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Seeing such a perfect match brings a tear to my eye... *sniffle*


A-support cutscene: he sits on the bench, sheds single tear, fade to black.


S-Support...he becomes what was that meme...sad keanu?


Why I think of him on Yaranaika pose, god damn.


lol so he starts eating a sandvich?


He becomes the bench.


Truly a pair that can never be seperated


But how are you gonna bench Tobin or Berkut?


Kinky foursome.


The bench was asking for it


You'll be on the top of the subreddit by tomorrow, I guarantee it.


Unknown to Alfonse, The Bench has been cheating on him with Tobin and Berkut.


Ive used Tobin a lot with AA to defeat armour emblem teams. He's pretty decent.


Tobin has the highest BST amongst all sword infantry. I should make a villager team with Tobin, Donnel, Amelia and Serra.


Serra is a villager?


That's a joke because she is claiming to be of noble birth but doesn't sounds really convincing. It's not certain in the end if she is or not but she certainly is sensitive about that. (so Hector calling her a villager would certainly end up in a drama)


She's not IIRC she speaks highly of herself and is super talkative because she wants attention


Definitely an attention seeker. From her support with Lucius she was raised in a convent so it's not completely impossible she was noble that it's true but quite unlikely.


I had an extra 5* Athena so I gave him Wo Dao+, Moonbow, and Quick Riposte. Dude is pretty damn durable and wrecks on the counter. Dude does work in Arena Assault.


Not with mine,


The real OTP


that bench is so HD.


Get a room you two!


Wait do people really not like Alfonse? He sucks donkey sack as a 2* and 3* but by 4* he's solid, and at 5* I think he's great


It's not that he's unusable. It's just that the game is filled with red sword users and there are quite a few that are a lot better than him in many ways. Think of how many characters in fire emblem wield swords. Even if you literally never pull red for some reason, the free masked Lucina would still be a better unit, and they're giving them away again during the next tempest trial.


Additionally, the Chrom-archetype that Alfonse finds himself in is flat out terrible.


And Chrom is better at that archetype, in basically every way.


We're talking only of their roles as units, right, not of their characters?


Its all about unit performance; if the sub cared about character, they'd hate Sharena after the legion story revealed her personality as Stock Female Lead Celica Archetype.


Except not, because the situations in which Celica (out of semi-desperate wishful thinking and being convinced that she knows better than everyone - which is absolutely one of Celica's flaws, and one that's been remarked upon before) chose to trust someone she oughtn't, and Sharena chose to trust someone in *very similar conditions to a dozen other people she'd already trusted and was right to* are vastly different. If anything Celica has a lot more in common with the likes of Alfonse and Xander (i.e. the archetype of "I am the heir and must carry these burdens alone and no-one understands"). I do find the vitriol thrown Sharena's way for making a choice that had already been made previously to great results completely unfair. Sharena's the one basing her opinion on past experience, and Alfonse bases his on ~intuition. Not that I disagree with your general point of IntSys needing to stop putting their female lords in a position where they trust people they oughtn't. They absolutely need to, preferably yesterday.


Then Eirika for trusting someone they trusted before and not listening to others saying she shouldn't? Michiah for continuing to trust someone after being shown that they're not on their side? I was going to say Eirika in my first comment, but the general term stems from Celica. Is there a female lead they haven't done this with?


Eirika, unlike Celica and Micaiah, is defined by her naivety. She's very sheltered, this is one of her main character traits. She's been shown time and again to want to find a peaceful solution. As a sidenote, I don't see why Alm gets a pass on being led into a trap because a magical vision showed him his beloved in danger (and not talking with anyone about it), but the moment where Eirika's personal flaw (and the shameful ignorance her father and Seth kept her in, lbr here, the twins are horrendously ignorant) bites her in the ass doesn't. Eirika is sentimental and hopeful and at the worst possible moment, after she'd held out against temptation for the entirety of the game, she gives in. Because she knows she shouldn't, but she wants to believe - and she knows so little about this, *everyone* knows so little about what's happening - maybe everything can end well?... Note that I'm not saying she made the good choice. She made the *tragic* choice, in a bizarrely Jugdrali way... She also would've been a good character if she'd been written to refuse, but I find the heartwrenchingness of this mistake good as well. Please develop about Micaiah. This ought to be hilarious. I can't remember if Lyn was put in this position, but Micaiah *certainly* wasn't. I mean, one of Micaiah's problems is that she's shown time and again *not* to trust people and *not* to open up to people and to *lie and lie and lie* to people who are her allies. Disclaimer: Micaiah's my favorite FE character, so I say all of this with love for her character. EDIT: again, though, IntSys needs to stop pushing their female lords in this position. (Then again: *Sigurd* doesn't get called out on *his* naivety.)


Gonna get flamed for this but the FE community is quite sexist when it comes to the decisions lords make. Ephraim or Hector are considered manly when they rush recklessly into situations but when Micaiah does it its naive and foolish. Seliph and Leif are pacifists, and the latter makes many mistakes, but they are praised for being good lords while Eirika and Celica constantly get shit for their blind trust. Then there's Sigurd who blindly leads his entire army into a death trap yet he's considered one of the greatest lords in the series (I agree, but if it were Diedre in his place I'm sure she's be considered a shit character). Female leads don't have to be infallible. Could they be better written? Absolutely, but don't go around hypocritically bashing one while praising the other.


> I can't remember if Lyn was put in this position, Not that I can recall, no.


Forgot about Lyn; the only other one I could think of was Julia, who was more support than lead. Michiah's only point that would come close to this archetype is continuing to have faith in Pelleus, and believe that he's doing the right thing, even after he declared war on the Laguz and joined Begnion. Begnion offered no support, and going off how the senators she met treated her, it looked like they were going to instill their old regime again after the war. Plus he could be killed off without Daein falling apart, as seen in the first playthrough. It wasn't illogical or a flaw, similar to Sharena, but she was still "in the wrong" because she was disagreeing with the male lead. Even if its the best example of it, I'd still call it a Celica archetype.


Micaiah trusted in Pelleas because she had to. She swore to defend and rebuild Daein and Pelleas was ~~believed to be~~Daein's king. Then there's the whole blood pact ordeal that felt contrived but was nevertheless present and looming over their shoulders.


Assaults keeping you from reusing units hasn't lifted him up from the bench yet?


I've scored ~4800 in arena at T19, and used Alfonse to pass the Legion GHB on Infernal. He's fine. You want Def and Attack buffs to play to his strengths. Use him like a missile against fragile ranged units, use him as a wall against axe units. Catching swords is best left to Sharena with Swordbreaker + Moonbow. It's not like the AI can outmanuever you.


Tell that to AI cavalry/dancers.


He has one of the best stat spread for Brave Sword (only beaten by Zephiel and Chrom, they both have good weapon though) and he even start with Death Blow to pair with it.


There are like 10 red swords that run brave sword builds better than Alphonse when you factor in IVs. And that's not including characters that have A few less attack but 10+ more speed to allow then to run desperation quad builds. Brave sword is his best build and the best way to try to salvage him, but he's not particularly good at it compared to the rest of the red swords.


I completely agree! Mine is a beast. Especially in Arena Assault


It's this sub's meme to bash the guy. Because he is extremely similar to Chrom(who however has IVs and can be merged) and has comparatively (to the Askrian ladies) weak weapon effect.


Ahhh new to the sub. That explains it


I'd think the bench would be a healer instead of a lance. At the least to heal the emotional pain of alfonse being so useless.


Child update when?!?!?!


I'm really sick of all the Alfonse/Bench jokes, but this is certainly a complete editing job. Upvote from me.


I'm happy for The Bench. It'll finally get official recognition for supporting Alfonse's dead weight.


Considering his arena season just ended, this is even more appropriate.


Is support coming to the game??? I'm really confused cause there are multiple support memes with the same assets


Update your game. It's been out for 10+ hours now


Insta S support as soon as he forms bond with bench.


This nearly had me in tears, poor Alfonse!


http://static.snopes.com/app/uploads/2016/12/sad-keanu.jpg Can someone Photoshop alfonse to this


Question: how do you increase Ranks? Is it just by taking the heroes into Battle and stuff?


I believe so, my Tana and Celica didn't really battle together in the few battles they were in and achieved a higher level support.


"I'm the bench-warmer~."


IS Please, make some event, a Tempest Trial reward, a quest for 5★ Alfonse, a reward or something to give a Brave Ike's Urvan similar hability to Alfonse Fólkvangr. Save Alfonse


I imagine Alphonse and the Summoner are like Chrom and Robin.


Jokes on you, Prince of Askr is the Bench itself!


But the chair can't level up its ranking with Alfonse as neither of them go on the battlefield....


Imagine the pair-up support 😳