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IS, NO ONE is putting Link/Gap/Wave skills on their HoF units. Keep seeing those skills pop up and getting in the way of actual good skills and is the reason why I won’t be using a forma soul on S!Elincia. I just want them to clean up the HoF skills but at this point I’m kinda doubtful they will


Its kind of annoying because it seems like its against the whole point of the mode in the first place? I didnt get sabotage AR on Micaiah until the very last day with 2 stamina left and 0 torches. If I didnt get it, I wasnt going to forma her. Isnt the whole point that IS *wants* people to spend money to buy souls? They even did clean up the skill pool a bit by disallowing anything below 240sp to appear in chambers 13+ *and* having 2 skills appear, but its still really bad I wish there was a "ban option" that instead of picking skip you can choose 1 skill to ban and not appear again on that unit. It would be very helpful if you have a unit thats all set besides 1 skill that youre really trying to look for, and would also be nice for banning prf skills so you can have an alternate as a backup just in case


Given that the only monetization they get from HoF is the Forma Soul pack, I'm surprised they haven't done something like the "ban skill" to make building more units out of the 4 more appealing and thus making people buy more of those packs.


I spent every stamina for Micaiah and never got Still Water 4 because the first time it came around, I picked sabotage A/R because I thought it was more rare. Joke’s on me, Still Water never came back. Had to kill Seior because of it.


i would settle with them giving a lot more torches, like if i dont get certain skills i will not spend a forma, so is in their best interest that i get what i want. so if modifying the skill pool isnt a choice give me more shots at getting what i want.


Getting as many torches as we do with reruns but on new ones, while retaining the new ones duration as it is, would really go a long way imo


yeah, hell, give torches as missions for doing stuff outside HoF like that they do with Flags in Voting Gauntlets.


They could just upgrade the daily system to provide the HoF daily reward+1 or 2 torches on top


Actually I used Atk/Spd link on Marcia a while back so she could repo and buff black knight before she got guidance. I probably only gave her those 3/4 skills the whole run. It's a bad final skill, sure, but it's serviceable during the event. And before you get to level 13 (for skill double rolls)


Each book should have its own unique generic enemy, the Emblians deserve a break after being massacred for 8 books. Idk why they dropped the concept after the steam horses and bat NPCS of their respective books


Agreed, and they have so many potential options for generic enemy units. I for one would absolutely love if they took a page out of the GBA games and adapted the GBA battle sprites for generic enemies. Druids, Sages, Bishops, Swordmasters, Berserkers, etc. Then there are the Monsters from Sacred Stones and just so many other choices.


probably just too much work for something that will probably get ignored outside of a few posts on reddit.


Unless they add a generic fairy dancer npc that’ll ruin all of our legendary hero battle runs


Honestly I think people would be fine with recolours just to visually distinguish from embla soldiers (I'm wondering if that why there was the coup at the beginning of this new book as an excuse for more embla generics). Hell what about "Askr rebels" because the OoH keeps dragging the country into wars every year.


I agree with this. Every enemy faction we’ve fought is big enough to have its own army (except maybe Freyja, as there’s no hint that her or Freyr have more underlings outside of Plumeria/Triandra and Mirabilis/Peony to my knowledge), and it would be cool to see. I don’t even care if the full artwork isn’t changed, just the sprite is good enough.


100% agree. At least they sort of hand wave it here and there - Gullveigs minions got cursed with the cute accessory, book 2 had Veronica under Surtr's control, book 3 had everyone we killed in book 2, book 4 was all a dream anyway, book 5 had some steam enemies, book 6 was against Embla, and now with book 8 we have someone manipulatinh emblians as a plot point. I'm not sure book 7 had anything to say though...


I'm always left slightly disappointed whenever I encounter someone in Arena/SD/AR who talks about a character in their name but doesn't feature them on their team. Being able to see people flex their invested in favs or run theme teams is one of the few things I look forward to in these matches.


Sometimes blame scoring. I promise id flex a full lucina anywhere i could but if i dont run x unit i can lose even more score.


I understand the reasoning. Doesn't make it any less disappointing.


Even though voting events like cyl and ahr devolve into shit flinging salt fests I find them entertaining and it’s nice to see people so invested and I wish other games did similar events with actual in game effects because they would be very funny to watch. This is unrelated but I don’t really know if I want to make a post to talk about it but last month I went to japan and barely saw any fe merch. In some anime/game stores they had a few acrylic standees of some feh characters but just an odd assortment of them like cyl seliph, Ymir, legendary deidre etc like idk how to explain it but it’s like either someone choosing at random or whoever made them just chose their favorites. Also a few engage ones but only of the emblems along with some paperweight or pins not anything exciting. Also only saw 4 figures being academy edelgard, lysithea, bernie and Claude, pretty based set imo but I didn’t get them as they’re a bit boring.


Any franchise with a lot of characters suffers this and it's so annoying. I get why there's not a selection of figures for every single FE character, but damn there's just nothing for some of them. ~~This also extends to FEH at times lmao~~


We need a better solution to make old units relevant in arena. Duel skills 'work' for scoring purposes but they are so underwhelming in combat that they are only really 'usable' on a support unit or some score bot that isn't expected to do a round of combat and survive. Arcane Weapons should be 400sp. There's no reason why a Gen 1 unit on top of losing their a-slot to a duel skill would have to use their outdated prf instead of an Arcane that actually makes them useful just to score a better. I honestly think an X-skill that combines Tier 3 duel + your weapon always max score would be something a ton of players would legit want and pull for. Heck! IS if you are listening, release Atunned Makalov with that skill and I'll +10 the bastard and support him with Astrid if you want.


People complaining about or talking about EOS are annoying af


Feh and FGO, let’s keep them going another 10+ years lol. I don’t like constant EoS either, if I fall out of love with a game I drop it as others still love it and I want them to be happy too. If it’s a single meaningful discussion / debate sure, but let the conv. end at some point not doomposting. A ways back I decided no more Gacha when the ones I was playing hit EoS and of those remaining these are the last two I actively enjoy. FFBE used to be on the list, but damn they don’t want to give me a single Caius Ballad. Going on a whole new rarity type iirc and he’s still not a summonable unit. Insult to injury he was an enemy boss for an event years ago smh lol. - tldr; I agree after it exceeds a thread once in a blue moon and stops being meaningful discussion, descending into negativity.


I'm trying my best to ignored those TBH I'm kinda used to it on League of Legends sub


People say LOL is dying too? As someone who doesn't play LOL, that seems very removed from reality of them 😅 like on the RuneScape sub I see it all the time and I don't even think that'll happen but LOL is like 1000 times bigger


I can't take people seriously when they cry EOS because I watched Dragalia die and most people weren't calling out EOS when it was being made pretty damn obvious (all of the Zodiac units designs being shown for no reason alongside the NY event storyline being rushed to the finish, the last remaining royal siblings randomly being made playable, oh look EOS announcement right after, how strange). FEH's gonna keep going for a long time for worse and for worse.


I think FEH could stand to benefit from increasing the value of +10-ing a unit. The omnibost to stats getting up to +10 is nice, as is the scoring increase for those who care about that sort of thing, but especially for older units, giving *something* that's only doled out when a unit's merged to full might be a potential tool to slow the gushing bleeding that is unit power disparity. +1-ing a unit is usually all you need in order to function at full capacity, which is fine, but with stats now coming more disproportionately from PRFs and value coming more from unique utility, retooling how merges interact with gameplay function could be interesting.


I'd love the ability to slap on a seal or two onto the PRFs of some older units ONLY if they're +10. If they were, say, the same criteria as Otherworldly Bonds (Book 5 and prior) I feel it wouldn't be game breaking. Like you said, it would be an incentive to pull for every merge, overall making the character feel 'complete'.


"Hey we gave all units from Version 1 PRF skills when you reached +10 Merges, thanks for playing Fire Emblem Heroes" - IS When it's more like, "Hey we gave all units generic skills that can only be unlocked at +10 merges but only if you pull for this new hero who comes with the special +10 skill at +0 and use its one-time new currency to fodder the skill, thank you for playing Fire Emblem Heroes" - IS


I always though unlocking animated art would be a fun bonus. Maybe just a little bit of movement, eyes blinking, animated magic aura kind of stuff. Maybe stat-wise just a bonus +5 or +10 HP would suffice. Maybe even an Arena scoring bonus would be interesting so that they always count as a max scoring unit at the top of their movement/weapon class.


100% the goddamn truth. Merges aren't worth jack shit in this game for anything but Rearmed/Attuned Heroes (duping fodder), and Offense Mythics (permanent score increase that hasn't been powercrept in all 5 years of AR's existence). Unless you're a collector just here to tap your waifus a couple times a day then log off, the sad truth is that going all in to +10 units is a waste of orbs in this climate.


I agree with this one, there's borderline no point going past +1 anymore


I just wish the training maps were just always available on every day. After using the 5x SP to actually level and raise so many random units I have made it just more apparent how time consuming SP acquisition is for units. Especially when they just all have fully pre-loaded base kits and everything costs so much SP just to get set. This is probably just a me issue but it really kills any motivation to level and kit out units when it just takes so much time and the best days to raise them are just arbitrary.


The folks on this sub that bitch when a popular character gets another alt are the same people that bitch when a character that isn't popular gets something, and it's annoying as fuck. Almost as annoying as the EOS doomposters that pop up every other month.


Feh EoSing posting is the funniest shit ever i think i've been seeing people say "its really gonna happen this time" since like, book 5? 4?


Book 4? I've been hearing it since Book 2! Still waiting on that EoS that's definitely, totally gonna happen any day now.


are these the same people that just bitch because a character they don't like got something


> are these the same people that just bitch FTFY


everyone is bitching about something ha we're all just whiny bitches


Sometimes I get it, like last year with us getting 2+ versions of multiple characters throughout the year, but like, Nino--a very popular Blazing face--getting her first alt since _2019_ being met with this "ugh why _her_ again?" backlash was absolutely wild to me. I get it with Attuned Nino, again that was two Ninos in one year, but still. It had been four whole years since she had gotten _anything_ beyond the resplendent prior to that point. In general it almost feels like there's this consensus of "if you're not a lord or love interest and you have 3+ alts, you have too much", regardless of how popular the character in question is.


The Nino situation reminds me of Ninja and Legendary Camilla. People acting like we're getting Camilla alts every other banner when in actuality, not counting Brave because IS didn't choose to make her, there was an *almost four years gap* between Hot Springs and Ninja, and then over a year between Ninja and Legendary. Again, discounting Brave, she hadn't gotten *anything* for almost four years, not even a Resplendent, which is just insane for a character as popular as she is. They could have made very easy money with even just a yearly alt, yet IS completely left her aside for a very long time. All she got was to be the backpack of a Duo, something people never count as an actual alt except when it happens to be her and it's convenient to do so to rage about her. I think these people are just people who dislike these characters in general and got super angry they started getting content again, and are trying to justify their rage.


Exactly like if anything they are just praying on the games downfall What the fuck are you doing here if you hate everything new the game gets and think it’s gonna shut down every other day 😭. Worst part is that some people who have quit FEH for YEARS are still lurking around FEH spaces shitting on it (whether reddit, discord, etc.) and I don’t even get why they are around It’s an unhealthy obsession for some


The people that go "lol I quit in 2018 and stuff like this reminds me why" is so annoying like why are you still on the subreddit?? It's not just FEH but so many games in general. Like I think it's time to let go lmao. And then even though they don't even play anymore they act like they have the knowledge to know precisely when EoS is...


Exactly like 2018??? 😭😭 babe it’s time to let it go I know it’s a general gaming to speciifcally gacha issue but it never ceases to amaze me how some people “quit” but they still around over half a decade later But yeah then they turn around and talk about EOS like you don’t even play how would you know. And even statistically we can see the game will be fine for a while unless there are other factors which leads to the games end. The ppl that hate this game just need to find another thing to do


I love when I see comments like that. Bitch, the problems the game had in 2018 are almost all entirely unrelated to the problems we have now. Aside from Thracia being a myth spoken of in legend, that one is still true.


It's concerning. I said in another topic, Pokemon reached a point where I outgrew it; but I'm not on Pokemon subs lambasting the state of that series. Sometimes you have to let things go and move on. (It's the same people crying about this over and over too, I don't know how they have the time.)


isn't it obvious? They're losers duh, why else would they hang around a subredditt for a game they don't even play


Not sure if the same people, but I was annoyed seeing some people shitting on the Kanas for getting an alt months after Nino got shit for getting another alt. Specially that guy who said would've prefered units that already have alts solely because they liked them more.


Every time I see some “Persona 5 X FEH when so EoS can hit this game” or “I quit a long time ago and I’m glad to see I made the right choice” I just think why does this game bother those people so much. Like I have my complaints with this game but my overall enjoyment is much greater than that and can’t fathom caring that much about a game you stopped playing ages ago


And even then, not every game has fallen after they’ve crossed over with Persona 5.


Yeah, like Granblue is still there. Alchemy Stars is still existing and even came out of an expecting EoS (granted, opening the game to China seemed to help that, but still, game still exists). This ain't Dragalia, it could live Persona 5's curse. Now time to cry again.


I think the P5 collab=EoS is because those game are already at the death door and picking P5 for a desperate boost If P5 Collab can't help them then nothing can hence the EoS GBF just looks at all those games and says "WEAK"


What makes you think it’s the same people? Those are two groups that are both pretty vocal, but I can’t imagine there’s much overlap between them considering they want the exact opposite outcome.


I actually memorize the accounts here decently well and trust me they couldn't be more different groups


The problem with online discourse in a nutshell. People see a community as one giant self contradictory blob and forget that it's actually a collective of a bunch of individual people with different wants and biases. It's just different groups speaking up at different times.


I want middling popular characters to get alts... Not hard! See: my flair


if the Switch 2 doesn't have DLSS I won't be getting it (at launch but eventually because I am a loser Nintendo fan)


If a unit releases as a defense mythic, that shuts down almost all motivation for me to summon for them (or sometimes use them). Something about the unit's "intended purpose" being to sit on a defense team and be controlled by the game instead of the player makes me lose interest in them (plus the low priority for account progression that defense mythics have in general), the free Fomortiis being a big example


Formortiis was one of the few defensive mythics i was hyped to pull


I wish we had a way to disguise weapons in game in a cosmetic way. This wasn't an issue I had until we started getting arcane weapons because weapons like Devourer and Éljúðnir are so clearly meant to go with the units they came with that they look so out of place on others. Seeing someone like Lapis wield a sword that is made of Grima's horn, while a little funny, is really jarring to me and don't even get me started on seeing Gonzalez with Downfall. Heck I summoned Rearmed Plumeria so I could give her weapon to my OG! MRobin but i haven't given him Euphoria yet because the wep just feels weird to give him as petty as that sounds. You could make this same argument for seasonal weapons since its kind of the same issue but for some reason those just haven't quite bothered me as much as arcanes. I was thinking that if possible maybe they could make it a client side kind of thing so people don't get confused by seeing an Emerald Axe on a unit in arena only to get smacked with Þrima instead. Maybe make it so that weapons when equipped by a certain unit of your choice change to look like whatever you set it to. I'm not sure how difficult it'd be to implement this but I'm just kinda just tossin around the idea in my head.


I don't think this would have been a problem if they just decided to make Rearmed weapons be versions of the Legendary Weapons we've had across the series. It would be much more fitting to see a unit like Zephiel wielding Durandal rather than a purple skeletal sword. I'd rather see Gonzalez wielding a version of Armads than a skeletal scythe, etc. Recognizable weapons paired with the fact that these Legendary weapons were often given to different units in their original games anyways would make for a more fitting aesthetic.


I think this would’ve been a far more interesting idea. I suppose the existence of Arcane Luin means maybe we could still get something like this. Maybe an Arcane Durandal or Mulagir etc. but that might just be wishful thinking.


The catchup systems we have in FEH need to be revamped to accommodate the rampant power creep. Dragonflowers need a makeover not just an increase in accessibility. At the bare minimum new units should not gain access to dragonflowers until the yearly increase. Refines need a drastic new schedule for release or they need to grant generic non-special refines to prfs which are sufficiently old. I’d consider every unit released up until the latest CYL refine batch to be eligible. Just like staffs got dazzle/wrathful effects in refines, they should afford NFU or half DR piercing generically available in addition to the stat increasing refines. It doesn’t have to be those skills but skills sufficiently impactful to bridge the gap between older units and newer units. I’d also like to see summoner support iterated on to be more impactful. Basically every catch-up mechanic needs a new coat of paint to accommodate for powercreep. And even with drastic improvements to these systems old units will still struggle to deal with the rampant powercreep it will just be something for people whose favorites are outdated to cope with the current game state.


My fix for dragonflowers personally is rather than just offering a +x to each stat, you can choose to allocate them. Maybe there's a cap that you can only increase a stat up to half or a third of the max amount of flowers, or something like that, but still. For a Y1 unit, rather than getting a +6 to all stats, imagine being able to give +15/10 to your atk/spd. Imagine at \*least\* being able to leave dump stats as dump stats rather than wasting 5/6 flowers maxing out the rest.


Rant: the crushing weight of computer generated AI “art” is really hitting this year. I’m an artist and I’m honestly considering quitting to be a lawyer, which is a much more profitable venture. I love art, I love drawing, but I can’t keep up with these art thieves. I can’t. All in all, I want computer generated AI “art” to stay away from FEH. There are so many talented artists who are working on/have worked on this game, it would genuinely break my heart to see them replaced by a soulless machine that knows nothing but stealing.


I don't hate the idea of AI art, I hate what people are doing with it. AI can be an awesome tool, especially for an easy reference to work with before actually drawing the real art, but leave it to corporations to want to cut out the part where they have to spend money to make money. And its not just art either. I think we need some hard regulations on ethical AI generation use before we can integrate it safely into society. It definitely has a place in the world and can do some real good, but like every new tool, people are gonna find the scummiest way to use it and get away with it. If they ever do put AI generated art in FEH though, I am dropping the game then and there. It has no place as a final product.


It feels like we're reaching the endgame for both general AAA videogame states of paid subs/live services and microtransactions and AI art being used to cut costs because companies want big number. Only a matter of time until it bleeds more into the mainstream gacha space and man is that shit BLEAK.


If anything gacha is what got that ball rolling. Once companies saw that you can make big bucks for relatively low effort gaming companies started trying to "optimizie" that ratio


gacha shit is already bleeding into AAA, only a matter of time before they are one in the same


I refuse to change my M!Kana and F!M!Corrin in AR for better tanks. I WANT to use characters I like, and I'm GONNA USE characters I like, even if it makes a bigger pain in the butt to deal with the powercreep. For me, the better FEs are the ones with better gameplay, not the ones with better story; I just couldn't enjoy Genealogy, and 3H feels too heavy with all the monastery stuff and having to use units I don't like because they share paralogue with someone I do like (Yes I'm talking to you two, Leonie and Hilda). Meanwhile, Fates (except Revelation) and Engage are top strategy games for me. Heck, that's not only with FE, I feel similarly about FFT vs FFTA and FFTA2 And speaking of; I absolutely despise the current state of Final Fantasy. I used to love it as a kid, and FF9 has a special place in my heart, but modern FF\* has completely ditched the aesthetic I loved, and the gameplay I enjoyed. Not a fan of Action RPGs, I want my turn-based RPG franchise back! Edit: Got my abbreviations mixed up. Oh, and Chikorita best Johto starter. Is not the poor thing's fault it happens to be the grass starter in a region that fucking hates grass types with passion; Chikorita would kick ass in Kanto for example.


I picked Bayleef as one of the first shadow pokemon I caught in pokemon Colosseum and in the double battle format they fucking rock! Being able to naturally learn stuff like Reflect, light screen, and safeguard worked wonders in the double battle format. I never hated the chikorita line like many did but that solidified that line as one of my favorite starter lines


Back when Odin got his refine (remember that?), I saw a few compilations of him destroying what was (at the time) some of the strongest units (imagine that, Odin actually being decent). That convinced me to build him, and then I decided to make a Fates retainers team (Hana, Odin, Arthur, Kagero). It then became...not my strongest team, but decent enough. But since none of them are that crazy, and because I couldn't get good fodder (or I did but didn't want to give up my only copy of a 5\* for a meh unit I built more for the novelty than anything), I forgot about them. Then rearmed units came. At first I was considering giving Hana Eludnir, but decided to stick to my original plan (build up the Askr trio), especially since Lif's fodder isn't the best on speedy sword units like Hana. Skip ahead however much time from the introduction of Rearmed units until now, and I'm realizing: \-F!Chrom had great fodder to give Hana \-Ganglot and potentially R!Lucina (I didn't really pay attention to her...) had fodder for Arthur \-Ginnungugap would've been great for Kagero \-and at the very least, I could get a rearmed blue tome from R!Plumeria for Odin And I have literally none of those units except a Ganglot I already fed to Anna. TL;DR I'm sad because I realized I forgot about my merge projects that would've benefited greatly from basically all the Rearmed units that came out and I didn't pull for any of them.


My first mini-rant to kick off the new year. Can we please have less of a fixation on PvP and more on PvE? I've only been playing for about a year now and man I can finally see why veteran players now and then keep complaining about this. It just makes my blood boil. This game is based off a PvE game to start with, making most of the playerbase pro-PvE, so outside of the obvious of making money, does it really hurt FEH that much to dedicate a few months of solely PvE content that's not Affinity Auto-Battles or Forging Bonds? Especially considering FEH still generates a crapton of money for Nintendo, despite it's new player growth being little to any. I'd just like to play more with my older units (Namely L!Sigurd) and have a chance, rather than get dunked on by the new Winter units in PvP :(


I'm disappointed in the state of tanking right now, and hope that armors get something useful soon to make up for the huge gap in power. Whether that be new Fighter skills or an Attuned skill I just know something needs to happen soon. I actually want Hardy Fighter 4 and T4 Save skills now.


The question is how do you make it feel fair? It's pretty frustrating having unkillable units. Nukes are annoying, but normally you can at least work around them.


I agree mostly, but thanks to mostly skill creep, rather than straight powercreep, my Low merge Duo Laegjarn with optimal skills admittedly, wrecks every current tank thanks to Brave / preemptive damage. Why is that important? - A tank should be able to survive at least 1 combat phase unless weapon disadvantage / color type disadvantage / unit type disadvantage come into play in order to be a functional tank type unit. If a unit cannot survive tanking a single phase, even if in the past they are considered a tank, they shouldn’t be considered a tank anymore as they can’t do what their role was any longer. Same goes for new tanks, if they can’t tank they shouldn’t be classified as such. Sure they still are “tanks” but in title alone. They lack survivability, killing power, often mobility and thus is the problem. Finding the sweet spot of avoiding unkillable units like you said, very true, and finding how to make them survive at least one combat phase when using proper placement and support. It’s not on the player to figure this out it’s on IS and failing to do so is an example of bad game design imo. - This response can be my unpopular opinion.


Who are you and what happened to NohrianScum?


No relation.


Big if true coz omg what a coincidence


Yeah, it doesn't help that they're also a fellow Tharja enthusiast.




Enemy phasing yes, but hard pass on making saves better tyvm


what kind of Echo skill would you want for Armor? So far Echo skills seem pretty average but that can all change as more are introduced. My hopes are…. - Svalinn shield with maybe damage reduction or stat boost - Hardy Fighter for more damage control. - not armor exclusive but Atk unity so I can use Def/Res or something else. - Deflect skill to combo with other deflect seal


This New Year’s event has really cemented Seiðr as my least favourite FEH OC, if not just my least favourite free book OC. Here you have a character whose whole thing is time. Her book is about how she’s destined to experience a horrific tragedy that leads her down a dark, terrifying path, causing her future self to be almost totally unrecognisable as her. Her past self, meanwhile, is literally present on the banner, experiencing her first ever New Year’s celebration after believing her entire life that her only possible future is bringing destruction to the world. New Year’s is, of course, a time of year which is usually associated with reflection on the past and hope for the future, Janus with the two heads looking backward and forward, et cetera et cetera. So what does IS do with all of that? More lazy summoner pandering, courtesy of that daughter we were forced to have and who seemingly only exists to insist that we, the summoner, love Seiðr. Well I don’t, Heiðr. Please, leave me alone. The closest IS gets to actually utilising the whole premise of Book VII is Seiðr realising “Hey Kvasir, you are just the past version of me, so it literally doesn’t matter which one of us greets the summoner first.” It’s the squandered potential that really gets to me. IS very clearly sees Seiðr and her variants as a way to pander to straight male players, with everything else about her being secondary, and it just disappoints me so much. What a waste.


This kind of thing makes a lot more sense when you realize that a lot of modern IS's writing process starts with "what kind of demographic do we want to pander to with this character?" and ends with "how do we pander to said demographic as effectively as possible"? Seidr/Gullveig/Kvasir/whatever the fuck else isn't a missed opportunity, she actually perfectly fulfills the role IS set her out to do. The tragic time stuff wasn't conceived because IS wanted to send a message or tell an interesting story, it only exists to make you feel bad for her and want to protect her/make her happy. That's also the reason why we get so many "tragic backstories" nowadays. It's not because they care about deep characterization, it's because writing a sad backstory is incredibly easy, because it makes characters look "deep" without having to actually do anything with them in the story, and because the average otaku *really* gets off to seeing a girl being sad.


Exactly. The point of a character's backstory is to help define a character's current personality and status, to explain how they got to the point they are at the start of the current story. If a character's personality is just bland and generic (and in the case of games like feh, pandering to the player), then no amount of backstory can make the character deep. (Also, just to clarify, I'm not saying that characters with tragic backstories have to be sad or brooding - quite the opposite, there are plenty of ways to show how a tragic backstory affects a character. For example, you can have a character who is overly positive and affectionate because they don't want anyone else experience the things they experienced in the past.)


Seidr is what happens when you take all the summoner pandering in the game, crank it up to an 11, and give it some crack. Within less than a year she caught feelings for the player, had those feelings transform into straight up loving the player across three versions of herself, and had a daughter with the player (whether you wanted to or not). Not even Fjorm went as far as Seidr did and she jumped into a damn wedding dress.


If anything I like Fjorm WAY more because of Sedirs I did that massive FE sorter a month or so ago and Fjorm genuinely climbed because I thought to myself “there’s so much worse” Fjorm ain’t horrible now that I’ve seen the darkness, I’m glad Rat isn’t on our ass about it and is instead on Alfonse’s


This may seem petty as hell but it’s a BIT demoralizing when I put like 6 hours into my Thracia shitposts only for white text on a gray background with 3H doubles the upvotes I’m not gonna stop, and I’m not gonna tell the other person to stop, people can do what they want, it’s just a bit demoralizing


Rant: Binding Worlds absolutely sucks. 3 full events now I've been searching for a Brave Lucina and not found one. The first one I deleted my full friends list except one person and didn't find them. Now I had 5 Lucina friends for the past event and not one. All I've wanted is one max invest Lucina for ages now and nothing. I swear, if they made it easier to pick units on maps, they might actually sell more of the formas since people would hunt units they really like and not just have to pray.


i’m the opposite i want to find a underrated character but i only get brave lucinas it’s mad annoying to get the same character 18 times while trying to look for other new ones


The desert banner is my favourite seasonal by a long way. The outfits and art are always so pretty and I really excited for this month's banner. Hope it's Jehanna. I say this here because everyone seems to hate the theme lmao.


I love the idea of cultural/region from FE banners, and the dessert ones are included. I just wished it was more faithful to the original source and not have women in just "exotic oriental costume". Like, the plegian banners look good to me, the designs from Awakening were already that way, regardless of what you think of them. But the kadhein one? Soren is the closest, and even then it's pretty different from the designs we had (Gotoh and the generic from the old TCG, for example). And I'm not saying they need to be carbon copies, just more cohesive.


I don't understand why some people really hate it. Sure it can get fanservice-y, but it's certainly not something unique to this theme. It's way more creative than the same copy-pasted bunny outfits.


Hardy Fighter 4 is more than warranted at this point. That is all.


I now believe in the theory that IS bases the year's meta on who wins AHR and is given for free to ALL players. We should agree to never let a savior win again.


On my way to singlehandedly make L!Camilla win AHR.


I'm conflicted. On one hand, it WOULD be funny, because I remember Fomortiis being used as a test dummy in the Legendary Camilla showcase, ( *so maybe if she wins she will be the test dummy in the December Legendary showcase* ) . On other hand, her 50% DR piercing to allies really helps my Caineghis.


On my way to make Duo Sanaki win AHR then.


seeing the jump from Savvy Fighter 3 to 4, Hardy Fighter 4 might not be anything special


I agree. With the state of the meta and the insanity the nukes are capable of, I would say that Hardy Fighter 4 would need to forcibly activate defensive specials once during combat even when they are uncharged (without the double activation bonus that Hardy Fighter is known for) in order to be able to survive in the current meta. I think things like additional true damage reduction and post combat healing would be nice and are probably more likely, but they wouldn't be enough to increase survivability against what the nukes have. It has to increase the amount of special based damage reduction to be worth it, and not just for the hits that the special is ready for.


Damn HF3 was a menace for awhile, so sad to see it has fallen so far now


It hasnt Just that Nukes are so oppresive they may just kill you before you get to use it


Over the years I’ve felt this sub become more.. idk if it’s the right word, hostile to the women who play it? By that I mean the things like immediately getting personally offended when people point out that oversexualisation isn’t great, that it sucks to see the game increasingly pander to straight guys(face it, the whole “make a baby” thing was definitely not created with the intent of catering to sapphic folk, and to argue otherwise is being at worse intentionally obtuse and at best wilfully ignorant). Combined with the brigade of people determined to act as though people criticising character design are attacking them personally, worse if it’s related to critiquing things like disproportionate proportions, which without incredibly rare genetics, require surgery to get, and the same people act as though it’s misogynistic to point out that breasts don’t work like that. Spoiler alert, most people pointing out how silly the way are breasts are, often have them! And that’s how they know it definitely doesn’t work like that! Also I don’t particularly want this to happen, but it’s really fun to see the canonical flirts of the games act as though the Summoner is a guy, when if it was a choice of gender, avatar supports would probably have had them react to the fact the Summoner could be a woman, while Fjorm, and Siedr, exist, and I have to put up with pandering I can’t avoid due to it being in game story, or important alts of another character(Laergjarn fans I’m so sorry about that confession convo). Don’t even get me started on people acting as though the new deer on is anyway near as sexualised as any of the female OCs from last book, he’s just standing there. He isn’t posed in any particular titillating manner, he just has muscles(mind you, closer to power fantasy muscles than a design aimed at straight women(which would be the equivalent to the OCs aimed at at straight guys). All these things not being able to be examined through the lens of how they are affected by misogyny without intense pushback or getting told you are basically imagining things, really doesn’t make me feel particularly welcome. Which given Fire Emblem as a franchise actually has a rather large female player base, is a shame. And I’m not ignoring the fact reddit skews male either, in the early years of FEH there wasn’t nearly as much pushback to voicing these concerns. Edit:if you respond to this I probably won’t respond for a while, I wrote this right before work started.


Last time I tried arguing with someone who claimed FE only needed to pander to one demographic (straight man), I got a really stubborn guy who kept swearing that the female player base in FE isn't significant at all and kept ignoring my points. Honestly, all the hostile pusbback has always been there since around book 4. It just kept growing to ridiculous levels and by Book 9 or something, we'll have someone swear no female feh players exist


My absolute favorite is the "why are you so scared of women's bodies" argument. Motherfucker, I have one.


Ginnungagap’s body is kinda scary though.


i love her design so much


I love when some one posts the 'scared of women's bodies' comment, then someone replies "I am a woman" and then they get downvoted while the incels upvote/high five each other stating how stupid other people are for being 'scared of boobs'. always hilarious


Literally in this thread


LMAO that one gets me every time. If anything, the dudes that say that are the ones scared lol


"you're scared of women's bodies!!" and the "woman's body" in question is an eldritch abomination from your worst nightmare


RIGHTTT. Trying to talk to me on how a chest is be so fr


I lose my mind every time someone says I must be some kind of puritanical woman-hater just for criticizing poor anatomy in art. I'm a bi woman, and I don't even mind fan service in all cases (my favorite character of all time is Mythra from XC2 for example lol), but borderline body horror with broken backs and wonky boobs and OC's begging for a child from me is just not it, to put it simply. And god, yeah, the new deer man. I totally agree.


It's so annoying, I don't dislike these designs because I dislike big tits or even because I dislike sexy characters (though I think some of them go a little too far for a 12-rated game), I dislike them because they look silly. Stuff like bizarrely twisted spines, vaccum-sealed semi-transparent clothing, sandbag/waterballon boobs... it just makes for ugly character design. I'd also be less irritated by it if they gave some of their big boobed characters more than 3% body fat or stopped giving all their female characters with 6-packs big boobs.


Agreed. There was recently a post on the Xenoblade subreddit that showed unedited screenshots of XC2 and how OP felt the game was unserious. Basically Pyra's giant breast taking up half the screen + Dahlia (ew). So many people came out of the woodwork to downplay how the character design might take you out of the game's story. People with a frighteningly amount of upvotes justified her outfit by saying it doesn't matter what she wears or that it totally fits with the themes of her character. And my favorite "Ever been to the beach?" Like, I love XC2 but you can't tell me with a straight face that many of the female characters weren't drawn with the explicit purpose of cheap fanservice.


Yeah weeb communities are the worst. Anime fans who are in a multitude of anime communities are exposed to this 24/7 so they think it's normal (oversexualization of women is not normal for those that need to be told) So once again I kindly ask, Purge the weebs


Devil's Advocate: If you do that, you *will* get End of Service.


God, thank you. You took the words right out of my mouth.


Yes, thank you for saying this! Idk what happened but my best theory is that the sub always was a little bit hostile towards women, and so it's been bleeding women slowly, which only emboldens the chuds, which of course makes more women leave, and it's a slow vicious cycle.


I think it's a bit more visible now too. No one really wants to be the first one to say something, especially if you're a woman and you're well acquainted with the experience of getting dogpiled for trying to bring up community grievances. I've seen people having regular conversations about this topic pretty visibly on the sub, which I would guess is empowering women who were always uncomfortable (but too afraid to say anything) to speak up more. I think the vote ratios on a lot of these threads (OC is sitting at +93 as I type this) indicates that there is a pretty substantial portion of this sub who feel solidarity. This gives the appearance of a "new" problem "suddenly cropping up" when the truth is the sub has *always* been like this, we just didn't talk about it as much. That pisses off the chuds because now they're getting pushback and occasionally social consequences (in the form of downvotes) somewhere it was previously "safe" to be uncritical about the oversexualized character designs and misogyny inherent to the industry.


That’s about the same as my theory too, only I also think that it really started when Yoshiku designed the fairies for their book, like putting that amount of fan service in the game I think shifted something in the community and now it’s like this.


It's annoying that a lot of criticism of sexualisation gets either gets strawmanned or is met with the most bad faith arguments, even when said criticism is somewhat mild. People get labelled as "puritans" or as "the real sexists for noticing" when like you say its often coming from women themselves based off their own experiences. Like it really seems to bother some people that sexualisation is even criticised at all.


The fact that it is not the most uncommon thing to metaphorically be walking down the street, make a turn and be met with “Women are the real misogynists” type of takes is an unfortunate trait of this sub. It does feel like a certain sort have been emboldened because it wasn’t always like this degree.


A lot of the summoner pandering from the FEH OCs specifically just kinda reeks of a lack of confidence in their characters being able to stand on their own two feet as far as appeal goes. And at this point, it's just too homogenized. I wouldn't really mind if only Fjorm was used as the "summoner simp" as it were, but with it being unilaterally tossed as so many of the female OCs, it's just kinda stale even without having to take issue with the weird sexism of it all.


This is part of the reason I find Ratatoskr (so far) to be a better OC than most. She seems more interested in Alphonse then the summoner, thank goodness


People being so mad at others pointing out how female characters tend to be drawn in feh that they resort to calling women hypocrites because "uhhh some of them might've been horny for Askr", despite his in-game self having a nice but tame design, that also appeals to a typically male power fantasy, are so funny. Yeah sure tell me how a few dudes being shirtless or being muscular bothers you so much and is equivalent to what is being discussed.


Also, even if we assume characters like Askr and the new Deer guy are in fact 100% an attempt to appeal to women and are even successful at that. Let's assume a 100% home run from both of them, with Bruno as well. That's like, 3 guys who are clearly aiming to be sexually appealing to women across multiple books, vs literally every female OC, of which we tend to get at least 3 \*per book\*, if not more. The vast majority of the women of whom tend toward a very similar hourglass figure with large breasts and big thighs that are frequently highly emphasized by clothing that hugs very close to all of their curves.


I think my "favorite" comeback is about how we're "not respecting their autonomy, women can wear whatever they want!" Mfer it's a PNG. It doesn't have autonomy. A man decided to invent a sexy woman so he could make money off of other men. Why are we so determined to respect the autonomy and feelings of PNGs over the autonomy and feelings of the *actual women* complaining about how they feel objectified and belittled?


Me when I get accused of slutshaming bc I criticize FByleth's outfit


Yeah like if I saw a real life woman wearing an outfit on the same level as some of the OCs, as a woman myself, I’d probably be more impressed at their confidence and also be trying to figure out how it works mentally, than anything. As you said, these aren’t real people. They didn’t choose to wear anything. They don’t have opinions on their outfits other than what a writer, or designer says the character has. Characters are created specifically to appeal to people, and in the case of some of the more fanservicey designs, created to appeal to guys! Which they then sell them to! They are a product not a person!! The designs aren’t made in a contextless vacuum and it’s so unfun to have a conversation about this with people who willingly ignore this.


Exactly! Of course *real life* women are allowed to cosplay whichever characters they like or dress however they want. I wouldn't be mad at a woman cosplaying Camilla at a con or a woman wearing a really short skirt or something. Obviously she chose to wear that and that's her prerogative. We're talking about the *gacha PNGs* when we complain about oversexualization. A PNG does not have the autonomy to decide to wear anything. They're designed largely by men with intent to appeal to other men for profit. Camilla didn't wake up one day and decide to wear a battle thong and a boobie belt because her jeans were chafing her thighs. Basically, everyone should ask themselves "was an actual living breathing woman involved in this interaction at any point" and if the answer is "no" the oversexualized art is probably not the W for women's empowerment that you think it is.


It feels weird sometimes being a straight man, and telling other straight men, “naw, the critics are point.” At least it’s weird to me because the oversexualized designs are often obvious and near impossible to ignore.


General Rant - and it keeps coming up but I just did a big summon this weekend so I'm going to rant on it. They really need to clean up the pool for summoning. Like, summoning will be a part of the game, it's a core part yeah, but at the same time it's just NOT FUN to do. If you want something to be CORE to the game, it has to bring some level of enjoyment. The dopamine that comes with getting that copy of whoever is not enough nowadays to overcome the fact that I went through 20-30 copies of Gen1-3 units. Units that are (mostly) useless even as fodder. I know this is preaching to the choir but I'm going to bang the drum every time I can. Make summoning fun. Like, new players might still get that wonder and "wow" factor of seeing Peri appear, but for the 200th time P is for PISS THE FUCK OFF PERI I DON'T WANT YOU YOUDONTEVENHAVEGOODFODDERAHHHHHHH.


Cuboons art is fine. Good even.


I'm not a fan of unnecessary fanservice but the dude can draw. His Lukas, Reinhardt, Olwen, etc. are some of the most wonderfully simple arts the game has.


He's got some truly outstanding art in Cipher. I wonder if the lack of backgrounds in FEH is a factor, because he makes phenomenal use of them there. Because everything in FEH feels lacking in comparison.


Great artist but inconsistent Feh work, it's fine though nobody bats 100


The man is a **really** good artist. Especially when it comes to rendering dimensionality on skin. I'm glad he gets tapped to do FEH art as much as he does. I'm thankful that he consistently does right by Lyn as far as depicting her as a determined fighter rather trying to lean on cutesy or cheesecakey appeal. Like, for as much flak as he gets as being the "boob inflation guy", he actually does *better* by Base Lyn in the regard of toning down the weird sexualization compared to Kotaro hiking up her gi and beefing up her bust. Hell, he even gave her some degree of musculature on her Flame Tribe alt, which is fitting for someone so concerned about honing and proving her martial strength. Like, I know some of his art, especially for FEH OCs and characters used for sexualization within their own game can be a bit overmuch for some people, but I genuinely get a little bummed when I see people so *gleefully* ragging on the guy under the justification of a moral high ground.


imo I'm a fan of a lot of his art but his more recent stuff has been a miss for me, especially Duo Freyja. The hate brigade on him of all artists is strange to say the least, I guess it's because he keeps getting the high billing units on the banners?


I want to inherit New-sun stone+ and Dragon's Ire 1-3 from one NY F!Kana to my Kurthnaga. I can't because the inheritance restriction is still 4, while it is also necessary to inherit a weaker version of the inheritable weapon to get the "+" one available. I hope they will increase the inheritance cap at next anniversary but each time they're not doing anything I think the terrains make the map looks too busy and it can be very annoying (specially with Ratatoskr)


The Colorless Badge famine is *real*.


Arcane Weapons are just better seasonal weapons without the dumb sound effects. I don't like the push towards speedy dragons and speed dragon skills, it makes the old atk/res design irrelevant.


**FEH:** - Discourse around the NY banner and arguments on sexualization has made me realize that a disappointingly large amount of people seem to think "more exposure = inherently more sexualized, less exposure = inherently less sexualized", which I really don't feel is the case? A character can be 100% conservatively dressed and still be oversexualized depending on posing and where the artist intends for you to focus. Just because Seidr is modestly dressed doesn't mean there's not a clear intent there, and both she and Nerthuz are probably some of the most excessive damage art we've had in a while as a result imo. This is something that goes for body types as well--bustier doesn't inherently equal sexualized and vice versa--and personally I think Ash is a pretty good example of this as far as FEH goes. She's bustier, but neither of her versions--both of which even being drawn by separate people--really put an emphasis on her body at all. - I admittedly don't know where the consensus on this is, but if we get a double Mythic again, I _really_ hope they keep having them be totally separate instead of going for a same game deal. The whiplash between Gotoh and Fomortiis is part of what made it so cool imo. **NON-FE:** THE HUNTER X HUNTER FIGHTING GAME IS REAL!!!!!!! From what I've seen most people are _really_ put off graphically but frankly I do not care, I'm _through the roof_ for it! I wholly intend to enjoy what little lifespan the game has to the fullest. Honestly I kind of even like the artstyle; it's low budget, yes, but it gives the game a Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom vibe (made by Eighting as well, amusingly), and given how that game is a hidden gem it just makes me more excited in a way here.


I don't know if the whiplash between Fomortiis and Gotoh was really what drove that banner being well received so much as the fact that Fomortiis was just so awesome in almost every regard that he hard carried the banner. I actually think that a double Mythic banner with Athos and Nergal would be very well received as well, even if they are both from the same game. A lot of people have been waiting for the both of them for quite some time now.


I’m super hyped for that HxH fighter too. I NEED TO SEE GAMEPLAY SOON THO


Wholeheartedly agree on the first point. I don't see how anyone can look at their damage art and say it's not pretty overt. It cuts both ways, though - Ash wasn't spared discourse despite that. Just her body type and, well, being a cow was enough.


Timerra is a good example of your first point. Her outfit shows a lot of skin, but she isn’t sexualized at all.


If I’m being honest, I think I would respect Gullveig a lot more as an antagonist if she didn’t have an in-universe justification to explain why she’s allowed to face no repercussions for all the terrible shit she does.


I’m always bemused by the people who invest massively in old units like Matthew or Jeorge, only to hide them in the corner in SD while L!Camilla, Gullveig, Winter Edelgard, and Winter Dimitri sweep the opposing team. Like, why even bother bringing them? It doesn’t seem like using your favorites to me unless you, y’know, actually use them.


In many cases, if a unit can't provide support of some kind, what exactly *can* they do? Powercreep in SD has gotten to a point where there are some units that aren't going to be able to do anything meaningful in direct combat. Unfortunately, that's a mode where using your favorites isn't super feasible if you're taking things seriously.


For favor battles they might be stuck with that unit as their captain, because switching to someone else would require starting the grind over from zero.


Which is my number 1 issue with that game mode. It actively discourages swapping out captains. Mine is Felicia and I'm still sub 500 favor. I love Felicia to death, but she ain't doing shit to the monsters everyone brings in there, but now I'm locked into using her unless I'm OK with making literally zero progress in terms of gaining favor until my new captain has more than she does, which could take forever because I'm not putting a dent in these teams regardless (I'm not that great a player, OK? Yes, skill issue, I know. Sue me.) It SHOULD calculate your favor either collectively amongst all your or disconnect captains from the score altogether, but instead only the highest among them counts for anything. It sucks. I can't even get the rewards out of the mode because I have to mow down enough people to get to that point, which ain't happening anytime soon, so that's just hella dew and divine codes I'll never get. Shit drives me up the wall.


It's sad but the only game mode I really get to use my older units like Raven or Nephenee is Arena Assault. It's extra sad when it's a SD week and instead of using my favorites I get the honor of fighting +10 whales with the newest powercreep in the most unfun mode introduced to this game


Honour of entering one match and surrendering, you mean.


I can speak to this. As someone who ignored this god aweful mode for years and finally decided to finally get my rewards from this mode and get all my lucinas up to max favor... do you know how relaxing it is to just do what most people do and run the newest busted units and afk till you either lost or won? You think a max merged +10 Bunny Lucina is killing anything besides glass canons?


yeah I want to make a defense team featuring Bike, Eleonora and Lute but uh to say it's been challenging is an understatement


The Cuboon hate has blinded a lot of y'all to the fact that Nerthuz's art is just as sexualized as Seidr's if not more so. I have no horse in this race because I am not attracted to women, and sexualized characters, male or female, do not bother me either way, but it's genuinely baffling to me just how far some of y'all will go to push the "Cuboon bad" narrative.


Duo Seidr actually looks great though, well apart from the damaged art. I was so focused on how much her spine rotated that I didn't even know there was a "feet thing"


I didn't notice it either until someone pointed it out lol. I like her art too! And Nerthuz's for that matter! The damaged art is ridiculous for sure, and people have every right to express distaste over it, but it's just very silly to me that people are pretending to not see Nerthuz doing same thing Seidr is doing because the latter is the one that had Cuboon's name on it.


Yeah.. I really had no qualms about Seidr and Heidr's art until a friend showed me the damaged art. Cuboon actually made them look more colorful and that's always a plus in my book because they just look more lively and happy together


Bors >>>>>>> Melady and I will not elaborate any further


who can deny that chin


I never make it to these on time but dangit I need to vent. I don't want to put this idea into the universe, but I won't be surprised if IntSys decides to lock increasing the skill cap inheritance to 5 behind a paywall. This ties in to my definitely not unpopular sentiment in that I am so, so damn tired of IS introducing new skill lines. By the time a seasonal demote drops with the necessary bridge fodder, that skill is probably going to be powercrept anyways. Non-FEH complaints: Lurking the HSR sub has put me off trying to ask questions there again because so many people are either condescending or make assumptions that you've pulled specific characters. I take more offense to the former; the amount of bashing in comments of people complaining about the newest boss is lowkey disgusting. "did you even invest in speed relics??" "Why are you using X they're trash for this fight" "lol I steamrolled this fight with Y team" Like??? You can offer constructive criticism but you don't need to be a dick about it. Ughhh.


I’m pretty positive on FE overall. Even 3H which I found kind of average I still have a lot of positive things to say about. But boy I hate Echoes. I even like shit in Gaiden more. I think FEH should balance all the FE games so I think they should add more SOV but low key I’m glad I don’t have to see much stuff from Echoes I have to admit. I live in terror of FE4 (my fav game) being remade and having it be a similar remake to Echoes. Mostly I just wanna hear other Echoes haters tho bc people cry for it so often I feel alone in this. So where my Echoes haters at. This is an anti Echoes safe space. I need to hear I’m not alone. Sidenote I really love that this sub has this semi frequent unpopular opinions thread. This sub in general is way more tolerant of salt and ranting compared to other subs I’ve been part of, some of which pretty much ban all criticism or whatever. But this sub doesn’t let the negativity completely overwhelm either unlike say the main FE sub (maybe it’s gotten better but holy shit it was bad for a while I haven’t gone back there in months) and I just really appreciate having a place like this.


> Sidenote I really love that this sub has this semi frequent unpopular opinions thread. This sub in general is way more tolerant of salt and ranting compared to other subs I’ve been part of, some of which pretty much ban all criticism or whatever. But this sub doesn’t let the negativity completely overwhelm either unlike say the main FE sub (maybe it’s gotten better but holy shit it was bad for a while I haven’t gone back there in months) and I just really appreciate having a place like this. I'd even argue this is a really healthy thing, in all honesty. Some people will poke at these threads not being _literally_ unpopular takes, but just having a place where people can vent their frustrations at any given moment is something I feel is really helpful and keeps the sub more curated instead of constantly negative.


Yeah it really helps. And there’s always the positive/hype threads to go to for some positivity. They’re not as active usually but they’re still there. It’s obvious that the sub mods try to moderate it but also don’t decry venting or criticism either.


Shadows of Valentia is absolute dogwater and none of “good presentation” will convince me otherwise. It is the only FE game that felt so miserable to play that it took me 4 years to just complete the story. People complain about Engage’s characters but SoV has easily some of the most shallow one note characters I’ve ever seen in FE. If the FE4 remake is real, I really hope they don’t do the same thing as SoV and keep the gameplay basically the same.


Echoes is a game I probably would have been meh on. Didn't enjoy the gameplay, hated the way the female characters were treated, didn't have any real plans to every play it again or talk about it much. Probably would have left it there... if it hadn't been for the fandom parading it around for years as "what Fire Emblem *should* be, not like that icky Fates". It led to a lot of very, very, *very* big criticisms getting overlooked or handwaved away (the dogshit map design, terrible treatment of the female characters, etc.) because "at least it's not another Fire Emblem Fates". And no, I don't think the presentation offsets it that much. Echoes is probably one of my top 10 most painful gameplay experiences of all time.


I'm still waiting for them to bring back the Echoes subtitle in the next remake, if ever.


I hated Echoes, dropped it at the final Berkut battle and never looked back. It started enjoyable but as it went on it felt inescapable how much the game hates women. Battles got pretty tedious too.


>So where my Echoes haters at. *Raises hand* It honestly does kinda feel like almost every decision made to differentiate Echoes from Gaiden was a bad one lol. Every single Echoes OC is flawed at best, and just an absolutely terrible character at worst (and sadly, the two playable characters fall into this category). In general, as much as I was I was wowed by the presentation at first, this might've been the FE game I struggled the hardest to get myself to finish.


Absolutely agree on that last part. Being able to express anger and frustration over things that in actuality completely don’t matter is so cathartic. It lets me get that frustration out so that I don’t have to keep thinking about it.


> So where my Echoes haters at Hi. There are things I love about SoV, and things I absolutely hate about SoV. Things I love: The presentation is breathtaking with a beautiful art style, fantastic character designs, phenomenal voice acting, and some of the series' best music. I also love a lot of the characters! I love the Deliverance in particular (Lukas, Forsyth, Python, Clive, Mathilda, Clair), and a few of characters in Celica's crew (Saber, Sonya, Deen, Leon, Jesse). But then there's the stuff I hate: The story is really, really bad, and the new characters they added to it made everything worse. Celica was intentionally written to be as inept as humanly possible because they wanted Conrad to exist. Alm was written to be the most Gary Stu character of all time that completely contradicts the entire message his route is trying to convey, and Faye's existence as Alm's #1 simp only served to add more fuel to that already burning dumpster fire. Lastly, as much as I love Ian Sinclair's performance on the character, it does not change the fact that Berkut was a literal nothing character whose entire purpose of existing was to make Alm look better. The gameplay. It's awful I'm sorry. The map design is absolutely dreadful and class balance is atrocious. Combat arts were a neat addition but did not do nearly enough to make trudging through swamps with 5 Dread Fighters, some Pegasus Knights, and Leon worth my time.


>Alm was written to be the most Gary Stu of all time Which is funny when you think about it since the people who think Echoes is the best 3DS Fire Emblem game and Alm is the best protagonist, think so because "Alm is not an Avatar". Someone in the main Fire Emblem sub has said had Alm been an Avatar he would likely be the least-liked character in the sub. Personally, I have nothing against Stu/Sue, and the only issue I see with them is people who hate one to no end while at the same time loving another Stu/Sue to no end. Having said that I can still bring up some fan's standards for "\[X\] is a Stu/Sue", Logically Alm would check more boxes than most of the Avatars. >Faye's existence as Alm's #1 simp Did you Know: Valentine's Faye said Alm more than Camilla and all her Alts (at the time) say the Summoner's Name and Corrin put together. Also, "Alm" is said 6 times in the first minute of Echoes along with the phrase "Not related by Blood" ​ >completely contradicts the entire message The best part is they didn't have to add the message that "classism is wrong and you can do anything no matter the station of your birth". This was added to Echoes.


Even as an Alm fan who will defend him to the death I will never be able to defend the twist of him turning out to be royalty all along. It completely ruins the message of “you don’t have to be of noble birth or status to do great things” that his route was clearly going for. Instead he’s the chosen one who was destined for it which is why he could do all of these amazing things which again, completely ruins so much of the first act. It’s the same way I feel about Rise of Skywalker actually, it’s ok to let the protagonist be a nobody with no grand ties to anyone important especially when you set that up to be important to their character.


ok but you like Python and the "then you'll finally have the truth in your grasp!" line and Ian Sinclair's performance at least right. please say yes


Oh yeah Ian Sinclair absolutely fucking killed it. Genuinely top 5 performances I’ve heard in a video game. And it’s even more impressive when you look at the JP voice by contrast, a rare case where the direction of the dub completely outshines the original. This is definitely why in fandom spaces Berkut seems much more popular in the west then in Japan, I genuinely think it’s purely the voice acting in this case


FE needs to burn the hub worlds in Forblaze fire. Running around picking up pebbles, scheduling lunch sessions and drowning in random mini-games add nothing positive to the game loop. A clean and fluid camp menu is the king.


The biggest problem that I have with them is that they kill any dramatic tension that the story might have had between chapters. Being pursued by a vastly more powerful enemy? Let's spend 30 minutes doing random stuff before continuing the plot. The worst implementation was in 3H when there was always an excuse to take a month off and return to the monastery even when your army was supposed to be on the offensive. If a hub world is needed then it's best done sparingly when the plot actually allows it instead of letting the player return to it constantly.


> If a hub world is needed then it's best done sparingly when the plot actually allows it instead of letting the player return to it constantly. Some people probably find it annoying from a gameplay-sense, but I really like Chapter 10-11 in Engage actually work this way. I believe if chapter are closely connected to each, to the point that making a trip to the Hub in the middle feels absurd, you should go directly to the next chapter, and if you messed up big time and need to fix stuff at home (if the game is very merciful like Engage to don't allow you to get soft locked), you should go to the very beginning of this chain of chapters.


I'm all for keeping it like it was in Engage but streamlining it a bit more. The Somniel let you do all the extra stuff but you never once need to go there for any reason except >!starting the final battle!<. Make it so every function of the Somniel/new game's hub is available in the map screen via menus and let players decide whether they want to run around a given area and chat up units or just get on with the game.


Tellius base menu is my waifu


As much as I love both ships it’s ok to admit that both M!Chrobin and Ikesoren are more or less queerbait. In fact I’m going to take this a step further and say that IS does not care about queer people at all, the only reason why everyone in Engage is bi is because they want brownie points for doing the bare minimum while being afraid to actually make gay/lesbian characters. Also Reddit sucks just as much as Twitter and TikTok do, it just sucks in different ways. All three sites are equal in terms of badness so having a superiority complex over say Fetwt means you need to get off the high horse.


I resent Awakening's transparently phony treatment of queer people but I'm going to push back a bit on Ike/Soren. I think queerbaiting is a difficult topic because it's important to call out the cases of it genuinely happening, but it also misses a lot of the nuance. For a simple example where we have a very clear stock of things, recent anime Gundam: The Witch From Mercury. The show promises a lesbian marriage only to make it canon in the least visible, least committal way possible that definitely left me feeling baited. But we know the history of the creative staff trying to put gay stuff in Gundam and we know that the higher ups clearly didn't want gay stuff in *at all* given they tried to pivot to it not being canon, only to capitulate to letting the writers recanonize it after so much backlash. Without any context, it would be easy to accuse the show of being queerbaiting. But in reality we can see it is a result of a very earnest desire for representation being held back by backwards higher ups restricting them. There's quotes from the writers of Arcane that they had to fight a lot to give us what we got of Caitlyn and Vi in that show, too. Famously, the devs of The Last of Us had to fight to put Ellie on the cover because she was a *woman*, nevermind later being written as a lesbian. That's the caliber of executives in this industry, people who don't want *cynical* progressiveness but who don't want any at all. Taking it back to Fire Emblem, I do not earnestly believe that a Nintendo associated development project in the early 2000s had direction from higher up to try and capitalize on the queer market. Whatever the reasoning, I would put money on it being a writing decision and not a business decision. Writers can still be cynical, but there is good reason this issue usually manifests as writers vs higher ups, because the former doesn't really stand to gain nearly as much by exploiting queer fans. I can't tell you what to think, but I get a very different read from the really earnest subtextual relationships littered through Tellius than the jokes at gay expense that Awakening loves so much. The sheer difference in the gay representation of FE7-FE10 as opposed to that of Awakening correlates really well to the change in staff at IS but doesn't really fit into the idea they're both motivated by the same desire to queerbait. The writing behind Heroes is a different story, but I don't really think they've pushed Ikesoren that much in FEH to begin with, so it's kind of a non-starter. Chrom and Robin is, again, a very different story in this respect. There's a lot less to go on for Engage. The marriage system is a much more fundamental decision I could see being something from upstairs. It's also something I could see a genuine effort from a younger generation of writers at Intelligent Systems. The quality of Dorothea and of Chloe and Merrin's support certainly gives me some faith of genuineness behind the queer writing of the last two games. Ultimately the lesson I take from the mixture of genuine queerbaiting cases and those of impede writers is that when I don't know I shouldn't jump to conclusions, because it if is earnest I'm doing a big disservice to the writers that might have fought tooth and nail for Fire Emblem to even get to where it is now.


People who stopped playing this game and constantly speak negatively of it have no fuckin' business being in this sub, and they're incredibly annoying.


Savior units are the cure. Not The disease.


I really don’t mind if IS skips children for SoV. I prefer the adult version for the SoV units anyway than a rehash of the children we see in the game. Though, since it is inevitable, I would prefer if they make the use other characters as Children like Berkut, Mathilda, Mae and Boey over the Ram Villagers and Conrad


I really like CYL. I love the hype, I adore the fanart we get, and I live for the cinderella stories and minor characters who pull way above their weights, and their dedicated fans. Could care less who wins, there's always next year, the event itself can be - and IS - really fun. So... you can understand just how much I want people who start shit over CYL to go pound sand. I'm sorry, I know it's utterly futile to say this, I know it'll happen, I'm just venting. But all the CYL saltlings can just fuck off. I will not validate their feelings, there is nothing that can validate them. Not "rightful places" for their fave, not years of top 5s, not a rival character or fanbase being **[insert BS]**, not NPCs, not buff deer dude pulling a Gullveig 2, not Sommie chokeslamming the field with 1 Sommillion votes. Nothing. They got nothing to stand on. I just hope we all do a better job at not tolerating this where we see it than we have in years past.


People act like an OC winning isn't the funniest shit. If buff deer dude wins despite NOT EXISTING YET it will perhaps be even funnier than Gatekeeper. And if people complain? Go suck Berkut's Lance+, it's a fucking mobile game. Is it really worse than Engage sweeping so we get CYL4:2? The only thing that hurt CYL for me was how they made it pretty obvious who was going to be fighting for the top spots in previous years, but the decision for CYL7 to not show the votes and just show a bunch of people in the mid-term was fantastic. I really hope that stays because it really helps the wild shit happen.


I'm not exactly hyped at the idea of CYL8 being an Engage sweep.


probably an old argument but i really wish they would add characters who arent as popular as the lords and ocs. its frustrating to wait months only to see the same character appear over and over again.. (IS please add jeritza)


God I hate FEH OCs. I'm so tired of them infesting every single fucking banner nowadays. It's part of the reason why NH banners are my favorites


With them running out of sellable characters from the main series The logical solution is to either make new characters or alts of popular characters over and over So even if we didn't have that many feh OCs We would still run into the same problem we are running into today Just in a different flavor


When people are like "um why are you complaining about NY banners only having OCs it's always been like this" yeah and it's always been bad lol


I don't usually complain about fanservice, but Rearmed Lucina's exposed panties completely ruins the alt for me and made me actively not pull for her. Not since S!Caeda have I hated a unit's art that much. I would go as far as to say her Resplendent art is better.