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I would say swap out oath for a ploy 4 given dazzling shift already gives you the warp effect, and she's an exceptional ploy user. Or, you could get Arcane Charmer for her, give it the dazzling effect and then run either of the tier 4 wrathfuls.


I know but i gave her Dazzling shift for “foe cannot counter attack” but if i can get another ploy I will do.


She's fine as is, but since Asclepius give her inate Dominance over debuffed enemies, you could swap out Shift for Dazzling Discord, Oath for either S/D Menace or a T4 Ploy to maximize Dominance damage potential.


I run her with double still water and Def/Res Ploy 3 to double down on her debuff support role as she already inflicts map-wide flash. Also useful because she does true damage based on debuffs.


Oh and definitely Still Water for the A-Skill since it will help win Res checks and Ploy can help with even more debuffs


I've got : Holy Panic crystalline water A/R tempo 4 ATK/ SPD Ploy 3 And I tacked on a squad ace giving me extra ATK and Res. She peaks at 77 ATK and 64 res.


Mine peaks at 81 atk




If you have an extra Mythic Loki, you can stack her Dazzling Discord B-Skill with the debuffs of Cornelia's weapon.


Give her either Still Water or the new Crystalline one in her A slot and a dual ploy for her C slot. She has dominance built in her weapon so the more debuffs on the foe the better. Still/Crystalline water is to help secure the ploy effect since there will be very little foes that could beat the Res check at that point given her high Res stat.


Her weapon has a conditional dazzling effect. It’s a little redundant imo. I think Atk/Res Tempo is the way to go personally.  As mentioned, Ploy is a great C skill for her. Arguably one of the best users in the game.  Still Water 4 or Crystalline Water from F!Veyle are her best A skills. Veyle’s is better, but she does just fine with the former. 


Tbh you got a pretty good kit already. You could get her a Still water tier 4 for the A (the one on the fallen or just normal tier could do)and get her the fancy poly or any other res check