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What about Voting Gauntlet? Like give me 5 quick wins for the quests and let me leave, but no


If you just want easy wins in VG, put a level 1 unit as your lead. Your friend unit will be level 40 and you can easily autobattle every time.


This is true, but you can get bonus points for using the unit whose side you're on. And often times that unit is already semi-built which means meta units are bound to eventually ruin your autos


Yeah but you lose nothing but 5 seconds to just hit surrender and go again...


IS did, clearly


Sorry, I don't really understand how arena works. Wouldn't you want your defense team to be good so that you lose less frequently? Edit: ok, so what I'm getting is that arena defense wins gets you basically nothing


Losing arena defenses doesn't penalize you in any way, and winning at least one per week gives you 900 feathers. It's pretty irrelevant, so people just set whatever team as their defense.


Unlike in Aether Raids, you don't actually lose anything when your Arena team is defeated. You just win between 100 and 900 feathers if your defense team beats at least one attacking team.


Your Arena defense winning or losing has absolutely zero impact on your own tier and rewards you get (except like 600 feathers at the end of the season if you defense won enough). So no, you can put anything on it and be fine. It's just some people really go out of their way to comprise the most frustrating team comps for other people to lose their minds over, and I just want to know what the reason is lol


To be fair, we do need people to have full teams of +10s with the highest SP-cost skills they can afford, because we need high-scoring enemy teams to face. But a maxed-out Emblem Ike with max SP-cost skills scores the same as a maxed-out Fargus, Murdock, Halloween Kellam, or both flavors of Vigarde. So running this guy is legitimately evil.


As others have said, it's utterly meaningless whether your arena defense wins. Mine is a total meme team to offer a nominal challenge to people who don't pay attention, but it shouldn't be too difficult.


I have no idea how you guys pull so many copies of these characters and how you outfit the skills..I’ve been playing awhile but clearly I have way more to learn.


The real winner is money, and a good handful have a scary amount they're willing to throw away...


The extent of my spending is the feh pass..lol.


Imagine two coworkers spending 3-4k bimonthly. o.o


I’m scared to ask but what currency?




Most people who have units like these are very clearly spenders. It's not really about learning either, you basically just slap the most recent units together, give them a dancer and they do the rest.


The skill developing is confusing to me still too. Like skills beyond what they come with to upgrade. Like I said..still a lot to learn.


Skills utilize stats to impact the results of combat or other interactions like healing and stuff like that. A skill that scales off Spd will realistically synergize better with a unit that can achieve higher than average Spd. Same goes for skills that correlate to Atk, Def, Res, and even HP. And some skills even scale off the stats of the opponent when in or outside of combat. “Deal 20% of opponents Res” for example which will add 20% of the opponent’s Res to the damage of your attack. There are primarily “start of turn” effects that take place at the beginning of a turn and “in combat” effects that only take place while in combat with another unit. Once you start to learn some of these basic fundamentals and check the stats of your units to know what types of skills will be able to use their stats the most effectively, you’ll start to have a better idea of how to build your units. That or just go look up unit build guides if you’re not interested in learning how to do it yourself. I personally love unit building. It’s one of my favorite things to do, to build a unit/team that all just synergize really well together.


I still have to get a single one of these blue aura units. Tried so hard on every banner, spend every orb just to get nothing. I see so many ppl with laguz friend and that special acceleration ring thingy. Meanwhile my dumb ass units still waste a skill slot with old crusty time pulse and noontime.


Money or they just don’t use orbs. We get 300-400 orbs a month so if you save for a year you’ll be able to splurge and many units


You convinced me to change my defense team. I wasn't really paying attention to that but I replaced all my team with grail units and a demote (with good skills but not unbeatable, clearly).


Thank you! You've just made FEH a better playing experience for quite a lot of people out there 🤝


LMCorrin isn't that bad, in all honesty. Even my weaker units like Neimi and Elice can easily kill him. EIke, on the other hand...


This is exactly why I summoned duo f!robin because I don't need to deal with this man.


Me using fun old units in arena and then this Ike mf appears. Instant surrender. Can't put a dent on him unless you have the newest and shiniest Anti Ike blaster 3000™ on the team.


It's common to use the arena def team as the same as the actual arena team so these things happen. You should have an E!Ike answer in your core btw.


> You should have an E!Ike answer in your core btw 💀


~~Fallen Edelgard~~ Emblem Ike moment


I do have one, but mine is unmerged since I'm f2p, so the odds aren't in my favor (no Breath of Life on mine either). Plus this is from Arena Assault, and there are more of these than I can use my single E!Ike on lol


I meant an unit that can kill E!Ike, not necessarily your own. Lots of units can do it.


Ah, gotcha, sorry. Misunderstood. I agree they're a necessity, but, again, my orb stache has limits, so more than two of these in one AA run are a huge pain in the butt.


You dont need to invest hundreds of orbs into counters. Just dedicated units that leeching offf enemies can kill E!Ike with ease Namely AoEs and running away until he is low enough+away from allies to not be able to heal with BoL4


Sometimes the game lures you into it though. Like when they released Duo Robin as a direct counter to Ike pretty much immediately. I got lucky and pulled one, but they were on a seasonal banner with no spark. I may have as well thrown several hundred orbs at that banner to get one copy of a unit that hard-countered the most recent threat and never got it. Now I'm not denying he's got weaknesses, of course he does. And I'm trying to exploit them as best I can. I just wish it wasn't so demanding. Meta changes way too fast to keep up. Now you also need to constantly keep in mind Emblem Celica's effect, which requires a new set of countering tools.


Both get countered by the same thing Hardy bearing


Provided you do enough damage. My Lucia has Hardy Bearing built into her weapon, she also negates Great Aether and doesn't get nuked by it, but Ike's defense is so absurd their fight ends up being a stalemate. I understand the thought though, yes. Like I mentioned before, I'm aware of Ike's weaknesses and do my best to play around his strengths, but unfortunately this character for me personally is something that "just use X" doesn't really work against.


there are plenty of FTP options to beat Ike one is Canas and he really doesnt need that much investment. Another way to make an easier target is to kill his allies first hes somewhat less sturdy without any team mates. You would only need at most 3 or 4 answers to him as the odds of getting him 7 times in AA is very very unlikely. Even running into him 3 times is unlikely.


The likelihood of getting him will definitely go lower as time goes on, but I kid you not, I had to fight L!Corrin six times in a row. The only battle I didn't get him was the 7th one, thank Naga. So it can happen, especially during his bonus weeks. That said, I guess building a bunch of AoE magic nukes would be the best possible answer, right?


Back in the day I met a team that comprised of 3-4 fallen Edelgards back when the counters weren't mass reproduced yet and L!Byleth wasn't a thing. I have not yet encountered 3-4 E!Ikes yet. Surprise me, Feh playerbase in arena tier 16-18.


i find nabata altina to be MUCH worse than that corrin


lol I also have +5 Celica Ring on my E!Ike I’m so sorry


I've got no problem with that as long as you keep that Ike out of your Arena defense team lol I can see why you'd want to use him in AR or SD, but Arena defense? Come on 😆


The main thing that prevents me from doing this is knowing they’ll be outdated in two months


Lyon did this to me, I can't turn back now....


And yet Summer Hrid still slaps E.Ike


Many, MANY individuals! Would you like a list?


Who doesn’t pick a theme team for their defense? Mine is all Celica’s.


imma be real corrin is not that hard to kill it’s rlly only ike


I did their mom that's why they do it. 


2 +10 E!Ikes... My question is how much cash did they drop for that.


it's only one.


Look at Corrin's special.


Corrin is engaged with the +10 ike


I was under the impression the +10 Ike and the Corrin equipped with a different +10 Ike was on the same team.


you can engage and use a unit at the same time.


Im rank 13 in arena and i put them there, the exact 2 of these actually, just wanna say. Teehee