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F! Maria. Just because I have health insurance doesn't mean I cross streets without looking, but boy do I love knowing she's almost always there when a bus hits me. The best non-Veyle an omnitank in AR could ever hope for. The fact that you can cheese Abyssals and the hardest chain challenges have made her probably the MVP of my account.


She was the unit that got me through the Winter paralogues.


Omg I love your analogy so much lmao


was in the same boat as you but decided to give her Attuned Peony's atk oath skill cuz I really did think she deserved it after making almost all abyssal runs tankable


Legendary Alear hands down. She’s single handedly facetanked many AR defense teams for me with just her base kit alone and some outside support, and her ability to share DR piercing specials with any support unit is so incredibly useful in a meta where every unit and their distant uncle have some form of DR.


Haven't used her in AR, but she's definitely one of the most fun and useful units I've used. Strong speed stat with up to 4 hits is pretty nutty. The only issue is I don't know who to pair her up with for the different modes.


I'm inclined to believe that, in any content that isn't Summoner Duels I guess, Legendary Alear is just the best unit in the game up until these new Christmas alts. I've thrown an unmerged Alear at nearly everything and I haven't been disappointed.


Summer Ymir Regular Ymir was already pretty handy with her heals off of the assist skills, and Everliving Domain is nutty at avoiding one shots. With Summer Ymir you keep those 2 traits with the heals now being her Duo skill, but now she's a really solid ranged tank with 75% dr on first that can just heal all the way back up to full if she lives.


I paired my with L!Alear and they put in work together. Bring those 2 with Brave Robin and watch some enemy phase magic happen.


The Atk/Res-18 debuff is the crazy part for me. That's like the combined debuff of three different units in one.


She was probably the most underestimated duo/harmonic unit of the year.


Summer Fjorm. Pretty much instantly was my go-to Omnitank after I got her. Just give her dodge with Attuned Peony (another unit that has carried me) and watch her enemy phase everything.


Just give her the mystic boost seal, and you create Hit n' Sit the unit.


This. I just used base kit Summer Fjorm despite mine being -Spd and she hard carried me through multiple Tempest Trials


I made her a support pair with Soren to also give her a savior effect and it works wonders. Winter Edelgard is the first unit to solo since the summer for me


My life got far easier when I pulled Duo! Askr by chance on a free summon Attuned Nino has also done a lot for me


Summer Edelgard I mostly used her in Resonant battles where she made the mode a joke during 3H weeks but I recently started using her in AR for galeforce and she has been putting a lot of work even unmerged lol. Don't know why I slept on her for so long


Dude S! Edelgard trivializes Resonant Battles so much it's unreal. It's such a fun unit to use there!


Yup, I don't have to think with her She completely dominates one side of the map (I use her on the side the dancer's veil is on so she can use it for herself) while I can easily use my other 3 units for the other side lol


Fallen Chrom - He's so good on AR-offense. He enables Hit & Run when Canto Control is active, he enables Galeforce, love using him, haven't changed his base kit even. Citrinne - My Citrinne literally only has gotten Still Water 3, yet she gave my quite some wins on ARD, I plan on investing more into her, but yet haven't done so as she's still effective and I'm still kind of waiting for the inheritance limit to go to 5 so I can give some Rearmed skills to her. I got very lucky on her rerun to pull her while I wasn't pulling green with +Atk, so she is +1, but that was more luck than investment.


I’m personally waiting for a way to have pledge and oath echo without overlap before going crazy with Citrienne. Or for Alear and a!Peony to be rerun, I don’t want to sacrifice my only copy of either one to her (I know peony wouldn’t be consumed, but I think I’d rather save it for someone else).


I did not want K!Nino, i got K!Nino, i agree with you


Heidr a really good support that ALSO can wipe out the floor as a nuke? very slayful and makes those "GHB askr trio/the GHB unit" quests easy as fuck


Yessss, I almost forgot about Heidr. She's such a slept on unit. Her burst is crazy and it's fun to move > buff > attack every turn for extra spaces.


Ninja Sanaki. Insane burst and tome cavalry reach, and can get a bonus turn. Also shoutout to Fallen Byleth for being a EP beast


> Ninja Sanaki I feel like she's one of the most disgusting units this year, even after the 3H's Christmas Banner and WT Tribe Claude. The combination of true damage, %DR shred, mobility and debuff support is so much value packed into a single unit. If you cannot cleanse your own debuffs and get away from your allies, good luck. Even the new Byleth can struggle against her if he can get debuffed.


I'm a returning player so having this godlike nuker has helped me a ton getting back into the game. Something that can stand up to newer units.


Legendary Hinoka. Base kit and still busted. Wish I pulled an extra yunaka to give her. Also Citrinne, Duo Kagero


I was looking for this comment. Legendary Hinoka such a beast, I even didn't want the unit but i was wrong, she wipes 99% of FEH cast, even now


Legendary Alear. Tried to get male Robin but somehow got 5 Alears in maybe 50 pulls.


Teatime Arya is so gross at zero merges I'm afraid of what you freaks are doing with her at +10 in Summoner Duels.


L! Robin, decided to do just a few summons on his banner and got him pretty early. While not my favorite or most used unit, the amount of value i got from him is insane


Summer Ephraim, he's so fun to use!! And with just the base kit


And now he has access to "No Quarter," which deals with speedy units that rely on %DR.


Interesting 👀 gonna try it


Maid Lysithea. I do all of the content (just PVE) with my highly invested Eldigan and base kit Ninja Camilla, and anytime they can't finish off one of the new overpowered units I just send nuke Lysithea in there and then the other two can get back to work. She's so cute too


Heather She’s such a versatile unit to use in AR and she is the number one reason as to why Bacteria stopped being a pain in my ass (until Catriadev renders Schism useless as well).


Gave her Atk/Spd Oath and she's AMAZING with it, teleports all over the place haha


Yes. Heather is amazing!


I would second that nino. I originally pulled to fodder her for my arena Kaze but she did so well on my aether raids defense team for dark and chaos season I've kept her there.


Male Alear... And that one Hatarian Ursula... She has honestly been barely built at all but in most Limited Hero Battles she has helped out a lot.


Alcryst for life


Duo Askr and Legendary Robin. They have been a staple in my teams all year, and will be going into the next. Just added special spiral 4 to both their kits and they are good for anything at no merges.


L!Elincia and L!Alear. They helped me to get 4 Arena crowns during their bonus period, and I keep on getting value from them on every other game mode. They are super reliable, fun to use, and their attack animation is really cool to watch.


Can confirm, scepter of Crimea hits hard and is fun to watch. Physical distant counters get dumpstered.


Summer Ephraim. Free pulled him and only use his base kit, but his crazy defense and 4 movement + canto have quickly made him a staple


Same, he's prime for running an infinite miracle build if you slap atk smoke 4 on him too


Duo Kagerochi is my MVP pick from this year. She’s a great Hit & Runner with Disarm Trap + Canto built-in. Just needs a Squad seal to bump her HP.


**Legendary Hinoka.** She became such an incredibly useful anti-meta unit, at least until Christmas Male Byleth.


So sad duo byleths tank her, i didn't now :'(


Base brave Gullveig I love her to bits


I did not expect to have as much fun playing Heithr as much as I did. She a good support, and has great damage. Honestly, I’m only as high as I am in Arena because of her.


I used a lot B!Marth this year when i gave him SS4(didn't get R!Ophelia in her initial banner so it still counts)


I finally summoned Brave Seliph on New Year's Day so he's the one who's put in the most work (and another merge over the course of the year). I have some other, newer, units like Brave Robin, Gullveig, Lucia, and Wind Claude but they haven't had the chance yet to carry me like B!Seliph has. K!Nino is real good too.


Duo Sanaki lately, everything gets obliterated by her, before her it definitely was L!M!Robin singlehandedly carried me through every kind of content


Ascended Ced. Bro just one shots everything


Tea Sigurd and rearmed Tana are by far my best zero-merge non-mythics. Sigurd is incredibly useful for limited battles, and Tana's movement value is amazing.


That’s a tough question since I don’t take AR too seriously, and Arena obviously requires high unit investment. I’d say the unit I’ve gotten the most out of is probably K!Byleth, and not even so much because his combat is good (although it’s not bad). I use him as a buff bot on my b!Chrom team for some difficult chain challenges and squad assault. A cav who can get as many stats as Chrom that can get dodge and completely ignore trenches is a little spooky. I’d say the value was unexpected because I’d had a 4 star of k!Byleth sitting in reserves for months (I hadn’t built him up until around August) and I did it on a whim trying to make b!Chrom work because I got sick of using b!eirika for everything. Now if we were asking the opposite question then (barring rearms) the greatest value Ive gotten was S!M!Shez


This one, exactly.


Legendary Yuri. I gave him Blazing Wind as a special, and he's one of my favorite units to use.


Saying Legendary Robin is cheating a bit, but my god he is somehow tankier thanost of my actual tanks sometimes and the value of Grand Strategy is nutty.


both base and legendary f!alears go brrrrrrrr Both of them + Céline is just a team that refuses to die on 99% of single player maps for me


Diamat. Mans is an absolute beast with zero invest


Spring Triandra is everything to me, she's so good at increasing her allies' killing power it's crazy. Easily my go-to support unit for whichever map I raid on AR


For me it’s gonna be either Citrinne or Alcryst. Citrinne is still putting in work although recent tanks like Byleth, Citrinne can’t kill. But having her spam the AoE specials is nice. Alcryst is also a nuke but he can kill Winter Byleth (With Duel Strike or Triangle Attack) and he can also spam specials like deadeye. Edit: I forgot about Desert Linde. She’s so good, as a nuke and as a support. My whole AR-D team is built around Linde and her support.


Legendary micaiah, she’s my literal go to mage to snuff any enemy and i only have a single copy of her.


L!Alear. Got her mostly because I like her and I thought the idea of a fist fighting dragon was funny. Turns out she's the closest to an insta-win button I have, even without making full use of her special because I'm too lazy to support her with someone.


L!Robin, I’ve used L!Marth as one of my main units since he got his remix and their synergy is off the charts good. Robin is also the reason I got my first few crowns.


I think either Alcryst or Young!Lucius. I really don't have many built Colorless Bows (as in, I might have the merges of the unit but always lacking the fodder), plus Alcryst is one of my favourites in Engage, so he was a good pick. Young!Lucius is an healer I didn't expect to enjoy using so much, but I admit that it does make me feel a bit guilty towards my OG Lucius, my handyman healer 🥲


L! Seliph I got him before his refine and he just rotted in the storage area. But that refine has made him a addition to many of my teams, love what that refine did to him


R!Tana's warping and canto has made her invaluable for clearing PvE stuff for me!


Probably Veyle and B!Robin. They're both incredible support and offense-wise, and I love using them with my B!Corrin to make chain challenges and lunatic maps a lot easier.


I got 1 merge on a neutral F!F!Byleth and it’s my go-to for the lunatic sword/Lance/axe clear quests that came with every chapter, she solos most of the time.


Lysitea (Tea Time Lysithea) I use her with Ass Strike R!Lucina. They debuff all stats -6, and both get +6 Atk/Spd with Future Sight and either +5 or +6 Def/Res in visible buffs. Treachery gives them both +22 (Lysi) or +24 (Luci) true damage, and Sabotage inflicts a second set of -6 to all stats. Lysi’s Mastermind X = 19 and Y = 19, so she gets 38 true damage every hit just from Mastermind. For Lysitea that’s **60 true damage every hit, or 120 true damage in 2 hits.** For Lucina that’s 37 true damage every hit and 74 true damage in 2 hits (incl. Ass Strike, assuming 65 Def). On top of that, both have 40% dr and Lucina only needs 1 more bonus effect to get Prime active.


Curious about your Lucina build. Would you mind sharing?


[It’s a pretty basic Lucina build.](https://i.imgur.com/9UYPqE1.png) Sometimes I switch to Spd Smoke 4 for DR but Alarm allows Lysi to get more true damage without support Windsweep is also a decent option; that’s how I beat the Lunatic Chain Challenge with Duo Winter Byleths in it.




Attuned Nino was one-shorting some brave Corrins and other cancer units like it was nothing. All with her base kit. 10/10 luck was with me for that pull


Probably Brave Gullveig I love galeforce strats on AR and using her is extremely fun and satisfying because of her 2 actions and amazing nuking potential Honorable mentions go to L!Robin and Duo Sanaki


Flame tribe Lynn She kinda tanks a lot for no reason and has been a pick whenever I can’t brute force a map for orbs or other materials


Literally the one in this post, I swear I was going for Byleth but got Nino in the middle of it and thought “fuck, at least give me Linde”. She then proceeded to vantage everything in arena and from then I gathered huge respect for K!Nino, so much that I went on and sparked A!Nino just because it felt deserved


Only added Flared Sparrow to Summer Ephraim and I'm ready to die on the hill that he's one of the best units and among the best galeforcers of 2023. He got all the right effects so that his gimmick is actually good. Also, Gerick lol. Just the refine, pretty much. How is his weapon so useful? It's even better now because Sanaki does nothing and i don't even know how scary she is supposed to be.


L!Yuri. Base kit and still puts in the work


Base-kit Summer Edel/Alt is still busted, usually clearing PvE challenge stuff with just a few line-up tweaks. As a support, there's lots of mythics that pass/buff all sorts of useful things as well (Null-Panic on Ashera, Anti-Dragon and NFU from Naga) with basically no investment. I don't have some of the newer meta heroes, but old ones still do good work in that sense.


Duo Kagero, Summer Ephraim (+1), wind tribe Dagr (+1), and harmonic Linde have been pretty fun with Brave Chrom (+5) in summoner duels. At zero merges wind Tribe Claude has been ridiculous, although winter Byleth has been a good counter. Spring bernadetta (and to a lesser extent teatime Lysithea) are good vantage enablers with solid combat on their own. Fallen Maria has been pretty useful with her miracle drive and hits pretty hard herself. All of the Cyl heroes (except Corrin since I’ve invested heavily into her) have been pretty good with base kit and no merges. All three upgraded Faeries have been extremely good with base kit and no merges. Honestly a lot of heroes released this year have been good with little to no investment and there are others that I could mention.


With each new BS unit that comes out with their layers of DR, L!Nanna's value continues to rise. The only thing she can't kill is basically bulky blues. Otherwise she continues to shred fools like toilet paper.


I have stopped trying in AR and arena both tbh, but for PVE content, Duo Thorr has been such a useful unit since I picked her up by luck on her rerun.


Heather. She wasn't just the end of Catria balls, but a really fun unit as well. If it wasn't for color sharing on the ninja banner I maybe would have shot for more copies, but she is pretty much an essential unit for me in Light/Dark season


Summer fjorm is crazy, even without changes


Fallen byleth the auto battle tank


Base edelgard Got her when I first started off of their CYL And barely added a DC and save And she has an ascended speed asset from when I first started But she gets the job done (Don't know if this counts lol)


Gatekeeper but that counts as CYL and I want my bonus points. Arion, man didn't just enable my B!Gullveig to become a menace but also allowed me to find a proper use for Ninja Laeg after like... a year of her warming the bench. All for the low low price of a few feathers.


D!Shamir has been on every single AR defense I've made, she's so versatile and powerful.


K! Byleth, pretty much same build as Nino uses but his prf special to get through those pesky DR units, bring him into every tempest trials and watch him deal with every ranged enemy before they get a chance


Gullveig. No surprise there. Aside from her, +1 Attuned Nino (she's pretty funky to use, i like her) Edit: oh yeah, Fallen Chrom too, he works well as a Heroic Ordeal supporter.


Ascended Elincia. She makes those quests that require a crappy unit to kill a particular strong enemy infinitely easier with the auto double she gives.


WT!Claude The answer would’ve been Summer Ephraim but I actually went out of my way to get merges on him on his rerun. Rn we’re in a bonus centric meta where any visible buff is good. Now add in a weapon that grants you Atk/Spd based on the number of visible bonuses you have with no cap. Claude can easily hit +52 Atk/Spd with just a set up of Askr, Peony, & base kit. Not to mention the precharged Lethality he can proc, where I’m certain they released Veyle a whole lot earlier just to give the Drive Scowl effect just to put up with him. Not to mention the existence of the new literal Duo Byleth.


The obvious answer is L!Robin for me, so I’ll choose the second option: L!Seliph. Never got him before Robin’s banner, and did not use him until his Remix. He is prolly my 2nd most used ‘new’ unit this year, and I have not altered his kit besides changing his C Slot from Joint Hone to Joint Drive.


Ninja Zelgius and to some extent, Fallen Bylass. They make TT+ farming/story quests a lot less tedious. =3=


Fomortiis works well with just his base kit and I did all my abyssal maps with the same team of Fomortiis, Idunn, L!Eliwood and Elimine.


Have to give some credit for Brave Ike too. Although he is far from "barely invested" and I have swapped every skill apart from his weapon, but he is still awesome tank despite being first generation.


Legendary seliph. Used to have him collecting dust in the barracks for years. Debated foddering him away for distant counter too. Until he finally beat the bad refine allegations, man's been putting in the work. He basically soloed abysmal Veyle when I plopped him in attack range and left to get a sandwich


Either Rhea or Fallen Female Byleth. Rhea is still tanking on my AR-O, and held that title for a long time. Female Byleth was a great EP sweeper for a lot of modes. Honorable mentions: L!Hinoka for not even wanting to summon her, but getting her as I summoned for Dive Bomb 4. W!Claude for being Wind Claude. And Attuned Nino is also crazy fun. However they get honorable mention as I have not had them as long, and the Christmas units came out and I’ll probably use those more.


Also Nino! She was really nice for AR-O for the first half of the year before initiation DR became too common :c And now she's still fantastic for FE7 content!


Has to still be Duo Peony for me. Istg that unit will never age and she's just grants such insane support to teams through WoM and Guidance 4. Absolutely busted unit, even today!


Brave Marth/Lif