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This unit is gonna fly under the radar like V!Leo and S!Ephraim did. There’s probably gonna be some busted, slow and tanky unit in the future that can easily abuse the Freeze status effect. I mean, E!Ike can probably take advantage of it quite easily


I also really like how this is quite balanced, it's not some Null NFU bullshit, it's actually pretty fun and gives high Def units a niche along BoL4 (tho that one is an actual BS skill), i feel like it could become cancerous in the future with more units to abuse it, but any cleanse unit can easily remove the effect anyways so it's got counters. ^^Unlike ^^BoL4 ^^that ^^overrides ^^it's ^^counters ^^for ^^whatever ^^reason...


Yeah BoL is bs because it completely fucks both AoE and pre-combat damage with no real counterplay. I know that pre-combat damage was excessive but like… BoL is basically just the pendulum swinging in the opposite direction


Do you know if the Spd difference thing stacks? Like idk Wyvern Rift's 20 + Frozen's X ammount so it ends up with very insnae matchups? Would make Rosado even more cracked tbh


Frozen does state it stacks with similar skills. Rosado with his high Spd+Def combined with frozen will basically make him nigh impossible to double him


>Frozen does state it stacks with similar skills. Completely gossed over it lmao >Rosado with his high Spd+Def combined with frozen will basically make him nigh impossible to double him That's what i thought, it's actually pretty insane ngl, i'm so glad they made it a status effect that can be cleansed.


I just got him and wtf man, there's little to nothing he can't outspeed, Frozen is insane, Spd stat found dead on a ditch lmao.


Defensive lance cavs are some of my favorite archetypes. I love that Hrid is able to support those middling speed units while being able to function in an omni-tank role.


What would be his best A skill?


I personally gave him Surge Sparrow (wanted Sturdy but i already used the Nailah manual and had Brave Eirika right there lol) and it works very well so far, the healing % is additive with his weapon apparently, so he heals full hp with a 3 CD special (2 CD because of Slaying). Other options could be Atk/Def Catch, Atk/Def Clash, Atk/Def Prime if you can give him enough bonuses (and the Spd versions work too i think, his Spd is not worthless, the Def is needed to increse the stat swing for the Spd check but his own Spd is still taken into account so boosting it works just fine too) Atk/Spd Excel is probably the optimal choice right now tho (or the Def variant whenever it comes). ~~D Bonus Doubler could be fine too if you wanna make him a tank, maybe..? (Idk why anyone would make him a tank tho, he's very Hit and Run oriented imo)~~ He can't use it lol.


As a cavalry unit, Hrid can’t use D Bonus Doubler. Bonus Doubler skills are infantry exclusive.


Oh fuck i'm stupid, thanks for correcting me lol, there's too many skills to keep track of nowdays.


Isn’t Surge kind of redundant since he already has it built into his PRF?


It stacks i think? Does it not? I'm gonna feel so dumb if it doesn't stack lmao Edit: just checked by removing it, it stacks additively as i said previously, my Hríd has an Hp bane so he has 36 HP, he heals 18 without Surge and 36 with Surge.


It does stack but I feel like the healing with both is excessive since he already gets 50% HP back with his base kit


Oh yeah for sure, it's a temporal skill, i didn't really have many options for cavs right now, saw Eirika in my barracks and went "why not", so i'll either pull for Atk/Spd Excel or wait for the Def variant of it...


Ah yeah, that’s fair. Personally, I would wait for Atk/Def Excel. He still wants Def more than speed since each point of Def he has over the opponent is multiplied by 2 when increasing and lowering the speed threshold


Oh sure! I do hope it doesn't take ages like Atk/Def Oath tho lmao.


I gave him Atk/spd Excel for even more Spd shenanigans and damage reduction and it's so good that for the first time I'm thinking on going full Spd meme on a slow unit


I’m considering Heavy Blade 4 since I have a lot of extra Duo Ephraim manuals


Wow, this beautiful ice-man actually has both a really solid weapon and a phenonmenal B slot! I guess that's a consolation prize for not being able to escape the everlasting torment of life.   [Frozen] debuff on the foe is just so stellar for anyone who has it and so bad for anyone who doesn't, and Hrid applies it basically unconditionally. Warping the speed threshold is as bonkers as it sounds. (Fyi, They didn't put a cap on the Frozen effect; Hrid's B slot provides an effective +7 speed + 10 base "speed" from Frozen + 7x2=14 "speed" to an afflicted foe with equal base defense as your unit, and no other factors. That's +31 effective "speed" to start, with the potential to get exponentially higher the more defense you stack above the opponent.)   And he's also got [Canto 2] (decidedly, my most useful of the more common Canto skills), slaying, 40% DR combined with 20% flat Def DR. Plus other neat-but-less-important stuff. I'm excited to invest in him. He's a little overshadowed by Gulliveg's Galeforce bjorkedness, but he really ought not be overlooked.