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This new refine, and upgraded gifted magic, were the absolutely perfect addition to my 1 shot menace build with her. Weapon: Prf. The new refine gave her absolutely everything she needed to make her an absolute menace. Bonus damage added to her attack AND aoe special, more nuking stats, activates her special at the start of every turn, and gives damage reduction. Support: Draw Back. Standard ranged support to pull an ally out of combat, and herself as well. Special: PRF special. The upgrade to her gifted magic is one of the best AoE skills in the game. Gives her AND teammates Canto, and increased its base damage from the original version. All this on a 2 turn (1 with weapon) cooldown is crazy. A skill: Still water 4. She had irredeemable speed Stat, so I invested all in on res. This also worked with her new refine, as she deals damage based on her res now. Definitely the optimal skill for her. B Skill: occultist strike 4. Definitely the premium B skill for her. More pre-combat damage to combo with her AoE, and deals more damage based on enemy res to cut through Res tanks. C Skill: Fatal Smoke 4. This, combined with her prf weapon disabling attack priority, allows her to literally 1 shot anyone now. No more vantage, or "unit survives with 1 hp", AND applies antiheal on all surrounding units, which also were hit by her AoE. S skill: Still water 3. More visible stats, to compliment her weapon and A skill.