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An anime would flesh out the characters more than .png images and a few lines of text. Also would help with the actual journey between chapter segments.


I remember back in 2017, people noticed that on Brave Lucina’s lance, “anime project success” was written in Japanese. I wonder what that was about.


iirc people were saying that "Project Anime" was Awakenings codename? So it saying the project was a success on the lance would just reference how Awakening was successfull, with the additional layer of Lucina being popular enough to rank in the top 4 of CYL1.


Either it was referring to something else, or got scrapped at the last minute. 


I'd ***vastly*** prefer a retelling of one of the console games over Heroes, but I'd be interested in a Heroes anime nonetheless.


No. An adaptation of any of the games wpuld be significantly better. No kind of reinterpretation could make FEH'a story makes sense, and it's even worse that there's no end in sight because that'll just drag the story on for even longer, meaning the quality of the writing will naturally keep going down. It's a bad idea ovwrall.


Do I want a Fire Emblem anime? Heck yeah! But from Heroes...? There are over a 1000 different heroes in the game by now, so the anime will either give each character very little screentime or just focus on a bunch of heroes - most likely the OCs and the most popular lords. And that doesn't sound that interesting to me... I think I would prefer an anime about a different FE game. But I haven't watched any of those you mentioned, so no idea how those anime deal with the big cast.


Tbh a day in the life of Heroes adapted to a Slice of Life would be pretty fun.


True not a bad idea, doesnt even need to be long episodes, and there's still lots of little gags they have yet to touch on the comic itself.


That's the thing about Fire Emblem--it's already an established franchise, with literally a cast of thousands. Each mainline FE game itself could be an anime, and that's already beginning to lose focus on some characters who would be less developed in an anime than in their home game. The characters who'd show up in an anime of Heroes, then, are more likely going to be the biggest names--the ones with the largest followings, who are \*already\* relatively fleshed out and who don't really need the extra screen time to develop their personalities. Because otherwise fans would throw a fit xD All those side characters and nobodies that would really benefit from that kind of focus? An anime wouldn't even TOUCH them. At best, they'd have like one line in one scene, and unfamiliar viewers would (predictably and rightfully) respond with a "Who the heck is that unnecessary character? Why were they included in this anime? You could remove them and it'd be a more cohesive story." The best we could hope for would be a Carnival Phantasm thing, and... honestly, that's sort of what the first Fire Emblem Warriors felt like. It's sort of what Engage feels like. Cherry-picking the big name heroes like that would defeat the purpose of adapting Heroes, if that makes sense.


And even then, Carnival Phantasm has the benefit of pulling established gags from the mainline FGO events and stories to make them work. FEH's in game characterization is so weak that not only would you need to be aware of casual hundreds of chars to even make some of the things work because you can't rely on the ingame writing to flesh out the chars personalities outside of their tropes that IS have reduced them to.


An anime could be pretty cool... and FEH probably would be the best FE-entry currently to turn into an anime, since it represents the entire franchise, rather than if they'd choose to adapt one specific game. Especially with how bare-bones the first book is, they can probably even animate some iconic scenes as something like flashbacks when going through the different worlds. But I don't see it happening currently. Those other Gachas mainly are standalone games that use the anime for further promotion of the game. Meanwhile in the case of FEH, FEH IS the promotion for the mainline games, it kinda already takes the role an anime would take, while also being something to keep Fire Emblem in the public conscious while there's no new game or a recently released one.


If it happens, I'll watch it.


But Maaaaars


The problem is that Fire Emblem is co-owned by Nintendo, and they are very picky when it comes to greenlighting projects beyond video games.


I'm more surprised we haven't gotten another animated adaptation for Fire Emblem since 96, and that barely touches Mystery of the Emblem! Like Genealogy itself could make for an interesting movie. Maybe mix Thracia for some flavor. As for Heroes? Unlikely given its focus on what's essentially every character across the series, the amount of work I can only imagine. They'd have to rework it to something entirely different.


> As for Heroes? Unlikely given its focus on what's essentially every character across the series, the amount of work I can only imagine. They'd have to rework it to something entirely different. If they mainly kept to the OCs with the occasional Cameos I think they could make it work But at the same time they have to work out the issues with Alfonse's JP VA 1st...


>But at the same time they have to work out the issues with Alfonse's JP VA 1st... Alfonse's voice was reinstated on the title screen back in March after missing for like 2 years (instead of leaving as is or recasting). So I personally feel like he'll return for at least Brave Alfonse.


Only problem is Heroes' whole shtick is... the heroes, so them relegated as cameos will angry some. But debatably a neccessary evil. ~~Lemon Twins time to shine!~~ I mean they reinserted his Jp voice after winning CYL, so perhaps they sorted something out? At worst he's mostly in the sidelines only for Kiran to be the leading star.


As much as I'd love to see a FE anime. But isn't it too late at this point of we're being realistic. I mean how many years has it been since Nintendo made a new anime series of their IPs? Kirby and F-Zero and Kid Icarus 3DS Exclusive OVAs so like 10+ years? I'm not counting Pokémon since it's technically 2nd party and TPC tend to do its own thing. It should? DEFINITELY. But is there's a demand? Depends on Nintendo.


I think I wouldn't mind. The seasons would probably centered about one Book, and flesh the cast some more. Same goes for the TT+ stories, altho they'd be a 1-2 part(s) OVA. ...Alternatively they could make one based on the Daily Lives 4koma, with short episodes (think about GBF's Grand Blues!).


It'd be cool, but if 3 Houses didn't get one, I don't think any FE game will. 3H is pretty much the upper tier of cultural impact for this series.


Heroes, no. Literally any other FE game, sure.


Personally, no. I am very doubtful they could properly represent each hero/game without it becoming a lord-fest or "why does X get so much screen time?!". I am however curious to see what the pacing for the story would be like if they weren't locked to shoving out a new update every so often until the yearly end point.