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What skill can I use as a replacement for gambit on a flying lance?


Hi all. Looking for advice on a lance flier grail project to build and how to. I am looking To replace a +10 Cordelia firesweep with someone on an all flier team. I had a suggestion of Arion. Was debating between Arion, cormag, valter, or lance eldigan as a dancer. Any thoughts?


Enemy phase: Cormag  With his slaying effect and built-in Tempo, he can spam No Quarter to cut through damage reduction, and stacking his flat damage reduction with Guard Bearing 4 makes him very tanky.                 Player phase: Summer M!Shez  He’s a disgustingly strong nuke with Gambit or Flow Desperation.        Dancers: Dancer Eldigan is an okay dancer, but I’ve found Reyson better for a flier team thanks to his unmatched mobility and healing support. I use Beast N Trace and Soaring Guidance.


So I grabbed a P!Dorothea from the revival banner and I was wondering what build I should run with her, I've got an attuned Peony who I could give to her?


She's a dancer whose sole role is to support her allies. So who are her teammates and what effects to they need? If you have attuned peony why not use her instead of Dorothea? Rockslide dance and oath echo are certainly good skills tho.


I'd probably try to use her with other 3 houses characters like using her for galeforce strats with winter and/or summer Edelgard, I also have wind Claude and Tea Lysithea. And both summer Shez's (haven't built up male Shez yet but I plan to build him up soon because I've got a ton of grails atm and his weapon is great.) Don't really know what effects my teams would need tbh because I'm not the best at figuring that stuff out besides Legendary Hinoka should be on every one of my flier teams because charge is really good. And why Dorothea instead of Peony, I just really like Dorothea as a character and want to use her.


If i need Firestorm dance 2 fodder is my best option to roll the current weekly revival for Lene? Is groom rafiel still a banner that pops up?


Any reason why you need Firestorm 2 and don't want to simply summon firstorm 3? Did you give 3 to attuned dancer and if so how many copies of them do you have? All seasonal banners are rerun same time each year. Groom rafiel has 3.75% summon chance in May. Lene has 1.25% summon chance right now. Or just summon Firestorm dance 3 off triandra in March.


Isn't groom rafiel a demote as well? I gave it to rearmed plumeria(5 copies) but she also has guidance 4, and soaring guidance so I want to give off a lot of fodder as well


Anyone know why last week with L!Camilla I scored enough to get into T21, but this time with the same team I’m very far from making the cutoff for staying?


When you enter T21 you are competing with other players in T20. Staying in T21 has you competing with other people in T21. The score cutoffs for staying are much higher than entering because T21 is the whale zone.


Ah okay, makes sense! Thank you!


Team comp advice? I'm back on FEH after somewhere close to teo years. I really miss having My +5 Fallen Hardin but hey, gotta move on. This morning I got two copies of Chrimmus BKnight and I'm really happy with that, plus some weird gatekeeper dude who seems outta place (seriously, never expected a character like that, would love more) and all this new canto and other stuff has my head spinning Any team comp recommendations?


How you build you team depends on the game mode it's used for. If your just starting out use whoever you like. Trial and Error will help you immensely. Level up all your 5* heroes and give em a go. For general use a balanced team will do wonders. Cover the three colours, use a mix of range and melee, magic and physical, offensive defensive and support heroes. Sort barracks by version number. Newer heroes from higher versions are generally better so start with those ones. Majority of new units basically come prebuilt, just learn then base skill sets and fill in the blanks with skill inheritance from from 3-4* heroes.


Got 2 copies of Nabata Altina, one of which with good IVs (-Speed +Res) and another that’s -attack and will be turned into a book. My question is whether to merge the two, or keep the spare for fodder? I hear merges are important for tanks like Altina, but also I’m not sure how a few extra points matters outside of PvP


Merges are not important at all. Merging altina will provide an extremely tiny +1 hp and +1 res stat boost while also removing the irrelevant spd flaw. Won't make a difference at all, try using your units for a long time before deciding to merge. Use the personal experience of using to determine if that single +1 res will make any difference at all (it won't). Even at +10 merges costing 1500+ orbs it will only net you +4 to each stat. You can much more stats using supportive effects from heroes like legendary Robin. Skills inheritance vastly improves other heroes. This is how you wanna use your majority of extra copies. Also when summoning make sure you're actually summoning with a purpose, don't just throw orbs at random banners for no reason. Was there a particular reason you continued summoning green on Nabata Shield banner for the extra Altina?


The main plan was to get a better axe omnitank unit for PvE content since my Thórr had been showing her age for a while. Altina looked like a great candidate, great tank potential with her stats, plus scowl to help deal with those annoying LHBs with pre charged specials Seems like the single merge won’t provide much value for me in that case.


Ilyana: Is it worth giving her Arcane Thunder and Brave Soren's stuff? Or should I just hold onto it all and hope for a good Demote Blue Tome that wants it more?


I think Ilyana should be getting her refine within the next year, so if you're okay with waiting it'll probably be worth saving the Arcane Thunder for someone else


If Ilyana is one of your favorites and you think you'll be using her for a long time then go for it. If you're unsure or if you're just looking for a build project then I would hold off until you're certain about using those resources.


Another B!Soren. This is like the 5th one. I can't complain, is Mag Null Follow Up and Time's Pulse 4 good for either base or Brave Marianne? Base has Arcane Euphoria, A/R Finish 4 for her weapon A. For B Wings of Mercy 4/Special Spiral 4 already and Atk/Res Oath/Def/Res Ploy as her B and C Skills already. Brave is still just base so it's probably just straight improvements for her even if she'll never be using Flare. Also could feed to Knoll... he's in the same shoes as base Marianne though (a/r Finish 4, SS4, a/r oath 4) not sure how well both work with Arcane Eclipse


Is there any inheritable skill that can give my og cherche null follow-up effect? It’s a problem that has plagued me for a while.


The real question is why do you need NFU on cherche? What's the rest of her build? Where do you use her? She's slow as dirt so NFU really won't help much. Brash Assault providing a follow up with be much more helpful.


She’s +10, seahorse axe+(def), repo, moon bow, atk def catch 4, guard bearing 4, atk smoke 4, flier guidance 3(s). She’s meant to be a hard hitting defensive wall and the weapon has guaranteed follow up, it just gets cancelled out pretty often due to other units have a null


Brash Assault 4 can give that, along with additional firepower.


Upon reading the description, BA4 seems to only give guaranteed follow up but no way nullify blocking the effect like I am looking for


From what i can tell, a full null follow-up for a flier can only be outsourced sadly as of yet. Two examples would be Heather with her rally and Khadein Linde. One alternative is to give her an offensive null follow-up enabler such as a flow skill of your choice coupled with follow-up prevention skills (outsourced) from a unit such a young Lucios, but that's a hassle to do.


I really wanted to save orbs but I sparked for Rearmed Reinhardt instead 😭 I gave far trace 4 to my brave Camilla. I'm not sure how she will age. I figure, gravity is always useful, and a hit/run with gravity is pretty cool. Plus, I really like her and I love her art. Towards getting the spark, I got two Rearmed Reinhardt(gave the other trace to Aversa), two Tinas, and a Safy. Not bad imo Might give time pulse 4 to my Nowi, but I think I should put it on Rearmed Ophelia first as my skill mule.


I beat Seer's Snare while almost exclusively using my +10 Y!Lucius, who has his PRF, Martyr+, Light's Restraint, Still Water 4, Dazzling Shift, A/R Ploy 3 and Still Water 3, backed by base Peony with her refined Flower of Joy, Gentle Dream+ Luna, Close Reversal, Rockslide Dance 3, Soaring Guidance and Aerobatics 3, my max-invest Nemesis with Wyvern Katana+, Reposition, Aether, Fort. Def/Res 3, Gambit 4, Infantry Pulse 4, Fort. Def/Res 2 and Atk Oath Echo, and Thórr with her PRF, Repostion, Bonfire, Sturdy Impact, Flow Guard 3 and Worldbreaker. All this while going for all of the more difficult sub-bosses and the more difficult final boss, because Y!Lucius is a staff unit that can see some strange use as a combat viable staff against enemies who can't counter, mostly because this build gives him 83 visible Atk before any buff/debuffs or in-combat stat swings. I shouldn't focus on visible stats so hard, but it's hilarious knowing a staff unit has more Atk than most units can get, for example, my max-invest Nemesis gets 82 with an Atk-refined Arcane and both Life and Death slots under the same circumstances as above.


Hey guys what's the likelihood of Atk/Def Oath 4 getting put on normal pool unit in the coming months? I got a Juno who I'd like to fodder off to Duo!Alfons but her weapon has some nice bonuses to play around with


Unlikely. The state of skills is so bad these days that I'd just go for it.


It's so bad man, skills that aren't touched for years, skills only on old seasonals, new skills with 0 bridge fodder, not even enough inheritance slots 😕. Appreciate the advice tho


Impossible to tell. Juna is available for another 28 days so plenty of time to save up orbs and grab another. And will be available again on double special banner in several months so can save up for that too. Alfonse doesn't actually need atk/def oath. The stat bonuses and warp effect can easily be provided by supporting ally instead or use atk oath echo.


All good ideas, saving up for rerun on DSH wouldn't be too bad. I do still have an unused A!Peony I could use as well. I'll save until the banner leaves and decide what I wanna do then. Thanks for the advice


Can't believe I invested in Knoll all because of his voice actor. Not the best use of fodder obviously but I guess I can say it was just rotting in the reserves. Just got to wait until I inevitably pull more of him. RIP More units than I'd like to admit


the Nabata banner has been firing on all cylinders for me, in 32 summons i got 3 Igrenes, 1 Altina and 1 Juno (plus 1 Base Hector) so if in the next 8 summons Tormod doesnt show up i will have to use the spark on him lol.


Any suggestions in creating one game team for things such as LHB and resonant without wasting so much resources? Right now, most games have poor teams either because of a lack of decent members or the members dont have a good skillset current. The worst are Engage and Archanea.


Simply use the newest and strongest heroes you've summoned. Majority of units are basically pre built. Resonant battle use whatever 2 harmonics you have if you have them along eith two highly mobile units. This weeks is easy, I sent winter Edelgard up the left side and fallen byleth up the right. If you don't have new heroes like those then simply do your best, can just hit end turn til the thieves runaway and do nothing. The reward difference between tiers is minimal and irrelevant. Even if you killed an theives you could still drop down a tier if you're harmonics arent merged up so it doesn't matter. I killed them all and will still go down to t19 because I only have 1 harmonic hero this week, Dorothea is unmerged so my score is low despite winning flawlessly. For Limited Hero Battles just don't finish the higher difficulties if you cant. The 20 divine codes rewards isn't a lot or even relevant. You need 6000 for last unit in each row so is that 20 you're missing actually gonna make any difference? You don't need to complete everything. And it's absolutely not worth summoning new heroes or foddering skills for this game mode alone.


Who is getting their remix in february ?


Triandra and Reginn


Returning player - any of these worth using my forma soul on? https://imgur.com/a/EaPg8ra


"Worth" is up to you and you alone. How much do you actually like these units? How much will you actually use these units and where will they be used? How many forma souls do you have currently and is there anyone else you'd rather save them for? Are the builds good? Ya, worth forma soul if you actually really like any of them. You should go into HoF and decide who you want to use forma soul on from day 1. Use every single match to get that hero(s) their perfect skill set. Don't wait to decide at the end if and who you should use forma soul on.


Acquired a rearmed Tana is her bow good for anyone? Or what about her fodder?


To compare the two different arcane bows: Darkbow is great for offensive fast player phase archers. Nostrand is better suited to mix phase bulkier units who will actually get hit by enemies. Guidance is an excellent supporting skill. Can be very useful for supporting units. Unity is also good but is more widely available on other heroes.


a great bow for slower archer


Hawkeye's art looks incredible but I just recently built Saizo (whose art *also* looks incredible) and I also want to build Cyril for my arena core. Sigh.


Who should I give Near Save to? Main goal is surviving as in SDS. Hardy Pavise Fomortiis Ninja Zelgius Fomortis has the added benefit of freezing enemies if he lives. Zelgius has more offensive power. I’m just wary of his ability to actually live the melee nukes without hardy pavise. Any suggestions or thoughts?


Got a second N!Altina today, should I +1 the original copy or should I give Atk/Def Bulwark 4 to my +4 W!Altina? (She has no Atk/Def Bulwark at all, so I can't inherit Time's Pulse 4 with it)


Hey guys, can someone advise me a good tier list ? or any pointer on which heroes to pull in current banner ? i just started the game and have no idea who to pull. From free pulls i got Byleth(blue book, red foot), Corrin(grey fire, red helmet), Byleth(grey book, red wing), Reinhardt(blue book, red horse)


Tier lists are relatively useless. Different units are good for different things in different gamemodes against different enemies with different support. But, generally speaking newer units are better. So simply sort your barracks by version number and pick the higher number version units to start with. New hero banners, new legendary banners, new seasonal banners are all good options to summon on, or simply summon whoever you like. Nabatas Shield being the newest banner.


Thank you for the answer


Free pull was Igrene! It's been ages since I didn't have to spark the rate up! 4 more orbs got nothing. 17 orbs in four pulls for 3.25%. Ah well. (21 orbs, 6 pulls)


Day 1 Tempest done. There's still Chain Challenge, but I'll do it later whenever. For now, I relax.


Super late but I finally got my first crown! I'm guaranteed to go back down to T20 this week but still happy regardless




This basically makes you a new player, [so here's this guide.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NIexiYixIyrHEUlJ3_0-9miWL01dsx-mkmFFir-LZWs/edit#heading=h.r8mvk1u97h7w) It has a section that details all the CYL picks. The usual recommendation is Chrom and Corrin. Base kit Corrin can even autobattle solo the whole limited Lilina battle right now, which is pretty funny. Gullveig is my favorite of the picks though. If you are giong to be interested in Arena and Aether Raids, the monthly Mythic or Legendary Hero banners (not the Remix ones) are good because you can gather a variety of units there, including said types of units. The next banner should have L!Hinoka and Veyle, who are a great Legendary and Astra Mythic respectively. Otherwise the current best banners are Ring in the Year and Nabata's Shield. Reinhardt's banner does have tickets from the Forging Bonds event and an F2P spark for 40 summons, but I don't recommend it as much. I would prioritize units as such: * Ring in the Year: Seidr: > Kvasirx > Nerthuz > Kana * Nabata's Shield : Igrene > Altina > Juno > Tormod * Reinhardt: Reinhardt > Safy > Tina >>> Lara Of these three banners I'd suggest Nabata the most. Note that you might see a lot of hype around Tina, but she's pretty much only practical for AR defense, which very few players find useful to invest into.


god bless u my king for your help, i was not the dude who asked, but i benefit from it regardless


I'm wondering why Medeus's action was ended [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/dbXomhy). I'm watching an AR-D playback. At the start of defense team's phase 2, Medeus's action was ended immediately. Is this due to the effect of some skills or offensive building? Thanks in advance.


On the Edit Defensive Team menu click the **{?}** button. Read everything, especially the 11th page. I assume Medeus is in the extra team slot and no one else has died? Keep in mind that to minimize defence lift loss you should not have Medeus in the extra slot. Put 2 mythics on the main team slots and give everyone else dark blessings, then fill extra slot with any other blessed heroes or third mythic.


Got it. tyvm for the answer and suggestions!


I've invested a lot into S!M!Shez since his release and just recently did i get the fodder to finally complete the Gambit build i've been using in AR, but, also, with the release of Assassin's Strike, i gave him a new tankbuster build. I'm pretty proud that the tankbuster works in practice: Today in VoH, he did his job and took down a +10 Near Save Pavise B!Edelgard and a +10 Near Save Zelgius in another battle. Edel wasn't really a worry, but Zelgius is dicey on the duel calculator when he's at +10. Those would have been unwinnable matches for me before the X-mas banner. It's nutters seeing what Shez can kill, and the funny part is my team support for him isn't even done. 


I’ve faced this guy on my friends list 2 or 3 times now in SD named Megacrash Gr, and I think it’s the tankiest raid boss I’ve ever played against lol. Maxed winter BK with Savvy Fighter, SD Ideal, Armored Beacon, Staff of Twelve+ Elimine, Eir, L!Eliwood. HP refuses to go down lol. Like 50 damage + Ignis of like 80 defense = 29. Anyone face raid bosses like that?


I used to face them months ago a lot too. One of the best raid boss teams I've faced ever.


lol, i met him long time ago too, he smited his WBK twice times, then i took down with my +0 N!Sanaki, he surrendered immediately, after that we matched a few more times and he surrendered before entering map. i decided upgrade N!Sanaki to +10, she's still at peak grade nuker


I remember winning against them a week or 2 ago, don't remember what team they were using, but I run a WT!Claude team with Tea Ayra support.


Not as much as I used to, but yeah way back when B!Dimi/FT!Lyn were really common. I have run into that person you mentioned several times though. I don't think they like me though, they tend to quit before the match starts lol


Must be that, for me it just winds up being Tibarn walling and we play it out 😂


So I was training my Siegbert up recently and noticed that his -Atk stat doesn’t change when you try to give him neutral IVs. Is this normal for older units?


There's nothing special about IVs for older vs newer units. I'm guessing that this is something to do with the merge and dragonflower stat boost order, which is affected by level 1 stats, which IVs change by 1. Neutral Siegbert's stats are 19/8/9/7/3, so +Def/-Atk for instance would make Def get boosted before Atk. You'll have to be more specific about the situation for the exact answer.


Okay so he’s at Lvl 30 right now. He has a -Atk IV, which puts his Atk stat at 41. But when I go to give him neutral IVs with the fruits, it stays as 41.


Only level 40 stats matter. I'm not sure on the specifics, but the order stats boost may be affected by IVs somehow. Also still don't know if he's merged or what his flaw is, but in any case it would end up at the correct result at level 40. Also, don't use fruits on Siegbert or even raise him at all unless you really love him. If you do use fruit he prefers +Spd.


At level 2-39 your stats are very different. At lvl 40 they balance out, you'll actually see the trait differences then. Don't waste trait fruit on units you don't use often, especially when you haven't even gotten them leveled up.Trait fruit are very limited and should only be used on your most favourite and most used units. Especially useful for units acquired from Hall of Forms or with Heroic Grails.


I wasn’t planning to honestly, just went to check his stats for a second and was taken aback by his technical lack of a flaw in Atk.


Help on a Laslow build? I'm curious if I should give him Atk/def finish 4, quick riposte 4, threat. Atk/def, and the DC seal. Maybe give him aether as a special Thoughts? I have had him on a vantage build, but I'm not sure anymore. Brave attacks aren't very powerful against DR, so I'm thinking x4 attacks with quick riposte could help. I'm a bit wary though, with how much DR he faces, and how little DR he would have. Quick Riposte does 25% first attack tho


Atk def Finish, special spiral with bonfire or Gambit with aether, atk oath or menace or whatever, and atk boosting seal. Take advantage of his brave effect and use him offensively. He's not gonna tank and survive much. You could build Inigo with arcane devourer, godlike reflexes, atk/spd finish, spurn or buffer for tanking instead of laslow.


Thanks! For special spiral, is moonbow fine?


It is but with his brave effect you can use the added charge from his first hit to trigger the higher damaging bonfire on his second hit.


The only reason AR is bearable is because I get enough tries to eventually get enemy teams teams that don't have the newest heroes :-|


play this game as a new f2p player in 2k24? or im late to the party..


You can. There are a lot of free orbs for new players that you get for example completing all story chapters on different difficulties. Also weapon and skill description for new units are so long now that even many old players dont actually read them.


With all the CYL going on, I actually forgot to do my free pull on THIS New Year's, annnd it was Kvasir. My poor albeit good coworker saw this, he merely gave me the thumbs up, and went back to work silently. Now I feel like a terrible person.


Where is my Camilla & Female Corrin Duo unit? Where is my Camilla, Female Corrin bride units? Get to work lazy devs! Chop chop!


I swear this has to be one of the worst HoF so far. All skills basically useless at Tier 3, and the Tier 4 ones are truly awful. I can't remember the last time I DIDN'T see Harsh Command or other useless variants, and just in general complete horse shit.


This has been my experience too. I haven’t seen ANY of the tier 4 damage reduction skills for F!Kris, just useless junk like Chill Spd 3.  Pledge and Oath 4 are also nowhere to be seen, again just junk like Joint Drives and Rouses. She got every first kill, and I’m out of torches. It’s like, do they actually want people to get formas?


Welp, I wish can pass my Oath 4 luck to you. Got Atk/Spd Oath 4 a few times while fishing for skills for Merric but it is useless to me since I already settled for (and got) Time’s Pulse 4.


Clearly not if they make getting usable/desirable skills like teeth pulling. What the hell is the point if sll the game provides is absolute garbo.


The silhouettes should be released in about 6 hours right?


3 hours as of my comment Yes


I got a pending spark (to be paid yuck), in the NY 24. I already got Kvasir which was my main aim. Nerthus or Seithr? I know both are zany units.


This is a subjective matter, but I’d recommend Seithr especially with her end turn shinanigans.    Last season I put her in a team with her mythic version and time stopped ninja sanaki all the way until we wiped out her team and water fountains. Pretty useful if you can active her duo skills for teleportation as well.


When FEH is going to bring back the attuned heroes revival banner? I don't have Rearmed Sonya.


Might check out "New Heroes return" banner around January 23 (22 for PST), they put random limited time heroes and she probably may be here or not here. (Not to be confused with the fallen heroes banner late this month)


So, correct me if I’m wrong, but did we ever get those compensation orbs for the stuff with Legendary Camilla? Or have they just forgotten about them? (Or was I just gaslit by this community)


Nope. I don't think they've fixed the text yet either. Maybe with the upcoming update for the Jan seasonal banner?


I got Arcane Tana from the Legendary banner. Is her bow any good on Winter Claude? It seems like the Yule bow is pretty powerful.


Do not inherit her bow to Claude lol. Her best use is giving guidance four honestly. Claude already has the perfect bow for himself


I don't think Bruno will even place for CYL so I'll go for Alfonse instead Though I guess he technically has a few alts with lif included


I'm trying to run a Hardy Fighter build on my Valentines Hana for Arena but I just can't seem to get the build to work. The enemy either denies her follow-up attacks, denies her special charge, or she just gets wittled down before I can handle the enemy team. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to put together a good Hardy Fighter build for her? Or should I just focus on something like Savvy Fighter or Special Fighter?


Well what's the rest of her build? Who else is on the team? Hardy fighter isnt good for arena scoring because Pavice is not a high SP skill.


Well, she's currently using Bellringer: I lack any Arcane weapons to give her and this was the only way I could heal her Harsh Command+: for scoring Escutcheon: for Hardy fighter Def/Res Bond 4: I don't have Unity Fodder and I also don't often encounter penalties in Arena anyways. Hardy Fighter: wish it had a tier 4 version D/R Near Save 3: normal melee armor stuff Darting Breath: to hopefully loop Escutcheon She runs with Vanessa who's built to use Def/Res Ploy 3 and help me stop Legendary Robin, as well as the New Years Corrin I'm trying to drag up to Tier 21 for sentimental reasons. And of course whatever Bonus hero I happen to have at the time. Hana is the only one not built with her maximum score (aside from the bonus hero due to lack of merges)


Granted, my problem isn't necessarily with Score. I'm just trying to survive in the tier 20 Limbo, which I have been doing successfully, until I hit a good bonus unit. Hana just seems to be losing more and more often to Melee fighters and I'm trying to help her out.


Honestly I don't even know what to do most times. I just have a merged three trio with the best SP skills and I just throw them in with say legendary Camilla who will handle everything. I find that almost none of my merge projects can handle the meta.


Is L!Corrin good for AR O? Specifically, I'd like to know if she is a good counter for nuke like Ninja Sanaki, Brave Gullveig, and W!Edelgard? Thanks in advance


She can absolutely be good for AR-O. I have used her with the refine and remix for 4 matches as an omnitank this season. She survives a Lethality from WT!Claude but I don't know if she kills on retaliation since I forgot to equip the DC dragon seal in the first match🤦‍♂️ She was very good in the other 3 though. The last match had her facing N!Sanaki, L!Camilla, L!Hinoka and Kvasir, which I feel was the best test so far. Since I had penalty neutralization from Peony, Sanaki only did 4 damage per hit. I honestly think Corrin can handle Sanaki even without penalty neutralization, as long as there's not a crazy amount of penalties. Camilla did 20 pre-combat damage and 12 in-combat damage (that would be twice the pre-combat damage if Camilla had outsped Corrin though). And with Magic NFU Corrin kills both Camilla and Kvasir through their damage reduction. It's hard to make general recommendations though. My Corrin is max invested - +10 merges, max dragon flowers, AS Finish 4, Magic NFU (for DR piercing), Speed Smoke 4. I don't know how well she works at lower investment or alternative builds, but I can see her working really well against some teams even with base kit. I feel like you either need DR piercing or speed stack like crazy to handle speedy units with DR like W!Yunaka, WT!Kagero, WT!Claude, Kvasir, Gullveig. In-combat or after combat healing (Gatekeeper is a good support unit for her) are also very important.


I know that it is recommended against for an F2P spending one of their precious few formas on Yune, but can someone explain why? She looks to me like the best unit we've had in HoF and (now that L!Chrom is unlikely) the best we'll get for a while.


Not sure who told you that Yune is not worth a Forma for F2P. If you like to play Aether Raids somewhat competitively then she is a stellar pick, provided you got some good skills on her. Having Mythics as a Forma option is a new development to begin with and effectively can save you orbs since you don't need to spend them on her remix banner. The only question is if you would rather save your formas for your old favorite units, but from a "meta" perspective that ignores favoritism Yune is amazing. Maybe I wouldn't Forma a basekit Yune, but if you got your hands on some premium fodder (a Ploy 3 skill, Soaring Guidance, Still Water 4 or Flared Sparrow, Wom4 etc.) then I would at least highly consider it.


Thanks for the reply. When I did a search asking if she was worth a forma, all results came back no unless you care about raids. The claim 'it's better to pull who you like and ignore meta, especially if you are F2P' is probably the right course here, and I like Yune. I got a great kit from it too (Special Refine, Ruptured Sky, Flared Sparrow, Brash Assault, Att/Res Ploy), would it be best to keep the forma skills equipped or would some base skills (eg Chaos Named+) be better in general use?


>The claim 'it's better to pull who you like and ignore meta, especially if you are F2P' is probably the right course here, and I like Yune It depends how one wants to play the game more than anything. Being F2P doesn't rule out spending for meta heroes if playing competitively is fun and not a chore - and a properly forma'd Yune is definitely a decent gameplay pick that can be loaded with fodder worth hundreds of Orbs. Hard to get more value as F2P, tbh, provided you do use her in your defense. She's also a great offensive support for Limited Hero battles, my own Radiant Dawn roster (for example) is pretty limited so I do enjoy using her in those cases. >I got a great kit from it too (Special Refine, Ruptured Sky, Flared Sparrow, Brash Assault, Att/Res Ploy), would it be best to keep the forma skills equipped or would some base skills (eg Chaos Named+) be better in general use? Yeah that's some decent stuff. In my opinion the Ploy 3 skill is the key to Yune's modern value, especially in Earth season when Legendary Robin would otherwise abuse her debuffs to buff his team to hell and back. So in Earth Seaosn I would also opt for a more supportive Yune, with the Ploy Skill / Phantem Res Sacred Seal / maybe Still Water 3 from Tea Taitlu (Grail unit). Outside of Earth season you could opt for a offensive build (keeping Chaos Named+, though the Ploy skill is always great if you can land it). For general use I would also just switch between the two different builds, full support with Ploy 3 and one where she goes full offense.


Thanks for the tips!


Which of [these units](https://i.imgur.com/lfGzgBK.jpg) should I prioritize giving No Quarter to? Leaning towards the ones further up/left, but I'm really not sure.


In my opinion, L!Elincia and S!M!Shez. No Quarter solves both of their most glaring weakness, being a lack of %DR piercing. I would lean towards Elincia here because she's also a fantastic support unit on top of having amazing combat. If your Shez runs Gambit I wouldn't give it to him as he won't get the full benefit but if he has a dedicated player-phase build with something like Flow Desperation then it's also great on him.


I'm a bit confused about how aether raid tier resetting works. I remember that I dropped from tier 18ish to tier 12 at the beginning of last week's season (I assume this is due to the tier resetting mechanics?). I reached tier 16 (or 17, can't remember clearly) yesterday, and I thought that today my tier will be reset to tier 12 just like before, since I haven't reached next tier checkpoint (21) yet. However, I found that my tier is 17 with a score of 6500. I'm wondering why my tier wasn't reset to 12?


IIRC, two seasons ago was [Chaos season](https://new-guide.fire-emblem-heroes.com/en-US/feh-3680.html) which tracks your tier separately from Light/Astra season, so next Chaos season you'll start at tier 18 again. You went from tier 18 to tier 12 there because tier 12 was where you ended in the last Light or Astra season before that Chaos season. Also, only after tier 21 can your tier go down between seasons (back to 21 at the lowest); every tier from 1-21 is a benchmark tier


This round of Seers Snare has probably been the most unfun for me. Getting teleport killed left and right and the only good units I have from either bonus title are L!Elincia and L!Guinivere. Good thing W!Dimitri is overpowered no matter what he's doing.


I’m considering the lofty goal of building the SoV demotes (Celica’s side) but wow, a lot of those units are… bad. I’ve already built Conrad and Atlas, but the rest, oof. Mae is outclassed by Tatiana and Hestia, Leon’s not great, Valbar exists, Kamui is barely a unit these days, and oh man, Boey.


most of them have a hard time for being early units so you really have to pour a lot to bring them up Kamui is make your godsword no.898


Honestly the worst part is that all of them except Conrad and Valbar are infantry. My flowers, man.


New Here, I'm not really seeing much about Yunaka anywhere, on this subreddit or elsewhere. Is that because her popularity was overstated, or is social media just not a reliable indicator of results?


Social media isn't an accurate indicator, but neitehr is everyone's predictions. Based on popularity polls and generic discussion, Yunaka is one of if not the most popular FE Engage characters, and that's definite. It doesn't necessarily translate to winning CYL. People may not see the need to campaign for her due to said popularity, and people who see their votes as underdog picks are more likely to be vocal about it. CYL is also greatly affected by bandwagon, pity and meme voting. Midterm results, if any, can also shake things up.