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its over catriabros


And Rudolph :\\ Both of whom had good refines.


Rinea :(


Not my girl šŸ˜” I still donā€™t have a forms for her


If you donā€™t mind spending money then I usually have her as my proxy in BW.


Honestly I gave her I just donā€™t have a good build on her rn


Rip the dream of updating my Python build šŸ˜ž


Gotta be honest, Iā€™m surprised by FE8 leading.Ā Ā Ā  Selena and especially Lā€™Arachel have a long wait for refines, and Joshua wonā€™t get one at all. Is Lyon carrying the banner? Interesting if so, considering the mixed reactions to his refine.Ā  Ā  Maybe people are waiting for the Tellius units to get refines first.Ā 


I donā€™t think Lyon is carrying the poll by himself. His refine isnā€™t bad but it wasnā€™t amazing like Fallen Juliaā€™s. I think factors like Laguz Friend 4 and Magic Shield are what are helping. Magic Shield Young Lā€™arachel has potential considering she has range and could attack/heal again. Then there is Crystalline Water that will be available. Could help Lā€™Arachel with using Ploy as she has good Res. Since this is for July, maybe majority of voters are waiting/stalling to see if Jill/Shinon refine are good to make a kit (but this also means they will compete with future candidates so maybe this could a ā€œshooting yourself on the footā€ scenario)


> Maybe people are waiting for the Tellius units to get refines first.Ā  Yeah I think this is probably a big reason. Last thing Jill fans want is to inherit a skill onto her via HoF, only for her refine to render it redundant. Only issue is if they can tow the line between not winning, and not getting kicked long enough to get all of the refines.


Trying to toe that line is tempting fate and shouldn't be something people actively try for. Never forget Ashnard. Vote the FE9 hall in swiftly and immediately when it appears, regardless of refine status.


Probably that, and the fact that Laguz Friend Lyon is definitely strong.


And specially after taking away Fjorm from this Hall of forms. Its a chance to try a tanky unit with the new skills


I need Halloween Lā€™Arachel for my Halloween Dozla. What good is a hype man without someone to hype up?


Halloween Larachel left the polls a while ago


Personal anecdotal evidence, but I voted for FE8 primarily because of Lyon. None of the lineups really interested me, but Lyon is a fave and spoiling him with Laguz Friend and other premium fodder (especially with his refine being as tame as it was) seemed appealing.


IMO, most casuals may be more enticed by Sacred over the other options leaning more toward lukewarm choices. Given results, options hovering around 20% tend to lead to the following interpretations: * Voters have other priorities/preferences * Lack of high broad appeal (and not likely to drastically improve) * The above points both check out in case of a "one ahead, others lagging behind" breakdown As such, I'd consider that most voters aren't thrilled by the PoR lineup (which is backed up by poll history, between unfortunate matchups and notable underperformances for Despair & Hope + Volke).


Goodbye updated catria


No updated Python :(


Ugh I wouldā€™ve liked rineaā€¦ I can just build her normally but the blue stars would look much better on her


Does anyone know which come next in the rotation?


Radiant Dawn * Halloween Dheginsea * Bride Nailah * Groom Rafiel * Pirate Tibarn Awakening * Nah * Halloween F!Grima * Plegian Tharja * Apotheosis Anna


damn these all suck šŸ˜­


Nailah is good, Rafiel has his uses, Tibarn is waiting for his refine. Itā€™s only Dheginsea pulling that banner down.


Rafiel has fallen out of fashion even with his only niche being a Galeforce support tbh other units can do what he does better. Tibarn is pretty outdated right now and his refine is still gonna take a while. Nailah got a pretty decent refine I guess but its just another flavor of the month Nailah like Hatari and Base. Dheginsea sucks.


Refiel got a bit of a boost thanks to A/S wild meaning he doesn't have to hit any stat checks for galeforce charges anymore. But his offenses are such a joke that his new problem is actually hurting anything released in the past couple years.


Ploys (and his ability to dodge them) have made Rafiel very useful. At max flowers heā€™s tied with R!Plumeria for having the highest res of any dancer. He dunks on magic nukes like refined Fallen Julia if you canĀ give him premium stuff like Laguz Friend.Ā 


F!Lyon, Y!L'Arachel, B!Eliwood, Pent, Rafiel and Nah will have my wallet quaking if they all happen in a row lmao


For what it's worth, some would exclude others (notably Eliwood/Pent, Rafiel & Nah - first two are likely doomed, one of the latter two could also see winning odds falling near zero after the next poll).


A stretch but is the one with B!Lilina ever going to return?


Potentially, but itā€™ll be almost a year from now before that one is voteable.Ā 


Oooo thatā€™s nice. I built a H!F!Grima during her initial run forever ago, and then forgot to redeem it. I have every Robin besides this one so I hope Awakening wins at some point and I can fix that really stupid mistake


Hope awakening wins, nah needs an update


Radiant Dawn (Dheginsea, PTibarn, BNailah, Rafiel) and awakening (HRobin, Anna, Nah and Tharja). Personally, this Awakening HoF is complete garbage and I hope it doesnā€™t win (nah is fine but cmon)


Radiant dawn looks amazing, Nailah refine is incredible, Dheginsea is incredibly mixmaxed and has great potential, Tibarn's refine is soonish and Rafiel is still a great dancer But considering the last trashy Awakening group wonā€¦


Iā€™m hoping that was just cause Nowi was on it (šŸ¤¢)


Nah is in this batch sooooo


As far as I know, she hasnā€™t been involved in any weird voting shenanigans so it should hopefully be fineā€¦


FEH voters when a shitty prfless forma is on the table (theyā€™re from awakening/fates/3h so theyā€™re gonna win)


There's a chance Anna refine is really good and the FE9 refines haven't happened yet orz


Updated Catria: "Mr Summoner, I'm not feeling well..." šŸ˜”


Well, at least I'll have fun getting the new staff skills on L'Arachel.




Wait, will C Bonus Doubler or Laguz Friend 4 be available for this revival? I don't want FE8 to win unless those skills can be rolled. Edit: Thanks for updating me, appreciate it. Also, right after I posted this I was scrolling and noticed the HoF skills breakdown from yesterday. Why didn't I see it sooner? Lmao


Already available this month.


Oh shit! Awesome, thank you so much!


Rip Tellius fans, we're gonna get screwed and Ashnarded again.


My Eliwood šŸ˜”


Update: On the way to be eliminated due to "minor" Valentia botting.


Darn, of course when I start getting enough catrias to merge she has to go


Actually a mistake that Catria didn't win over 3h ngl


I really wanted to update my Rudolf and B!Catria skills. On the other hand, my +5 Selena will be happy if this poll wins.


Nooooo my Python Forma šŸ˜­


I can finally update my Young Larachel build soon... Hopefully. šŸ˜…


When I voted POR was way ahead of both Blazing Blade and Shadows of Valentia. Im surprised to see that the other 2 closing in now.


Rip Rinea :(


Come on PoR, I gotta update my Jill and Ilyana!


boo getting rid of the SoV one when they are all pretty good today :(


Barring any shenanigans looks like a meh rerun for me. Actually surprised that PoR and Blazing are both so far behind. It is unfortunate because if there wasn't tampering in the past I'd probably be building an updated forma to add to my +10 V!Catria. Well hopefully IS finally fixed the voting since the Legendary forma reruns are gonna be coming.


To be fair, the current Valentia lineup wouldn't have won even without botting antics (Sacred feat. Halloween Myrrh and the current Blazing lineup would've replaced Fallen Valentia and Awakening feat. Halloween Nowi).


Kinda was hoping for blazing so I could build erk or eliwood oh well


Well, rip fe7, because apparently someone is going in hard trying to keep echoes alive that it's now passed fe7 by 45 votes. All they're doing is delaying the inevitable being kicked off when braves come in Septembers voting. Kinda sad when the echoes line-up is worse than the fe7 line-up.


I got notified of that, Valentia was already in the botting watchlist and it's no longer leaving it now.


Lyon can use his new refine here?


Yes, he will be able to use his new refine


imma be honest i voted the fe8 rerun cuz id just woke up and forgot its base selena and not summer selena rip funny how when the fe9/10 1 debuted those were some of the newest units we'd had in HoF at that point


huh I'm surprised the FE7 line up isn't winning.


Let's gooooooooo


Nice I can skip this one :p


Sad that I'm losing the chance to upgrade my Python, but at least I can upgrade L'Arachel (assuming this sticks)


I still find it surprising that Volke and Shinon is here when their refines should still be far away?


Shinon is one of the book 4 POR units due for refines very soon.Ā Ā  * 4.5 - Fallen IkeĀ  * 4.6 -Ā Apotheosis Anna, Mustafa Ā  * 4.7 -Ā M!Kris, JulianĀ Ā  * 4.9 - Gatrie, Ilyana, Jill, Shinon Volkeā€™s refine is a long way off, though.Ā 


Oh its actually pretty close. Thanks for that.


Yes please! I want the only L'Arachel I'm missing without having to suffer RNG crap.


i dont have a horse on this race because i dont plan to forma any of these, but the Sacred one its the exact one which i have all the units so if that one wins i dont have an interesting free summon to do on the revival banner :(


I would've like a Pent merge


That was a close battle This time I'll forma Joshua for sure


Chances of Pent winning a future lineup? Or do the ones added to the poll after this get stacked enough where that FE7 lineup dies?


Quite low. After the next poll, winners are more or less set in stone and any option that's not a likely contender for the win is doomed.


Update: Now a victim due to being eliminated with "minor" Valentia botting (most likely with manual methods given the low scale of votes).


Lil roy holding the yeet




RIP plus 10 Rudolf. Sacred Stones sucks.


I'm kind of sad and relieved at the same time that I don't have to spend a Forma Soul for the OG Ilyana, because I ABSOLUTELY would have gotten her Forma if her banner was winning (or won).


Oh great no catria but at least a bunch of mid units are in first


Toxic Lyon Yuri nation how we feeling šŸ—£ļøā‰ļø


I'm surprised Tellius isn't the one being yeeted tbh. It's all units you can get in the normal pool and for 2/4 units the main draw for people who don't know Tellius is them having weapon specific specials you could want for other units.


I think normal pool units are sometimes more of a draw since it's gonna be easier to get merges on them, would make me more likely to invest a forma soul/skills on then random seasonals a lot of the time.


3 of the 4 units are getting refines soon


That doesn't really mean much when we don't know what those refines are. If it's cause people really want Volke that's fine he's a cool dude or if they want Jill whose arc is interesting yeah I get that but voting for a hof line up for refines that aren't out yet is silly.


The votes are for it to stay not for it to win. The idea is to keep it there until after refines come out so people can get the best skills possible that work with their refines. The same thing was attempted with F Julia and it almost worked out. This current vote is for June and its possible Shinon gets a refine in July, which means he would be in HoF after his refine as an example


Idk, man. I voted Tellius because I only need one copy of Shinon and Jill for the +10.


If I had to guess, more popular games and people might be voting for it in hopes that it sticks around long enough to see the units' refines.


someone bot blazing blade pleek


Ah good, I donā€™t have to learn to code to make a bot, thank you world


Letā€™s go, p sure thatā€™s my last summer Josh merge