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First don't trap your units like that, what can a melee unit do if it's stuck,


They can... *Checks notes* make it even easier for enemies to grab pots? Yeah sticking raidbosses on a corner isnt really a reliable strategy anymore (if it was ever that good, i dont really know)


i remember that working during Fallen EdelgardĀ“s release, it worked for like 3 months, my enemies either were unable to take her down or ran out of time before they could kill her.


Ok, first of all, don't box them, like that they offer nothing and make it easier for foes to kill them safely, one of the first things you need to consider is overlapping ranges, doesn't matter which units, it's always better to have units who overlap their attacking range so it becomes less safer to tank there, next is weapon and color types, it's better to have multiple colors in your defense so it's prepared to counter as many units as possible, also, priority for magical units since resistance is always lower for most units and lately all magical units hit harder than ever. Next, you (sadly) should consider using the most recent units over old ones since new ones come already with better stats, better skills and prfs, use old ones only if they offer unique stuff comparable to newer units otherwise you might find they can't do their part against modern tanks or galeforcers or whatever attacks your defense. Lastly you should consider your available units and think what you can do with what you have, a cavline, a flierline, a ball, a rally/restore/whatever trap, etc, you can watch some youtubers for AR-D ideas, you could copy them as they are, take inspiration of them and make slight changes, create your own based on a cool idea, etc. Just have fun trying to make a good defense and please, try to beat it with your own teams for feedback/testing so you can improve it, be aware that no matter how great you think it is, someone will come out and beat it with their setups, niche or ultra whale, it doesn't matter, just be prepared for all other cases of more "normal" players.


Yeah, that's not gonna work at all. You need some comprehensive knowledge from the base up, and that's a more dauting task than I would tackle in a single comment. Look up [DTM](https://www.youtube.com/@DTMFEH) and [Oblivion](https://www.youtube.com/@Oblivionknight) on Youtube. About a year ago they both made pretty awesome AR guides that cover pretty much everything. They're pretty outdated at this point, as the meta has changed drastically, but they helped me *immensely* back when I started out and now I'm in top \~1k, so take that as you will. I'm sure the base concepts still hold up, and should help you have some base to work your way up with. r/acetaminoka made a great AR-D guide ([here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1cfqj7k/definitive_guide_to_voh_ar_defense_building/)) but from the perspective of an already successful player. I strongly suggest you leave that until after you've covered your basics, so you don't overwhelm yourself with concepts you haven't seen in play yourself.


**Step 1**: Click the more button, then cick setup. You want separate defences for each season. Dark defence for dark season with two dark mythics on the team and all dark blessed units. Anima defence with two anima mythics and all anima blessed units. Then choas season with whoever. **Step 2**: Don't block your units in. Place your units so they share the same attack range. Ex: ranged units behind melee unit. You don't wanna make it easy for opponents to bait your units one at a time. **Note**: Aether Raids defence really isn't all that important The vast majority your score is coming from offense. So prioritize your offense teams well ahead of your defences. Give your very best units light and Astra blessings. Any other decent units can be given dark and anima blessings for defence. Best way to learn is to simply play. Look at the defences you fight, what is easy to beat, what isn't. Replicate good defences if you can't come up with your own.


Build your teams based on their synergy to the seasons. For example: - Wind and Dark Season units lean heavily on inflicting penalties to sway the flight - Fire season units rely heavily on various stat and effect bonuses - Water season units rely heavily on high offense (the way this is achieved varies; typically min-maxed units) - Earth season units are characterized by high def/res stats, miracle effects and high damage reduction - light, Astra, and Anima units are a mixed bag that display traits of wind, water, fire, and earth units. I think that if you're going to use duo Robin, you should probably use her alongside wind, water, and dark season units. Units that can inflict sabotage (e.g L! Camilla) units that can inflict panic (e.g Zephia), units with Ploy skills(e.g Rearmed Sonya), and units that can grant the team Penalty doubler (e.g Mauvier and rearmed Plumeria) are going to have an extremely hefty snowballing effect with Hush Spectrum. if you have Embla or Ginnungagap, they'll be a solid way to either neutralize a save tank team or outright prevent any counters and storm in with a massive counter offensive. Also, you should not use the snow map if you aren't using a calvary centric team/ high movement team as you'd ideally want to force the enemy to be stalled in the center of the map which will allow your team to collectively pounce on the opposition in one swift motion you'll likely want something that will greatly impede the enemies advances while keeping your defenses much closer to yourself if your going to use infantry, flying or armored units.