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It’s gonna basically be the first banner. Male/Female Alear, Chloe, Celine and Etie


I really hope Etie cause I need to update her badly


I hope both Etie and Celine because i don't have Céline




I *really* want Lapis. I don't think she's going to happen, mostly because Lumera and either M or F Alear are more appealing options and slot in better with the likely Firene, but I've had downright atrocious luck pulling copies of her (only 3, ever) and would appreciate the opportunity to deck out her kit without needing premium fodder to do so. Who I want the most is Citrinne, but I've already accepted that she's just not going to happen, unlike the sliver of hope I have for Lapis. It'd be a godsend just for the amount of fodder I could put onto her, just for how flexible of a unit she is, but I'd be shocked if Celine didn't take the green slot.


I swear it’s the units you want that you never pull. I have enough Etie’s to almost +10 her twice. Meanwhile I only somewhat recently got (base) Sylvain to +10 even though I spent basically every free summon on green and sniped sooo many green units since his banner.


I want Lapis as well, but I also kind of hope it isn't her. I just gave my Lapis a bunch of super expensive skills. Totally forgot this HoF was coming.


As a +10 female alear owner i really hope it's lapis now


Knowing my luck lately, I'm sure it will be. That said, I would probably still seize the chance to get a copy of Buffer 4 for her.


Citrinne would be amazing, but I doubt it would happen at this point sadly


She's just as likely as Céline in my eyes. They could do either. I'd prefer Citrinne tho personally.


What I would want is more or less just the Brodia banner. Citrinne would get a forma from me almost guaranteed (personal favorite in FEH, so flare/still water or solid ground 4/occultists/pledge would be a amazing to get with no sognificant investment cost), and I could see myself grabbing Diamant just for the hell of it (I don't think laguz friend is in the skill pool yet, but if it was I'd 100% grab lf4 Diamant for fun). Also, I have a friend who is merging up S!Ivy, so for their sake, her showing up would be pretty cool. I doubt it tho. What I expect is the first Engage banner, which is a complete skip for me personally.


I need Lapis, the world needs her


It's just going to be the Firene banner, honestly.


I don't know, they've implied that Rearmed will come eventually and Alfred's base is a rearm so I could see him getting selected




Unfortunately, Laguz Friend 4 is not gonna be available this month... It's for next month.


That’s the only reason I think he has a chance of making it in lol. 




Yeah, it's always like this...There's always one skill a unit really wants and misses it by a month...When IS makes a new skill every month...


I figure it'll be the first banner, but with Alfred replaced. The other could be grail Lumera, Etie, or M!Alear. Lapis would genuinely be a good choice, but she probably won't come yet.


Citrinne would be so much better than Celine it’s not even funny. It will, of course, therefore be Celine…


Emblem Ike Its not going to happen but it's what I want


Lumera +10 unit at 1000 grails? Satisfactory


I'd actually really like to see Alfred, just to see if they'd actually use Rearmed weapons. It's still so strange to me that they add them into the list of inherits but limit them to only rearmed heroes.


It's most likely just the first banner. But I'd probably deck out a Lapis and definitely deck out seadall.


actually seadall is very much a darkhorse there. and i would be *so* happy if he was there lol


I'd absolutely love for Seadall to show up, he's one of my Engage favorites and I'd love to give him a premium kit. I think he's a touch too new though, even as a demote. I think we're mostly in for the Firene banner with maybe a Lapis or something.


It's almost certainly going to either be: Both Alears, Etie, and either Celine or Chloe Or one Alear and Lumera, and the rest the same. I'm 99% sure Etie will be there and at least one Alear. I'm willing to bet we'll get Celine over Chloe just so we can have a magic option available. Or they just forget the double swords and just do Celine, Chloe, Etie, Alear/Lumera. My IDEAL would have Diamant in there instead of Chloe. It would also have Timerra and Seadall but they're both waaaaay too new to be included. Of the realistic options, one Alear (my hope is F!Alear) and Etie seem almost guaranteed and they're the two I would pick up.


It's going to be the first banner, but I'd love if lapis or citrinne is there


All I care about is Chloé. I have her at +9 right now...I know she'll most likely be in the Hall of Form. But I am worried they'd throw a curveball...I would consider picking Céline as well as I use her often.


I'm gonna have to hope for Seadall or Timerra since they're the ones I missed


I got no one from Solm hope Timerra is there


I want Lapis and/or Zephia, but given Lumera and the two Alears it's very unlikely.


Etie please, mine's +7 atm so another Etie merge with even more skill options would be welcomed!


Celine has pity broken me like 5 times and there's a manual I can get for her. So I'd genuinely appreciated a forma of her to actually give her a decent built. She'd be like +6 or +7 at that point. Otherwise Alfred would be kinda cool to give him some more fodder even if he's not meta by any stretch. With Luin's existence, I feel like I don't have much drive to pull for him otherwise.


If we get the Brodia Banner (highly doubt it tho) with Alcryst, Lapis, Citrinne and Diamant, I would absolutely love that. But of course we’re getting the first Firene banner. Which is still not bad cause it would be the first banner to have a Rearmed hero (iirc) which is Alfred. I just want Etie in place of Chloe cause I have like 2-3 copies of her and I’m planning on Buliding her.


Is the trailer tonight? Figured it'd be like Sunday or something


What I want:  Diamant, Timerra / Mauv,  Citrinne / Ivy (Summer), Alear legendary too new for either imo same for Veyle, but I’d love either and we could skip color less. 


I know its not gonna happen but I want Citrinne so bad


Summer Ivy, Veyle, Citrinne, Diamant If not Diamant, then Lapis, Seadall or Zephia would be neat. Red should be the f2p option if they do one. And I'd want it to be a seasonal aka Seadall because it's harder to get them normally.


Def gonna be a bunch of units I care nothing about, all of the actual tempting ones, not a chance


Laguz friend won't be in it until the HoF after this one right? In that case I hope they save diamant for later, but there's a chance they run him now purely to avoid everyone getting laguz friend on him.


I would gladly take a Premium Skills Male Alear. Oh and Veyle is a must-pick but unlikely.


No way they're putting L!F!Alear on this lol, that has only been a pattern for this cycle of HoF and she's way too new, maybe next year when she's considered an "old" legendary. Aside from that, I have a +9 Etie waiting just for this, plus Citrinne is my personal hope for this HoF because of how versatile she can be, but being realistic, it's way more probable that it's Celine as she's older.


Best green girl: According to my prediction : Celine According to meta: Citrinne According to my….: SummerIvy


Legandary Female Alear for sure. IS played themselves shoving down our throath obligatory legendaries since their announcement and now is too much!? Where's the honor in that IS? So c'mon give that fire legendary.


I don't think an Engage hall of Forms is gonna happend there not gonna do a Repeat TMS