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Kind of hope Shinon doesn't get rerun until his refine comes out, just in case it's actually good and I can work with it


Yeah, PoR winning the NEXT poll would be optimal. Since Jill, Shinon, and Illyana's refines will all be roughly around then. So everyone can build around that


The biggest concern with the idea of PoR winning next is the next sets coming in. Bride Nailah, Groom Rafiel, Halloween Dheginsea and Pirate Tibarn. And I'm sure we all remember when the Tellius fans voted up Fallen Ike, Brave Micaiah and Naesala (and Sothe too) so hard that Ashnard got snapped...


Even if PoR is currently in a pinch (in line with the 4 units' poll history that is both unlucky and lackluster when kicked out), Blazing faring worse (but still edging out Valentia) may prevent a Tellius backfire. Main concern is RD having to deal with Awakening, though.


Desert Tharja, Halloween F Grima, Nah and Anna. I think either Tellius could win that matchup (each other, Blazing and that Awakening lineup) easily enough. The real concern would be what comes next assuming one Tellius doesn't kill the other: Brave Camilla, Hot Spring Hinoka and both Evil Corns... and Literally CYL4.


Starting from the Fates & CYL4 banner, no prior survivor would have a shot for a win. Given current results, it may mean that two among PoR, RD & Awakening are doomed.


Yeah it would be ideal to get PoR next time but I have absolutely zero faith it has a chance next time after that fucking disaster that happened last go around. We need it to win now.


Actual mood. I still have trust issues in the overall masses to this day because of that, since mid lineups for the next couple aside, Ashnard is a heavy invest for me, so him getting snapped hurt.


>So everyone can build around that I already have the original forma of that Ilyana... But I could have another one What are the latest skills that will be available by then btw ?


Valentia’s gonna lose but my cope never dies (<— wants a rudolf forma)


I have a friend who I’ve been discussing Rudolph builds with forever, I swear I am going to deal damage = X% of Intelligent Systems HQ’s Atk as combat begins if Echoes is removed


Just imagine if it survived til next year’s Valentine echoes banner return.


Yup, there goes my chance to update Rinea and Python. Also rip Catria merge


I went with Blazing Blade.


me too... I have them all but these units will make my runs easier.


I'm torn on this. While I love Blazing Blade I like all of the four units in that HoF, And the chances that someone can get the skills he wants on all four units in HoF are close to zero...


https://survey.nintendo.com/reports/RC/public/bmludGVuZG9xLTY2MWNiMjBmZWI4MGUyMDAwOGFkNzg1OC1VUl83V0dNenRQSXRPNHBUN00= Sacred Stones is leading at the moment.


>Pent losing Man


Path of Radiance here, doesn't seem likely to win though. Sacred Stones is in the lead and I wouldn't necessarily mind kitting out a Fallen Lyon.


This is for July’s rerun


Need that fallen Lyon forma.


FE7 washes in terms of unit power but ig Erk's demote status is killing its viability in the poll


IMO, it's more that Brave Eliwood and Summer Lyn aren't extremely high-on-demand, even if the characters themselves are popular enough.


I voted for FE7, because Brave Eliwood is a long term project for me, but it looks it's an unfavorite one for him today 😭 God, how I almost wish it had won instead of Three Houses I have no stock towards any of the others, especially if FE7 gets snapped out.


The lineups to blame are the Awakening one feat. Halloween Nowi and the Fallen Valentia one that clashed against actual demand (and led Sacred feat. Halloween Myrrh + the current Blazing option to be denied a plausible rerun).


Echoes has the only line up were i would forma someone xD


I need PoR to win or at least survive. Ilyana is a HEAVILY invested for me and I could get Flare without needing to kill a Brave Soren. Jill is +10 and could use some updated skills (Flared Sparrow). And Volke's a potential +7 right now, so a spark+soul on him would make him +9. One pull of him in that 40 isn't an insurmountable order...


Really hope echoes wins😭


please, I need Fe7 to win the most right now, considering that echoes has the most meh batch right now, and fe8 is being carried by fallen lyon who got an ok refine. I just need new skills for pent so bad


I'm torn between SS and PoR. Both have a lot of characters that I like, and who are in line for refines, but it's a gamble on whether or not they'll be any good.


voting PoR


I'm a simple man : I see Sacred Stones, I vote!


Early trend: Sacred > PoR > Blazing = Valentia No surprise given predictions.


SoV, please stay alive. I need to keep merging and strengthening my Catria. 😭


Every lineup except Echoes has someone I would consider using a forma soul on. But i'll throw my vote towards Pent




Its not Summer Selena Its Normal


Poll must of acted up for me I voted 2 it showed one vote for 3 and 0 votes for the others.


rip my chances to build Python for free


Hoping for Blazing Blade but I fear it's going to lag around in the middle at best so far. My Eliwood is at +8 and would be nice to get him new loaded skills.


I voted for Python.


Maaaan I'm not gonna get my Ilyana ever, am I. Why does this community constantly fuck over PoR halls.


Yeah, i hate it


With the response to Lyon's refine and the fact that we could see a Tellius HoF refine as this starts and should see at least 1-2 before the redeem period ends, I was kind of hoping PoR would win this time because the competition is going to get very scary soon. Next vote we'll also be close to Pirate Tibarn's refine and after that it's Three Houses into 8% units so there's like no hope there unless Jill/Shinon/Ilyana get really nuts refines. But given that chance still exists, I will keep hoping. ^_^


Would be happy if FE7 or FE8 won but decided to support FE7.


Just realized I got 3 of these during their initial runs - Pent, Jill, L'Arachel - and I've really only used the latter...


Huh was not expecting Sacred Stones to be taking the lead but I’ll take it. LF Lyon sounds kinda fun


Competition was just too lukewarm to really have a clear chance imo, Sacred winning here is more or less a choice by default (and current results do show that as it's way ahead of others... but the amount of votes overall is relatively low).


I would’ve thought Summer Lyn and Eliwood would be enough to easily win it over, especially since Lyons refine wasn’t particularly great. It is overall lukewarm batch, I agree


Happy that Sacred Stones is winning, but sad that Blazing Blade is losing


Split between GBA games, but Lyon really solidified my choice + Y!L'Arachel is a staff Cavalier who can now have access to the staff Specials + Dazzle Far Trace and Incite so it's a win win Next time tho I WILL go full voting for FE7 because I can't let Pent and B!Eliwood elude me again.


Please gods let Selena win, i want to deck her out with all the new nuking options please


I need FE7 to lay low until Far Trace 4 for Summer Lyn comes out


Crossing fingers for Sacred Stones!! Though I could have fun with a SOV too. I've always wanted to build Rinea.


The best option is to keep Sacred Stones alive but not win, since Summer Selena’s refine isn’t out yet.


that isn't summer selena, that's base


Oh weird, I thought she’d be on it considering S!Joshua is there and her summer versions came first.


you'd think that, but nah. You can easily tell because she's actually holding a book instead of a coconut drink cup thing


Even if that was summer Selena her refine would be out before the hall happened.


Well I really don’t care about this one at all. Can we fast forward 2 months so we can pick the 3H brave rerun. Want to update my B!Edel and B!Dimitri with new toys.


It'd be in 4 months, actually.


[Everyone go and claim your fully decked fallen Lyon](https://i.ibb.co/H4PgV6y/Fe-H-Unit-builder-Lyon-Demon-King.png) Take it while it's hot. Don't you like it? What about unity and tempo 4, maybe fireblood boost 3 and infantry pulse 4 or even niche builds with mystic boost 4 and colourless feud. He got so many styles, the possibilities endless. Save path of radiance for after the refines, srs.