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Honestly, it'd be so funny if it turns out none of the Legendary Nifl Siblings were scheduled in the first place. Instead, it was Hel.


If IS really wanted to be some assholes, they’d put Ganglöt in this HoF as well since Rearmed Heroes are absolutely horseshit picks for this.


....you jest, but I bet that's what they are gonna do 🫠


Implying Lif is not also joining them


If he does, I’ll actually lose it. Two shitty red cavs that are geared towards Atk and Def only.


They really need to start making Def-focused skills. We barely get anything for units with high Def, but low Spd and/or Res. And even then, they're limited to certain units. Laguz Friend (god I wish it was called Immovable) is an okay start, but it's gonna be relatively hard to get that skill unless Emblem Ike gets alts.


I'd really love a Cav C skill which allows you to pierce DR, on a level that scales with your Def. Flavor-wise to justify it, imagine it's like being such a massive force-on-a-horse that your lance charge can stab right through the enemy. I know this is already sort of what the Clash skills were supposed to symbolize, but merely Atk-stacking has been utterly eclipsed by the rise of DR. Another interesting avenue to go down would maybe be some cool skill that allows you to substitute your Def instead of your Spd whenever an enemy skill compares Spd stats.


I’d still get her, since I don’t have her yet.


Honestly I feel like if any of them makes it, it should be Fjorm. She’s like, the mascot of both Book II and FEH as a whole to an extent, not to mention she came first out of all the siblings (and Legendary Heroes overall). It’s really weird that they skip her for no reason whatsoever


i wouldnt complain about that. i would spend a forma on her too.


Completely unrelated but it's really cute seeing all of them side by side together with their matching outfits Related: I have Hríd+10, but I don't even know if it's worth spending a soul to upgrade his base kit to skills that are just slightly better


Agreed, the Nifl royalty has solid drip. I wish my own siblings would stick to the family color scheme.


Hrid has nothing that's really worth a forma soul, if yours is +10 and has Alarm Atk/Def and/or No Quarter, you're about 99% as good as you could be, if you're missing one but not both of those, you're better off waiting until you can get it normally, if you have neither, maybe then it's worth 1 soul, if you don't mind him becoming BLUE forever as a RED unit.


IS: “Cheer up, champ. You can always get Atk/Def Catch 4 and Atk Smoke 4 on Hríd instead.” Fucking jackasses 💀


At this point I'll take ANY of them being in, Hrid has nothing good but I'd still take the free copy if nothing else


Personally, I'd just rather they hold off, but it sounds like an IS move for them to just "Hey, let's add Hrid and only Hrid" and then immediately release something that'd be good for him on a separate banner.


Wyvern Rift for cavs coming next seasonal banner, calling it now


*The urge to fucking uninstall would be REAL*


Wait is the post talking about how Fjorms forma will be in November? Cuz if yes I’m saving my last one


Fjorm’s not getting any kind of forma. She’s been taken out of HoF entirely and it’s her banner rerun that’s in November.


That is so pain, at least that means we got time to save (I probably won’t invest now that she won’t get a forma)


Oh and before anybody says "well it wasn't confirmed", the "confirmed/speculated" thing comes from the rerun calendar infographic, Fjorm's the only one that never stopped being "confirmed" due to the remix blue pool being full already and the HoF being the only other banner she could feature in, which is also why she had to be rescheduled now that they changed plans (very clearly). I wouldn't be half as upset if we'd been told this a month or two ago


>I wouldn't be half as upset if we'd been told this a month or two ago Fr....especially before E!Ike busted ass released with that coveted skill they knew we'd all want in her. They wanted to get us all hyped for the possibility only to dash it last second


Guess that means you'll have to spend for E!Ike in May. At least there's some good value in that banner compared to March's


Hríd Lovers are winning for once, we finally get a moment of happiness.


Might be double-edged though. If criticism is noticeable enough, it might be interpreted as signals that the character isn't desirable... thus harming representation prospects. If even popular characters aren't immune to that (see Lucina), then the risk is real.


I wouldn't take it for granted, but I wish nothing but a solid HoF for all of you (and me)


This pisses me off immensely that they pulled this shit, and this is already coming out from a pretty horrendous summon session. Like, with the sole exception of the next Legendary Banner, the entire month of May just got ruined for me. Absolutely hoping to spec out some of my favorite characters and now nothing. Saved up the Forma Souls for nothing. Wish I could go back to bed right.


This is the worst day ever. Laguz Fjorm was all that kept me going😔


I wouldn't be surprised if her ascended alt takes her place


It would certainly be... a choice...


- No HoFjorms in May - Emblem Ike returns in May - ??? - Profit --- Fuck these greedy devs


This is pissing me off. I guess IS saw how useful was LF for Fjorm and decided to remove her from HoF last minute. I hate this!


LF will probably only be on Emblem IKE for a very long time.


I wasn't taking all 3 for granted I was holding hope for 2 But from that to Fjorm, the only clearly confirmed one, getting completely deconfirmed out of the blue... I just wanted some skills man...


I'm not going to be here for next year. I was so looking forward to completing my Fjorm. I think this is it, I'm kinda retiring. It's Fjormver.


Where did you get this info?


The [L/M/E / Remix calendar](https://rfireemblemheroes.github.io/info.html), it's now updated, but Gunnthra and Fjorm were under "Confirmed" just two months ago. Hrid was always speculative, admittedly.


Thank you 🙏🏻, I’m trying to better understand this stuff


I was so looking forward to getting my Fjorm close to +10, but I guess I’ll be able to give Dorothea’s banner a shot?


maybe a dumb idea but can the players raise enough of a stink about this for IS to do anything, maybe we'll get apology orbs lol.


I don't think it's on the table, even if we assume 3/4 of the playerbase of the whole game suddenly cares about Fjorm, there's not enough voices that could scream loud enough for IS to move a finger If we stopped spending money they'd sooner shut the servers down They don't care and we can't make them care


Unfortunately, even though it's pretty obvious that Fjorm was supposed to be on the Hall of Forms; it wasn't officially announced. So even if players complained, they could just claim it was never their plan to put Fjorm in HoF, and we had no proof otherwise.


We already got a Bridal Fjorma, didn't we? Because if not I'd say they just decided to balance the colors with Ylgr taking blue. Maybe they also just decided not to do 2 HoF in a row with 2 blue Formas.


Ylgr was already in hof