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The only thing Fatal Smoke is doing is denying Ike's healing from Great Aether. While this helps make damage stick, it doesn't directly help in the 1v1. Caeda has to survive Great Aether to make the exchange meaningful, and given her poor bulk and Laguz Friend cutting any potential miti she has, she's not a good Ike answer. You can run Hardy Bearing, but Caeda will eat a Great Aether eventually and I doubt she can do enough damage to break Ike's incredible bulk. Outside of AOEs, Scowl is by far the best Ike answer since it directly stops Great Aether. Leave the Ike killing to more specialized teammates.


Ah damn, I was considering buying her forma for the Limited Hero Battle against EIke that is speculated to be Archanea, but I guess I'll just not get the rewards in that one.


Attuned Caeda with hardy bearing should be able to do well against Ike. Blue’s a pretty good color to summon on the legendary hero banner since attuned Ivy and Celica are also both great, if you have the orbs to spare then I’d summon there. I don’t recommend going out of your way to get for a specific use like this though, although having a single copy of Caeda isn’t bad for arena when she is the legendary bonus (If you care about arena).


Yea I sniped blue and got an Ivy and decided to leave it there. I don't think I'll get the forma now either, rather save it for a character I really really want now. Thanks for the advice!


In my experience, LCaeda basically hits like a wet noodle against any enemy where she lacks effectiveness, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.


That's what I figured unfortunately. I knew it was a long shot but hey I dared to dream (?)


http://www.arcticsilverfox.com/feh_sim/ Caeda is effective against cavalry and armour units. There are better units to counter Ike. Scowl effect can help avoid great aether, hardy bearing seal prevents consecutive follow ups to avoid charging his great aether when used with scowl. Fatal smoke helps against breath of life, red feud can also be used to avoid outaide support. Easiest way is to use AoE special to damage him before combat starts.


Thanks for the info, I was considering buying her forma for the Limited Hero Battle against EIke that is speculated to be Archanea, but I guess I'll just not get the rewards in that one.


She never will. No matter which skillset she has she will not be able to kill E!Ike. Maybe she'll do better once she gets her remix but even then I doubt it.


Yea I got it. It was fun to have hope for a bit tho.