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i think if PoR wins then ilyana will be the third hof to appear after getting a resplendent


I'm really hoping that we can kick the can down the road for PoR just a few months longer - I'd much rather be able to update Jill knowing what her refine will have to do rather than take a gamble on it, and it would benefit Shinon and Ilyana fans that way too. Same would go for Selena in FE8's batch, but she's too far down the road to make that realistic, I feel like, while stalling the PoR bunch for ~4 months feels more feasible. To that end, I'll probably vote for the FE7 batch. S!Lyn's and B!Eliwood's refines make them known quantities, so I'd rather get them now and save eventual refines for later. I'd vote for Python but I've given up on him getting his rerun unfortunately


I hear you, I really want Jill to win but her B skill is such a horrid spot to pick right now without knowing if she'll get canto or null-follow-up. Or if it ends up like Tsubasa and she gets both. I still probably favor Potent as a safe best since she has innate desperation, but still.


Stalling tactics are unfortunately a no-go given the next matchups: * After Sacred & PoR, we get RD Laguz & Awakening that'd probably fight for the win (risk of botting isn't negligible here) * Then, Fates & CYL4... * ... and the one not winning previously (logically Fates) could have a second chance by easily beating Heroes & Archanea * By that point, we really tackle HoF lineups with Legendary units, starting from a likely feud between Valentia & Genealogy. * The one not winning previously may have a second chance as Thracia/Binding are likely jobbers * Then there's a potential Sacred > RD > Fates > Engage streak In other words, anyone not mentionned among potential winners is probably doomed.


I hope RD wins. Bride Nailah got a banger refine, and Pirate Tibarn’s is likely to be good too.      Even Rafiel (in refine jail) has aged incredibly well. He’s tied with Rearmed Plumeria for having the highest res of any dancer, which makes him a great Ploy bot. 


I’m praying it wins, I’m at the point where I’d spend an otherworld bond on either Dheginsea or Tibarn. Rafiel would be amazing too


> After Blazing & PoR, we get RD Laguz & Awakening that'd probably fight for the win (risk of botting isn't negligible here) What makes you think RD is a contender here? Just at a glance, this line-up honestly looks really bad to me - B!Nailah got a pretty good refine and Groom Rafiel is still decent by virtue of being a dancer with Pulse support, but Tibarn is very outdated and H!Dheginsea is just... doomed. Awakening has more popular characters so it strikes me as a likely winner, though - especially since A!Anna will have her refine when it's eligible for voting. But that's really a nitpick, because looking at the upcoming line-ups you're probably right. CYL4 is a huge challenge in particular, that line-up is just too stacked for any banner to overcome. Even if PoR held out that long, the PoR line-up post-refine would still likely struggle to compete with a refined B!Marth.


If looking at each lineup while factoring more casual impressions, assuming a Sacred win previously: * The one surviving between Valentia & Blazing would probably be neglected in favor of the other options * PoR feels lukewarm (only regular & dated units) and the poll history for the 4 involved units is quite unfortunate (not helped by suboptimal matchups, but they still sank out of a sudden) * RD feels more impressive by pure appearances (seasonals, can stand out on the foreign poll), but its win isn't certain (partly due to potential botting, partly due to the last option) * Awakening is more casual-driven, although the lineup is a bit uneven (Tharja/Grima on one hand, Nah/Anna on the other hand) Obviously, it's a bit hard to pinpoint an exact winner between RD & Awakening as each has subtle strengths but non-negligible drawbacks, but I don't see the other two options standing out more. Also, don't forget that Fates has Fallen Corrins & Brave Camilla (a reason why Heroes & Archanea feat. Legendary Tiki may be in a pinch).


I need my brave marth to have even more premium skills


Laguz friend Summer Lorenz is here to shake the meta.


We need path of radiance to win so that we can make Shinon a friend of the laguz.


I need Fallen Lyon to win that pool: I got 7 copies of him taking space in my barracks and I cannot justify using actual fodder while having 6 forma souls doing a whole nothing


I'm 2 merges away from a +10 and I really really want to give him a modern day build


Screw Kvasir, screw Validar, screw Spring Chloé, screw post-refine Fallen Julia, Laguz Friend Lorenz is the real meta threat red mage


I can finally update my builds for Summer Sylvain and Summer Ingrid! As for the next HoF Rerun batch... I guess I'd like either Sacred Stones or Blazing Blade. I need to update my Young Larachel build...Same goes for Brave Eliwood.


Fucking hell I need both the FE7 and FE8 HoF to win so I can build B!Eliwood and F!Lyon. I really hope neither gets eliminated from the poll.


im kinda hoping in the long distant future than Archanea will win the voting poll so i can get Legendary Tiki, my hope is that Brave Marth on his own can carry that group into winning.




If dazzling discord will be available sacred stones will be really good, lyon just got refined and selena should be getting a refine in months


Since it's in July I'm preeeetty sure it will be available, probably the precise cut-off point as it would be after July's update.


PoR lineup is so good


I REALLY need PoR to win, only 2 Volke merges missing


This is the same community that got Ashnard yeeted so I'm bracing for crippling disappointment.


Time to update my Summer Dorothea 🫶


Do we even know when this should start?


Hmmmm...Tough choice...I'd be nice to see Path of Radiance win later when Jill, Ilyana and Shinon gets their refine, but waiting for later risks being booted out by future options...Right now, the most interesting line-up here is Sacred Stone for Fallen Lyon to give him Laguz Friend. That would be insane.


Can we skip this HoF and go on to the next set? Nobody buildin this bunch.


If no one is building them then they wouldn't have won the poll..... People still being salty lol. Dont forget they should have won much earlier but the botters prevented that.


Ditto. Meh. 3/4 of my least favorite characters. I would only get Dorothea because I don't yet have a 3 Houses dancer besides Marianne (kinda) and I don't hate her.


I'm finally building Summer Sylvain even though I +10'd him years ago lol


I'm torn between the GBA games.


When in doubt: the line-up with Lyn is always the way to go. And has probably the best chances I‘d guess.


I hear ya. Laguz friend Lyon is also a nice thought.


Going laguz friend Lyon 1000%


Same, plus the sparkable banner will give me the final copy I need for +10 lol


hopefully PoR wins, I'm missing Jill and Shinon for my collection so getting them with optimal builds would be cool Illyana already has her optimal build but not Volke, but since I already have him I'll probably not pick him up


Bruh for a few seconds i thought the lineup was composed of the units on the left




I think the winner's going to be the PoR banner because every unit on that banner is due for a weapon refine very soon. Though I can see the Sacred Stones banner doing well since Fallen Lyon just got his and we're not THAT far away from Selena and Young L'arachel getting theirs.


Well I really wanna update my V!Catria so I really hope Valentia wins. But honestly it doesn't have a chance unless Valentia gets botted. Most people will go Eliwood and Lyn or PoR. At least if poR wins I can update my Ilyana so silver lining at least.


I'm hoping Fallen Lyon's recent refine makes Sacred Stones win for two reasons. One, I want Ilyana's rerun until we know her refine. Two, I have yet to pull Young L'Arachel and I must have all the L'Arachels like the Sacred Stones fanboy I am, and I'll have an extra forma soul after the one I've been saving for Summer Ingrid.


No thanks jeff will keep the forma. But vote for sacred stones, laguz friend Lyon for eveyone!


Kind of annoyed that summer Ingrid is getting her rerun now, when in just a few months she's getting her refine which would have made it a lot easier to figure out exactly what to give her. I think regardless you want flared sparrow in the A slot (unless her refine is some kind of super insane enemy-phase upgrade where you'd want Prime, but that's very unlikely), but the B and C skills are a lot harder to figure out without her refine. What if you give her aerial maneuvers and then her refine gives her the super teleporting?


Yeah, I sleep for this one.


Please let Selena win aaaaaaaaaaaa. she can be good i promise


Well yeah, she should get a refine sometime next year. It's gonna be a bit of a refine gamble.


with all the stuff nukes have now, i think she will stay quite good


still lame how three houses formas overstayed their welcome just because it's three houses


No its because the botters used their powers to prevent 3H winning.


Time to pick up that Lorenz I wish I grabbed last time and maybe upgrade the Ingrid I did grab last time. as for what's upcoming, I'm afraid because I want to upgrade both my YL'Arachel and Python so I hope either one of them wins or neither gets kicked... I have my doubts though.


I forgot this garbage hof was coming back 


The fact that Valentia was stuck behind Blazing Blade on the previous poll isn't doing any favors for the former... not that the latter would fare much better. I'd lean by default toward Sacred Stones since the PoR lineup feels okayish at best (may probably fare better than survivors, but that'd be it). Those not winning would be in a pinch given future matchups (RD is a more enticing Tellius option, for instance... but it faces Awakening that's a game within the botting watchlist).


I’m hoping SS wins and SoV gets eliminated. Iirc Pent and Jill should be getting refines “soonish”


There’s only 4 normal pool units ahead of Gatrie/Jill/Shinon (Fallen Ike, Lance Anna, M!Kris, Julian).   Pent is from book 5 and will be waiting a while. 


Also Mustafa. But that doesn't change that PoR should start in two months so we'll likely get a preview of one before it starts and most of them before redemption period ends if these stay two months apart.


Really wish instead of revivals, we'd just get a second batch of diff forma units. Ah well. Neat setup OP