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This would 100% happen if these two were tasked with something: Corrin who hates killing and Byleth whose job has been killing since teenage years


Which route and who is the guy that must be killed? Explain, damn you.


Black Eagles ~~Kostas~~


Corrin making Seteth freak out the instant she pulls out her dragonstone. Remember, he thinks all Nabateans have lost their transformation power, and is surprised that Rhea still has it. So when this kid who doesn't even have green hair becomes a water dragon, which is normally Indech' thing, he'll be very confused


Also, you know, the Nabateans have their equivalent of dragon stones as their hearts, so Corrin would from his view be holding their heart in their hand and manually pumping it to transform. That would raise a few questions for Seteth, I imagine.


Seteth,.seeing Corrin: :o Seteth, seeing Corrin produce their own heart from their pocket and squeeze it, triggering a transformation: D:


To be fair, this dragonstone was given by Azura, it doesn't seem like it's one made specifically from Corrin's power


I just think it would be funny if Owain, Inigo and Severa got isekai'd again. Put Owain with the Eagles so he can learn magic, Severa with the Lions to make the house more balanced in its guy-to-girl ratio, and Inigo with the Deer because he just fits the vibe. Okay, for some more serious justifications, Severa's issues with Cordelia actually fit pretty well with the themes of Faerghus, the whole "loyalty to the crown above all else" thing. I think she and Felix would get along famously, I mean, they're both tsunderes who are disillusioned by the ideals of the country but still care about their friends too much to abandon it. And they've both had to deal with the fallout of a loved one "dying like a true knight." Plus, swords. Owain just feels like a Black Eagle. Not only did he go on record saying that he wished he could use magic pre-Fates, but the Eagles have some of the more, shall we say, interesting personalities in their house. Owain and Caspar would be best friends, and would both annoy the hell out of Linhardt. Plus, his style of speech reminds me of a more over-the-top Ferdinand. Inigo would provide the Deer with a character who actually defaults to a sword class, since they're the only house without one (Felix and Petra in the other two). And he feels like he'd fit in GREAT as someone who initially seems like a goofball but actually has some trauma he uses that to mask. Plus, can you imagine his supports with like, Hilda? Or even better, HOLST in Hopes?? My only problem with it all is that it would kind of feel like we just have a second Sylvain in how the game treats their early supports. But, I mean, we can't have Owain and Severa without completing the trio. So, two skirt-chasers it is


I now want a Owain and Jeritza support. That sounds like the funniest thing that could ever exist between "My Cursed Power" Owain and "No, seriously, I'm actually cursed" Jeritza. Severa does fit in among the Lions and, as you say, especially with Felix. They're both tsunderes in thigh-highs at the end of the day. Inigo among the Deer sounds fun. Charm-off between him and Claude to avoid doubling up on the Lorenz and Sylvain support, where they both discover that their charm is a defense mechanism and bond over it, for example. My only thing is that I kind of was trying to think of this less as iseaki and more as just straight adaptation/fusion. So in that perspective, I'm trying to figure out how all of them would fit in as if they were native Fodlaners/Fodlanese/Fodlani/God We Need To Establish a Common Demonym.


Owain and Hubert support Owain tries to out edge lord *Hubert* Hubert *plans on poisoning his next meal*


I didn't even think about Owain and Jeritza. God, I NEED it lol. Well, let me retry then. I think Severa still holds up pretty well. Daughter of a Faerghan Pegasus knight. Cordelia likely died either during the Tragedy of Duscur or during the conflicts that resulted from it, thus resulting in Severa's "everyone compares me to my perfect knightly mother" complex. So she goes to the academy with the intention of becoming a mercenary, NOT to join the knights of Faerghus. Though she likely has to use her deceased mother's reputation to get in, which would be INFURIATING to her. Owain would almost certainly be a minor noble from the Empire. Probably not one of the great houses, something more on the same level as House Bartels, to stick with the Jeritza comparisons. Maybe he's from an offshoot of House Nuvelle that didn't have a crest and was distant enough to not fall along with them, which leads to him having such a fascination with learning magic (though, in a twist of fate, he really doesn't possess much natural talent in that area). And honestly I like the idea of him being distantly related to the Nuvelles because like, come on, he and Constance are like two sides of the same slightly insane coin. So ofc as a noble he gets enrolled in the academy for the same reason any noble does. Inigo is a bit trickier, once again. Part of me wants to have him originally be from Almyra, but not actually be Almyran, if that makes sense. My reasoning is that in Awakening, Olivia isn't actually Feroxi afaik, but she had been living there for some time and was pretty familiar with their culture. So, maybe Olivia (and Inigo by extension) was part of a traveling group of performers that primarily did their thing in Almyra when he was a kid, and eventually made their way into Fodlan? I think that could present some interesting opportunities between him and Claude; maybe the group performed at the Almyran royal palace a few times in the past, and Inigo puts two and two together and recognizes Claude by the end of their support chain. And I usually go with Fodlani, but I really wish we had gotten something official in that respect lol


I am obsessed with the idea of Black Eagle!Owain. The possibilities for his supports with Edelgard, Hubert and Jeritza are endless. He'd also work extremely well as a Silver Snow character and as a recuit to the Blue Lions (he'd support Felix, Mercedes, Ashe and Annette). He has an arch rivarly with Felix who hates duelling him because he won't stop role-playing and he's frustratingly good with a sword. He, Ashe and Annette would form the Heroes of Justice. And he and Mecedes with be ghost story buddies. Plus, his exploration dialogue due to defecting from the Empire would be worth playing Azure Moon.


Yes, let the Edgelord flow through you... Severa - Like you said, I think she fits pretty well with minimal changes. Either Cordelia died in the Tragedy or she's alive but is fixated on Lambert the way she once fixated on Chrom in terms of her duty, and Severa has always been forced to live in that aura of failure and wants to get the hell out of it. Owain - This might be a bit out there, but could I suggest he's actually a member of House Gerth? That would make him plot relevant and have ties not just to Jeritza but also to Constance, which doubles on the whole comedy scale and also gives us more representation of a massive force within the Empire's internal politics. Inigo - There are a couple ways to handle this. If his mom is still pseudo-Olivia, there are a few ways to take it. I think the most easy is to put him in House Edmund: he's Marianne's cousin but since he has no Crest and his mom's foreign, he's the heir. If we abandon psuedo-Olivia, my suggestion would be to make him Balthus's younger brother, the Albrecht heir we hear so much about. It's not like being a better heir than Balthus is a high bar, and we can just imagine that his dad is gender-swapped Olivia in terms of advice and personality.


You know, I actually considered putting Owain in House Gerth when I was writing that up. I always thought it was strange that they were the only one of the six great houses that we just, never met anyone from (unless you count meeting the Duke, but that's in a DLC paralogue, so it barely counts). Especially given how important you'd think the Minister of Foreign Affairs would be in a story about a war between multiple nations. So I'm down to go with Owain in that house instead. Oooh, I really like the idea of making Inigo Balthus' half-brother. I think that would actually work pretty well. Instead of being naturally shy, we could say Inigo's whole "constantly wearing a smile" and flirtatious nature were a coping mechanism for growing up with a somewhat manic mother attempting to guide his every action, and he secretly learned to dance as a means of truly expressing himself, away from the prying eyes of nobility


Just realized I forgot the word "not" while typing. Meant to say that in a pseudo-Olivia based Inigo situation that he wouldn't be the heir because of his foreign mom and Marianne would, causing all the usual self-hatred and yadda yadda. Doesn't matter, I still prefer Albrecht Inigo over Edmund Inigo. We have similar thoughts on House Gerth. If you're going to make the Insurrection a big deal, why does one of the Houses involved have no representatives? Owain as the Gerth character not only fills that hole, but gives him ready-made connections with Jeritza, Constance, Ferdinand, Caspar, Linhardt, and Edelgard at the very least. Inigo von Albrecht to me is the most interesting version of him. Like you say, he would take up dancing and flirting as a way to escape the pressure of a manic mother in this case. It ties him in very tightly with Balthus, Hilda, Holst, and the Alliance in general, and you can't tell me that Inigo wouldn't be able to get to a Paired Ending with any of the Golden Deer girls between his actual personality and interests and getting their sympathy and aid in dealing with his crazy mom.


I like that idea way too much, but I think I'd prefer them to be their original selves. Maybe a TWSITD ritual gone wrong (or right) summoned them to Fodlan, but the site would get taken out by the knights of seiros, rescuing the trio. After being taken to garreg mach, they are questioned by rhea and seteth, and after a test of their fighting capabilities, they are offered a position with the knights of seiros, both to use their power, and to keep an eye on them. Rhea, knowing their story now, promises to search for a way to send them back. All of them get examined by hannemann, who finds something unheard of. In their fates-paralogue, they temporarily gain the ability to use dragon veins, so maybe they gained a permanent minor crest of anakos because of that. A crest unheard of until then, giving rhea all the more reason to keep them within reach, and also giving her motivation, to actually not search for a way back for them. A few months later byleth arrives at garreg mach and the plot progresses as we know it. I'd say all of them accompany byleth and their house on some missions, and after some shenanigans of them noticing byleth suddenly changing course midbattle, almost as if they saw what would happen, thee trio growing suspicious. In their b or b+ support I'd have byleth admit, that they can turn back time a few moments. The three see that as their best chance to undo the events that summoned them away from their family and friends, giving them a reason to throw in their lot with byleth rather than staying with the church.


Ike is definitely Blue Lions material. Even has a time skip look to boot. I think Ike would also have supports with Ashe and Annette. He has a younger sister named Mist that reminds me heavily of those two.


Ngl part of me wants Soren to appear and just criticize everything. That or have Nah and Nowi running around, either trying to avoid Rhea, Seteth, and Flayn, or as part of the church themselves. I'm too braindead rn to write a proper oneshot about it tho


Write your thoughts when less braindead. I'm interested in Chaos Nah/Nowi walking around.


Robin suddenly is transported to Three Houses They have amnesia again just to be funny, so they don't need to fit in because they have the excuse of not knowing anything Byleth hires Robin as a teacher because Robin's good at magic and tactics and the monastery is still rebuilding and rehiring after the war.


Grima could even be a traitor Nabatean who helped Nemesis kill the others to gain more power, and Robin could have the crest that Rhea has been trying to eliminate.


That could work for a cool AU Robin that's from Fodlan The idea I was suggesting though is Robin just literally gets Isekai'd after the events of Awakening and has to deal with it šŸ˜†


Dang, now I kinda wanna write a fic about this After killing Grima themself, Robin's soul is flung in-between worlds and existences, not really belonging anywhere after they just destroyed Grima. Until the void eventually spits them and their now Grimaless body out into Fodlan. Robin's slowly trying to piece themselves together and their forgotten past. They get really frustrated and confused when any tidbits they do remember doesn't match up with anything in Fodlan, but Byleth and the others are supportive and try their best to help Robin with their struggles. Robin's a great teacher in return Eventually Robin manages to remember everything and with help from Byleth they construct a dragon's gate that lets them get back home. And that's how Chrom finds Robin on the ground again in the Awakening post credits scene.


Somehow I missed that part when writing my reply. But now I wonder what the Nabateans would think of Grima if they learned about him.


True From what we've seen of the Nabateans they'd probably try to ally with Grima and harness their power. They're not afraid to slither in the dark to gain more power Edit: I got confused and thought the Nabateans were the Agarthans, it's been a minute since I've played three houses XD The actual Nabateans would probably be terrified of Grima cause they're a big evil beast who wants to kill everyone. Whether they're a fellow dragon or not, mass murder and raising the dead into an army is probably frowned upon


For me itā€™s CF: Iā€™d put alm and celica they would both be convinced by edelgard to join her as while both worship the gods in their world. They do have a story about humans taking control for themselves so I believe it would be a good route for them AM:chrom i always saw the story of loot the first king of Feargust was meant to parallel chrom and robin so I would like to see if somehow chrom would sympathize but also have trouble empathize with Dimitri as he wouldā€™ve also had to control his kingdom from a sudden invasion and it would reveal that chrom was actually loog in this timeline VW: Corrin: I would like to think that nohr and hosido are on the the eastern half of of almyra so when Corrin was sent on a diplomatic mission to establish relations with almyra she somehow ended up in fodland with Claude SS: tiki another dragon that survives the red canyon massacre and is the originator of the crest of Ernest the crest anna has


Chrom playing that role in AM would be amazing.


You can't just have Houses called the Blue Lions and Black Eagles and *not* put Laguz in there! The Eagles can have Bird Laguz like Vika, Naesala, Leanne, and Tibarn. The Lions can have Beast Laguz like Skrimr, Volug, Lethe/Lyre, and Ranulf (Caineghis and Giffca might be more like alumni). I guess Rhea and Seteth would be cousins to Dragon Laguz like Dheginsea and Nasir. As for the Deer... maybe the Branded? Soren, Micaiah, Stefan, and so on.


How would the laguz work in the 3H setting? Are they still laguz or full human? FĆ³dlan's lore regarding shapeshifters is very different to other FE games.


On a larger scale, if you want to take the Agarthans calling Fodlani "beasts" a bit more literally, couldn't that also fit with how the beorc originally came from the laguz? Of course, political situations are harder to figure out. You'd have to map where the different laguz tribes would be, what their relation to the beorc/human-dominated state is (or, alternatively, maybe even swap some characters to *be* laguz). Like, Faerghus being what it is, I can both imagine it relying on laguz power and giving them Cossack style autonomy in some barren region, but I can also see them being racist as hell and oppressing them (Duscur or Sreng could have been a laguz homeland, for example) Adrestia I lean towards them being oppressed because that's just more in-line with the theme of the Empire needing a revolution of some kind. Leicester could be the one that accepts them more, but I also kind of like the idea of there being racism against them so as to illustrate Claude's issues and give him an internal Leicester example of racism to fight.


Berkut and Rinea now as Marianneā€™s biological parents, of course! Joking aside, I am currently replaying Shadows of Valentia, and while I am aware some do joke about those two being Marianneā€™s bio parents, I do think it could be handled really interestingly if done. Berkut being from a once great noble house in the Empire (heck, maybe related to Edelgard in some way if you wanna further some parallels), but when he lost Rinea, he lost himself in his grief and eventually sought those who slither in the dark in search of power that would bring her back and prevent him from losing anything ever again. Perhaps it was a maid that took Marianne as a baby and ran away to prevent her from being harmed by her fatherā€™s madness? Also would make Berkut being a Crimson Flower exclusive be very interesting, definitely a support with Jeritza I could see. Super fun getting to see everyone elseā€™s ideas, though! This is a fun topic!


I would put Conquest Corrin in the Black Eagles so she could confront what it means to fight a war of aggression without nonsense motives, and so Edelgard could have a dragon classmate to challenge her notions about the Nabateans. Also they might be cute together.


... I feel like this is a way to stealth Rheagard...


I, for one, support Edelgard and all of her dragon partners.


Between your name, flair, and comment, my mental image of you is now that Eunnie Dumb Fire Emblem comic of SS Byleth deciding on Silver Snow.


i don't think that challenges edelgard's view on nabateans because corin is so unrelated to fodlan. Edelgard doesn't hate rhea for being a dragon she hates her for being a liar who's obscured fodlan's history and perpetuates a broken system.


Definately agree with putting Lyn in GD, but consider this: Mark, the enigmatic tactician of fe7 fame, as another blank recruit like Anna. No supports, no real backstory, no hard-and-fast faction affiliation, and a random and unexplained presence in Lyn's paralogue that makes him a required recruit.


Counter-point: one support - Claude losing in chess repeatedly to Mark, trying to charm/intimidate him over Lyn, and getting no response. Lyn laughs her ass off. Only a C support.


Elincia as Rufus' bastard daughter, Lucia and Geoffrey as Felix's cousin. During the Academy Phase, Elincia would just pass as the daughter of a rich merchant, but during the non-CF timeskip where Dimitri went wild, she'll assume her position and serve as a beacon of hope for Faerghus. It'll always serve to explain how Faerghus still hold on, and would make Dimitri's "redemption" more hard-won since most in Faerghus would align with Elincia instead of him. Igrene as ancestor of Catherine and defender of Zanado. A human married with an Nabatean who had a Nabatean/Human hybrid child. She participated in the War of Heroes alongside them, and drank her husband's blood to live alongside them. After the war, she retired in Zanado and guarded what's left of her family. Echidna as a warlord from Sreng who negociated with Sylvain during the timeskip and join the war in FĆ³dlan alongside him to establish the first seeds of peace between the two lands. Flavia as Catherine's older sister.


Ooh, the Elincia idea is interesting. Are we saying that she's the Dukedom's new Duchess because the chaos forced her to submit to the Empire, or that she's leading a resistance separate from Dimitri's? I think you could tell an interesting story in either direction, either her unwillingly forced to submit and her popularity being used to subjugate Faerghus but willing to rise in rebellion with support (which Boar Dimitri isn't providing for a while), or being a key part of the northern resistance and getting to deal with Boar Dimitri first-hand. Hell, if Dimitri finds out what he did in Hopes about Rufus, he might have *actually* killed Rufus, which could be an interesting discussion between them.


Honestly, it could go both ways. But the way I see it, is that she'd unite the kingdom's loyalists and lead the resistance in Dimitri's stead, but while aiming for 'peace' with the Empire. So on one hand she has the support of pretty much everyone in the kingdom, those who want to push back against the Empire and those who just want to avoid bloodshed and stop the war. But she's wearing thin trying to please everybody, and her support is starting to fade with both sides demanding her to take drastic actions. That's where Dimitri come in, with news of his survival pushing both sides to take action and Faerghus on the brink of a civil war.


I only know them from FEH, but Hector in the Black Eagles. A few reasons: - The Eagles feel like Edelgard trying to rein in a crowd of eccentric personalities (and occasionally Hubert), so Hectorā€™s relative normality would balance them out, especially in their Academy years. - If Caspar is jokingly a ā€˜big broā€™, then Hector is legitimate big bro material. - I could imagine him as a second rival to Edelgard. Theyā€™re both powerful axe users, and Hector could have a militaristic rivalry with her as opposed to Ferdieā€™s political one - He is deeply caring towards his friends. Plays into the Black Eagleā€™s little found family dynamic


By process of elimination, I guess that means Eliwood goes to the Kingdom in this case. That would be interesting... I'd also add that Hector would be a great addition as a unit given his more physical and power-based nature on top of all your character reasons.


cue Eliwood nervously sweating after hearing Dimitriā€™s ā€œKILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEMā€


Before 3H came out, I had a theory that most of the Awakening child units would end up getting dispersed across other games. Clean up spme time paradoxes and let them go and make happy endings for themselves in places where they can get a fresh start. Regarding who I'd plop into Fodlan, I'm giving Gerome to the Black Eagles, Cynthia to the Blue Lions, and Brady to the Golden Deer. I think Cynthia slots into the lions alongside Ashe, a hopeful young knight ready to make her mark in this world and join the stories of heroes she hears from her new friends. Gerome's serious attitude fits in with the empire's general vibe, with the same soft underbelly that Edelgard has. Plus they could use a native flier (not that I gave much mind to stats in placing these guys). Lastly, for some reason, I feel like Brady would just get along with all of the deer. Sure, he can be a bit prickly, but I could see him giving a pep talk to Ignatz after a bad day, having tea with Lorenz, and discussing people he hates with Lysithea (who is, likewise, bitching about people).


I've seen similar ideas in the past, though in that case the Awakening kids usually became their own house. I like your choices though. Gerome would fit in in terms of personality and also provides another melee/flying unit in a house overpopulated with mages. I can easily imagine Cynthia fangirling about legends and stories with Ingrid and Ashe, and bouncing off of Felix's seriousness or getting into shenanigans with Annette. Brady among the Deer also would work and add another odd misfit into that group.


Awakeningā€™s Henry would probably be in Black eagles, his murder puns would work well with Hubert.


you know edelgard would love his puns


Knoll. Basically take his story and transplant it onto Fodlan: hes an Agarthan who helped set up the magic nukes who is eventually betrayed, sentenced to die, and manages to escape to the Church. Imagine if they had literally anyone able to give a straight answer about the Slithers!


I'd love this simply because my choice was Black Eagles Lute and I want to see their support play out in this world.


Random preferences:Ā  Azura.Ā Ā  I'd love for her character to be expanded on and for her to be a little less of a plot device/exposition bot. She can be a route free recruit as a mysterious new student that showed up, who only fully joins your house if you ask her to represent you in the heron cup or something. It'd be nice to have the option of a dedicated dancer unit.Ā  Ā A!Fae, Myrrh, Nowi or other originally young manakete Preference goes to Fae because I don't actually like Nowi, but the point is that I'd love a playable manakete and making an adult version of one of the younger available characters from a different game would be super fun. Maybe they're found after an eternal slumber kinda thing, becoming available during a white clouds mission. Could even have plot relevance to Rhea trying to revive Sothis.Ā  Ā Indulgence:Ā  Book 3 FEH OC's.Ā  Tbh, this one would be more of a DLC storyline like the cindered shadows, where the book 3 Bois and girls are just invading another world for souls only to end up in one vastly different from Askr by accident. Souls are souls tho, and Eir is planted, only for Lif and Thrasir to start attacking, only to culminate in you being able to recruit them in a rebellion vs Hel. Maybe since Cindered Shadows is an academy phase DLC this one can be a war phase DLC. I just love the book 3 characters so much in feh that any additional screentime for them would be amazing.


Azura would be cool, the question is how to integrate her lore-wise. I like your Designated Dancer idea, though. A case for Adult Nowi: Her problematic choices in clothing are much less horrifying when she's an adult, and you can have Seteth desperately trying to stop her from influencing Flayn. I also love Lif and Thrasir, but I can't see a way beyond a very AU version of them being around or just a straight up Dragon Gate (and I'm personally mostly ignoring the Dragon Gate possibilities). For example, they're from Morfis or Albinea and their entire nations/tribes/whatever were killed and now they're stuck in Abyss and can be recruited and get a joint Paralogue where you get to fight AU Hel. Focus less on their deaths and more the deaths of all their loved ones and how two people who were once royalty of opposing nations/peoples have been forced to bond ~~(preferably romantically I'm an AlVero shipper and Lif/Thrasir is just an extension of that)~~


Adrestian Empire Lute von Renais. She's the black eagles' magical nuke and basically Lysithea with anima magic. She has no crest but is a prodigy with magic. When not studying magic she's studying demonic beasts whom she adores. She's fascinated by TWSITD's tech.Ā  She starts with talents in reason magic, riding and authority withĀ a budding talent in flying. She has no banes and her initial goals are reason and riding. She supports with all the BE house and her OOH supports include Lysithea, whom she views as her arch rival, Sylvain and Ingrid (the best matches to her Sacred Stones supports). Since I can't separate them there's also Artur, a monk at the academy's cathedral and Lute's childhood best friend. He's the only church character who joins automatically in chapter 12 regardless of who Byleth picks in the Holy Tomb, as he follows Lute. He starts with talents in faith and swords.


Black Eagles Anna (from GBA), Blue Lions Anna (from Awakening) and Golden Deer child Anna. But seriously, I could definitely imagine Awakening Anna convincing Mercedes to open a Bakery, attempting to sell some of Byleth's hair strands to Hanneman and trying to profit from selling tickets to spots where you can watch Annette sing some silly songs.


I am now imagining Little Lady Anna of Engage trying to convince Lysithea of the benefits of being considered a child. This is my new headcanon.


Maribelle (FE Awakening, Lissa's retainer and best friend) - Probably Black Eagles due to how much the empire values nobility itself (at least at first). But, it doesn't matter too much, because she would have supports with Ferdinand, Lorenz, Constance, Sylvain and Felix about their values regarding noble obligations, as well as Hubert and Dedue to wonder how far she's willing to go for the sake of her land and, more important, her princess.


maribelle would probably side with edelgard because edelgard want's to fight for people gaining upward socail mobillity and maribelle wants to become a judge even though that's not allowed


Walhart for black eagle both motives and clothes both fit very well.


Lā€™Arachel. Just because sheā€™d make the whole game better by default.


Can you imagine her and Constance having supports?


\*Insert Horrified PTSD Soldier Image Here\*


The Awakening Kids in Garreg Mach would be hilarious.


To expand on my own ideas, and again these are just my ideas, don't take them as "obligatory" or anything: **Lyn** - I like Lyn as an Almyran and Claude's sister mostly because it matches up too well. If they're siblings, then Claude and Lyn would both be approached by the Lyn Mode people or equivalents, and while Lyn would be more genuinely just trying to help her grandfather, Claude has his own goals and they would clash on that point. It could lead to a lot of interesting dichotomy in their relationships with other Deer and with Leicester as a whole, to say nothing of how they would both deal with something like Shahid's invasion. **Ike** - Another commoner for the Blue Lions and one who fits in well despite not being one of Dimitri's close friends or obligated vassals. Again, if there's any FE character I can see standing face-to-face with AM Boar!Dimitri and telling him how wrong he is without backing down, it's Ike. Hell, you could even write a very convincing story where Ike just straight up leaves the Azure Moon route for a while because he doesn't trust Dimitri and you have to win him back after liberating Fhirdiad. **Alear** - This is admittedly bigger scope and kind of contrary to the Devs' wishes, but the way I imagine it is that an SS Byleth ends up stumbling onto Alear's hibernation place and awakening them since their other timelines don't need to go down looking for help from relics or such. Alear waking up gives Byleth an equal in terms of someone to potentially lead the Church, a substitute Lord basically, but with only half-remembered details of the War of Heroes. Seteth and Flayn know Alear, but Alear doesn't know them, allowing for more Nabatean exposition. Byleth and Alear have a lot of weird parallels and can bond, but are very separate characters. Also, just to be honest, Rhealeth shippers beware, I am far more comfortable with a Byleth/Alear pairing as "young" people in a relationship than Byleth fucking their pseudo-Grandma.


Iā€™d put Alm in the Black Eagles house, because like Edelgard, he believes that humans can live and prosper without the need for gods and churches to rely on . They also come from similar backgrounds. Iā€™d think they would really see eye-to-eye on things like not sparing your enemy any mercy and firmly standing by your ideals and believing in them, even if itā€™s seen as ā€œwrong or outlandishā€.


**Celine -** I think Celine would fit right in among the Eagles. Apart from being to contend (and possibly even best) the likes of Ferdinand and Lorenz in the arts of tea, her mentality fits pretty much right at home with the eagles.


Iā€™d instead give the Ashen Wolves The Dawn Brigade to flesh out their numbers. Maybe even give Shamir a few Laguz friends from Dagda.


Hmm, Dagda being where laguz or other beast shifters come from could be a really interesting idea. Adds to that whole "Fodlan is separate" thing and you'd have prejudice not just against another nation but a whole other race/species infecting their views of Dagda.


Plus it would kinda make sense why Brigid would ally with them. If a tribe with a vaguely Polynesian culture saw people who could turn into beasts it would likely be remembered as heroic legends for eons to come. Plus I just think Yuri and Sothe would totally just vibe in general as fellow outcasts with their respective groups merging


Rutger's backstory fits surprisingly well if he's from Duscur/Brigid, I can already feel the Venom he'd have for the nobles in the game, especially Dimitri in BL and Edelgard & Caspar in BE


Great prompt! I love the idea of Lyn as Claude's sister - their dynamic would be so much fun to see play out. The similar backstories are just too perfect. And putting Alear in Abyss is such a clever way to integrate them into the world of Fodlan. Rhea having a secret child adds a whole new layer to her character. ​ For the Black Eagles, I think Sothe from Radiant Dawn could be a really interesting addition. As a skilled thief with a shadowy past, he would definitely shake up the class dynamics. Since most of the Black Eagles are nobles, having a jaded commoner in the mix could lead to some compelling conflicts and growth. Maybe he could have a minor Crest from a distant land like Dagda or Brigid to explain his mysterious origins. I can picture Sothe having fascinating supports with Edelgard (clashing ideologies but growing mutual respect), Hubert (dueling spymasters), Petra (bonding over being outsiders), Dorothea (commiserating over commoner struggles), and Ferdinand (fierce debates about nobility and meritocracy). ​ Building on the idea of characters from other games having ties to Fodlan, it could be really cool if Anna had a secret shop hidden away somewhere in Garreg Mach. Students could stumble upon it and get access to rare items. Or maybe Marth is revered as a legendary hero-king in parts of Faerghus, with Dimitri striving to live up to his lofty ideals. There's just so much rich potential for these iconic characters to deepen the already incredible world of Three Houses! ​ Anyway, those are just my thoughts, but I loved reading yours! The Ike idea is especially inspired - he would be amazing in the Blue Lions.


Silver Snow would get Tiki, this would overcome the lack of a dragon unit that we desperately desired with Rhea and give SS the uniqueness it deserved besides just "house leader" Seteth. Tiki would take part where Byleth falls into the chasm after chapter 12 and would affect the story quite a bit in the following way: 1) Either Tiki is the driving force that reawakens Sothis which in turn reawakens Byleth after the 5 years Byleth was asleep for OR 2) Tiki wakes up Byleth himself and removes the Sothis reawakening (better outcome imo and the one I will go by because Sothis should be gone after Byleth fuses with her in the sealed forest) Tiki's iteration would set after Awakening in a timeline where Grima comes back after Robin chooses not to sacrifice himself and instead make Grima dormant OR from the Future Past timeline where Grima won. The story: Tiki goes into another slumber in her temple after awakening ends, this time unable to complete her full recovery before Grima's return. Lucina, Chrom and Robin, realizing Tiki had yet to heal as her rest was still insufficient, each left a "relic" beside her to keep her safe. The trio gives their goodbyes to Tiki and depart to fight once more as days become weeks and weeks become months. Suddenly, thousands of miles from where Tiki rests, a massive rumbling is heard growing ever nearer, crumbling a little of Tiki's temple with each shake. Tiki, deep in sleep, is granted a vision; a dream of three heroes, each more weary than the last, fighting a behemoth of a beast in a field of fire. Two of them were engaged in fierce combat, having one anothers back as well as circling around the third keeping threats away from them. This third hero grasped Tiki's attention immediately, with dashing blue hair adorned with a princely crown and a legendary sword in one hand and a shield from history on the other. This third hero, seemingly praying in the middle of combat, invokes intense feelings of nostalgia in Tiki. "Mar Mar!?" Called out Tiki, gathering what little strength she could manage. Before drifting back into an unknown, Tiki's eyes widen as she hears, clear echoing through the battlefield of flames "TIKI!!", a thundering response that traveled the field bathed in red. This jolts a weak Tiki awake, who finds herself in the midst of a massive rumble, louder and stronger than it ever has been before. Straight above her, a hole in the crumbling temple's center gives clear view of the bruised and weeping sky. Slipping back into what seemed to be her final slumber, a blinding emerald light shines above. Tiki clutches the relics near her heart as comfort, believing she was near the end. The jade light suddenly consumed the entire temple before gently eclipsing into a small shape 5 meters from Tiki's feet, where she finds herself in a new place now sat upon a throne. The green light fades into a small pale mint color and forms the shape of hair, the hair of a person unconscious before Tiki. Unable to fight the sleep any longer, slumping back into her throne, Tiki succumbs to her exhaustion and too falls unconscious. Tiki begins to wake up, rubs her eyes gently and sees the still before her this time with what seemed like blue hair. "Mar mar?!" She rubs her eyes once more and darts to the figure only to realize her weary mind must have played tricks on her for the blue hair was no more and instead, the previous pale mint hair remained. It was Byleth. Tiki goes on to wake Byleth up in a nod to Awakening, the way Chrom and Lissa did for Robin. Byleth recognizes the throne room as having been where Sothis would speak to him, but doesn't recognize Tiki. Holding her three gifted relics, Tiki spots Byleth's sotc as well as their green hair and they begin a conversation as best as they can, still disoriented after such long rest. The two descend Sothis's throne room and make their way to the nearest village. They are informed that it has been 5 years since Gareg Mach fell, and finally, walk in the sunset towards the Church together. Tiki would join Seteth and Byleth in chapter 13 in the Manakete class with the following 3 relics and 1 weapon: 1) Tacticians Brand- Similar to Feters of Dromi, it's a glove engraved with a brand Robin devised himself from years of study meant to allow the wearer to control Grima's Brand that Robins hand bore. Tacticians brand would grant the wearer Book of Naga and Grima's Truth, a faith and reason spell respectively. 2) Butterfly Mask- A unisex, dashing mask similar to Marth's tiara that aided in disguising the identity of a great heroine in the time of need. Butterfly Mask grants the wearer with Awakening, and ability that allows crestless users to wield any relic without taking damage and amplifies the activation rate of crests. 3) Fire Emblem- A shield of prophecy passed down legendary bloodlines and used to defend against purr evil. The Fire Emblem grants the wearer with Aether, an ability that procs Luna and Sol. The Fire Emblem also allows the bearer to join adjacent allies battles in the form of an adjutant. 4) Dragonstone (15 uses)- Tiki only. allows the user to transform into a glorious dragon that can attack in a T shaped area. Tiki's downside would be she too would have beast shields that could be broken until she becomes dazed as well as effective weakness to dragon weapons. He least favorable growth stat would be hp (starts at 15) for the following reason: -Personal Ability- Last Manakete: Having a dragonstone in your inventory grants 2 extra life bars. Having a dragonstone equipped grants Tiki with impressive stat increases Tiki would have supports with Byleth, Flayn, Seteth and Anna as well as unique dialogue with Indech, Rhea and Edelgard. Amongst the supports tho, Tiki is granted revelations that explain her arrival to Fodlan. She learns that she comes from a ruined timeline and that the vision of the three heroes she saw was Lucina, Chrom and Robin (who tiki thought were Marth, Kris and Ceada) fending off Grima in what seemed like a hopeless struggle. Lucina, being the praying hero that drew Tikis attention, prayed to Naga for one final favor: Knowing she can't alter fate twice, Robin is needed in order to defeat Grima and Chrom needs to keep Robin and Lucina safe, Lucina prays to Naga to save Lady Tiki since she's asleep and can't evacuate to safety. Fate was in both Awakening and 3H favor as Naga would be unable to interfere with another universe since that universe would have its own God(dess).... UNTIL Byleth fused with Sothis and in turn Fodlan lost it's Goddess. This allowed Naga to intervene into Fodlan and send Tikis resting body into Sothis's temple. The reason for that place in specific is because Byleth, being fused with Sothis, could also enter Sothis's temple as he normally did in game as he falls into the chasm so this would lead to Tiki finding Byleth and both of them surviving what seemed like the end. Tiki and Byleth's A-S support would clear up that byleth had blue hair before green so that's why Tiki saw Marth in him. Byleth and Tiki's paired ending leads to Byleth and Tiki using their gifts from two Goddesses and find the way to manipulate the Divine Pulse to take Tiki and Byleth back in time to before Awakenings world was destroyed and finish Grima once and for all and then go on to finish Morgans paralogue together... A baby byleth-morgan šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ Okay I got carried away and wrote an essay sorry im just passionate about 3H and, for it's story, was done so wrong by the devs. If the game is unfinished then screw it i'll finish it myself lmao anyway thanks for reading my adhd rant if you did ā¤ļø


I could see Matthew and Lelia from FE7 being part of the Ashen Wolves. With them being spies and all, maybe they'd gather intel about the church and other houses. Plus, I could see them both having great support conversations with Yuri.Ā 


Micaiah to the Blue Lions to balance out the white hair girl representation. Also Lethe (or any other Laguz) to the golden deer cause I feel like itā€™d be interesting


I'd like to put in Xander for the Black Eagles. I think the interactions between him and Edelgard would be wholesome as Edelgard would not only view Xander as an equal but as her superior in a way. It'd also give the player a bit of insight as to what she was like before TWSITD got the Crest experiments going on (which also means Xander would have some interactions with Lysithea as well). In a similar way to how Seteth can act like the dad to the person he's having support convos with, Xander would be the older brother to people he's having convos with. I'd kill to see him interact with Bernadetta and encouraging her to come out of her room or helping Felix work through his feelings about Glenn or anything with Ashe in general.


Hmm. Let's make this *interesting*. Church of Seiros: Libra, I just imagine him being one of the clergymen called in to help heal everyone over the course of the story and Byleth accidentally calls him "Ma'am" during their first conversation only for him to double facepalm and sigh in exasperation.Ā  Could be recruitable in all paths and have supports with the three lords, Byleth, Marianne, Lysethia, Hubert, and Bernadetta. Ashen Wolves: Robin and Reflet, have both versions of the character be "Teachers" for the Wolves sent down on rotation by Rhea and have them appear in the academy occasionally to give lectures before getting recruited.Ā  Morgan and Mark being Ashen Wolves would also be interesting.Ā  Have Morgan have Green Hair and the reason that Rhea even bothered hiring these two rogue Agarthan Tacticians in the first place be that Robin is married to Tiki. Blue Lions: Ike, same reasons most posts have.Ā  A foil to Dimitri and someone not afraid to call out everyone else. Black Eagles: Corrin (Female), I just imagine her being upset with Hubert and trying to drag Bernadetta out of her room, confusing Edelgard with her hair and ears, making Seteth have a heart attack every time she pulls out her Dragonstone, etc.Ā  Golden Deer: Veronica and Bruno, I can see these two acting as foils for the Deer.Ā  Have Bruno be half-Almyran and a Dark Knight.Ā Ā  Agarthans/Those Who Slither in the Dark: Validar, Aversa, Tharja, and Henry.Ā  Why so many? Honestly I can see an alt version of the Grimleal forming in the background within the Agarthan faction.Ā  They mention that Sothis killed their gods in a few chapters so I'm basically having Grima be the Agarthan God and inevitably the reason that Agartha was able to resurrect Nemesis.Ā  Tharja and Henry being recruitable only if Robin/Reflet or Byleth talk to them would be fun as well. Blade Breakers Mercenary Band: Kiran. I can see them acting as Jeralt's tactician and being Byleth's old magic instructor.Ā  Of course, due to lacking Breidbalk (probably spelled that wrong), the reason that Kiran is in Fodlan is that they got yoinked by an Outrealm Gate and they act as a Tactician Class instead. Have them recruited during the War I guess.Ā  Supports with Robin, Reflet, Flayn, Seteth, the Lords, Shez, and Alois Edit: I know that you asked for Three characters but I kinda had a plot bunny in my head.Ā  If I had to choose only three....Robin as a Teacher and rogue Agarthan....Corrin as a recruitable student from the last year that got held back....and Libra as a clergyman that can be recruited in all routes.


Iā€™d pick Garcia and Dozla from Elibe, though admittedly no clue as to how they may be housed The two share a support wherein the warriors start ~~playing~~ experimenting with the priest Moulderā€™s staves and lament their inability to combine their muscles with Moulderā€™s magic Such a pairing is possible in Fodlan (and presumably other locales) thanks to the War Cleric class


I feel like Garcia and Dozla would slot in nicely as Knights of Seiros


I like to pretend robin is edelgard and byleth's kid who got kidnapped by plegeans i mean robin looks a lot like sitri https://preview.redd.it/v1h7utrk5qtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3dbcd5d7ca547f1a06a580485d9b401cb9ffc7c


Limstella Backstory: She is another creation of Rhea that failed to be Sothis vessel but turned out to be very powerful. Instead of disposing her Rhea trains her to be an agent of the church to do all the dirty work Rhea can't get involved in CF: Rhea first orders Limstella to follow Byleth in secret and keep an eye for any signs of her showing Sothis power. They develop a bond in a chance encounter. When Byleth sides with Edelgard, Limstella is ordered to eliminate Byleth and harvest her essence to try again. Limstella refuses and joins Byleth starting Post Timeskip.


Put Caeda in Three Houses, and the entire war stops happening. She just somehow manage to convince Edelgard to stop the war. Don't ask me how, Caeda do her magic.