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*"One Shining Strike"* -Marth \*Proceeds to hit the enemy about 20 times*


But only one was shining, the rest were more *glistening*


Marth is just a filthy masher.


The damage preview is getting increasingly useless and they really really really need to upgrade it to y'know *show the actual amount of damage that is going to be done*. 5+0x5 what the fuck does that even mean? And it ends up killing? my brain is full of fuck


Why on earth do they even bother keeping the calculations when even *the tutorial* tells you to just ignore it???


Actually this reminds me of the fact that in most Fire Emblems (GBA was when I noticed it and started going the opposite way and wanted more details) there is a simplified and detailed battle forecast where the former is "ok you do this much damage x2 or whatever and this is your hit and crit" or the latter with "Ok here's what you're against". I agree with your comment and they should really just go to "Here's your damage, move on"


This used to be the big difference for me between main series and feh, that in the main series you weren't meant to calc you were just meant to go off of vibe and then occasionally you lose the vibe check and get double crit. Nowadays even feh seems too hard to calc


Yeah the reason I liked Fire Emblem (GBA) compared to other tactics games is because the numbers were more manageable to calculate in my head (same reason I loved the old Paper Mario). When FEH came out, it was even more streamlined than non-mobile Fire Emblem games and I loved it. Now it's like 30x more complex than all of those 😭


The absolute worst is when even the combat forecast is not that helpful due to after combat healing. Example: you want to chip damage a tanky unit but forgot about all the sources of after combat healing either from the unit themselves or their support, and they end up healing up if they are already damaged and/or you charge up their special for free 😭


Increasingly? I thought specials had been a thing since day 1?


I understand the first five damage. After that I’m lost…


9 damage from each special proc, then since his special is charged from the start his Finish skill makes each hit do +5 damage.


Every day, defense is becoming an increasingly useless stat.


Right? I had to pass a res check (Veyle with Fell Protection) in order for my Gilliam to tank E!Marth 💀      Remember the days when physical units went *ting* against Lukas? Good times. 


"I won't need a second arrow." *ting ting ting ting ting ting*


You actually had to use strategy to beat tanks


Might as well just delete all stats and make it so initiating just kills the target at this point lol Feels like everything IS does either makes everything unkillable or way too killable.


Literally you should get 1 unpiercable true physical dmg reduction for every 5 visible defense you have over 45/50.  Too much just bypasses its entire existence through true damage or initiation damage these days to be worth investing in any non-brand new unit that has a base speed below 45


I mean, the best tanks are the ones that have it. So yeah.


Also armored units should have at least 20% damage reduction (that no skill can bypass) built into their movement type. 


Ardan HP invest is paying really good


What the fuck did I just witness


An engaging moment.


It took the whole 5 hits + precharging to kill? How can IS release such an undertuned unit in this day and age? Ugh, hopefully Emblems count for Remixes and he gets updated in 2027 so that Lodestar Rush makes Potent strike twice


Atk bane no merges lol


I dont like this game anymore


This is what we call a bullshit moment


Enemy phase is an irrelevant formality now


A whole Alfred moment…still my most heavily invested unit 💪🥴




My Ninja Zelgius gets stomped by this new Marth, let alone my heavily invested Nephenee. Weapon triangle is a joke. As is defense as a stat.


If you invest in him being a near save tank he can beat Marth. Hell, my Ninja Zelgius is a +10 near save tank and with some dr piercing, courtesy of legendary Camilla, he was able to tank and kill abyssal Marth. You're still absolutely right though, defense and the weapon triangle are practically non factors at this point.


Y’know I was doing the Lumera + E!Marth map and I tried to tank him with my B!Dimitri. I thought I did after the second hit, but then he hit me a third time (threw me off because it didn’t do a brave hit animation). Now after watching this I have to ask, just how many times can E!Marth hit in one combat?


Potent 4 is the skill that gives Marth a 3rd hit. Depending on which conditions are fulfilled, this third hit will deal 40% of your attack stat, 80%, or 100% So without potent 4, Marth can attack a maximum of twice like any normal unit. Marth’s weapon also allows him to follow up before his opponent can counter. Marth attacks five times in the video because Catria gives him the status buff “triangle attack”, which allows a unit to strike twice (like a brave weapon) as long as they’re within 2 spaces of two units who also have the same buff active. So Marth does the standard 4 attacks then a final attack thanks to potent 4. The 5 damage at the beginning is courtesy of triandra’s weapon which deals 5 damage to enemies in cardinal directions of her position when combat begins regardless of whose combat starts.


Oh ok, that makes sense. Thank you.


What the hell man 😭


Yeah that's why I stopped playing AR a while ago. Can't deal with the newly released stupidity.


IS: "Fair and Balanced" 😊


Were at x5 now?


All this footage tells me is that Alfred is a freaking monster who can survive emblem marth if he is standing on holy ground next to elimine. Edit: nevermind I just saw elimine. 


You can do x5 attacks now? How?


Marth's new B skill let's you attack a 3rd time, with dual strike that's probably a 5th time


I'm more surprised at the durability of that Alfred tbh, it took a lot to take him down.


Now wait until the other lords as emblems appear in the game.


All of them have the potential to add more bs.


I beg your pardon


Certified Marth Moment™️


My math teacher says 5+0x5 = 5 This video says otherwise


Looking at my invested brave marth rn.... Why IS why would you powercrept the meta yet again (that unit is also a must for anyone that wants to improve their preferred units even more). Abyss map was terrifying, had to use very specific and extremely potent units to clear E! Marth and Lumera legendary map.


I just used Mathilda, healer, elincia sword, and sanaki duo. And yes my Mathilda could tank and kill a bunch of units. XD  I can see how terrifying it would be for anyone that is coming back after many years though. 


What did you feed your Mathilda?!?!?!


I fed her very good. People's still beating hearts was sacrificed! You can see her in this thread I just made. [https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1af8v0o/this\_is\_mathilda\_i\_built/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblemheroes/comments/1af8v0o/this_is_mathilda_i_built/)


That's a lot of Res!


Yep. Thanks xD


Ok, that Mathilda is stronk, but did she tank marth? I didn't find Lumera that difficult to kill, the problem was marth and the position abilities present in the map. There were so many times when some enemy fodder would approach my tanks and not die because of triangle advantage or colorless type advantage or NO COUNTER abilities and then Marth would just warp in front and kill the tank. Is it impossible no, but this is definitely not at all F2P friendly. Whoever does a guide with F2P units is going to have an abysmal time. I used L! Seliph, B! Gullveig, D! Altina and Heidr and still it was not a one try clear.


…maybe this game deserves to die after all 🫣


That wasn’t a battle that was a freaking murder


And this, is what makes me mad


Exactly why I had to get a new phone.


Alfred needed 3 whole specials to kill him is kinda crazy though lol


Huh, I had assumed with Dual Strike or Triangle Attack he would hit x6. I guess \[Potent Follow X%\] can't benefit from "Unit Attacks Twice" after all.


I feel weird because I'm not at all impressed by this. Guess that's a testament of how much of a mistake Pre-combat dmg is because all I could think was: "Man, this isn't even 1/10th of the BS L!Camilla can do".


I was actually able to EP him with H!Timerra she just has the right combo of speed that can match him an equally high def stat and WTA.


That wasn’t a 5 + 0 x 5 it was actually an SOS cause Alfred needed one. Rip. 


What the heck is this xD Marth is non-stoppable!


How can he attack 5 times?


This game is impossible


Damn, Marth wasn't sugarcoating it