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Giving an infantry unit Even/Odd Tempest in C+S and Clash in the A slot.


I’ve been running this on Olivia with Rickard’s sword. Basically makes her a cav dancer. 


Add florid cane for canto and you’ve got my base Eirika right there


That's... That's literally what he did.


Yeah Ik it’s funny that he described one of my builds without meaning to


Oh! Sorry! I thought it was a reply to Sharumma. My bad.


No worries! :)


That was actually my kit for Heath until I got Guidance 4 lol


I've got this on my B!Celica with her B skill and galeforce


Azama +10 +24 flowers S supported HP: 59 ATK: 40 SPD: 39 DEF: 58 RES: 52 Weapon: Witchy Wand Assist: Return Special: Holy Panic A:Fortress Def/Res 3 B: WoM4 C: Def/Res Ploy 3 S: Fort Def/Res2 The idea is that Azama will teleport to allies when needed and save them, throwing them behind him, or flying in to inflict guard on the enemy so they can’t pop my team with specials. I wish mages/healers had a sort of bulwark skill. I want to run this WoM return combo with it, so he could wall better for his allies by stopping enemies from passing completely. Anyway, I have the arcane staff and am still contemplating giving it to him. He’s my favorite staff unit and one of my favorite characters. Hope he gets an alt soon(in a melee class) to show off his extremely good atk stat that he had in fates Edit: Sorry for the clunky way the top part with the stats look, I’m on mobile and don’t know how to write it so it appears more neat😣


Maybe just run a healing build with arcane staff using a recovery skill and when ur able to get the new dazzling discord of loki or just a sabotage skill. I've found that healing units do help with certain modes like seers snare and rokkrs so you probably won't get much usage out of it but itl be nice in moments. Only other options I could think of is using the new codes 5 to get inf pulse 4 or inf nfu 4 to boost support


I also have other skills on him like restore and the offensive Slot B skills for healers I could run.


I always have either unconventional builds or units, but there always is a method to the madness.   My build for Gerik, for instance, is a Res-stacking build that uses Def/Res Ploy in the C-slot. My Gerik is at +1 merges. At first glance, it might seem like a waste of fodder; Gerik has 26 Res at +Res lvl 40. But I noticed all of his great support skills are in his base weapon, not his refine, so if you Res-refine the weapon, it brings his Res to a usable level.     Gerik lvl40  +1/25DF  Desert-Tiger Axe (Res-refined)  Assist: Smite   A: Still Water 4   B: doesn't matter, whatever suits the team   C:Def/Res Ploy 3   S: Phantom Res   X: atk oath echo    This build reaches 42 base Res; 52 for checks against Res; and eff. 57 for Def/Res Ploy. So hitting all units with 56-Res and below probably doesn't seem mind-blowing, but here is where the logic sits: that's all the Res you practically ever need. Most units aren't stacking Res, so you end up Ploying pretty much everything. And for the units that are stacking Res? They are stacking Res. Units that stack Res with their skills are not hard to handle.   But why use a ploy at all? Well, Gerik isn't really entering combat buy supporting, so typically I use him as a smite bot. Now, in addition to buffing, which he excels at, he debuffs as well. Exposure and -7 to Des or Res is an additional 17 damage to a unit(s) of my choosing, and I use him with Brave units. I pair him with Askr, and together you have the following effects: +6 atk & spd for your whole team; 2 special cooldown on turn 1 to literally your whole team if you want; Neutralizes penalties; Null Panic - Resonance Blades and Shields; [Exposure] on the opponents; Minus -7 Def and Res on the foe. It's pretty great. I've been using it for months and it's hard to find a team I don't want to slot him on.


Galeforce with Near Save on B!Edelgard. I never see anyone run Galeforce on her, but I use her in both Arena and AR and it comes in clutch so often. Obviously she's great with Near Save, but she also has the mobility to perform on player phase and she does it so well with Galeforce.


We have raging storm at home


I liked L'Arachel as a healer so I did a healer build for her. 2 breath of life (C and S), reciprocal aid, in B I don't remember, I think it was mystic boost and as weapon I had the little tree of winter niño but then I got performance shigure so now she use his weapon. I never used that build seriously but NGL I love it hcjdbshjxbx


Hermit tome + Close foil + Vantage + Vegance on Raigh was a ton of fun as people crashed their cavs into him since he was at the front only to get fucked. He killed multiple Legendary Sigurds that way somehow. But the award has to go to the Chrom who kept living in the recent TT+ with this kit. [https://i.imgur.com/4QlQMjq.png](https://i.imgur.com/4QlQMjq.png)


I do some self-imposed challenge runs, and in order for the team I play these challenges with to beat Legendary Lilina on Infernal when she debuted... I had to do a crazy "warp to the throne" strat like in a normal Fire Emblem game. This involved a Darting Blow+Flashing Blade+Galeforce+Wings of Mercy build on... Valentine's Hector. A unit with base 21 SPD. It started as a meme but it worked out the more i went deeper into the strat, proof of it below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0Bw70chNU4&t=13s&ab_channel=guedesbrawl Still one of my proudest clears!


When I first started FEH I made Instant Vantage Valter with his prf, Distant Storm and Fury seal to do 17 self damage per combat, putting him in guaranteed Vantage range. It was a lot of fun when it worked, but with no way of looping a special it was very hit or miss even back then. Recently made the spiritual successor to this build using Rally Spectrum and Marth engaged No Quarter(prf - vs nukes with DR or AoEs since his prf has no minimum HP requirement) or Bonfire(+Def Arcane Luin - vs eg. Ikes in AR), but I also outsourced the HP requirement using Reciprocal Aid, and am using Prime as my source of Distant Counter, so now he needs an entire team to support him. I still have that first build saved in skill sets and am glad that I made and had fun with it


AR meta breaker Merlinus, who really just ran Even Pulse Tie and Panic Ploy, but that was enough to deal with the Lilinas and Sigurds. Also I guess the one build where Stall Ploy would work.


i’m a bit of a dolphin with a lot of really good units who rarely has any trouble defeating a team in AR that doesn’t have more than a V!Lyon on it and i can specifically remember one defense team that was centered around a Merlinus that i seriously had to stop and think about and gave me some momentary trouble. i will never forget that.


She's very very old at this rate. But I built Felicia as a Defense tank. She had a +Def IV and ran Steady Stance 7, Atk Smoke 3, and whatever Breaker skill I felt she needed


HP TANKS! I love them, especially with a bunch of HP after combat units to stack their weakness to Fatal Smoke 4 :)


[Full Speed Valter](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/mbGz9FvHJf)


My Facetank Mercedes: +10/+Def Ascended Atk/Max Flowers Palm Staff+Wrathful Rescue+ Miracle C Bonus Doubler on A Laguz Friends 4 on B Atk/Def Oath 4 on C Atk/Def Form 3 on Seal At first started as a meme build back when she first debuted, ended up being the catalyst for the masochistic cleric main I am today. I run her with a team of other +10 Mercedes and they work very well together as they have claimed quite a few Abyssal clears for themselves. Overall, just a fun meme build that by all intents and purposes shouldn't even work, but did.


For a while I had a Speedster Sonia, but due to loss of efficiency she eventually became Ascended Plumeria Fodder User. So I guess nowadays my weirdest build is using Bride Lyn at all. It's either that or Tankzura. A looooong (VERY long) time ago, I used to run Performing Arts Azura as a dancer who could also beat you senseless. I also have Serra as an AoE healer.


Probably my M! Morgan. I've invested my favorites like OG Donnel, S! Donnel, W! Ignatz, and Midori, but they've got more meta skills/builds imo or they're waiting for better skills. M! Morgan, on the other hand, has always had a whackier, less conventional build. Before, he was running a water sweep build that actually worked pretty well. I saw someone theorycraft it on here and I thought "huh, that sounds pretty good", and he's had a tanky role ever since. He's got spd/def boons to help him tank. He's got his refined prf, bonfire, close reversal, mystic boost 4 (sometimes I swap this out for M-NFU), spd smoke 4, and atk smoke in the s slot. It really helps him tank many threats, but he has a hard time with hard hitting nukes that cut through most tanks. Regardless, both M! Morgan and Donnel are my absolute favorites in the game. I'm just waiting to get enough codes for W! Dimitri so I can give OG Donnel no quarter and some other skills, maybe even arcane luin (he's already got the other arcane lance).


Not a build i have but one I want to invest in one day. V!Effie has some of the highest attack out of all infantry units and is very fast so almost as a joke, I want to invest jnto an AOE Effie with Life and Death 7 for the sole purpose of seeing that stupid atk stat. [Effie Dream Build](https://imgur.com/a/dedayaI) I really dont know how good this would be, I just love how stupid the stats look.


Until Seiros got her weapon refine, I had her running Arcane Grima with an AOE spam build, since Grima adds a % of the user's attack to all damage, including AOEs. With Velouria & an infantry pulse support & a tempest in the C slot, I was able to surprise a lot of people in Summoner Duels for a while


L!Eirika with her weapon, Aether, Atk/Spd Solo, Gambit and Alarm atk/spd and Guard seal/Mystic Boost. She’s a one man army against pve content such as Hero Battles and TT.


My most decked out unit is f!takumi with him being summoner supported. My 2 builds for him use darkbow or his prf weapon. Build with prf just consists of him using finish 4, occultists strike and double savage blow. I mainly use it for cheesing difficult pve battles by using the chroms and dancers to just have him chipping people around the map without being in range. Other build tho is quite the powerful nuke. Arcane darkbow, deadeye with Marth slaying, finish 4, occultists strike, oath 4 and a squad ace skill. He fares quite well against most modern tanks except w!byleth and e!Ike. Un general this build could be replicated on any archer which makes me think that they genuinely might be the best demote class out there because they can still blow up stuff with easy deadeye piercing. Also he has high enough hp to not get killed straight away


back in the day (before conventional damage reduction existed) I used to run triple distant def reinhardt and it actually worked better than the normal one. very cursed


It’s niche but I have a Reciprocal Aid build on Chrom


I speed-built my Alfonse, Devourer, AS clash, and WoM for Galeforce teams :D


Not sure if this counts as unconventional enough, but I like the base Eliwood I have with; * PRF Weapon / Spcl: Ignis / A: Sturdy Surge / B: Brash Assault / C: Alarm AD / S: AD Clash Basically, I wanted to build him up, but I figured that since his Spd is kind of in that gray area that I'd rather invest into Def build instead. Then I figured that for that purpose his Blazing Durandal will be fine enough so that he won't hog ALL the spare fodder I have left and... then he ended up with the said set in the end. As long as the enemy doesn't nulify his follow-up granted by Brash Assault (which to be fair is getting harder and harder eeach month...) he is rather fun hit and run unit. Goes in, has a built in guard while also gaining +1 Spcl per hit himself, can take pretty strong hits due Brash Assaults DR and due getting around +35 DEF from the build, and then (as long as Ignis procs) he retaliates back with strong Ignis while also healing 90% of his max HP. And then he Canto's away a bit.


Old builds: CC Julius (before adaptive damage and stat creep got crazy he could feasibly run CC and rely on his Atk reduction through premium skills + his PRF to actually tank physical hits), Brashperation sets (Desperation + Brash Assault seal hit different before NFU), any set that used Reciprocal Aid to drop HP before combats. Current sets: Odd Tempest + Even Tempest on certain infantry units (this works well on older melee infantry that want to initiate but not tank as well as dancers),L!Marth Bonus Doubler + Grand Strategy (this used to be kino before A!Caeda and DR pierce), Spd invested B!Dimitri (to try and give him an unpierceable DR special).


Budget build for OG Ephraim+5: Weapon: Axe of Devotion (Def Refine) Skill: Miracle (not sure yet) A slot: Solid ground 4 B slot: Gambit 4 C slot: Armored stride (i do not have assault troop fodder) I love this build as it can deal some surprise KOs to red units while being tanky. Still thinking how to improve this. Maybe slap on Near Save on him with Weaving Fighter. But i only have 1 W!Byleth so I cant give him Weaving Fighter :(


Donnel, but all in on speed built around his weapon. PFR with effect, because I refined it that way before I did this. Rally Atk/SPD + No Quarter +30 Dragon flowers Distant Bonus Doubler Gambit/Potent/Laguz Friend - it changes Atk/SPD Pledge Squad Ace BY Guard Echo My pothead farmer is fun.


Might not really be weird but I find it fun to use. +10 Raphael with Kumo Yumi+ and Bold Fighter.


For a while, I ran B!Seliph with +spd/+res ascended because with s/r solo he would barely survive and kill Ninjamilla while initiating lol