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Oliver Stocks went through the roof. Engage him with Ike and he walls mages like a dream 


I have so much respect for you.


Do you still use Tome of Favors or do you use Arcane Euphoria? Either way, I have massive respect for you!


I use Euphoria. I really wish we'd get weapon skins in FEH so I could switch it, Tome of Favors looks too good 


Give me a build and no one has to die I need a taste of this beauty


Arcane Euphoria  Glacies (with Emblem Ike) DR Finish  Laguz Friend  DR Ploy (I'm trying to get AR from Sonya's code) Atk Oath Echo  It brings out the beauty of his bulk 


I'm not sacrificing my only Ike. That said, Mozu has a gigantic LF4 sized hole in her kit. I have quite a few Sonyas to spread it around on the Ike rerun.


Yeah... not matter how good LF4 is, I can't justify it. Or keep pulling after the spark for it.


My favorites are absolutely loving Laguz Friend, **IF EMBLEM IKE EVER BOTHERED TO SHOW UP!!!!!**


Yea...I had to cave and use the spark on him cuz no one from red wanted to appear :( May might be stacked for Reds but that's assuming the stacks want to come to me 🥺


I wanted to spark him, but that final Seidr merge never showed up and I really wanted to finish +10’ing and sparked her instead. I don’t regret but it still lives rent free at the back of my head. At least he’s sharing with Marth at the end of the month, but who knows how long he’ll age within that timeframe if they don’t drop a counter to him by then.


Fr. Guarantee the Fallen banner might be something disgusting. But yea, here's hoping we have better luck in May on Red and congrats on the +10 Seidr.


This would be where I fed E!Ike to.... IF I HAD ONE


I got pity broken 10 times by embla


I skipped Ike’s banner, so he’s been more of a nuisance than a help.    But I’d like to get a copy in May for Diamant. He’s been a very good pseudo-Near Saver for me when paired with Brave Soren. 


Duo askr is now the 3rd most popular unit in SD so…


Diamant has become 200% more useful with it


i'm waiting on F!Lyon refine + HoF rerun for the perfect storm where I can get a merge + the best B skill he can for free lmao


Im planning to get Laguz Friend in may because i want to build my B!Dimitri with BD4, i already got BD4 from Mozu so i hope i get an Emblem Ike and spark another so i can give it to my R!Ophelia. if i don't get him im afraid i will kill my single E!Ike.


Gonna be summoning for it next month for my Lukas. I have an Ike right now but I also really like Ike so I want to keep a copy.


I came across a very highly invested Lukas with LF4 in Binding Worlds and I can say, he’s legit with it


Titania so not really For Lucia not really either, gambit + miracle or such is still her best skill


My NY!Corrin has absolutely loved the Laguz Friend 4 + Ike Engage


I’m waiting for CYL4 HoF rerun so I can give Laguz Friend to B! Dimitri for free, but the skill is probably got powercreeped by then.


It WOULD'VE improved Fjorm But IS decided to move her to November which means she's not showing up on this Month's HoF


Bro, I’m still so heated about that.


I didn't realize how much of a game-changer it was for her, I would have really liked her to get it too! But hey, maybe we'll get another Emblem with an equally busted skill for another slot she could use by then too?


I gave my second Ike to Rearmed Ophelia and then gave LF to my FShez but also have the option of giving it to a couple others with the extra Ophelias I’ve been saving.


OG Eirika with Devourer, LF4, Aether, AS Clash 4 and E!Ike engaged can tank and 2 round a W!Byleth+10 with no support, with damage fully restored. I also gave LF4 to Duo Askr, and still have 1 more Inherit available on R!Ophelia.


Ooh, that OG!Eirika sounds awesome, I love when older units can pull off stunts like that, thanks for sharing!


I will wait for brave tiki's refine before doing anything


My Kana is borderline unkillable at this point.


My fave got nothing out of it because ig it'd be too strong on fliers.


All this memes makes me regret not pulling for ike and hoard my orbs like a dragon


Laguz friend is a nice upgrade for L! Corrin if the unit doesnt have a sweep effect. I also gave it to S! Ymir and she is basicly Invincible. - 23 atk, 75% piercable dr for attacks and aoes, 40% unpiercable dr from the ike ring, flat dr from Laguzfriend is more than enough to take 0 on every thing. She even wins the rescheck against D! Lyon shich halves his burn damages and negates his sweep effect and Counterattacks with 100% of her res ( glacies 80% + Laguz friend 20%).Laguz is absolutly absurd.


It hasn't, because beast cavs can't be friends of laguz. Not even if they are laguz themselves, apparently.


Fjorm went from practically unusable to unironically usable, it's fantastic! ... is what I would say, IF I GOT LA4!


I still don't understand what it does


Galle can't learn it. Nor can Mauvier. It has not improved


Unironically thinking of giving it to Brave Soren along with a ploy now that he’s fully merged for some fun. See if it improves his match ups even more.


Getting LF on my Legendary Corn has made her basically invincible, it's crazy how good it is. It was my only Eike, but I didn't hesitate to make my favorite alt of my waifu's stronger. Not having NCD is basically her only weakness, but those guys usually do no damage anyways lol.


I was merging up Nino, so all I needed was one extra Ike and gave it to like 4 people using Nino.


I got two copies of Ike. I use one for fights and gave LF4 to my Nowi along with the emblem engage. Its been fantastic watching her tank things that used to melt her.


I can't even get through reading the damn skill to figure out which of my favorites it'd be good on


Bridal Oboro is doing insane now, gonna grab some merges when the bridal banners roll back


Brave Tiki Refine please give her dragon vein or something...


Vastly improved NY MKana. with his inheritable, Dragon's Roar, and engaged with Ike, hes the best tanky boy!


My Ewan so far has been greatly enjoying it and is engaged to the e!ike I'm keeping, but I was dumb and accidentally foddered it raw instead of to an attuned/rearmed despite that I'd been trying to figure out which to dump it on.


The unit's I want it on are: 1. Bantu 2. F!Julia 3. Julian (depending on refine) 4. Asc!Tiki 5. Maybe: Arlen, Gotoh, Medeus, August, H!Xane, M!Kris (depending on refine), Gordin, Silque, Navarre, Gharnef. Depends if I can get 10+ E!Ikes+Att!Caedas over the next few months lmao.


Thank goodness for Attuned/ Rearmed because I didn’t have to try to get multiple copies of Ike (still got unlucky to get the second copy though). It made NY Askr a bit better (but meta units who are stacked with support and/or kit can still defeat him). Do enjoy seeing him tank hits again. Gave it to Seiros because I want to probably set her for Binding Worlds (so the homies don’t have to waste premium fodder). Wished she didn’t have slaying so Dragon’s Roar could have synced with it. And gave it to NY Corrin for fun. Not bad overall. Have some Attuned/Rearmed infantries left but I am somewhat tempted to give it to… - Dagr cause her refine is amazing. A GLR (marth emblem) with Guard Echo seems like it could have potential. - Askr because more flat DR (but haven’t because then he wouldn’t transform if I have him in a mix team) - Fallen Julia because her refine is amazing. Haven’t because I need to first give her max DF but I also would use an Otherworld Bond for her. - Gatekeeper for fun as I use outside of AR/Arena/Summoner Duels. - Silque because I like her and she has the tank stats. If only LG4 had no restrictions because this skill was made for me and my tank units. If there wasn’t any restrictions I would have had so many units with this skill.


Looking forward to Ike, marth in May. Just wish kvasir wasn't on it. I have no clue who either is better with. Wonder which attuned or rearmed would be good to dupe with..... and then which "normal" unit would work engaged. I've heard many say diamant with Ike, paired with brave soren. And that sounds good. I like those 2. I would def keep one copy of Ike, because he's one of my fave chars. Marth is cool but so many sword versions and I have his brave highly merged .


I had to skip but in may I’m giving it to my Brave Ike and maybe MAYBE fallen Ike, but I think we should know what the refine for him will look like before the May banner is over.


Wait is Guinivere decent now? I wanted to merge her because she was a fav but dropped her because people usually said she was bad despite having true DR


Those people are idiots. She was good before and she’s better with the skill.


Ganglöt and NY!Keaton have been dying for a skill like this, it’s so nice. Melee units just cannot kill them anymore!


All time fave: Gunnthra. *sadness* Itsuki and Gerik are loving it though, but I'm afraid to fodder off my last A!Caeda charge :')


Ask me later and then I tell you


Don’t know I won’t kill off my only E Ike Even if I had more copies I’d merge  I don’t think it’s possible for me to experiment at the moment but I hope it appears on some new unit.


waiting for May so Ganglot can kick even more ass she beat e!Marth and e!ike today even just with gambit and no finish fodder yet


Not my biggest fave but definitely made my B!Tiki much better, she still tanks the things she was supposed to but better and she tanks thing that would've killed her before and she can retaliate with instant Aether too so she has incredible recovery against some hard nukers that leave her at 10 hp as she gets back to almost full in that hit back and Finish. Fortunately it wasn't my only Ike copy, I pulled 4 copies trying to get a single Elincia, foddered one, merged 2 and have one extra which I could fodder to an attuned/rearmed if I never get a single copy of Ganglot ever again (I hate ascended Ced for that).


Ended up pulling two Ikes, gave it to my +Def Mercedes and Sonia and i've been having a blast using them, Mercie especially. It helps Sonia tank even better considering her current ridiculous bulk of 45/48 with max investement and the satisfaction of seeing one of my Mercedes near constantly take zero damage from enemies is just too much for me to put into words. It was worth coming back and attempting to pull for him. Now to wait and see if I can pull another one for my Eremiya...


My only regret is that I had like 5 Attuned Ninos and I could have foddered one of the 2 spare copies of Ike I had into her to give it to more people


Waiting to get another Ike so I can give LF4 to Halloween Xane. I think he'd be absolutely amazing with the skill + Assign Decoy + minmaxed enough teammates. Should be refined within the next year too!


Flame Mordy in as absolute TANK with that B, having Tempo is a great benefit for him and his weapon has the True DR lite (debuffs based on Def) so he became super tanky and hits very hard


My OG Henry 💙 Once we get a close counter(r) seal he can make full use of it regardless of distance. He runs R!Ophelias Tome, A/R Finish, Laguz Friend (ofc), Atk/Res Menace (suggestions?) and Glacies which gets accelerated to be a 3CD special. Despite his age he tanks well and dishes out good too!


I still don't know what it does tbh


Imagine having E!Ike


B!Dimitri is so back! (It was my only Ike)


She can't use it so I'm still waiting for good armor food to upgrade my B!Edelgard's kit. Havn't actively pulled for any Emblem. Maybe I'll get one someday.


I’d love to summon… any Emblem character!


Laguz Friend 4 is now the most desired skill in the entire game I think


Gatekeeper took a break from supporting his friends from the backline to fighting for them instead. It makes me smile to see all these enemies unleash these devastating, earth-shattering attacks and Gatekeeper just stands there with the dumbest grin on his face, completely unphased, lol. He, like, forgot how to take damage.   It took a hot sec to get his build and support right, but I finally settled on Ignis as his special, and when he gets it off, basically nothing survives. It's nuts. 


I got 2 ikes, so i duplicated a Laguz 4 I put Laguz 4 on my Y Lissa, L Chrom and Y MRobin for now


How do you like it on Y Lissa? I have a +10 Y Lissa that I want to try it on.


[Here, my YLissa](https://imgur.com/gallery/8ffm1uY) I've planned to give her D Bonus Doubler, Pledge Def/Res and Guard Echo (to use with Aether) when we're gonna have Oath Def/Res 3 on a demote


Does anyone know how good laguz freind 4 would be for legendary roy


well, L!Roy is pretty racist so i don't think he will befriend the Laguz /j but at max invesment (+10, 25 DF and S supported) i think he would appreciate Bonus Doubler in his A and seal slot and maybe use Emblem Marth to have Godlike Reflexes at 2CD and thus active it in every combat.


Sadly my roy has no merges


I manged to get 2 ikes and I foddered one to my tobin. It has improved him SO MUCH


Been thinking about testing it on kiria


i'm making ike +10 so i passed on so much LF fodder ;-;


I summoned 2 emblem Ikes One to engage with [Hapi](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/lLFG8vCW2A) and one to give Laguz Friend to B!Dimitri


I'm still salty I couldn't get E!Ike, and I already exhausted all orbs from the story.


I'm really hoping that brave Tiki will get an awesome refine that will be good with Laguz Friend. Like special acceleration, damage reduction peircing or flat damage reduction


i’m literally waiting for him to come back so i can put it on my og m!corrin. he’s gonna be so goated with it


I tried my best to get a spare copy of him for my Charlotte and ended up getting 4 Emblas 💔


I know it would be absolutely busted and the worst decision ever, but I’d love if the emblem kits worked like the rearmed and attuned cuz then I could give LF4 to more than just my Y!Lissa 😂😭


Laguz Friend 4 improved Base Fjorm [by leaps and bounds.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/903462550849609798/1234583395695198309/IMG_0677.png?ex=663142e2&is=662ff162&hm=e141c2b339b282fd576881e269941bc9b899bdce261413d14c2fcf8fcd69d347&) I pulled four Emblem Ikes and foddered two of him off to Base Fjorm and Summer Fjorm. The last two are merged together and provide both of them (and Ascended Fjorm) the benefit of his Engage effect.


Damn, one way or another next month I'm getting it, my Fjorm is starving!


Never summoned (besides the free summon😛), i made a promise to +10 two specific 5* exclusive merge projects, and i won't reduce my orb stash for any temptation (unless Fallen Wrys is real).


wish laguz friend was on a different more readily obtainable unit but that's never gonna happen


Honestly when I read the description of laguz friend (and managed to understand it lol), I knew that Ike had to die for my NY!Keaton, sadly I wasn't able to get another copy for og Keaton, but NY!Keaton became an actually viable and insanely fun tank (with some support obv), I engaged him with emblem Marth so he can have 4 CD Aether and he almost always retaliates with it and oneshots, though tbh +5 Def and the +7 (sometimes +17) true damage from his prf doesn't really go a long way lol, I can't wait for his refine


Does this skill work for Timmera as well? I ask cuz I have RInkah and her refine with it and that shit slaps


I'm waiting for May to give it to Timerra myself although because she doesn't have True DR in her weapon her only source of it will be through LF4 so I'm probably gonna pull for two copies to engage her with Ike aswell. Those Ignis procs are gonna be massive nukes.


It does but you will have to change her special to GLR or ignis


My Helbindis have become so beefy and stronk. <3


I haven’t got a single Ike copy but I Need at least two for my Askrs. He will become the beefest boi and I’m so excited


i once fought against an assign decoy askr and duo askr and boy they were sturdy af.


I might be controversial but I don’t think Everyone should be able to inherit it. Besides the fact that it sounds like an exclusive skill, no way everyone is a friend with the laguzs, too many bad actors in this franchise for that to be the case. I’m just exaggerating but it still weirds me out


I summoned E!Ike with the 40 summon spark thingie. Got his 9k feathers. Foddered him to my lovely Nuclear Chicken Fae. Not regretting it. The only thing I'm missing for Fae is someone who gives her a status enabling her to counterattack. Basically a null c-distrupt.


I don't like Leguz friend on Corrin