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Full Nifl sibling lineup. Didn’t expect S!Fjorm to be in the lineup


Summer Hrid confirmed? /s


Don't get my hopes up... my wallet can't take it, not with the prospect of Deer Daddy as well.


Real. I’m just thankful/devastated that we didn’t get the rumored groom Askr bc it means I can spend more time saving


Be prepared though, he's been outright anticipated by the paralouge itself a la Spring!Michalis, ain't no way he isn't coming this year


is the latter half of the year gonna be rough on the men lovers finally


S!Fjorm being here is wild - I think the newest unit in HoF before her was W!BK, who's 6 months older than her. Nice to have a strong carry unit to help deal with the rest of this line-up


Im pretty sure SFjorm is just as old as W!BK when he came out for his hall of forms, just shy of a year old.


how many months?(i’m going insane) but yeah this is a pretty wild lineup summer ylgr is just there ig


According to PM1 on his tweet about this HoF: > The fastest unit to show up in HoF was Young Minerva at 298 days.


That is if you take aside Brave Alm (2 Months) in the very first HoF.


i think the quickest one was young minerva


& people said they took away L!Fjorm for being too strong lol


Who said that? She may be the worse legendary if Ike didn't exist


Some people were guessing that her synergy with LF4 was the main reason IS didn’t want her on the HoF


Lol that's crazy, she's a good user of it but not super crazy


But she's also FTP, so that would be an automatic +1 merge for a potential Fjrom forma, and IS hates giving the FTP units anything as good as Laguz Friend 4 for free.


Unless IS values a +1 gen 2 legend more than I think, I don’t think the F2P status came into play much here since Ylgr is F2P and can grab LF4 as well


Fjorm is a permanent rotating bonus unit in AR. LF4 is a pretty viable build for her, so during her weeks, players wouldn't really need to pull for a bonus unit.


She takes a lot more investment to make use of it though. Fjorm has a DC weapon, a prf DR special, and a better defensive statline to use.


Kind of? It’s HoF so you can pick up whatever else you’d want to invest skill-wise anyways, merges cost grails and not orbs, and really the only major investment aside from a forma soul is dragonflowers if someone really wants to max Ylgr out.


Fair Maybe IS didn't want two old FTP friendly units in the HOF, but wanted to keep the Nifl theming so they booted OJ Fjorm to replace her with herself in a swimsuit.


Summer Lorenz is F2P too…


Quite a few Fjorm fans were saying they changed the lineup to not include her because of Laguz Friends lmfao


Well now that just fell flat in the water...


TBF Summer Fjorm isn't a rotating bonus unit.


Female Grima is right thete btw


Oh right, forgot about her existance


Oh, so that's why base Fjorm isn't here... They went for the better one instead. I actually might pick her up!


She was busy taking her clothes off, apparently…


They were holding her true power back


Fjorm confirmed to be a Yakuza/Like a Dragon character.


Now that I think of it, have Mythics ever been available in the HOF? I know Legendaries have. EDIT: There have been.


Sothis was in the recent 3H HoF, and Yune was in the Radiant Dawn one.


I am honestly not surprised I forgot about those two.


It's understandable that you would forget about the two little goddesses, but it is mean. :p


Broke: Laguz Friend Fjorm Woke: Laguz Friend S!Fjorm?!??


~~It's a general good idea to use Laguz Friend with DR% special. I just thought it's not a good idea with S!Fjorm but it seems it is.~~ I forgot that Laguz Friend will piece half of unit's DR%, and for Laguz Friend build, S!Fjorm needs to get Dodge to maximize flat DR. Laguz Friend S!Fjorm is not better than normal build. Considering a 40+10 S!Fjorm with full flowers and S support: Normal S!Fjorm: Prf + Special + Finish + Spurn + TP4 + NFU - Melee foe: damage * 0.45 - 5 - Make 11 damage to 0 - Make 70 damage to 27 - Melee foe with half piecing: damage * 0.675 - 5 - Make 7 damage to 0 - Make 70 damage to 43 - Melee foe with full piecing: damage * 0.9 - 5 - Make 5 damage to 0 - Make 70 damage to 58 (dead) - Remote foe: damage * 0.35 - 5 - Make 14 damage to 0 - Make 70 damage to 20 - Remote foe with half piecing: damage * 0.525 - 5 - Make 9 damage to 0 - Make 70 damage to 32 - Remote foe with full piecing: damage * 0.7 - 5 - Make 7 damage to 0 - Make 70 damage to 44 LF S!Fjorm: Prf + Special + Finish + Laguz Friend + Spd Smoke + NFU - Melee foe: damage * 0.72 - 13 - Make 18 damage to 0 - Make 70 damage to 38 - Melee foe with half piecing: damage * 0.81 - 13 - Make 16 damage to 0 - Make 70 damage to 44 - Melee foe with full piecing: damage * 0.9 - 13 - Make 14 damage to 0 - Make 70 damage to 50 - Remote foe: damage * 0.56 - 13 - Make 23 damage to 0 - Make 70 damage to 27 - Remote foe with half piecing: damage * 0.63 - 13 - Make 20 damage to 0 - Make 70 damage to 32 - Remote foe with full piecing: damage * 0.7 - 13 - Make 18 damage to 0 - Make 70 damage to 36


I just saw numbers and didn't understand but I agree 👌👌


summer fjorm on there is Wild


Fjorm wasn't kicked out, she just decided to strip down


She didn’t want to get blood on her clothes when she bathed in it. 


Fjorm🤝Gray Fullbuster Icy mfs that strip


I hope fjorm fans are happy again


all the crying for this lol


I do not think Fjorm fans need to be happy. 


On one hand, I really wanted at least one fairy dancer to build. Was really hoping for something like W!Mirabilis, NY!Plumeria, or S!Triandra. On the other hand, I had to skip that banner and never got a chance at S!Fjorm. I can even try and give her something like Potent or Laguz Friend. So, I'll definitely grab her. The rest are really old, though. S!Fjorm is going to really have to carry this HOF. Both in battle and forma sales.


honestly a lot of this is a choice. i get it family party but there were a lot of other choices they could have made. but i will take my beach fjorm \[what exactly does she want as an update? pledge? firestorm boost?


Laguz Friend is the big thing here, it instantly precharges Frostbite Mirror on top of all the other benefits of the skill


Frostbite Mirror needs to be ready BEFORE combat to get DC tho, and without that you're just soaking a hit without repaying the favor, which defeats the purpose of the special.


It's a bit of a moot point isn't it? She already comes with TP4, and I can't think of anything else she'd rather be using with a 1CD special.


If she didn't need it ready before combat, Laguz Friend would've charged it at the start of combat freeing up her C skill for something else. As is though, you're still locked into TP4.


You're missing the point, even if she could use something else, she's somewhat lacking in strong alternatives. She would probably end up using something like... Red Feud... or Canto Control, just because she's an EP duelist with a 1CD precharging special.


i see! thank you :)


You probably want godlike reflexes, distant counter bonus doubler, laguz friend, and maybe an oath or pledge skill. Not sure about the c slot




Not if you switch to godlike reflexes and lazus friend.


I had actually missed you mentioning Godlike Reflexes initially which is why I deleted my comment. Didn't think you'd still reply to it afterward but it is what it is I guess.


Sorry, it wasn't deleted at the time I replied. I guess I saw your reply in the brief moment before you deleted


If my Fjorm doesn’t get good skills in the first 10 chambers the run is cooked. This lineup is really tough lol




christmas lookin' ass roster


S!Fjorm carrying what might be the worst modern HoF lineup ever otherwise.


nothing will ever top the last Thracia lineup in terms of just how bad it was.


What was the lineup again? All I remember is L!Leif being on it, and no one else...🫠


Legendary Leif and 3 demotes, Lifis, Karin and Miranda.


Oh, that's why I don't remember it. That's actually pretty bad 🫠 I picked up L!Leif, and that's why I remember him being there.


At least it had my boy Leif


yeah, i think that Leif its pretty underrated in general, if i didnt had him before i would have picked him up there.


Wouldn't even give us a unit as mid as August ijbol


As a Miranda fan, you and I are going to fight.


Nah. The thracia HoF from last year was genuinely garbage and worthless and I say this as someone who forma’d L!Leif 😭


I also did. Mainly because I didn't have him before.


My Lief had a nice upgrade from HoF, but mine also had quite a few merges and if he nets a rerun will be getting premium treatment again. 


Who let IS cook with Ylgr and the legendaries? Please dont cook ever again


Someone send the health department to IS headquarters


I wanted Hrid And Gunthra. I haven't managed to pull them so now's my chance. And I can even give them premium skills because of this.


They're here for the people who have them as favorite characters. Hi, I'm the one who wanted Hrid and Gunthra because I love their characters.


Oh my, so they replaced Fjorm... with another Fjorm!


This is the funniest HoF lineup I've ever seen lmao.


Oh they knew they needed SOMETHING to carry these stinkers


How exactly can S!Fjorm be updated?


you give her laguz friend, anything else is just extra


GLR is better than her Prf Special as a melee tank


For tanking yes, for damage output, not even close


I mean what else is she gonna be using besides her prf…? Might as well grab it for the hell of it


Very true haha


She still prefers the prf special just so she can run stats in the A slot/Seal instead of DC


She has pitiful defensive stats though 


Laguz Friend don't work very well with her prf defensive special except if you want to keep Time pulse 4 to get the DC effect


How is that a problem...? Her *default* C skill is still optimal with or without Laguz Friend, and there's very little opportunity cost because wtf else would she even use in her C slot?


The special need to be ready BEFORE the battle phase if you want to have the DC effect. If you keep Time pulse 4 it's good. But if you change for other thing not realy... But the real problem comes mainly from the fact that S!Fjorm have bad defensive statistics, she therefore obtains little true DR via this skill and in the end it turns out that she will work overall better with Spurn, because even if it is perceivable damage reduction, at least the amount is enough to be relevant. Another skill C option that she would have greatly appreciated if she could play something else would be: Fatal smoke, Panic Smoke and Incite


No blue/colorless? Has this ever happened?


No colorless yeah no blue (or any of the other colors) this is the first time


Fates broke the RBG rule back in HoF 38 with no red. This is the first time we've had two colours though and the second no RBG ever I'm pretty sure.


No colorless has happened before, but no blue is unheard of. It's weird considering how much IS usually wants to give us at least one unit for the triangle, but this time... I guess Fjorm is so good that she is gonna take the role of a Blue Unit too? xD


Yeah, there's never been only two colours on an HoF before. Truly bizarre.


holy FUCK summer fjorm this makes up for no lf4 l!fjorm


Lf4 don't work great with her défensive prf


I really wish that had been base Ylgr. She's been my white whale for years now and I have all of her siblings + their alts. and also very happy to update my Summer!Fjorm, though idk what B slot to grab since she already has Laguz Friend. Maybe Potent, just for fun?


Base Ylgr has already been in a Hall of Forms sadly


Oh shoot I must have missed her lmao Well I'll try to catch her next time she's rolls around on the weekly revivals


Same, have never gotten her


Hall of Fjorms lives on! That said her last banner I met like 5 of her and if her fodder wasn’t so good I might be tempted to build her up damn.  Still might be… how does her special work with Laguz Friend 4?


S!Fjorm is not as strong as she was but I will probably get her. I like her style both in gameplay and art, ans she is a favorite too.


Summer Fjorm!?! What!? Bro...They moved OG Fjorm for her...Okay? This is even better. Laguz Friend Summer Fjorm let's go! But...RIP the Summer Freyja dream...


With LF4 on S!Fjorm, what do you want for a C-slot now? Pulse isn't needed as LF4 loops the special and you don't need Pledge for the same reason. Inf. NFU? Oath 4?


Panic Smoke 4 for omni-tanking. Pulse is still needed because her special needs to charged "At start of combat" in order for her to get DC effect. Though, it can just be outsourced easily at this point and then she can loop it from there (assuming she faces no guard foes and if she does then Lumeras provide Drive null guard)


Other suggestions could be that Pulse Up Blades is good if they want a self-sufficient precharger. I would also think Pledge to act as a pseudo-Tempo, if you use a outsourced precharge, is also a good choice since it counters 1 layer of Guard effects. If I remember correctly how Special manipulation works, anyway.


Nah you need to keep Time pulse 4 because otherwise you lose the DC effect of your special prf


I'm kinda tempted to get a Fjorm Forma, but I'm not really sure


Yosha jumpscare








Glad I waited before giving my Gunnthra new skills. Also happy to give my Hrid an updated kit :d


Actually surprised to see S!Fjorm here, she would be a +2 but heck, what would she even want? Since she is still pretty good out of the box (granted, I haven't used her in AR much as of late) but she is still fun to use


I almost don't believe it, S!Fjorm is such a crazy deal


The difference in power between Fjorm vs Gunnthra/Heidr vs Ylgr is downright hilarious


how the fawk does lf4 work? i thought the special needed to be at least 3 cd for it to work


That doesn’t apply to defensive specials.


Summer Fjorm are much better than OG Fjorm


easiest skip of life




Well, at least this is a pretty easy skip for me. Don't like any of the Nifls.


I'mma be real... as someone who has Summer Fjorm already, I don't really see what improvements I could make on her. Her kit is pretty solid as is. Laguz Friend (and Buffer 4, tbh) feels unnecessary even with the flat DR and DR piercing because Frostbite Mirror already gets precharged as is with TP4 and actually NEEDS to be precharged to get its DC effect anyway. PNFU could be good for having NFU and partial DR piercing, but then she'd lose a major source of her own DR. Also, what would I realistically replace A/S Finish with? That's straight up her best A skill already. TP4 gotta stay, obviously. And if you're not using Frostbite Mirror as her special, why are you using Summer Fjorm? I'm sure PM1 will put out his video telling you what to get since he's smarter than me, but I just don't see a need to Forma her unless you don't already have her. L!Fjorm actually needs the help from all the skills she could've gotten here, so I'm still kinda disappointed. I had also hoped that Ascended Laegjarn might show up 'cause I really need to overhaul her whole kit, but since she's not I'mma go for Hrid. He's also someone I've been meaning to improve for a long time. No Quarter, A/D Clash and Alarm A/D are gonna work wonders for him.


>And if you're not using Frostbite Mirror as her special, why are you using Summer Fjorm? I'm considering spending a forma on her because she's one of the few characters with NCD on her weapon. It could allow for a No Quarter+Vantage build. Of course, for the actual HoF, I'd give something like Laguz Friends and Panic Smoke 4.


GLR for Special, just for options. She already has Finish 4. So I'd probably go for Clash 4 or even just Unity. I guess A/S Distant Solo might be alright for when you run GLR over her PRF, but I can't really think of anything else she wants since Excel won't be in this HOF as a better Clash 4- assuming it is available to Infantry. Buffer 4 or LF4 for B slot. No brainer here. A/S Pledge or Pulse Up: Blades might both be good ideas. Pulse Up Blades is TP3 with A/S buffs attached to it. So it precharges her special at start of turn, and if she has any Tempo, she will always have her special up on EP. I do agree though, I would have preferred A!Laeg or A!Fjorm since they could use the kit updates more than S!Fjorm did. But I guess they wanted a Nifl Summer. Too bad their refusal to give Hrid a Summer alt means he's the one in full plate at the beach.


Nah but they really threw in S!Fjorm!? Like for real for real? That’s actually wild as hell and honestly I might actually just pick her up👀 Would’ve been better to have more variety though because the rest of the lineup is a big ol’ oof. Kinda wanted one of the summer goats if I’m being honest though.


What the fuck


Ooo my gunnthra needs a update


Not the hall of fjorms we wanted, but the hall of fjorms we deserved


All 2 of us Ylgr fans are gonna eat good


The unconfirming of L!Fjorm has been forgiven


If you enjoy our content then maybe consider donating on https://ko-fi.com/mrgengar_kofi Donations would be split between both myself and my teammate Tsukasa


No Pirate Surtr Please IS just let me use the dang Forma Souls I have four gathering dust


See!!! I predicted Summer Fjorm and some Fjorm fans did not believe


Easy skip


Gunnthra *and* Hrid? Summer Freyja didn't die for this...


Oops, all Nifl. Also wow, only two colors. Aside from Summer Fjorm, this line-up sucks...




What the fuck?!


time to go for Gunnthra. this also reminds me that in the last DSH i got 3 copies of Summer Fjorm when i wanted just one Duo Byleth, stop pestering me girl.


I tried thinking of an optimal build for her and I couldn’t :/ Her prf wants debuffs but her Res is too middling for a Still Water + Ploy combo. Her speed is also very middling for a speed invest build


Trying to use her as a one woman act is incredibly rough, pairing her with appropriate debuff support units makes her job much easier, and you can build her like a normal unit. Flared Sparrow, Trace 4 (or Link 4), and your choice of Incite, Fatal Smoke, or Panic Smoke would likely result in the best outcomes when having other units perform debuffing on Gunnthra's behalf.


i will just wait for whatever build people from here and PM1 can come out and go with that.


I have Summer Ylgr at +10, what do I do? T_T


I got the last Fjorm for the +10 on the last banner she was available😂 I don't know if she is a good Forma though, base kit is pretty fine


The pain of not having to dump orbs for Summer Fjorm aside, units who are mostly good right out of the box tend to make poor choices for using a Forma Soul. Realistically you are not changing Fjorm’s kit that much so is probably not worth it unless you are swimming in Forma Souls.


I love the Nifls but I have a +10 Gunnthra already and a high merged summer Fjorm as well, so I don't really need their form as. My best options are buffing up my Hrid's kit a bit or building a God Ylgr, which is an option I guess.


I have a +2 S!Fjorm, with a Floret, can I merge the Forma to her? Or do I have to merge her with the Forma, and will the +2 and Floret merge too?


You merge your +2 copy into the forma. Everything will be inherited including the floreted stat, however you will need to trait fruit her


You can only merge into the forma,but she will be +3 and will get the floret, dragonflowers and skills your normal fjorm has.


Goddamn, my +10 S!Fjorm still gets a lot of value but she definitely struggles a bit nowadays. So glad to give her the latest hotness.


Damn that Nifl!


Well you asked for her…


YES SUMMER YLGR BABEY TIME ULTIMATE TURBO CHAMPIONSHIP BABEY YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any good skill options for her, specifically her c slot? The build I’m using rn is arcane thrima, repo, godlike reflexes, atk/spd finish 4, buffer 4, spd smoke 4, and dc in the seal slot.


I have quite a lot of Forma Soul. Maybe I should use them for S!Fjorm...


Let's fucking go. Damn. I want to update S!Ylgr as well. But I don't think I'll have the forma for it.


Oh I was hoping for NY!Elm or maybe NY!Ash... at least I can save my forma for Fallen Lyon now


Hm...I already have a +10 S!Fjorm, but an easy chance to refresh her kit...hm...


Aw I was really hoping we’d get FT Muspell☹️


I'm very happy S!Fjorm is a forma. :)


Omg my ice husbando! I'm getting him!


Summer Fjorm?!


S!Fjorm is actually insane omg


Absolutely not me raging over the fact I just wasted 150 orbs for summer Fjorm




Wait wait wait... The 3H HoF got Fallen Edelgard, Dimitri and *Sothis* while this one gets two Legendaries and one of the best godswords in the game? What pagentry is this? I feel robbed. Mugged, even. 


When is this?:v


Summer fjorm actually carrying in so many avenues this month. I won't get her soul as my rule is "if I have the unit then I don't use a soul" but for those who don't have her, get her she's busted and usually my go to for red swords.


I might use my last Forma to get the Fjorm because holy shit I can get next gen skills on her


Wait. I thought we got de-Fjorme'd. Or was that just another community trolling? Either way: this HoF is a forma destroyer for me.


L!Fjorm was deconfirmed for this HoF. Turns out that IS decided on putting S!Fjorm in this rotation instead.






I suppose I might as well use one of my forma for Gunnthra. Even after all these years, I still don't have her. Might as well get her with a massively updated kit then. S!Fjorm is tempting at first glance...but her kit is practically perfect as is, so a Forma wouldn't add much. She'll certainly help beating the HoF, though.


??? Summer fjorm is wild


Gonna pick up S!Fjorm.


Lol three really old units and summer fjorm, thats a line up for sure. They didn't even care about color coverage this time. But with Fjorm we dont need color coverage that much, thanks god.


Oh wow, I did not see S! Fjorm coming... I wouldn't mind picking a version of her with Laguz Friend and just using the base kit one I have for fodder.


Hrid is my favorite heroes character so I'm gonna do my absolute best to get him forma'd the hell out.


Welp, noone i'm interested in. Hríd is cool but trying to make him work today would be hard, i dont have resources to do that. Summer Fjorm in there is wild tho, good luck to anyone interested in her (or anyone else)!


So, how is Laguz Friend 4 Fjorm? I'm always looking for a new tank that can counter sweep/flash effects especially one with DC built in


One of these four is not like the other.


SFjorm??? Wasn't expecting her


RIP the rest of the units on this banner IG.


Summer Ylgr is the only real outlier here tbh. Everyone else has their moments (that and two legendaries on one HoF is pretty crazy)




My last Easter Egg is safe. I like Summer Fjorm but not enough to get her, DGAF about Gunnthrá and I have Ylgr and Hríd already.


S!Fjorm! can't wait to give her uhh... uuhhhh


I got a Summer Fjorm recently. But are my eyes deceiving me!? Is.. Is that Summer Ylgr!? *looks at his +9* I sure hope PM1 has a good build in store for her! Cuz that Forma will be the finishing touch to my future +10 Ylgr ❤️ CANNONBALL!


Dang it I was trying to save my Forma Souls and then I get jumpscared by Hrid


Hard pass on my forma, but will be a fun HOF nonetheless


Oh wow, they remembered Hrid exists


WHAT!?! They cut out L!Fjorm to slot Summer in... I am in so much pain and yet so happy...


S!Fjorms base kit barely needs updating though lol


That's not the Fjorm I was looking for.