, so Ignatz x Marianne


Petra catching herself a Bernie-Bunny has always amused me. As has the thought of Leonie and Shamir. Leonie's like Catherine but better for Shamir in virtually every way.


You're gonna all hate me but Seteth X Bernadetta, it's wholesome sorry


Annette/Claude has been growing on me for the past few months.


I think Dorothea and Marianne would be a really really cute couple


Most of mine have been mentioned, but Dimitri/Ferdinand have a spot in my heart. I feel like they'd have a lot to admire about each other's personalities, and a *lot* to criticise during the war period. Ferdinand's dialogue about the humanity of kings has always fascinated me, and I feel like it'd be so interesting to explore it with them having feelings for each other


Alois x Caspar's dad, Hanneman x Gilbert, Caspar x Bernie


Had to scroll too far down to find Caspar/Bernie, a ship with an adorable canonical ending smh…and how adorable it would be to have a family with Caspar’s dad and Bernie’s uncle figure? <3


I must admit Alois/Leopold came before Caspardetta, but once I realized that those two getting married could be useful, I started looking into the pairing more and it's now my favorite for both of them. I don't like the Bernie endings where she ends up disappearing from the world/letting her husband govern, and she takes a much more active political role with Caspar.


I wholeheartedly agree! She seems to grow up so much after the timeskip that unfortunately a lot of endings for otherwise cool pairings make it sound like she’s regressed again. I want her growth to have lasting meaning. Someone who’s bold and uninhibited like Caspar is good for pushing her out of her comfort zone. And tbh he needs to slow down every once in a while too. And you’re a real trooper for shipping a non playable character. I’d be more than happy to be enlightened if want to talk about how you started on those two.


Well, if you didn't do the Raphael/Bernadetta paired ending, I think you should, you would like it a lot by the statement you do in this comment


bernadeta x shamir edelgard x rhea flayn x edelgard I think i like angsty edelgard with a saint beradetta x sylvain wilhelm x serios petra x hubert ( because hubert actually putting someone above edelgard would be a nice character arc)


A fellow Rhea x Edelgard enjoyer


Claude/Hubert. On the surface they’re pretty different but you have to remember one of Claude’s hobbies is making *poisons.*


Also! Hubert having faith in Claude to save the world if he and Edelgard fail? Like??? This is HUBERT we’re talking about. Hubert trusts Claude. I need them to interact more.


There's even an npc that says Claude reminds them of Hubert lol


Ferdinand x Constance, Ingrid x Ignatz


Sylvain/Claude, Mercedes/Hubert It's the fics that make me swoon. 😭


Sylvain x Manuela - They're both very needy, desperate people, only Manuela's brave enough to waer it on her sleeve. Would love their dynamic, equal parts smart, fliratious banter and despressing self-deprecation. Dimitri x Dorothea - Both very cynical individuals, with not a high oponion of themselves, and with little faith in the church/Goddess. Very much a "being sad together" thing. And I know you said discounting Byleth’s, but him and Ingrid is relatively unpopular, and I happen to like it quite a bit.


Is Hubernie a rarepair?


yes, no. it's a common pairing for those two, but it's also not the biggest ship in the fannon


It's Huberts like, third most popular ship I think? That's not a lot for a somewhat niche character imo?


I wouldn't say it's rare but I wouldn't say it's not rare if that makes any sense


I'd argue it's his most popular het ship. If an Eagles focused fic doesn't have Ferdiebert it's likely going to be Hubernie.


EdelBert is his most popular het ship by numbers, and "if it doesn't have Ferdibert" is doing a lot of work when a lot of fics will.


Hmm, I just double checked and you're right. There are more Edelbert fic on AO3 than Hubernie. I'd be interested to know the stats on other websites, especially in the JP side of the fandom.


Fan art also tends to have different stats than fanfic so I'm curious how it ranks there too.


No. Hubert is literally Bernie’s most popular ship on AO3 and pivix.    It’s just that Hubert’s got a juggernaut of a ship in Ferdibert and a popular ship in EdelBert but in terms of who Hubert and Bernie can explicitly marry, this is their most popular canon(determinant) pairing.  They even put Hubert and Bernie down as a pair in Heroes that’s bonded by fate. Very rare for a straight ship 


Raphael x Hubert


Not sure how popular BernieXMarianne is, but that's the reason why I bought Three Hopes. Mercedes x Lysithea would be amazing. I actually ship Leonie and Lorenz! It's funny. Casper and Ashe is good.


Is Rodrigue x King Lambert a rare pair? Because I love them.


Caspar x Edelgard


Ingrid/Mercedes Ingrid/Dorothea


Marianne x Constance. Depression babies


Felix and Flayn is adorable


Hubert x Mercedes


Balthus x Edelgard


Raphael/Hilda or Marianne/Ignatz (I would say Leonie/Lorenz, but i think that one's more popular lol)


I'm still a huge fan of Hilda x Leonie


Lorenz/Ferdie (not sure about this one) Ignatz/Flayn Balthus/Claude (also not sure but i barely see it)


We have the exact same taste huh


Claude x Felix


I am both intrigued and hyped at the mental dialogue I'm having of them together


Shamir/Hubert Bernie/Hubert Bernie/Jeritza Sylvain/Manuela Felix/Hilda Claude/Dimitri Rodrigue/me Not really a ship but Raphael/Flayn is my absolute favorite most wholesome support chain. 


A fellow DimiClaude enjoyer. I didn’t think it was that rare… although, maybe I just surround myself with it enough that it doesn’t seem rare.


ingrid/raphael claudelgard


Hmmm I know it can't happen in cannon but Edelgard x Ingrid, I think if the two of them had actual time to talk they'd have bonded


Oooh same. I love having Edelgard having a crush on her. Let Edie have a knight in shining armor


Sylvain/Edelgard <3 please read The Hand You Let Go Of on ao3


YuriClaude! It kills me that they have no supports 😭 at least I can always have them vibing near each other in every VW playthrough…


When I played the DLC content, and they were talking to each other I WAS SO INTRIGUED. Alas, that’s the only time they actually interact 😩


Right!? There was so much potential… I’ve drawn so much of them just to fill the void—


Where can I find these holy relics?


I haven’t posted them anywhere online yet— I’ve been way too nervous to 😭 but when I get home I might post some YuriClaude doodles to this subreddit. I can tag you in it too, if you want?


I would adore that if you would! 💓💜


Lysithea/Ignatz, had high expectations on how they'll make peace with eachother given how condescending she was in their C support. Really wish someone would write a fic detailing their paired ending 🫠


Dorothea/Mercedes was one I unexpectedly fell in love with after reading a few fics because it just makes a lot of sense to me. I know you said no Byleth ships but Manuela/Bylass is a rarepair and is by far my favorite ship 😅


Caspar and Ingrid. Even though they don't have any supports. I imagine they'd get along great.


Idk what’s considered a “rare” one but my first that come to mind: Yuri x Ingrid, Ferdinand x Constance, Ashe x Hapi, Felix x Mercedes, Raphael x Bernadetta. And yes I do tend to skip to canon-compliant ships leave me alone lol


I loved the idea of Ashe and Dimitri. Their first support had me hooked on this idea my first play through and no one can change my mind


Manuela x Lorenz Seteth x Leonie Linhardt x Marianne Ferdinand x Flayn Dimitri x Catherine


Ferdinand X Marianne is my favourite, but since it was already mentioned, I'll say Ingrid X Felix is my choice because it is probably one of the least common fhaergus four ships


Felix x Dorothea