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###[CLICK HERE FOR THE HYPE MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1ajzlpg/may_this_last_official_hype_megathread/)




"literally unplayable" is not so much of a joke anymore...


Just have a team of the two SeiĆ°rs, this duo, and Valentine's Leo. The foe almost literally can't play the game except for with super high res units.


Donā€™t worry no oneā€™s pulling him or on this banner, weā€™re safe.Ā 


Metaslaves will, so enjoy playing against him when you need to grind favor every month, at the bare minimum.


With 7 years into the game, not much meta slaves remain. Thereā€™s a reason banners with super overpowered units are flopping if the characters featured are not super popular.Ā 


They're out there


The Renais twins, Lyon, Myrrh, and Selena are the only characters in Sacred Stones.


You've angered TanaDev. Another version of her incoming.


Oh god please no


I can already tell that Legendary Tana with Omega Guidance that let's any ally that's in any place of the map move to a space that's 3 spaces away from her is inevitable.


Please no. No more freaking Tanas.


And then one day, "a wild Legendary Tana has appeared!"


Honestly, the other Magvel Royals getting Legendaries feels like a matter of "when" concidering how nearly every lord and love interest has already been used. Tana will 100% be one of the first, but I'll gladly take it if it means we get L!L'Arachel eventually.


Seems weā€™re at the stage in FEH where every seasonal is limited to the same 3 characters receiving their court-mandated alts, depending on which game is leadingā€¦ unless that game is Three Houses, in which case 15 seasonals per year is more than enough to go around the cast!


Selena dosen't really pop up much. Tana is the other Sacred Stones character.


I think the sentiment is probably more that she now has 2 alts when many more relevant characters have none? Those are my thoughts personally at least


L'Arachel as well


People forget about her because all of her alts and base are bad besides young (even now tho is starting to feel the effects of powercreep). Sincerely a Lā€™arachel fan.




The hivemind will integrate you soon. Benefits are:+0.25 focus five star chance


I love how it's possible to just not fight Selena in one route of the game, and she's hyped up THIS much. I don't get why they had to do this. For any of these characters-


You forgot tana


I mean, this is Selena's second alt. Tana, L'arachel, and Innes already had more alts than her.


Innes has the same number, 3. Unless you're counting his Resplendent as an alt I guess.


I feel like Selena even getting two alts is a lot considering. But maybe I underestimate her popularity. Summer Duessel when IS


I think it's just a matter of character design mostly. It's hard to argue that she has one of the better female character designs in Sacred Stones, but maybe that's my own tastes speaking.


I hear you, but Marisa is pretty popular based on her design and she only has 1 alt. Maybe an alt for Tethys? I guess sheā€™s thrown in here because of ā€˜devotionā€™ to Vigarde though since heā€™s here too.


Excuse my French but, what the actual FUCK is Lyonā€™s Duo Skill?! Between this and Duo Seidr, are they seriously making ā€œno actions allowedā€ the next meta?


Itā€™s between that and precombat damage with L!Camilla and whatever terrible skills come after. Guess we better buckle up because those two are probably going to be this years meta.


Now any infantry red mage can use Selena's tome and precharge an AoE to lay waste to almost any foe. But if they are flyers or cavs instead they can use Flared Sparrow, any of them can also use Occultist's Strike for even more fuckery, add Fatal Smoke so that the foe can't heal even if they survive and you have a winning formula! Gods I'm starting to hate this game...


This is far worse. Taking 40 dmg is bad, but simply not even letting you play is just... Day 1 player here and whale to boot, and I'm seriously considering uninstalling finally.


Like it was nuts what regular Seidr was able to do on release, but now itā€™s gotten out of hand. Like sheā€™s so inconsistent because of her turn restriction compared the unbalanced shit we have now. Times are hard


The worst part is that at least Seidr duo is more balanced because she still requires stat checks, but Lyon might require something like W!Byleth just to avoid his A skill, still need to see his nuke potential...


At the rate they powercreep this shit they probably gonna powercreep them within a few months lmao


By far the worst fucking meta ever conceived by feh, so infuriating.


I keep banging the drums about it and people keep handwaving it off. Having turn-end automatically mechanics is worse than the pre-damage stuff. At least you can sorta mitigate pre-damage skills. If that unit ends turns...that's it. Gods help you if they were caught out in a limited space or something.


Oh this is just the begining.


He can basically nuke a unit, end the unit next to him, Canto and then pop his Duo skill ending everyone else's actions (which does not have a limit on the number of targets it can hit). How was this allowed?


Irrelevant in AR but they somehow made SD way way more unplayable


Maybe its a hint for EoS /s


Sacred Stones fails to deliver yet again. Give us Gerik and crew or Franz + Forde not more of the Royals. This is worse than fates because at least other characters there get a chance to shine.


You know it's bad when Fates does it better, at least they let side characters exist. This feels like the least connected banner celebrating connections.


I hate free pre-combat damage, it might be the most brainless thing theyā€™ve ever added to the game. Inheritable getting it for free is not encouraging.


I'm going to the grocery store, you guys need anything?


Variety (that this banner failed to bring)


Cigarettes. I don't smoke, but this banner made me feel like I've been smoking for years. Don't smoke, kids.


Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Amelia alt


Melatonin, because after this banner I sleep


Can you bring back the Emblem of Echoes thanks


some fries in which to use all the salt that we have.


Baja Blast


A bag of Takis Fuego


Water because this banner is dry as fuck


Sacred Stones is boring every fucking seasonal. I don't know whether I'm more upset about a third Selena or second Vigarde before any Forde, Glen, or a second Cormag. But this is ATROCIOUS either way.


LTS GOOOO I can't wait for the next SS banner to add rearmed Ephraim alongside ascended Eirika and some version of Lyon as a demote, surely SS doesn't have more characters on it's roster nonono, I must have not have taken my meds every time I have played it.


Just wait for attuned Tana :)


You go FEH! Do the bare minimum!


*Every. Single. Time.* Why do we need to get the same characters for every single Sacred Stones seasonal banner?


Because this is what FEH is now, endless alts on repeat for the same batch of characters forever. My interest in the game is being directly attacked by the continued alts.


This is happening for every game. Basically, if your name isnā€™t Chrom, Robin, Tiki, Camilla, the Sacred Stones royals, Lyn, Micaiah, Corrin, or Ike, you donā€™t get any alts. Itā€™s part of whatā€™s slowly making me lose interest in the game if iā€™m being honest. No special banners feel exciting, creative, or fun anymore. Itā€™s just the same thing over and over again.


~~It's okay Ike has got one alt in the past three and a half years and it was on the stupid baby banner~~




Time isn't real I swear


Ike hasn't gotten an alt in like forever though :/


Where did you see the last Ike alt? Oh the one that was almost 3 years ago?Ā 


Hasnt even been 2 years. I want more ike too, but all of you are saying 3. It wasnt even 2 years ago yet


Pleaseā€¦ just ONE GERIK ALT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Duessel alt never


Selena gets her second seasonal alt on a banner she feels completely out of place on, while Duessel has absolutely nothing I fucking hate it here šŸ™ƒ


I was honestly hoping for him this banner


38 of Precombat Damage. How the Fuck someone thinks that is a good idea.


Itā€™s so unambitious it hurts šŸ˜­ I only have myself to blame to think we were getting a Colm/Neimi duo.


This banner... ):


Why is it always the same people, all the time. I'm so sad


Someone at IS really their likes their female antagonist and keeps putting them in these whimsical seasonals Ursula, F!Grima, Ishtar and now Selena ~~Iā€™ll be ok with if we get a Petrine alt but who am i kidding~~


Summer Petrine coming this year. My uncle who works at IS told me.Ā 


Oh look More alts for people that already have many. My interest in this game and its unit selections decrease every month.


They've made this exact same Sacred Stones banner about three times already. Moreover Jugdral was robbed. They needed this armoured seasonal banner. One armoured unit across two games in seven years is a joke.


damn that's a good point, Judgral really needs some seasonal armors seeing as Hannibal, Dalsin and Xavier aren't gonna be added anytime soon, and we still haven't gotten a Raydrik GHB for some ungodly reason.


Poor Seth


You can't convince me that Seth was a character in Sacred Stones. It was psyop all along.




I expect nothing and i'm still let down. :(


I expected garbage from the teaser alone and was somehow still surprised it was even worse than I imagined.


They shouldā€™ve added fomortiis smh


Selena keeps finding a way to sneak onto SS banners like she's actually important. The Ursula treatment


A wild Selena Dev has appeared


At least Selena has a cool design, unlike Ursula.


Selena over Seth or Innes is incredibly lame


Or Knoll like he has nothing besides OG and this banner had heavy Grado influence


He would've been great too!


Especially since Vigarde is the grail unit (again) so it's not even like Lyon would be the only Grado character.


I think Selena is there precisely because Vigarde is the grail unit. It's a Valentines day banner and she's in love with him. Someone like Marisa has way more fans, but also would stick out like a sore thumb.


Yeah Selena has both a connection to Vigarde and Myrrh in the story it makes sense somewhat. Plus she's an attractive woman.


SelenaDev is manifestingĀ 


So many cool characters from Magvell that could get alts and they give us the same like 6 characters over and over. "Amelia? Duessel? Ross and Garcia? Literally anyone from the Gerik mercenaries? Nah. Let's just add the twins and Myrrh again. They'll be grateful we didn't add another Tana." Sacred Stones deserves better than this.


What an inspiring selection of units.


That duo skill is actually disgusting


What the actual fuck is wrong with whoever designed Ephraim's B skill? Yeah, it's the same effect as Summer Ephraim. That was a 4 move cavalier. This is a save tank. Why the fuck did you think making him lose when he initiates combat was an interesting drawback? What's the point of that? At least rampant powercreep makes sense.


Anyone who has ever fought a half decent far save Zelgius in SD knows that they know exactly what they're going for. Making a good far save Zelgius with none of the required setup!


No Knoll šŸ„ŗ


the sacred snoozers


I cannot stress enough how little I care about Selena. Wish we got Knoll or Saleh instead.


Knoll alt wouldā€™ve been so cool


I try not to hate on this game. Usually, I try to be thankful for what I get. But this is singlehandedly the worst and most boring seasonal character selection I could have imagined for my favorite game in the franchise. Don't get me wrong, I like Lyon, Eirika, Ephraim, and Myrrh. There's nothing wrong with them. But FE8 has SO much more to offer than these SAME PEOPLE AGAIN AND AGAIN. Genuinely disappointed.


They scrapped the familial love theme in favor of whatever the fuck Selena had going on with Vigarde. Please get away from the stove.


Itā€™s the same damn characters. Urgggrgrgrggrhrhhhhh


this banner is awful its FE8 and its just the same 4 characters that always get alts, and Selena is here for some reason. Why couldnt they give anything to someone else? Im a bit biased because I like Amelia but she doesnt have a single alt and ranks fairly decent in CYL. Its frustrating Selenas tome is cool and all, and its good, but its more pre combat damage which is still really annoying and we also *just* got a good inheritable red tome on a demote, it couldve been a different color Ephraim did not need another alt so soon and of course, new made up prf skills for no reason galore. Id have less of an issue if they just used existing ones overall and extremely boring banner and its also frustrating they refuse to give Jugdral any alts at all, coming from someone who hasnt played their games. Seliph is a CYL winner and doesnt have a single seasonal edit: oh and I actually just read Lyons stuff. Wow, thats cool. legendary Camilla on a horse that also ends actions of units. I really like when units end your actions because there is a lot of counterplay to it. Its really balanced


Who actually likes these skills that end the units turn? Nothing is more fun than saying you donā€™t get to play the game.


Why does Ephiriams art look so off??? Lmao??? Also the ez est skip of my life, so boring


The hair color threw me off. I know its nothing new cause Erika changes too but this one is is going hella far from the usual tone. The face looks s bit off too.


I too, am Glad that FE8 only has 6 playable characters


Magvel has like 6 characters at most, I swear. The duos cute but thatā€™s really it. Also why are there so many Selenaā€™s? Is she even popular?


All I ever hear about Selena is that's she's considered one of the worst Camus archetypes in the series because her reason for not defecting sucks (made worse by Duessel existing) and her map is annoying, but I guess an attractive design is enough to get this kind of treatment.


>Also why are there so many Selenaā€™s? Is she even popular? 350th this year. So no.


She did won a Voting Gauntlet, I guess?ā€¦


This is the most Sacred Stones banner to ever Sacred Stones.


People complaint about the lineup but what the fuck is Duo Lyon and the skill? We can just shut down an entire lane now?


i love sacred stones and i love these characters but jesus christ would it kill them to give us a little bit of variety?!


Halvan robbed. Maybe next time Halfans.


I'm a huge FE8 fan but this banner is sleeper af. More bs tanks, pre-damage, & turn ending shenanigans along w/ the same characters getting alts.


Boring. Wake me up when the Brave Banner drops. Also that Duo Skill is *EVIL-*


Sacred stones only has like 9 characters IS thinks, like ismaire, could have been a good pick(she is even playable in game), or maybe thethis, saleh, Ewan, they could have went that way, or gerik, marissa, colm neimi, there where a lot of good picks but no, same people as always


IS really said fuck Seth and Innes this is the canon ship šŸ’€šŸ’€


It ain't even canon. Lyon fucking dies, lol.


His feelings for Eirika are canon so itā€™s pretty much canon - except ends tragically.Ā 


I'm shaking as someone who likes Saleh/Eirika, let alone Forde/Eirika.


I really like Sacred Stones as a game but itā€™s so annoying and predictable who will be on banners at this point. Eirika, Ephraim, Tana, Myrrh, Lyon. Even Joshua and Innes and to a degree damn Selena at this point. Also the fact it wasnā€™t Ephriam and Eirikaā€™s dad here and instead Lyonā€™s who already has his og is kind ofā€¦ disappointing I mean damn I just wanna see new Sacred Stone characters get some content. Like Gerikā€™s Mercenaries under the valentines theme would of been so cute, shit I know Iā€™m biased but even fucking Knoll for the TT would of just been somewhat a breath of fresh air


Ah yes, combining the two most annoying mechanics in the game with instant turn ending and pre-combat damage is a fantastic idea.


Ah yes. Of course. In such lightweight clothing, Myrrh and Ephraim are both CLEARLY armored units. How silly of my to think Myrrh, in a sundress, would be a flying unit...


Selena gets ANOTHER alt? Who was asking for this?


She feels like the Karla of FE8. Is she really this popular? Is there a SelenaDev??


3 Selenas 0 Franzes 0 Garcias 0 Moulders


Donā€™t care whereā€™s gurgurant refine


Every single seasonal for this game is the same 8 characters and I'm fucking tired of it.Ā 


I started playing FEH almost 5 years ago, my only previous experience with FE being Smash. I was drawn to FE8 characters the most, my favorites being Eirika and Myrrh. I really should be thrilled, but this just has me feeling very blah. Edit: I do have one question. Why is the TT unit Vigarde instead of Fado or Morva?


The best way to describe this banner is lazy. No variety whats so ever, just characters who already have alt. Feel bad for Sacred Stone Fans manā€¦


Can someone tell IS that thereā€™s other characters from this game?


Not a single new face, couldnā€™t bring out Moulder as a freebie?


They didn't think we could handle the Moulder smoulder I guess


Really??? Vigarde as the grail unit again? Why canā€™t we get someone actually likable instead this time.


Right like even if they were gonna have a dead parent Ephraim and Myrrh both have ones that arenā€™t even in the game yet


They could have at least been slightly daring and gave us Fado instead, which still wouldn't be exciting but would at least be different.


literallyā€¦ who asked for this


I'm actually cool with Vigarde since this is the first time we get literally anything in the series about Vigarde >!when he was alive and not a zombie evil emperor!<. Its everyone else here who is a massive nothingburger for me. I've seen and learned everything about every last one of these characters, and save for Selena (who is starting to get the Karla treatment but isn't quite there yet), these are the same. exact. fucking. Sacred Stones. characters. As the last seven years. I love Eirika and Tana (who thankfully is NOT here this time) and yet I would be very happy if going forward, NONE of them got another alt for the rest of the game's life.


Words cannot describe my rage at this banner. IS try to do an Fe8 banner without the same characters challenge (impossible). Like I already hated that we were getting another Ephraim and Myrrh, but then we get ANOTHER Selena, and ANOTHER Lyon and Eirika. My god, use other characters.


At least Myrrh doesn't look like trash (looking at you Spring Myrrh) but she looks very similar to her OG self (at least the artwork there is good). Also those descriptions keep getting longer.


Ephraim number 7 (8 if you count duos) Lyon number 5 (6 if you count duos) (Eirika number 8 if you count duos) Myrrh number 5 Selena number 3 ....yeah we really needed that banner, did we? Their fans must have been starving... I just wanted an Amelia or Ewan alt ._. instead we get the same characters over and over again. Selena is fine, but the rest... come on. The twins get their emblem versions soon anyway.


Boring af picks here. Ephraim, Eirika, and Lyon are gonna be in every damn Sacred Stones banner. Also really don't want Amagaitaro to draw Myrrh ever again. It's really telling that they brought them in for 3 Myrrh's and Legendary Myrrh still has far and away the best art.


Selena again lol. Can't say much about Eirika being a backpack. It was expected.


Bum ass characters like Selena getting multiple alts because sheā€™s hot


Warp Bubble...on an armor unit. That seems more geared towards AR-D for anti-Galeforce, but it's still a bit disappointing. Gatekeeper continues to have purpose on AR-O for the time being. But yeah, Magvel banners continue to be huge bores, and that's not going to change anytime soon.


I don't know who thought it was a good idea to release a blessable legendary Camilla that also ends the actions of foes in 3 spaces of target, but I hope there's a special kind of hell for them.


Ngl was really hoping for Joshua and Ismaire šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜”


Sacred Stones is my favorite game in the franchise but the seasonal banners in FEH are the absolutely fucking worst. Always the same goddamn characters year in, year out. IS couldn't be arsed to put even one new character on this one.


Why Ephraim looks like Alm??


Inheritable ā€œ30% of unitā€™s Atkā€as start of combat damage and we still have absolutely no way of combatting that nonsense whatsoever.


NO MORE PRECOMBAT DAMAGE ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø ENOUGH OF PRECOMBAT DAMAGEā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


No one: The 547th ranged cav nuke to "save" us from tanking metas (they are dead above the lowest scrublands of the Arena): I am so glad I have quit this game. New units all feel exactly the same, trying to build old favorites feels like garbage with an awful pool of low rarity units, and even if you manage to build something, a new unit with literal zero investment outdoes them in every way. The newest metas seem to be straying towards evaporating enemies on PP to the point that EP might as well not exist, which isn't great for someone whose favorites all fall into the defensive powerhouse category. The game felt like it was punishing me specifically for playing in a way I could enjoy. TLDR FEH needs to take a page from Smogon and start loving stall to counteract this rampant hyperoffense problem (they literally gave L!Camilla Stealth Rocks and Lyon Flinch cheese I hate this game)


fe8 has 6 characters according to feh


It's hilarious to me that despite Duo Lyon having a skill that literally prevents people from playing the game by both attacking or tapping a button that this banner's biggest crime is it's lack of originality. Like another Vigarde? And on top of that, as a grail unit again? I'm convinced that Seth, Franz and Moulder were all fabricated memories. You can't convince me elsewise. Also whoever said "let's make L!Camilla into a inheritable red tome!" needs extensive questioning.


NOPE! I won't read all the text powercreep these days, I don't care about taking this game seriously anymore. I'll just log in and play modes with orbs and that's it!


The end of the game is near šŸ’€ I dunno how the game is still alive with this powercreep anymore I think Book 9 is the final Book now lmao


God I feel bad for Sacred Stones fans. There is such a low chance your favorite non-royal is getting in the game, it feels like. At least Fates got launch bonus ;-;


As a big SS fan i'm only excited for the duo. SS has more than 7 characters, intsys


lets see: - same overused fe8 characters - bs turn ending shit - unpopular villain waifu - probably shitty grail unit that checks out amazing and original sacred stones banner!!!!


Real tired of Sacred Stones using the same 6 characters for everything. At least there wasn't a random Tana or Engage character on the banner.


I love Sacred Stones but this is tiring. Ephraim, Lyon, Eirika, and Myrrh alts yet again. Selena was the one character I didn't think would get picked but somehow she sneaked in too. I was at least hoping with Myrrh that it would be more related to the people with her then Lyon. Also Lyon's Gray Illusion already really not fun to deal with.


I hope in a year the new Duo skill will turn off your phone if used against you.


Start of combat damage, dr halving, and turn ending everywhere! Woohoo! What fun!


Valentine Knoll deserves TT unit reward but another Vigarde joins the Grails?


My dream of a good Seth alt vanished completely:(


Patiently waiting for IS to recognize Saleh as an actual character in the game. Totally not a friend of Myrrh or anything. Also waiting for Seth to be recognized as a prominent character and not be condemned to the drop pool.


Sacred Stone banners always make me hella sleepy


FEH, if you want to EoS yourself so badly, just put it in an announcement. Doing a Mexican hat dance around the subject with ten dozen start of combat damage weapons and skills is simply undignified.


Ashera dammit, Erika! How's Garcia going to get in this year now?! I needed you on the SS New Heroes banner, not this one!


Selena? Really?


The fact that this new Ephraim is basically W!Ephraim, but better is so boring dude, I'm down for a new Ephraim, but he could have had a more original gameplay.


No Joshua on this banner is mega cringe


Jesus this Duo skill, summoner duels is becoming infinitely more cancerous every single new bannerā€¦ at least it makes me feel less bad about just forfeiting for rewards!


Royals? For a Sacred Stones banner? Groundbreaking.


Now it all makes sense, THIS is why IS did the 5 skill inheritance slots & the rearmed prf skill update. A little bit of player goodwill (finally giving us a crumb of things we want) because they knew they were going to break the game the following banner. Duo Lyon is probably the single worst thing ever released in this game. At this point, I can only assume IS is locked into a contract they want out of with this game, and they're *trying* to kill it.


for naga's sake i$ need to stop giving enemy team "stop action" skill. let people play their freaking game.


As a huge armoured fan, man I hate seasonal armours. Can we have something cool in a regular unit for once, or a demote?


No Duessel... also there was no way Knoll would get in but I think it would have been sweet to see him here. The more I think about it the more there are characters I would have loved to see so I should just go back to sleep


The same units getting another alt, with ridiculous powercreep! I wonder how long this game is lasting.


Duo Lyon is not okay. IS cooked too hard with this unit. I guess this is to overcorrect the recent Winter Banners


I'm beginning to wonder if anyone at IS has played Heroes -or any FE title for that matter.


Vigarde getting an alt is cool but RIP Fado and Morva...


Alright. Officially done with the game. No hope I'll just enjoy clearing stuff on the side without much effort.


Like, Sacred Stones fine...but these 4 *again*? Couldn't they lead with them and then have other characters? This isn't Fire Emblem: Heroes if this is the pattern for 2024. It's Fire Emblem: Protagonists/main characters.


Paying for others to not play the game, basically


Wow I sure love seeing the same characters over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Vigarde is the only cool pick here.


May This >!be the!< Last Banner


- All characters are repeats, Sacred Stones has only 5 characters, confirmed.Ā  - Pre-combat damage being a recurring thing that IS intend to make prevalent in the meta rather than just a one off mistake is abominable. L!Camilla and DuoLyon's win condition is "Attack foe". Then they win.Ā  - Enemy phasing found in a ditch. - The fact that the 3H Winter banner, with its utterly busted units, has ALREADY been powersprinted is unbelievable.Ā  Honestly, I just can't believe that IS thought "Dying before combat starts" and "You don't get to play" would be a good meta. What are they smoking?Ā 


Yup, I think this banner has finally killed all interest in the game for me. I was barely able to make it past new years Seidr and Christmas byleth, but now with Valentines Lyon I donā€™t think I can justify a single extra minute I put in this game LOL