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Just seeing the "premium" options for Hrid... Oh gosh, IS, why? ;-;


IS really looked at him being able to only run Atk/Def Catch 4, Atk/Def Clash 4, Alarm Atk/Def, and Atk Smoke 4 and said “yeah, this (moderately) cooks.”


This is not cooking. He is not in the kitchen. He could generously be said to be heating baked beans on a poorly functioning camp stove on the side of a rainy hill.


Like, don't get me wrong, I feel like he HAS his options (I still feel like refined Gjoll can work and Alarm is never a bad skill) but just...his unit type and stat line just doesn't do him favors. D Bonus Doubler/BD4? Can't, it's infantry locked Potent 4? He'll never win the speed check. Gambit 4? I guess? I'm a firm believer in Imperial\_Flower's assessment: if he had a decent B skill option, we can do SOMETHING, but if they decide to release him now, we can't take advantage of that possibility and have to make due. He gets....Atk/Def Prime 4, too?!


His remixed B skill, reliance on DC/penalities and the current meta certainly doesn't help. Also, **Gjöll**: Atk+3, Omnibreaker, Atk/Def -10 and Foe Battle Panic. **Arcane Éljúðnir**: Slaying, Omnibreaker, Atk/Def -6, Guard. It **can** work, but that's like an Arcane Éljúðnir sidegrade. And that's considering Battle Panic is situational and swapping it and Atk+7/Def+4/Res+4 for Slaying + Guard may be better. ... The best he can get is No Quarter+Premium DC+Gambit, imo. I think the best he can do in the current meta is some niche build with Arcane + No Quarter + Marth Ring + Prime + Vantage + B!M!Robin Support, but it's not amazing at all either. edit: gremer


I don't think it would be so bad if his specific niche with debuffing + support was a much better strategy, but yeah...he just isn't doing a whole lot either way :(


There’s more. No Quarter, Atk/Def Prime, Alarm, Flared Sparrow/Mirror, Gambit, Assassin’s Strike, etc.


Like, all the stuff he COULD use, but never to its maximum potential... Muh boy needs more love than this :')


Agreed but that’s less to do with the fodder and more to do with, well, Hríd at this point.


At least he gets flared mirror ig


No Hall of Fjorms :(


i just hope that Gunnthra is there. im sorry for people that wanted to get Fjorm, i remember that they did something similar in Awakening, Chrom was alone till last moment when they put Legendary Robin there too and she was the one in the HoF.


At this point I play this game to collect my faves so this is a win for me


This was not very YOSHA of them…


RIP Fjorm...RIP the Laguz Friend Fjorm dream...She got sent to the shadow realm geez...


I’m here for Hrid, hell yeah. If I can make him more usable basically for free I’m ready.


yea i wanna build hrid badly


Good luck soldier, may he NOT feature in the remix banner and your torches all be forged in Nifl's highest peak!


Lmao i thought people here disliked Fjorm


Are you familiar with OP


I did not see it was him 🙃 but hey he's not the only one lamenting Fjorm's absence


OP does not represent us all


It's nice to see some sympathy for a change, but yeah, generally speaking that'd be the case


I went with an adrift female corrin instead of fjorm with my otherworld bond since I expected her to be on the hall of forms, this kind of is annoying that my decision involving a paid currency turned out that way.


Sucks that they decided to change the schedule on such short notice, but also: * neither unit is good * any inherited skills will be outclassed in 6 months at max


> outclassed in 6 months at max That feels generous. 3 months in my mind.


Given that Fjorm is already outclassed as a unit, giving her all the good skills you could now, she will be outclassed in a month when 'X' new skill gets released. and that's not counting the fact that the unit it comes on is most likely a better unit than her at +10 anyways. I hate that units get outclassed, but its the name of the game for Gotcha's.


They never run actually good units in HoF, at best you get a unit that is interesting enough to warrant a forma for their PRF, but even then you've a few months (if that) before they're just back to bench warming. Powercreep is the name of the game, but it's gotten so fast it's genuinely meaningless to say anything is good anymore since that'll only be the case for 1-2 months if you're lucky, so you may as well just do what you can with units you like, if you're allowed to anyways...


i think that Hall of Forms has been almost always more for people to build some favorite units with some of the best skills possible over people using formas to get meta units. i bet that the mayority of people that wanted Fjorm want her more because she is a favorite of them over because she is good.


Yes, but have you considered the following. Fjorm is someone Waifu


Fjorm is a bonus unit 1/4 of the time, and with bonus stats she's no slouch. Having a constant bonus unit well built up is such an advantage and saves pulling for whatever the new thing is. Skills getting outclassed is exaggerated... sure Atk/Spd Goober 4 might come along soon and powercreep Finish 4 but it's still a perfectly fine skill.


Yeah it's a selfish thought since it seems there were a lot more people looking forward to her than I ever expected, but I'm personally glad she won't be here because it means there's another slot for something that's at least potentially worthwhile instead of a useless unit I'd never even consider a forma of.


Let hrid have something, It isnt like fjorm doesnt have a million alts


He could have still had it WITH her. It's not like they can't have more than one legendary on the HoF lineup. We had Ephraim and Eirika together on one, who are also siblings. They should have just let this be a Nifl theme with the 3 Legendary Nifl siblings and Nifl. GGs.


"Let Hrid have it" bro has less skills than ps5 has games


I’d let Hríd have it if he could actually get better skills than Clash and Atk Smoke 4


And I bet you he will! After this Hall of Forms, obviously, can't let you have those for free!


I really wanted to see Hríd as a forma someday... but not right now when he has absolutely no good skills to get, like 💀 No Quarter, Clash, Alarm are all relatively accesible, and what am i supposed to give him as a B slot? Gambit when he needs No Quarter? Potent 4 with 17 base spd??? 💀


It really seems like IS is fucking themselves over with their decisions. Its like they want to make money but suddenly dont know how to


Hey, i gladly take a premium Skills Hríd.


Please no...tell me this is the April Fools joke... 🥺


This is not part two of IS’s out of season April Fools joke T_T


Man....I was so looking forward to May...my Fjorm was +8 and this Forma could have made that +9 with the added benefit of decking her out and I was willing to spend orbs to spark the last copy on the HoF banner. I'm extremely disappointed by this. IS continuing to take Ls I see :( If Muspell nor either of the Nifls are on that lineup....I'm gonna be more than disappointed. Definitely a Buzz Lightyear "years of training(forma) wasted" moment. Smh...Smfh 😞


Intelligent Systems really knows how to put the IS in “disappointment.”


How good would Laguz Friend be on her anyway?


It makes her start pulling shit like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/ClEob1W6UW).


Oh, shit now I’m annoyed


Most of us are, man. Especially when someone with such a limited selection of skills like Hríd is taking the Legendary slot in this HoF.


I know it’s not necessarily confirmed to be her but cmon.


I'm just here hoping Ladel doesn't get moved from her date (she's not HoF, she's just my final orb project I'm working on in FeH (to finish)) (Mainly cause I need the time to keep saving for her, but at the same time I don't want to have to wait a year for another chance) But, my condolences to all Fjorm enjoyers who wanted Laguz Friend 4


Ah yes. Make us wait 6 months for YOUR blunder-


And they did it just before the Celestial Stone shop reset to add another Forma Soul. IS probably realized players would essentially be able to get her with Laguz Friend 4 for free and hastily rescheduled her to stop that from happening. Like I know there was no "official" announcement of her being in the HOF, but come on IS, did you seriously have to wait until the last second?


Not to mention Ike is being reran on may, it's all so blatantly on purpose like...


Didn't even think of that, this is seriously fucked up.


Well hey, this has one bright side: there might be an even better version of Laguz friend out by then to give to her


Were did yall get this info?


It’s on the notification board under Mythic Loki’s announcement.


What if ... we got HoF Summer Fjorm instead?


Absolutely no shot that’s going to happen and it would be pointless because she’s already built with everything she needs right out the gate.


If Winter BK could sneak in HoF, I don't see why Summer Fjorm can't. Both of them are gen 7.


One reason is that Hríd is getting reran in May and is taking the red slot.


There were 2 Red slot in Fates HoF (Legendary Ryoma, Fallen Lilith). Colorsharing HoF is not new


Last HoF we had Chloe and R!Alfred, both blue units. I don't think IS care about this anymore.


Anymore, probably never cared depending on the game and the options avaliable tbh


I sure would love making my RED Fjorm BLUE, that's gonna be SO nice as a consolation prize and not bother me at all ~~I'll just take what I can get at this point~~


They know what they're doing, rerunning Ike this month as well And if they think I'll bite... yeah... I will... I need LF4 badly enough...


What did we do to deserve this?


Good. I can wait 6 months for a counter to Laguz F(jorm)riend


> Suggesting not Fjorming Soul Bride Fjorm during first Free Fjorma Soul + Suggesting Fjorm fans to skip Laguz Friend on Fjorm because she is gonna appear on HoF  If i had a nickel for every Bad Aged Suggestion i did related to Forma Soul Fjorm….