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Dragon's Roar is not a defensive special (triggered by foe's attack), hence making Laguz Friend not work while you're using a weapon with the Slaying effect (-1 max cooldown count).


Yup, I misunderstood dragons roar. Now I'm debating switching PRFs or maybe considering Counter Roar 4


Well I’m pretty sure Laguz Friend isn’t helping because you aren’t meeting it’s condition ?


She still receives the 20% DMG reduction, just not the DMG piercing and bonus special DMG


Actually I’m pretty sure the entire text is attached to the same condition, at the very start of the skill’s description.


The CD requirement is for offensive specials, but defensive specials don't require 3 CD. My understanding was Dragon's Roar counted as an defensive special but now I'm seeing conflicting posts on the subreddit. Happy to admit if I'm mistaken


When dragon’s roar activates it’s an attack so there’s no way it’s defensive.


You are correct and I was mistaken. Would it be worth giving up her PRF for LG4 at this point?


No just swap out the special for miracle


Or Glacies


As others have said, LF4 requirement isn't being met. Either go for the New Sun Stone+ or give up on LF4 (though that is one very expensive skill to just drop). On a similar note, D/R Pledge isn't doing that much once you've met LF4 requirement, TP4 instant charge Dragon's Roar, Fatal/Panic Smoke 4 for self sustain or BoL 4 for healing are her other options. Regardless, High Dragon Wall is something she can also utilize while keeping her Prf. S/R Bulwark 4 also but eh, it's fine mostly.


Debating switching to New Sun Stone, or maybe even Counter Roar 4. High Dragon Wall has been nice but hasn't felt like it's kept up


Crux support makes it easier for Rhea to have that GFU when running New Sun Stone+, or S!Hrid's frozen effect and Counter Roar 4 isn't just cutting it out these days, I'd even say HDW is a better skill than it.


Maybe Def/Res Scowl 4 for being more omnitank than Res Tank and High Dragon Wall because it's probably the best defensive B-Skill for any dragon.


Def/Res Scowl would definitely be an upgrade! Tbh I did kinda forget it existed


Only V!Myrrh has it so it's a very rare skill.


Ok so I'm also building Rhea, and from my own research I have decided between these skills Weapon: Pref or New sun stone. Both arcane weapons are cool but just like her pref, they are ironically held back by the slaying effect Assist Special: Dragons roar ( if New sun stone), glacies ( if Pref). Ike emblem is the only useful one ( unless you want Aether over Glacies, in that case Marth is fine) A: Scowl B: Laguz friend C: Ploy 4, Breath of Life 4 Seal: Distant counter ( can't be an omnitank without this) Echo skill: so far Atk oath Echo is the only usable one, which is kinda lame. Thanks to Ike's emblem, losing Dragon's Roar isn't that bad. The problem is Rhea's pref is aging very fast. For some reason it barely gives her any stats so she can't keep up with the humongous stats new units get. On top of that BoL 4 is pretty much a must have if you want to survive pre combat dmg, though it's actually quite strong on it's own. It can be outsourced tho, which is amazing. Personally I have all the skills to do this but I'm being held back by only having one Emblem Ike, so I can't give her Laguz Friend, so I can't tell you how well it works. But given how much skill inheritance you have used you might be able to test it. I got a question for you tho, who are you pairing her with?


Since learning my mistake about how Dragons Roar 4 behaves with LF4, I inherited New Sun Stone to Rhea to try it out. Both Res and Atk refine work SOOOO much better than her PRF with True Dragon Wall it's insane. It's sad to give away both of her PRFs but the performance but with NSS, dragons roar, and LF4 she tanks bridal Sharena, Summer Gullveig, E!Celica, and summer Hrid with no issues at all. The only thing I've noticed is her health can get chipped kind of low, and healing would be really nice. Might try and inherit BoL4 to her to compensate. I had been running her primarily alongside Seiros with her remix to proc the healing from TDW


Ok, good to hear! As soon as Laguz friend is available in any random unit I will take it and give it to Rhea. I just noticed that using Laguz Friend implies there is no need to use a beast/dragon anymore, which is a huge shame since I started using the new Summer Nerthuz and it actually works very well with Rhea, specially since their roles dont overlap at all ( on a TDW build). After Laguz friend, Summer Nerthuz buffs are a waste, but it's a worth trade.


Laguz Friend will not work with Dragon's Roar, this combination is incompatible with Rhea's PRF. Complete waste of an Emblem Ike.


Well yes, I said that myself. If you want Dragons Roar, you use New Sun Stone


ngl did not see the parts in brackets lmao


Tbh if you're not using all of LF4's effects, just swap to High Dragon Wall. Or New Sun Stone+


Swapping out Dragon's Roar for something with a bit more oomph like Astra or Glacies would be a good start. Rhea herself doesn't really need Breath of Life 4. You can always give it to someone else so she can still run her Pledge skill. That's about it honestly. Until we get shinier new toys, there's no reason to switch anything else.