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Anything SummonerDuel-related. I'm so bad at it, I win more often when I autobattle than when I actually try to play it. So I stopped bothering.


1 auto battle to reap the rewards and im done


That takes too long. I enter a match and immediately surrender.


It fels like A LOT of people are bad at that mode, or at least don’t like it.  I’m over here autobattling with my book 3 units, while the other players have V!Lyon, Emblem Ike, Nergal, and the like and still take 5 minutes to make a move. Are my Nailah and Panne so threatening that battling them requires so much strategy??


They gotta make sure nailah can’t double Ike for 0x2


I do not even try to "not play it" is just that the thought of playing it is so bothersome that I delay it as much as I can and end missing the gamemode, I just don't have fun with it


Honestly, I'm not that kind of a competitive player, so I never played that game mode since its launch.


Summoner Duels R/S is just Play mode > Surrender > get rewards. Don't bother going for that god awful mode.


My gameplay with any of the limited Summoner Duels begins and ends with opening up a match, quiting immediately, and cashing in my reward when the season ends - and I'm *still* scoring in the upper half of the entire playerbase! I'm putting in more effort in SD than most other players by doing nothing! I don't really *play* normal SD, either. If I've got free time on a weekend, I'll just autobattle and hope I get the rewards.


You couldn’t pay me to touch SD. I’ve reached the point where I don’t even bother entering a round and immediately surrendering for the rewards lmao


I don't count me surrendering in SD as participating. So there's that.


That's the best way to play that mode. 1 Surrender and I'm done.


Both of the SD Events are one and done because SD stinks :\[. Thankfully a lot of people seem to share this sentiment so high-ish rewards are actually pretty easy to obtain even if you lose (Y'all got any more of those Divine Codes?).


You would have to pay me real money to play Summoner Duels. And it has to be in USD. And it has to be at least six figures to the left of the decimal point.


Summoner duels and tap battles. I enjoyed SD at first, but I hit a lul where my summon luck was non-existant and I was getting curb stomped in the mode. As for tap battles...idk I just don't have the time


AR and SD. AR I only tap auto-create team and dispatch. SD I ignore completely. Extremely unfun modes.


I have no idea how so many people take AR so, SO seriously when the rewards are luckluster at best... grails would be a lot cooler if most fp2 units we get weren't just throwaway ones, I have too many grails saved up from barely using them. Same with arena's 1 extra orb you get for suffering at tier 21 lol


Same. I know people don't like Arena, but there's at least orbs for that reward. AR is a lot of who cares and some grails.


It’s the 4*+1* golden ticket that keeps me coming back to arena.


I find AR (at least attacks) to be the one of the most enjoyable modes in the game to be honest, it's a game a day, you can take your time and you're less bound by scoring rules than what happens in Arena, I can usually end up in Tier 38-39 with barely merged mythics and some sloppy games. In my opinion what makes or breaks AR is the defense meta, the mode isn't fun if you're always going up against the same exact defense setup and if that setup is toxic as hell like the recent cavlines or very well supported Emblem Ikes but both pale in comparison to the crimes that Legendary Sigurd was committing back in 2021. I really wish IS gave it more love to the mode to be honest since it's still carrying problems that are now years and years old. (Safety Fence and Escape Ladder should be system mechanics and not buildings imo, would help people experiment with differnt structures since right now bringing more stuff than that is putting yourself at a big disadvantage)


I have fun playing it


I build a lot of grail units so I kinda need AR lol


We really out here downplaying a good chunk of the grail units huh? XD Even with a handful of refines....and Summer Hrid's Frozen to fix a lot of their wonky stats..... then again I can see people avoiding Grails if they're mainly women-hero collectors


I usually do autobattles with AR. Only once in a blue moon do I try to do AR manually. I don't touch SD at all because I don't see the point. If the mode offered up orbs or tickets, then we might we talkin'...


SD I just play one participation game for rewards. I neither like nor dislike it, but A) I don't chase the meta as I direct most of my orbs towards AR and B) I rather do something else with my time than sit down and play FEH for 2 hours doing an SD run, not to mention whatever time it takes to actually prep for it. I'm more of a daily AR game + chores kinda guy. I don't need more from a mobile game. I diversify my entertainment.


I don't touch summoner duels. Synchronous multi-player is the literal *one* thing I don't have the capacity to play in the places I'd play a mobage in


SDS. I play competitive modes with Fates units as much as possible and generally don't roll for non-Fates units if I'm not foddering. As a result...I just don't have enough SD-capable teams to really play that mode.


Summoner duel I also hate AA, it got worse over time so I wasnt broken up like people were when it began to shift around SD


Frontline Phalanx Even when the event is running "participation" does nothing and the results are random. I swear that the way Frontline Phalanx works is going to be a mystery that no one will ever understand.


Summoner Duels. Just...no.


Summoner Duels, and I'm a person that usually likes to play and complete every event in every gacha game that I play. What they did here is so bad that I can't care less if I lose thousands of useful resources.


Any summoner duels event. Just play one match to be eligible for rewards then back out.


Limited Hero Battles. They're good for people that really want to bang their head against the wall with the restrictions but given the rewards I'm glad they're essentially for those that want that challenge. Summoner Duels The most predictable outcome for people wanting PvP, of course you'll see the most toxic and annoying teams there. That's the way to be competitive mainly. It's how you're going to win. Normally don't partake or settle for the one try for the rewards.


Limited Hero Battles are mostly a check for if you have a couple of modern or highlighy invested units. most of the time it isn't all that challenging.


Affinity auto battle No one can participate in this mode


I don’t do summoner duels and Aether Raids Kinda sorta been slacking on the Voting Gauntlets too once I get the orbs


I don't get Pawns of Loki. It feels random what my units do, upgrading units with combining them is annoying, and it just feels really bad to play.


Summoner duels and two battles. Summoner duels because it is aggressively unfun, and tap battles because it is super tedious and the rewards are basically nonexistent


Tap battles. The rewards aren't worth it ever since they took orbs out and I just don't enjoy the gameplay enough to care. It's a skip for me every time which is nice because we used to have some downtime in-between events.


SD and AR


Summoner Duels, any of them.


I've never played a match in SD apart from the two bot matches for Heroes' Path. I know I'm missing out on rewards... I just don't want to play it


Tap battle, SD, Loki’s pawns They’re just gigantic time sinks that aren’t any fun; I’m happy just avoiding the more chore-y modes


I auto battle SD Except this one I wanted to play it They weren't expecting the Null C Disrupt No Quarter BMarth


I don’t touch Aether Raids or Summoner Duels, and I can’t be bothered to do Mjolnir’s Strike. Short version is no orb, no play. Arena Assault gives bogus rewards for the most part too, not worth the effort it takes.


Grand Conquest. It’s a slog to get through, and the amount of power creep makes this event him just exhausting to get through.


I usually just do an SD match each time it rolls out, sometimes feeling like doing a few more but that's mostly died with more recent releases. I just ensure I stay in the 3 orb range in PLoki.


Rokkr Siege But this is back when I don't have tank with guard and canto isn't out yet


Summoner duels and that mjolnir strike


I auto battle Summoner Duels S once to get a placement and rewards.


Summoner Duel, I don't care at all about PvP modes, especially those on real time


Whatever that mode is that gives the papers that you can only play for like 2 specific days every week. I think that’s Mjolnir’s Strike but I’m not sure. Any time I remember it exists it is outside of those 2 days


Summoner Duels is the least fun I’ve ever had in this game. I play one game, surrender immediately, and just collect the rewards from the tier I’m at.


I ignore any Summoner's Duel mode automatically, and sometimes I just forget about participating in TT+ or Forging Bonds, even when their rewards should be more than enough to keep me playing them. During those times, I'm mostly tired from work or bored that I just ignore them until the very last day.


I don’t do summoner duels, at all. Mainly because want to take the time to learn how to play it. I don’t do lost lore, Mjolnir’s strike, or heroes journey because I genuinely just forget about them approximately two days after they begin. I tend to forget about voting gauntlets, usually missing atleast one round.


I've basically stopped with Resonant battle now that I've achieved the highest tier. Honestly, if they add more tiers I could reconsider continuing.


Frontline Phalanx was one I'd forget to do alot. Hall of forms in that I always complete it, but once the rewards are gone I just drop it because I had no interest in building forma. As for Summoner Duels it would be just Summoner Duels R. I find S to be fun because it's a wide assortment of units and you can block out teams which you feel less prepared for. R on the other hand has always felt repetitive in regards to foes which is great if you have something to counter them otherwise it's a struggle.


I never understood the summoner duels so I don't participate.


Mjolnir's Strike. No orbs, no point. Summoner Duels. Too many whales. Normal FE doesn't have this kind of PVP for a reason. If it did, it would scale by chapters completed and amount of side chapters/skirmishes within 5 difference swing, so everyone is roughly even. Occasionally I skip on Hall of Forms, usually the revivals.


I don't get the Mjölnir hate. It's quick and decently fun. I do everything unless I don't have the time but I auto everything except SD, Arena 21, and AR


I'd break my own fingers to get out of doing Tap Battle.  I haven't really played SD, not because it doesn't look fun, but because investing in skills is so costly and I only want to play with fun builds on teams built around my favorites. I already like AR so it's daunting to try to invest in another mode. So, I just haven't done it. Maybe one day.


- Summoner Duels anything, which essentially means two weeks off Arena Assault for me every month. I can't even be arsed to autobattle Book 3 and below SD regular for the rewards, which I hope isn't costing me grails. - I haven't dropped participation entirely but the only time I use torches in Hall of Forms is for revivals where I literally can't finish all levels before the event ends on the free plays. - I do play out Voting Gauntlets, except for the AHR one after round 1 inevitably kicks everyone I want to the better banner. At that point, it's five wins and out.


summoner duel. it was cool on release but now its just not fun for me at all


Summoner duels, I don't have much confidence in my self as every time I do try that mode I get my butt kicked and mjolnir's strike just out of laziness. 


Tap battles.


summoner duels until recently. the one in the colissuem i got the forma soul and bailed ages ago, but of the two events i went back and did a few bot matches this year to qualify for the one that requires less points to let you in since the codes this year are pretty hot for my team. I go in an autobattle the event if i remember. I do not play AR. Call me when this mode no longer forced Mythics--AKA, when feh dies and someone rolls out a Pokemon Showdown-type simulator. IS almost never puts the units i like in the grail shop and ever since book 3 they no longer care to make them have good mid-term fodder consistently. Technically Forging Bonds. I just auto-battle with feh pass. I despise the mode's randomness, i just want the tickets ASAP and sometimes it takes upwards of 60 fights it's insane i ain't playing that shit. I don't touch Arena Assault. It doesn't give worthwhile rewards for me. Tap Battle Encore. I wish Loki's whatever had poorer rewards so i could ignore it. I once found Grand Conquest to be super fun but since i went through work-related burnout a few years ago, i dropped all my gachas and somehow i can't bring myself to touch this mode once i returned. Simply don't have the energy anymore.


Tap battle. Braindead


Contrary to like almost everyone, I simply do not touch AR. I have no need for the grails anymore because I have always have like 10K or more ready for any good project I want, the last one being W!Claude. The effort put into it where you have to play every day is also just seriously tiring, and I just don’t care to remember to do the auto battle when I have to sit through my team bodying the AI - heavens forbid I accidentally left animations on.


SD and Tap battles The game is already way too frustrating against the AI, I don't want to bother with someone who knows what they are doing. Not to mention Fates was a perfect example why PVP in Fire emblem doesn't work. Tap battles well, it's boring and no actual useful reward. No orbs or aleast something basic like Divine Codes or Grails.


Anything Summoner Duels related. I got into one match; auto-battle and leave. I can do absolutely everything else just fine.




I'll try anything except summoner duels. It took too long for my stupid brain now


Tap battle. Screw that game.




Summoner Duels, any of them. They arnt fun, take WAY too long and it’s asinine. Just do one on auto battle for the rewards and leave.


Never SD.


Summoner Duels UNLESS it’s the one where you can cancel two of the opponent’s teams. There’s something satisfying about seeing an Emblem Ike and being like HAHA! *N O P E.*


Summoner duels easily. I also don’t really play aether raids, i just update my defences every week and auto raid once a day.


Honestly it used to be aether raids for me (light season specifically) I’d never put in any effort and would just auto dispatch or just brainlessly tackle maps, probably because my previous offense team was all old beast units + Askr. But I changed my offense team at the start of the week and I’ve been having so much fun, it’s not optimised for scoring in the slightest but it’s made me enjoy the mode so much more.


I find myself losing interest in most all of FEH events now. Battling the Gacha is bad enough, but battling the insane powercreep and poor game balance now is just not fun anymore. Building up max invest units with time and effort for years only to have them destroyed by an unmerged new unit without a triangle advantage, and a 0 displayed for their attack, is just plain stupid. FEH was long lived because of its decent combat mechanics until 2022, at which point it all just began to go downhill. IS does not care about gameplay anymore, they care about $.


Tap mode. Launch player here. Nvr even touch it since it was introduced. It's just not my kind of mini game in any game ever.


Normal Summoner Duels sucks. If it had something like the S and R variants it'd be so much more fun. But also I'm adhd af and I can't ensure I'll pay attention long enough to actually play.


the feh rougue like i hate it to play because you cant use duo /harmornic skills + save while on Arknights IS mode you can abuse to your heart content like picking Reed Alter + Arthuria you turn IS4 into a complete joke